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SEVENTH EACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upvard Handicap June 28 1916 105 15 3 118 BRITAINS ALLY ch g 6 10G 10GTrainer By Bassetlaw My Honey by Yo El Rey Reyi Trainer J Hill Owner H W BiirnoiV 33350 Tijuana 34 l13fa t 5 103 4 i 1 G Yeargin 9 AVynnewood Liola Anna AVood AVoodU 52890 Tijuana 34 l12 ifast 4110 105 7 75J U u = i AV Taylor 7 JKIIswh PhneAVard Ciicambo 52773 Tijuana 5J f l06fast 38 103 111 AV Taylor 9 Cacambo AAVood TotMrning TotMrning45J 51963 Tijuana 34 l13fast 95 10S 10SEl 45J C Whitton OpiaiiKing Myrtle A Itville 51921 Tijuana El f l06fast 5 105 5 C Duggan 8 Kulah F Anzac Hamilton A A3l 51604 Tijuana 34 l14fast 7 114 3l A Carroll S Wallace L L in Black Kulah P 51516 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 51 108 41 R Carter 10 Sedan Myrtle A Wallace L 30941 Chagrin Ab34 l19fast 710 US USPHRONE 12 A Casey 0 PasdeChance Ilusyltird TDert TDertBy PHRONE WARD ch m 5 108 108Trainer By Prospero Lulu Marr by Florist Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin 5361 Tijuana S lCOfast r710 11 3 214 = 4 i P Martinez TotliMcrn JtJoodiiian Shifty 53350 Tijuana 4 l13 5fast 7 109 1 2 2 ul S3 P Martinez i Britains Ally AVwood Liola 52006 Tijuana 5 f l06fast 2Af 113 G G52S90 1 1 3J 33J P Martinez S TothMning AAyanewd Sedan 52S90 Tijuana 34 l125 fast 5 JOS 1 1 1 11 2nK P Martinez 7 JKIIsworth Cacambo EulahF 52830 Tijuana 5S 59ifast 65 111 6 5 2 2 n 71S B Marielli S King Corncutter Pyx Pyxlk 52795 Tijuana 5S l00fast 910 lit lk B Marielli 9 Sherman A Corncutter Ring 52611 Tijuana 4i f 53slow 12 112 I2 B Marielli 7 Shifty Hamilton A Cnciitter 52425 Tijuana 58100 fast 65 10S 1s B Marielli G Sedan RDewey ClaudeWeaver 52172 Tijuana EJ f 106 fast 235 114 551 B Marielli 9 PAVard TothMIng AVllaceL 2085 Tijuana 58100 fast 95 10S 1 B Marielli 7 Ring Harry D Myrtle A TOP CommonerTrainer 0 TH MORNING ch g 9 115 By Peep oDay Lady Balgowan by The Commoner Trainer W C Weant Owner W 0 Weant 5261 Tijuana 5S l00fast 1 113 1 4 4 I l = i AV Hinphy r JCoodman Shifty PlironeAAard 52006 Tijuana 5J f lOGfast G 110 S G 6 2s 1J AV Gargan S Wyimewd Phrone Ward Sedan 52877 Tijuana 5S 59fast 3 109 1 4 44 4 21 1 2 = J F Chiavta 7 King Shifty Corncntter 52830 Tijuana 5S 59Vffast 215 109 1 66 6 a11 F Chvetta S King Corncutter Pyx Pyx4J 52773 Tijuana 5 f l06fast 4 112 4J N Foden 9 BritsAlly Cacambo An AVood 52404 Tijuana 5J f 107 fast 65 10S 2J F Chiavta S Myrtle A Wallace L Phedoden 52317 Tijuana 34 l13fast 195 108 2 F Chiavtal2 CMoore LinBlack Anna Wood 2172 Tijuana 5i f 106 fast hi 110 2 E Taylor 9 Ph Ward Wallace L Shifty 52110 Tijuana 5i f l06fast 115110 3 = 3 F Chiavta 0 Ikey T Sedan AAallace L WILD THOUGHTS b f 3 101 101Trainer By Ivan the Terrible Dream Girl by Voter Trainer G J Miller Owner G J Miller 53338 Tijuana 5S l00fast 4310 97 3 2 1 11 1 B MariellilO MaryKeigel HarryD Tmbeola 52904 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 3i 91 4 4 3 71 75 B MariellilO DeLand KobtLOwen MyrtleA 52733 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 32 103 21 B Marielli 7 THoshor KoyDewey Ilyampom 51434 Bowie 65 f l25slop 21 102 2 2 2 l t 713 T Jarvis 11 Sobrigade Fluff Tingling 51287 Pimlico 5i f l09fast 175 109 5 4 2 3nt 4 1 A Schugr 9 Fernwood Mantilla Silence 51219 Laurel 5J f lllslop 1 107 3 1 1 I2 2i A Schugr 9 BlackTop Kinetic Chin Walsh ANNA WOOD b f 3 101 By Honeywood Anna May by King Eric Trainer W S Heath Owner Nevada Stock Farm 533CO Tijuana 34 l13ifast 1910 103 2 112 = IJ B Marielli 9 Britains Ally AVwood Liola 53006 Tijuana i i f lOGfast 125 107 3 225 = 5 ° i E Denny S TothMing AVynnewd PAVrd 52773 Tijuana ii f l06fast 65 107 3 E Denny 9 BrsAlly Cacambo TotMing 52G86 Tijuana 34 lllslov 3110 10S 21 R Denny 9 L in IlVk MANan AMMnfit 523S4 Tijuana 34 113 fast 4310 l5s nt K Denny CoDawn MANoonan Itn oht 2317 Tijuana 34 l13fast 1 98 4 M Slghterll CMoore To theMorn LinBlk 49S97 Devre I 1 f 110 mud 17 109 2 236 713 B Kenndy 8 Napoo Tliaron Judge Iludrow 19793 Devre 34 l12faat 11 112 1 1 3 Cl 5 = 1 E Denny 11 Polythia Loveliness MaurlceU BASIL ch h 7 103 By Voter Mintcake by Marcion Trainer W F Poison Owner AV F Poison 53349 Tijuana 58 l00 l00sfast sfast G 115 7 76 u 22 E Haywd 8 Luiielv Kthel Brown Mniiiichen 5329S Tijuana 34 l14slo 5f 114 5 04 4i 53 E Taylor 13 M Ilyng OrKing B lllafkwcll 51381 Church 1 78 l26good 35 112 S 9 9 9 9 9 E Graves Tnlsa Dr Carmen Bread Man 507S6 Latgnia 31 l12fast 16 10S 11 10 8 SJ 8IS K Graves la GipsyQueen ColumbiaTn Kifle 50561 Latonia 34 l12iffast 3S 107 9 9999 E Graves 9 CotBlossom GeoStarr LastCoin 1R007 Latonia 34 l12fast 16 115 6 066 4 M Garner li Green Grass Bullion JHareJr 17893 Latonia 34 l12faat 12 113 11 9 9 6 61 M Garner 11 Bullion DrCarmcn BonJour SEDGEGRASS b f By Olambala Gcnesta by Broomstick Trainer H W Barnes Owner H W Barnes Irl Tijuana 51 f l Sslop 710 108 L 2 1 1 1J G Yeargin 11 Lonely BBIaekwell Niglilsliek 53013 Tijuana 34 115 fclivy 32 109 1 111 33 G Yeargin H BUIackwell JohnJr KIndian 52JH1 Tijuana 1 IMOfast W 8111 5 1 8 10 Josiith 10 ISISuker AVAVillow CavMourll 52321 Tijuana 34 115 slop 1910 Iff 2 IIP I3 AV Taylor 7 AVMonlgomery JohnJr OlaLcu 52832 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 3710 j05 5 5 5 3l 1 3 AV Taylor Yukon Neg Hoover HooverG3i 52671 Tijuana 5S l03hvy 23 95 G3i II I Bwer AVallaee L Cacambo Shifty 525S4 Tijuana 5i f l10slow 3J 7 33 G Yeargin 7 ShcrmaiiA JrtHawk Iardora 52528 Tijuana 5J f lllC siop 32 91 3i G Yeargin 5 Joe Goodman Phedodcn Karnest JOE GOODMAN ch g 3 98 98Trainer By Flammarion Belle Bird by Thicket Trainer W M Miltbi Owner AY M Mlkel 53iG4 Tijuana 5S l009ffast 10 301 i 3 Sii 2 = J E Josiah TothMnrn Shifty PhrWard 532G6 Tijuana 58 l02hvy 3 101 5 55 557 710 M Slghtpr 7 Mannchcn Joe Tag Cacambo 32971 Tijuana 5J f 107 fast C 103 4 3 34 4 3 3s G Yeargin C Kulah F Judge Kllswth Kifle 52915 Tijuana 58102 slow 4710 100 4 6 68 S 51 1 M Slghter 8 Hamilton A Kifle Ilooneville Ilooneville77i 52795 Tijuana 5S l00fast 1 105 77i G Yeargin 9 PhroneAVd ShermA Cornctr 52672 Tijuana 5J f l10hvy 5 110 23 C Whitton G RoyDcwey Johnlloshor BLaue 52E64 Tijuana Bi f 110 mud 165 91 48 G xTeargin S Ikey T Sedan Hamilton A 52528 Tijuana EJ f l10Mslop 8 103 I11 H Jones C Phedodcn Sedgegrass Earnest COFFIELD b ff 5 103 103Trainer By Modred Zirl by Sain Trainer R Rowo Owner North Rowe we 52i32 Tijuana 1 1S 1 57irnd 2 112 1 4 4 3 3 3i B Marielli T AVSmoke IILerch AVatAVilhiw 52S76 Tijuana 1 1S 158 fast 2110 10S 2 2 3 3 l IU B Marielli Piedra AVar Smoku AVAVillow AVAVillow2i 52794 Tijuana 1 111 fast 2 1W 1W52S61 2i B Marielli 8 AAarSmoke Iiedra OlympKing 52S61 Tijuana 1 l41 good 2i 101 li B Marielli S TheDescrt IIoraceLcrch Darnay 52215 Tijuana Im70y 115 fast 3110 101 1J B Marielli 8 Sea AVay JakeSchas Knnecraft 52001 Tijuana Im70y l45fast 9 107 1 C AVhitton 9 MistcrMark MissOrb PcrLady 51899 Tijuana 1 l41fast 6 107 I1 C AAhitton S AVeinland Stelcliff MontBelie 31803 Tijuana 34 l15fast 85 112 1J R Lowe 10 Yukon AnJlckson PUilMartlii SEDAN b s 1 103 103Trainer By Jim Gaffney Kitty BeUe Brooks by Clifford Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin 533S3 Tijuana 34 l13 fast 32 111 S 7 S S 7SJ I Martinez 12 Cacambo Vanessa AVelle Pyx 52322 Tijuana 34 l13fast 8 1C9 7 7532G6 4 3 5 6 if D Hurn 8 CeadonrlL MMlsby Cacambo 532G6 Tijuana 5S l02hvy 12 111 G 6 6 5 GTJ P Martinez 7 Mannchcn Joe Tag Cacambo 53044 Tijuana 34 l14 hvy 15 108 1 3 6 7 S15 P Martinez 8 JudgelOllsworth KulahF Liola 52006 Tijuana 53 f l06fast 2Jf 112 5 3 3 4i 4 ° i E Haywd 8 TothMing Wynnewd PWrd PWrdG7 52686 Tijuana 34 l14slov 6f 117 G7 P Martinez 9 L in Bck A AAood MANan 52564 Tijuana 5i f 110 mud 8 10S 2 = i P Martinez S IkeyT HamiltonA J Goo linan 52425 Tijuana 58100 fast 145 10S 23 E Taylor 0 PhroneAfard RDewey CWver CWver73i 52317 Tijuana 34 l13fast G lit 73i B MarrellilU CMoore To thoMorn LinBlk LinBlkI1 52216 Tijuana 5J f l06fast 910 112 I1 B Mariclli S le Lind Cacambo Ike Mills