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SCHOOL TWOYEAROLDS AT LEXINGTON LEXIXGTOX Ky March 20 William Snyder one of starter A B Dades assistants is conduct ¬ ing a hairier school for the twoyearolds at the Kentucky Jockey Club track He has been on the job a week but had to suspend instructions a couple of days on account of rain Yesterday and today being warm and sunny and the footing dry he hail opportunity for expansion in his activities and is this evening quite gratified over the results There are some good looking and speedy youngsters here he said and as might be supposed because of the openness of the winter they are more than usually forward in their preparation for racing racingII II II Hewitts string for the 1921 campaign will IK coniiMised of the fouryearold Travesty the threeyearolds Advocate Slipalong Had Her Way and Bud McDongal and the following two yearolds now all in training and doing well at the Kentucky Jockey Club track under the eye of trainer John I Smith SmithAutocrat Autocrat ch c by Vulcain Aviston by Ayr ¬ shire shireMonaco Monaco b c by Vulcain Lucky Wave bv unard unardStartle Startle ch f by Star Hawk Inspiration by Avrshiie AvrshiieWashington Washington ch c ij I allot Ilazzaza by Cunnrd CunnrdOilora Oilora by St Julieu has a bay colt by Pataud Martha Lee by Marta Santa a bay filly by Flt ter Gold and Lady Thistle by Knight of tin Thistle a bay filly by Sweep all the property of N V Thraves ThravesPenance Penance by Sain has a black filly by Ballot and Aqua Pnra by Yankee a bay filly by The Man ¬ ager lKth the property of Brownell Combs CombsAt At K T Wilsons Kirklevington Farm Madchen has a chestnut colt brother to Ormesdale by Ormondale and Fantasque lias a chestnut filly by Disguise DisguiseW W T Spears before leaving here for Xew York yesterday afternoon bought from Judge Allie W Young the threeyearold Light Prigade gelding Scottish Chief in the stable of Will Perkins He will be shipped east shortly shortlyThe The stable of Mrs O B Potts in charge of trainer T J Shannon has arrived here likewise tliu owner