Kentucky Breeding News: Three McGee Colts at Mere Hill--First of The Flittergolds Arrive., Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-27


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KENTUCKY BREEDING NEWS Three McGee Colts at Mere Hill First of the Flittergolds Arrive LEXIXGTOX Ky March 20 Charles W Moore master of Mere Hill Stud and who has been ill for some time was able to be in the city today bivt he has not entirely recovered He stated that his son Whitney Moore is in charge of the breed ¬ ing establishment from which the good sire McGee has sent out two winners of the Kentucky Derby in Dcnerail and Exterminator and numerous other use ¬ ful horses Thus far throe foals all colts by Mc ¬ Gee have arrived at Mere Hill this spring One is i brother to Itobert Bradley being a son of Lady QIIOX another is a brother to Masola and Viva McGee dam Bonnie Doon and tile other is a son of Stolen Moments by Kingston Mr Moore sau that through Harry Morrissoy at Tijuana he re ¬ cently Imnght Mother Machrec sister to liobert Bradley and that she will come to Mere Hill Stud at the close of the racing in Mexico Moore is of theopiniori that Prudery if she is in condition and in a running mood on May 7 will probably be re ¬ turned winner of the Kentucky Derby He also thinks Pliiribus has a good chance chanceThe The first two cf the get of Fair Plays brother Flittergohi are among the nine foals at Phil T Chinas Himyar Stud and their appearance is such as to justify the confidence of his owner that the son of Hastings and Fairy Gold has a good future as a sire They lioth are chestnut colts the dam cf the first being the young mare Destine by Trap Hock while the mother of the second is the Eng ¬ lish mare Loriotte by Lochryan LochryanOne One of the host looking individuals at Himyar Stud is a bay filly by Tea Caddv Broom Corn by Hen Brush BrushThere There is also a good looking bay colt by Sweep Orillia by I chryan chryanThe The other five are by Polymelian which stallion W B Coe now has at his ranch in Wyoming

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Local Identifier: drf1921032701_1_8
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