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SUMMARY OF TIJUANA RACES TIJUANA Mexico March 5 The following is a summary of todays races racesFIRST FIRST HACK 5S Mile 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Claiming ClaimingHorses Horses AAt Jockey Str PL Sh Fin FinDue Due de Guise 113 Carter 280 320 2SO AAon Tom Caro 108 Howe 820 400 2nd 2ndKath Kath Itankin 111 Perry 900 3rd 3rdEmma Emma AVeller Careen Cobalt Olive I Mazie Karber Margaret Schlafer Mondaine Killarney Helle Peter Payne Xeoslio Dale and Dr C P Fryer also ran ranTime Time l01 i iScratched Scratched Louises Last SECOND RACE 1 11G Miles 3yearulds and upward Claiming ClaimingHorses Horses AVt Jockey Str PI Sh Fln Fannie Nail 115 AVhitton SSO 400 300 AAon Miss Sedalia 112 Lowe 300 2iO 2nd 2ndXetetic Xetetic 112 AVillis 380 3rd 3rdMiss Miss Ilerrniann Dehra Mighty Lever Petelus Kl IJey Zodiac Tours Sadie Stroup Art Rick and Chattan Court also ran ranTime Time 149 149Scratched Scratched n Lester TIIIIJD RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claiming Horses AAt Jockey Str PI Sh Fin FinThirtySeven ThirtySeven 110 Htamer 720 400 320 AVon AVonHilly Hilly Joe 110 Rettig 1100 4SO 2nd 2ndHoover Hoover 10 AVhittington 3403rd 3403rdShoreacres Shoreacres Peggy Martin Merry Lass Tempy Duncan Evalyn Harrigan English Lady and Prince Douglas also ran ranTime Time 108 108Scratched Scratched Little Pointer Sandab Choir Master Aryanna Minnie II FOURTH RACE 1 Mfle 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Claiming ClaimingHorses Horses AVt Jockey Str PI Sh Fin FinNebulous Nebulous JI4 Yeargin 3GO 300 1120 AAon AAonHyanpom Hyanpom KS Majestic 1020 5SO 2nd 2ndAVMontgomy AVMontgomy S DHurn 2 GO 3rd 3rdAAar AAar Smoke John Jr JJooneville and Epiphanes also ran ranTinie Tinie 140V4 140V4Scratched Scratched Peerless One FIFTH RACE 1 1S Miles 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Claiming ClaimingHorses Horses AVt Jockey Str PI Sh Fin FinLittle Little Gink 107 Parke 420 340 240 AVon AVonCork Cork 104 Willis 700 380 2ml 2mlDickie Dickie AA 109 Lowe 3403rd 3403rdLe Le Dinosaure Sadie 1 Sam Hill and Short Stop also ran ranTime Time 155 155Xo Xo scratches SIXTH RACE 4 12 Furious 3yearolds and upward Allowances Horses AAt Jockey Str PI Sh Fin FinPvx Pvx 113 AVhittington 040 400 220 AVon i Harry D Ill Gross 300 2202nd 2202ndMary Mary Iteigel JO Gaugel 2203rd 2203rdf f Sent out in entries as Harry P PLady Lady Mack My Mazie and Apropos also ran Time 54 54Scratched Scratched Little Connie Juanita Fredrick Is ham Aalentine Lady SEVENTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds anil upward Maiming MaimingHorses Horses AAt Jockey Str PI Sh Fin FinMildred Mildred Kuita 108 Lowe U20 040 4GO AAon Delaneey 112 McClough 5020 2200 2nd 2ndApple Apple Jack 110 Martinez 1500 3rd 3rdAunt Aunt Annie Harrigans Heir Gertrude I Striker Cover Up Col Murphy Little Princess Tillotson and Trulane also ran Time 108 108Scratched Scratched Our Leader Missoula July Fly