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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA CUBA SATURDAY MARCH 26 1921 Oriental Park One hundred and ninth day Cuba AliUiiciin Jockey ami Auto Club AVinter Meeting of 110 days Weather clear temperature 90 Stewards J Hachmeister C II Lansdale and F J Hruen Starter James F Milton Racing Sec ¬ retary M Xathaiison K A f O FIRST RACE 12 Mile March 5 1921 47 i 2 120 Purse 700 2yearolds J JQJ QJ Tt JLJfcJ Allowances Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 99 = ELIAS O w 12j G G 2 2i 1 J DomMckE D Springer 85 85 85 25 15 155338G 5338G NAVISCO W 10G 1 1 3 t 3 21 R McDottP G Julian 15 15 15 5 2 25338GFOUL 5338GFOUL AVEATHER will 5 5 li U M AV Kelsay E Cebrian fi fi fi 2 1 1533G7EMMA 533G7EMMA AV will 3 4 4 4 4 J Dawson I J AVrispen 788 3 N5 N55299PACIFIER 5299PACIFIER w 115 4 3 BI 5i Rh A Pickens E L Fitzgerald 1 1 1 13 1G 1G5338GLOTTA 5338GLOTTA G w 105 2 2 G C G II GdwIneJ A Hall 41 5 5 85 45 45Time Time 24 36 48 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Elias 0 750 straight 450 place 330 show Xavisco 930 place 490 show Foul AVeather 380 show Equivalent booking odds Elias 275 to 100 straight 125 to 100 place 05 to 100 show Navisco 305 to 100 place 145 to 100 show Foul AAeather 90 to 100 show Winner Ch c by Short Grass Mary Powell by Star Shoot trained by F J Stevens bred bvShort Grass Stud AVcnt to post at 230 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing ELIAS O followed FOUL AVEATHER closely and saving ground when entering the homestretch where FOUL AVEATHER ran out raced into a good lead in the last sixteenth NAVISCO ran a good race and outstayed FOUL AVKATUER The latter set a fast puce but tired In the final drive EMMA W finished fast and close up PACIFIERS race should be thrown out of consideration considerationOverweights Overweights Navisco 4 pounds Lottl G 3 CTOj I SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 105 5 102 Purse 700 3year Cf OTC JLd olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AAVtPPSt AA tlPSt 14 V 9t Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P 53373 FLEER wit 4 IDS D 7 7r Si 5k 3 1 R LcasterAV J Kennelly 12 12 12 r 33 y AL POUTER wu i IDS n i i533G 7 t G k 4 2 = G Field AV J Dugan 5 5 5 t 533G LUCIE MAY w 4 10G 4 4 45313GSIACK 5 71 51 31 1 DawAon K Strewbrldgc G G 2 1 5313GSIACK HEALEY v5110 5 110 6 8 803i733l yu 9i 7 4i C Eams J Everest 15 15 15 li 3 03i733l AIT ACCOMPLI wit 4 1 1011 a 5 CA 2 k ah AV Kelsay H Herdel 21 3 3 112 53354 ALLAH wu 5 112 5 2 2u 2 = lii 1 = j = A Pickens J Bauer 45 1 1 13 1G u 33 1 AVILLIE AVOODS w 5 110 2 3 3iJ 4ii 8 = 7k c OMahyF Delbarrio 20 20 20 S 4 53172 tSAlJy ROSE w 4 10S 7 f G 8 9 Si A Tryon A EAVatts 00 JO 50 20 10 53374 URANIUM w fi 112 S 10 11 10 10 = 9 = II RobsonFlorlda Stable 10 10 10 4 2 53284 3284 tSUliKCJET wn II 110 1 1 lii 2 G i1 10 lit1 J DonickC Grand 30 30 o 3d 1 12 G 53135 DOUG FAITUfNKSw 4 10S 10 11 10 11 H 11 n MiDottArinonia Stable 15 15 15 if i 3 tMutiii1 titId Time Sli 43 102 108 Track fust 2 mutuols paid Fleer 51 SO stralght2340 place 10ro show Al Porter 570 place 350 show Liieie May 430 show Equivalent bookiirg odds Fleer 2490 to 100 straight 1070 to 100 place 425 to 100 show Al Porter loner 1SD to 110 place 75 to 100 show Lucie May 115 to 100 show Winner Ch g by Astronomer Fkda IV by Falsetto trained by F A Hirold bred by Mr K P Shipp ShippWent Went to post at 2rii At i ost minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the Kniiie FLKKH moved up rapidly after entering the homestretch ami took the load in the last sixteenth but began tiring right at the end and just lasted long enough to outstay AL POUTER The latter re ¬ gained his speed suddenly and barely failed to win LfCIE MAY made lip ground and lliiished fast JACK HEALKY closed a big gap ALLAH quit suddenly after racing into a good lead in the stretch stretchScratched Scratched r 3r Black Pat 104 104Overweights Overweights Fait Accompli 1 pound THIRD RACE 34 Mile Jan 8 1920 111 0 102 Purse 700 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt U UftStrFin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 53317A1ERX EAGLE w G 113 G G 5k 31 21 1s J DomickB Mock 111 13 1G 337G ED GARRISON v 7 110 82 I1 1 I 2t G Fields W Feuchtcr S 8 S 3 S5 337G LANGHORNE wr 9 103 1 7 71 5 4 = 3 R Lcas = terT Hodge 10 10 10 4 2 3372FOSTER EMBRY n 5 107 4 4 G k 2 31 4l F PorrettoR H Allen 10 1U 10 4 2 53320 tHAMAN w 4 107 5 S S 7 G 5 A Pickens H Coons 444 75 710 38205 HATRACK v4101 71 21 4 5 k ci S Lowe II A Cotton 7 7 7 21 C5 53375 CAVAN BOY vnG105 35 3 S 7l 72 J Smith II G Woods 4 44 75710 757105337G3SCARPIA 5337G3SCARPIA IL w 7 110 2 3 4 G t 8 8 C Eames Florida Stable G G G 21 G5 G5fSent fSent out in entries as llomam llomamTime Time 23 48 113 Track fast 2 mutuels paid American Eagle 540 straight JJ440 place 3SO show Ed Garrison 730 place 180 show Lunghoriiu 40 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds American Eagle 170 to 100 straight 1 0 to 100 place 90 to 100 show Ed Garrison 205 to 100 place 140 to 100 show Lnnghurne 125 to 100 show Winner Ch h by The Manager Star Cat by Star Shoot trained by T Smith bred by Mr Thomas C McDowell McDowellWent Went to post at 330 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing AMERICAN EAGLE made up ground steadily and coming fast through the stretch was going away at the end El GARRISON set i fast early pace but tired in the linal drive LANGHORNE closed a gap and finished fast and gaining FOSTER EMBRY ran well wellSeratcflied Seratcflied 5337f Pcrigmirdine 108 53185 Fickle Fancy OS FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Jan 8 1920 111 C 102 Almandarcz Handicap Purse SlOCO 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 775 second 150 third 75 Ifidex Horses AWtPPSI M 4 viStrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S G 107 4 1 3J 31 3l I A Pickens E L Fitzgerald 2 21 21 1 12 53343MAYOR HOUSE wn 5 107 5 5 5 4 4l 21 G BulcroftC H Gilroy 3 3 3 1 12 53302 = DIFFERENT EYESw 5 110 12 lh li 21 3 AV Kelsay E L Fitzgerald t2 21 21 1 12 53242 MATINEE IDOL wr G 109 G G G G 53 41 B KenndyM Goldblatt 333112 53343 = 8 OF ELIZTOAANwit 5 117 3 3 21 2 i li 6 T Hofflor T Hoffler 444 7535 53181 HELEN ATKIN Wi G 99 7 4 41 5 G G 3 Smith J T Buckley 15 15 15 5 21 t 53285 SWEEP CLEAN iv 4 114 2 Lost rider J DomickGoldapple Stable 3 33112 33112iCoupled iCoupled in betting 110 separate place or show betting bettingTime Time 23i 4713 112 Track fast 2 mutuels paid E L Fitzgerald entry 020 straight 310 place 320 show Mayor House 410 place 340 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds E L Fitzgerald entry 210 to 100 straight 55 to 100 place GO to 100 show Mayor House 105 to 100 place 71 to 100 show showWinner Winner Pr g by Sir Geoffrey Helium by Siindridge trained by E L Fitzgerald bred in England by Mr John B Joel JoelAVeut AVeut to post at 401 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow for all but SWEEP CLEAN Won driving second and third the same SIROCCO raced to his true form today finished with a rush and outstayed MAYOR HOUSE The latter raced consistently and was gradually wearing the winner down at the finish DIFFERENT EYES set l fast pace and tired BELLE OF ELIZABETIITOWX quit after racing to the front in the stretch MATINEE IDOL ran a good race CLEAN SWEEP stumbled and went to his knees just as the barrier was sprung and unseated his rider FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 50 Yards March G 1916 141 5 117 Purse 700 7004yearolds 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second S100 third S50 Index Horses AWtPPSt U A Sir Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H OPS 53378 DOLPH v 4 105 7 G 8 G 5 4 iu AV Keltay R B Allen 21 21 2J 1 12 12nlH5 53371 = ARMISTICE nlH5 1 3 21 21 1 = 1 2 B Kenndy Florida Stable 21 2V 21 1 12 12v 533G8 BIBBLER v 4 9G 8 S 7t sl 1 3 3 McAlaney A Lezama 30 SO 30 12 G 53372 = HOCNIR v 10 110 10 9 10 9 GU Gl 4l R McDottAV B Finnegan 3 3 33 3 G5 35 35v f3152 MAATERFORD v 7 110 3 2 I1 1 2l 2h 51 C Eames J H Moody 8 S S 33 S5 S5A 53371 53371BIG BIG IDEA A vs4100 s 4 100 G 5 5 5l 71 SI S = G1 G Fields G C Denny 444 32 32710 3271053377BNABREENA 711 53377BNABREENA WB B 4 104 910 10 9 10 9t 71 72 A Tryon J Reatle 30 SO 20 10 5 553378SCHIMERA 53378SCHIMERA 5 103 2 1 6l 31 3 5 S2 J DomickF A Herold 6 G G 2 1 53890 STIM J HOGAN w G 103 5 7 4 5 7l 9 9 J Dawson G AVarwick 20 20 20 8 4 4S 53387 DOUBLE EYE WB 4 30J 4 4 31 41 10 10 10 R LcasterT Hodge S S 8 3 S5 S5Time Time 24Vs 48 114 140 143 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Dolph 770 straight 490 place 2JO show Armistice 410 place 380 show Bibbler 2130 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Dolph 2S5 to 100 straight 145 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Armistice 105 to 100 place 90 to 100 show Bibbler 905 to 100 show showWinner Winner B c by Brummel Thrilled by Potomac trained by It B Allen bred by Mr A L Fergu ¬ son sonWent Went to post at 430 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same DOLPH was forced wide on the lirst turn but closed a gap and coming fast through the stretch outgamcd ARMISTICE The latter stumbled at the start and recovering quickly raced into a good lead but tired finally BIBBLER moved up steadily after entering the homestretch and finished gamely IIOCNIR closed a big gap AVATEUFOUD set a good pace to the last turn and tired tiredScratched Scratched 53404 Plaiitarede 10S 53390 Homam 103 53274 Hope 98 98Overweights Overweights Big Idea 1 pound AVaterford 2 Dolph 1 erO r7 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile March 23 1919 138 5 lOS Purse 700 3yearolds OOrlrJL 4 Claiming Net value to winner S550 second 100 third 50 JndeX Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II 0 P 53390SEArEN SEAS wis 103 4 3 G ° 4 3l 3 = I1 R LcasterT Jioclge 5 G G 2 53375 AVINALL wu OC G 5 41i 3 5i 41 2nt H RohsonC Middleton 852 2 35 3513 5327 1 H OF THE NTHwii 102 1 1 I2 1 I1 Il 3H C Parrish R Reamolt G5 G5 45 25 15 1553375DISTURBANCE 53375DISTURBANCE w 100 3 2 2i 21 21 LU 4 J Smith A D AAorley S 8 S 3 83 83n34003CIGALE n34003CIGALE vv 100 5 4 5 5 4h 5 51 G Fields K Cebrian 31 4 4 G5 35 78373 KATHLEEN K w 100 7 G 3l G G Gl G2 A Jacobs T Hoffler 30 30 30 12 G GC3377HELEN C3377HELEN LUCAS w 97 2 7 7 7 7 7 7 F PorrettoT Silvcrio 10 10 10 4 2 2Time Time 24 49 115 141 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Seven Seas 1770 straight 790 place 400 show AVinall 590 place 340 show Harp of the North 280 show showSeven Seven Seas 785 to 100 straight 295 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Wiuall 195 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Harp of the North 40 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch c by Olambala Yellow Sea by Martagon trained by T Hodge bred by Mr Richard T Wilson Jr JrWent Went to post at 500 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing SEVEN SEAS made up ground steadily wore the leaders down in the stretch and won going away AVINALL finished fast on the outside HARP OF THE NORTH set the pace under restraint for three quarters but tired in the last eighth DISTURBANCE ran well and finished close up Scratched upScratched 53401 Black Top 105 105Overweights Overweights Seven Seas 1 iioiind CT 2 SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Feb 3 1918 144 3 92 Purse 700 4year tf TC JLO olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AAVtPPSt ie Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C 1 53378 = JELLISOX v G 110 4 3 5 5s 21 23 1 C Eamos O L Foster 21 2i 21 1 12 53345EMMA 1253345EMMA J w 4 9J 1 2 I1 l k I I1 2l F PorrettoB Mock 5 n n i 53300 = FLY HOME w 9 104 9 5 4t 41 4 4 3 J Dawson F Grace 7 5337 SEM STALAVART ws 8 9S 2 1 3s 3l 5 3 k l C Parrish J C Eaton 7 v it ii 53344 ATTORNEY MUIIl w G 104 3 G S2 71 7 t G 5 J Smith E Saunrtcrson 5 G i 2 1 53301 RHYMER w 7 101 S J G = G Gl 5 C1 G Fields H Snlelds 3J 3 3 G5 35 r33713ZOIE 35r33713ZOIE v510 589 a 0 S 7 R L caster M E Thompson 2 2 21 1 12 53351 AAA R w 4 10J G 7 7i Si 8 71 SIS AAr Kelsay J Lowe 777 2 fi5 53404 AVAR LOAN w 5 10S 7 4 2 2 St 9 9 J DonVJckli Burton 20 20 20 8 4 Time 23 48 114 140 14G Track fast 2 mutuels paid Jellison 1240 straight 540 place fl90 show Kmuiu J 800 place 500 show Fly Home 580 show showKuivalent Kuivalent booking odds Jellison 520 to 100 straight 170 to 100 place 145 to 100 show Kmma J 300 to 100 place 150 to 100 show Fly Home 240 to 100 show showAViimer AViimer B g by Llangwm Amerosa by Love Wisely trained by O L Foster bred in Kiigland bv Mr K A AVolfe AVolfeAVent AVent to post at 530 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing JKLLISON moved up on the inside while rounding the far turn and easily passed KMMA J in the stretch The latter set a good pace from the start and saved ground on all the turns FLY IIOMK ran well and outstayed SKMPKR STALAVART in the linal drive The latter raced forwardly and linished gamely 20 IK was away poorly poorlyOverweights Overweights Semper Stalwart 2 pounds Zoie 1 War Loan 4 Ava R 2 Jellison 3