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FIRST RACE 1 Mile 3yearoldn and upward Maidens Claiming ClaimingMay May 7 1O21 1KO 15 3 Oil OilIndex Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish NURTURE ch c 3 M 105 By Martinet Druid by Sir Dixon DixonTrainer Trainer P J Williams Owner Wiliams Bros G4104 Churchl 1 116 l47fast 30 107 5 1 1 2 2U 2 J J Francis 8 SCourt Corilla MaryTaneBaker 5S854 Lexton 1 116 l49mud 80 105 6 6 6 6 6s G J Francis 7 BServant UncleVelo TOfficiai JOHN ARBOR ch g 3 M 105 105Trainer By Bowman Ponte Rosa by Bridge of Canny Trainer J Tigue Owner F St John Dhn 54220 Churchl 1 14 207fast G 104 3 4 44 4 4 3s 21 F Porretto 4 Jetsam Montillo Gorilla 54160 Churchl 1 116 l51hvy 143 109 7 7 77 7 6 6i 518 E Pool 7 Gorilla Romper Nancy Wyatt 2727 FGnds Im70y l50hvy 20 107 8 7 76 6 3 31 3 B Pool 12 Rustler L Wynne Wl otheWp 62394 FGnds 34 l15fast 135 113 10 8 88 8 81 6 L Mink 13 Galiot Vulcanize Joe Whippl 62005 Jefson 58 l02good 12 115 6 54 544 3 1 L Mink 7 Ace Philanderer Wireless 61409 Churchl 34 l14fast 19f 105 14 15 15 15C1393 16 14 A Collins 15 Planet BrownCheck MissFtalnt C1393 Churchl 78 l27fast 24 113 8 9 910 10 10 ll1 20 D Connelly 14 Gorilla Eleanor S Cut Up 60889 Kwrth 34 l14faat 26 108 8 7 78 78THE 8 8 7l H Myers 8 Petrarch MabelJosephine Capo CapoBy THE VIRGINIAN ch c 3 M 110 110Trainer By Celt Logistilla by Looohatchee Trainer K Spence Owner W V ThraYei 54237 Churchl 1 116 l46fast 16 S9 G G 65 5 5 4i 35 E Scobie 8 Mys Girl Nelle Yorke Grace 54139 Churchl 7S l28hvy 5 113 4 2 2344 3 4 = 4i T Murray 15 Advocate Wil Tree Humphrey 54001 Lexton 1 116 l51hvy G 112 2 1 11 1 1 11 23 T Murray 9 NWyatt TFriend MPperity 51337 Churchl 7S 127 fast 49 112 7 64 8 82 8 T Murray 10 BMcLhlta BygoneDays Tbune 51295 Churchl 34 l14slow 33f 112 6 4 3 4 7J E Martin 11 Merriiuac BygoneDays Tribune 61213 Latonia 1 l45hvy 22 110 3 55 3 3s 3 H Lunsfd G Bal Wheel Merrimac CrtView 51137 Latonia 1 l39fast 2f 107 9 96 9 9 91S F Wilson 12 McGoodwin Coyne SirTKean 61057 Latonia 34 l12fast 32f 103 11 11 11 11s 11 F Wilson 12 Muskallonge Coyne RisingRock RADIO b c 3 M 110 110Trainer By The Manager Clara Louise by Ben Strome Trainer W Perkins Owner W Perkins E4139 Churchl 78 l28hvy 27 113 15 la 15 15 15TRUE 15 1536 E Pool 15 Advocate Wil Tree Humphrey TRUE FRIEND b c 3 M 105 105Trainer By Great Britain Edith Inez by Jack Point Trainer J H Baker Owner J H Baker 541C4 Churchl 1 116 152 hvy 11 104 321 5 6 G = ° L Penman G BStone MFontaine MJBaker 64001 Lexton 1 116 l51hvy 10 112 5 4 4 4 31 3 D Connlly 9 NWyatt TVirginn MPperitj 53S73 Lexton 34 l15hvy 18 111J 2 23 41 418 y w Tloi 12 Bgalese Advocate MPsperity MPsperityBy BYGONE DAYS b c 3 M 110 By Helmet Follies Bergeres by Himyar HimyarTrainer Trainer M Shields Owner M Shields 61407 Churchl 1 l41Vfcfast 75 112 6 6 C 6 C12 6IS J Roberts 8 Tribuno Castlerengh Eleanor S 51337 Churchl 7S 127 fast 165 113 6 7 7 2 2 = 2s L Lyke 10 BMcLhn Tribune AllRightSir 5129 Churchl 34 l14slow 7 112 7 5 4 31 2 L Lyke 11 Meivimac Tribune BMcLghlin 61253 Latonia 34 l13fast 135 115 5 53 3i 2 ° L Lyke 8 Lady Champ LWidrig GDaddy GDaddy60GS2 60GS2 Latonia 34 l12fast 34 105 11 8 10 10s 10IS F Wilson 12 Rangoon Coyne Brunswick 4SOG1 Latonia 68 l02good 23 115 12 12 12 11 L Lyke 12 LoughRed GoIdDIgger CrtVlew CrtVlewGOLDEN GOLDEN AUTUMN ch f 3 M 100 By Meelick Modena by Armeath H HTrainer Trainer W B Finnegan Owner G F Knebelkamp 54218 Churchl 78 l2Gfast SO 97 12 11 7 S Si S 3 A Wilson 15 AAlexder GdSwell TNcphw 6 C4 Lexton 34 l14fast 10 102 9 10 9 9 96i A Wilson 12 Sikhim Sleepy Dear Corilla 53939 Lexton 34 Il3 slow 58 9G 3 2 3 31 41S A Wilson 9 Meliora LastRose AlaryGaffney 49902 Devre 51 f lOSVigood 8 103 5 5 5 6s 6 F Hunt 8 Pongee CelticLass MarjMcKay 49713 Windsor 34 l13fast 4 107 1 2 2 21 31 W Heinchll MyKose KutliMaxim Hi Wave 4H059 Windsor 51 f l09good 65 111 1 33 2 2 W Heluch 10 Alvin T Hert Romper Undine 49432 FtErle 34 litfast 145 112 1 55 41 4 W Heinch 7 McGoodwiu JWhipple Polythia 49359 FtErie 58 101 fast 10 112 1 44 42 2i S McGraw 11 TheBaggage HeathBell Sudor HOMAID b f 3 M 105 By Horron Fluid by Blitzen BlitzenTrainer Trainer C C Van Meter Owner Hawed Bros 64139 Churchl 78 l2Shvy 23 108 12 14 14 12 12il23 M Garner 15 Advocate Wil Tree Humphrey 48774 Windsor 58 lOShvy 9f 11310 9 10 12 12 K Donhuel2 BegPanloii OldOlmp GAutuiuu 486S8 FtKrle 58 l00fast 1 104 8 77 6l 54i E Donliue S Roseate FlyingFord CharlotteC 4S2C9 l tlonia 5 f 109 fast 37 112 9 86 6l 35 K Donhuel2 MGaffuey J Autumn Drouiore 47819 Latonia 41 f 66mud 40f 115 9 7 51 591 F Wilson 11 Gleudoveer My Rose Julia N NPATTERN PATTERN b c 3 M 110 By The Picket Hawklet by Hawkswick HawkswickTrainer Trainer W F Poison Owner W F Poison 50732 Latonia 34 l14Vsfast 228 115 7 66 62 814 E Graves 12 BDudley CourtView Merrimac EOC11 Lalonia 51 f 108 fast 90 11212 12 12 12 12 E Graves 12 Rama CourtView Tribune 49149 Hamtn 68 l02fast t9 110 12 11 11 9J 9 4 E Graves 12 Ajcm Bertha S Johns Umina 4KG88 FtErle 5S l00fast 38 113 7 C 6 7 = G5 E Graves 9 Roseate FlyiiigKord CharlotteC 4SG53 Ft Erie 58 l00fast 71 109 7 86 71 77 E Graves 8 FreiichMiss LastOne Broadview 48518 FtErie 58 102 good 134 103 10 10 10 10 9 E Graves 10 Brunswick Frivol MyrtleCrown BLOND BUDDY ch c 3 M 110 By Cunard May Bird by Thrush ThrushTrainer Trainer H J Thompson Owner E R Bradley 64002 Lexton 34 l16hvy 11 106 2 3 5 4 4 = C Tmpson G Herald British Maid Tulsa TulsaC3873 C3873 Lexton 34 l15hvy 16 110 11 10 11 9l 92 E Pool 12 Bgalese Advocate MPsperity MPsperityADVANCE ADVANCE b c 3 M 110 By Von Tromp Sain Shot by Sain SainTrainer Trainer J Lowe Owner E Cebrian 54218 Churchl 78 l2Gfast llf 107 15 12 9 9 10J107i E Pool 15 AAlexder GdSwell TNephw 54139 Churchl 78 l2Shvy 7f 114 9 7 7 7 7 1 H LunsfcUS Advocate WillowTree Uumphv 53964 Lexton 34 l14fast 24f 112 7 8 10 10 10 J Francis 12 Sikhim Sleepy Dear Corilla Corilla4KPJ9 4KPJ9 Latonia 51 f l07 fast 137 115 9 8 11 11 11 A Colllna 11 Greenland McGoodvvln AUSlr AUSlr4S297 4S297 Latonia 51 f l07fast C5f 115 11 12 12 12 12 F Wilson 12 Coyne BalanceWheel ByGinger 7 K1 I tonla B8 00faKt 215 1159 12 12 12 12 J Glass 12 Monsoon JudgePryor ByGlngei ByGlngeiFEW FEW ACRES b c 3 M 110 By Marathon Chilla by Alvescot AlvescotTrainer Trainer J M HukiU Owner E E Clark 54139 Churchl 78 l28hvy 23 113 S 9 8 8 S S L McAtee 15 Advocate Wil Tree Humphrey 48135 Latonia 51 f l07fast 13f 111 11 12 11 71 7s C VanDunl2 Muskallonge Old Chap Napoo 48090 Latonia 51 f 108 fast 18 115 7 7 51 5 C VanDun 8 MissDora JudgeBrowEleauorS 47846 Latonia 41 f 54fast 51 115 10 8 7 71 C VanDunlO WSitle Loughlted Muskallonge Muskallonge474RR 474RR Church1 1 41 f 55faat llf 11411 10 10 10 1 C VanDunl2 Will o Wisp Philer W or Quit 47406 Churchl 41 f 55Ms1ow Elf 11511 11 11 11 C VanDun 12 Itud Legs Napoo ByGinger 46958 Ljxton 12 50 livy 12f 112 10 10 1020101 C VanDunll UiiclcVelo Monsn UuitedVerde DEMONSTRATOR SemproniusTrainer b g 3 M 105 Leamence Society Bud by Sempronius Trainer T Johnson Owner G Watts 54139 Churchl 78l28hvy 7f 113111013 14 142 14 B Pollard 15 Advocate Wil Tree Humphrey 50732 Latonia 34 l14Vsfast 46f 115 5 10 10 II2 12 A Collins 12 BDudluy CourtView Merrimac Merrimac5029S 5029S Lexton 61 f 107 fast 70f 112 12 12 12 12 12 G Stone 12 BillyBarton Rangoon ColBaker WISHMAKER ch c 3 M 105 By Last Coin Pocietpiece by Hanover HanoverTrainer Trainer J M Goode Owner A C Van Winkle 54139 Humphrey46S4 Churchl 78 l28hvy 7f 113 2 6 6 6 61 6 G Walls 15 Advocate Wil Tree Humphrey 46S4 Churchl 41 f 56 mud 31 IIS 3 2 21 3 i W J OBn 7 PagPan Petrarch TVirginian 47404 Churchl 41 f 53 slow 13 112 4 5 31 31 H J Burkell LochLevln TNorris Loughland 47337 Churchl 41 f 66hvy 146 108 5 5 6 51 H J Burke 8 UnVelo BenVlet SmkeScreen SmkeScreenSHOOT SHOOT AWAY b c 4 M 115 By Jim Gaffnoy Milky Way by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Hayes46S92 Trainer T P Hayes Owner T P Hayes 46S92 Lexton 34 l17mutl IS 102 2 11 32 4 S Wida 11 Finis DofDevnshire Waterford 44052 Latonia 51 f l08fast 8 102 3 32 21 31 C Robsonl2 DrHickman GenGlenn Bubbles DIXIE SpendthriftTrainer GIRL b m 5 M 110 By Marathon Senora Maria by Spendthrift Trainer R E McMillan Owner R E McMillin 47213 Churchl 1 116 l47gobd 52 106 4 4 6 C 6 6 G Stack 6 Lady Rachel Thinker Jovial 47142 Trooper44G10 Churchl 1 144 mud lOf 10G 5 5 5 6 5H 415 W Jarrell 14 PaulWeidel Tmphant Trooper 44G10 Churchl 1 18 156 slow 19f 107 8 9 9 7 6l G H Thurberll Lothair Service Flag Somme 41282 Latonia 1 116 l51mud 15 104121210 9 8l 8 S Boyle 12 Lariat FrMattox Lorena Moss 42998 Latonia 1 18 l53fast 11 102 4 10 10 10 101010 T Murray 12 Stevenson Constatine J David David4295G 4295G Latonia 34 l17hvy 7 103 8 3 6 41 6 1 S Boyle 12 Discord Helma Stevenson 40413 Latonia 34 l19hvy It 112 9 75 4 710 N Barrett 12 Retta B The Gleamer Espano ZAINER HastingsTrainer b g 3 M 105 By Jack Atkin Lois Cavanagh by Hastings Trainer J A Brauso Owner J A Brause 52964 Lexton 34 l14fast 24f 109 4 11 S II12 T Murray 12 Sikhim Sleepy Dear Corilla CorillaC3873 MPsperity52G90 C3873 Lexton 34 l15hvy 34f 11510 7 5 6 6 J Deavptl2 Bgalese Advocate MPsperity 52G90 FGnds 61 f l07fast 30 114 1 23 71 7 R RomellllO Be Sure Vulcanize Stoto 52444 FGnds 34 114 fast 12 114 3 14 74 911 J Rodgez 11 Cut Up Vulcanize Plato PlatoG2394 G2394 FGnds 34 l15fast 20 113 4 11 2 5 J RodgezlS Galiot Vulcanize Joe Whipple 52133 Jefson 68 l02fast 20 115 8 9 10 10 10 ° W Lancet 12 Philander Secretary Cthuuiu 51592 Tefferaon 58 l04hvy 50 110 7 7 7 7 6 S McGraw 7 Fantnche The Moor Secretary TONEY LADY b f 4 M 105 By Black Toney Lady Colonist by Africander AfricanderTrainer Trainer S C Cottrell Owner Stevens Daily 54001 Lexton 1 11G l51hvy 49 110 3 9 7 S 6s G J Francis 9 NWyatt TVirginn TFriend TFriend539CC 539CC Lexton 1 116 l47fast 130 108 8 8 8 8 8l 8 H J Burke 10 Colonel Lit Prospector Jetsam 53851 Lexton 34 116 mud 22f 113 12 12 11 91 9 D Connllyl2 Hereafter Tom Norris Serbian 51234 Latonia 1 116 l47slow 17 1081 666 6 6 = 5 W Morsey 7 High Cloud Frank F Tulsa 1054 Latonia 1 14 206fast 17f 103 12 10 10 12 II2 11 J J Mneyl2 Buckboard Warlike Shnonite ShnoniteE09S4 E09S4 Latonia 1 116 148 fast 9f 103111211 10 101 5J J J Mneyl2 RapidStride Cantilever Hocnir 50814 Latonia 1 116 l47fast 39 109 12 10 10 9 91 S50 F Paul 12 Escovar SamsBoy Simonite 50680 Latonia 34 114 fast 13f 104 12 12 12 91 9 G Stack 12 ArchPIotter AGallup Squeeler SLIPALONG ch c 3 M 110 By Ballofc Hazzaza by Cunard CunardTrainer Trainer J I Smith Owner H H Hewitt Hewitt541G2 541G2 Churchl 34 l16hvy 20 110 4 7 9 9 9 D Connlly 9 Planrt Sergt York British Maid Maid513SO 513SO Churchl 34 l14good 7 112 4 11 3i 6 1 L Lyke S AllUtSir Castlergh Crk oDn 51337 Churchl 78127 fast 8 112 3 2 2 6 7s 7 H J Burke 10 BMcLhlin BygoneDays Tbune 51233 Latonia 34 l15slow 2710 112 7 44 21 21 L Lyke 11 Spugs Clgalu Big Sou 51173 Latcnia 34 l16mud 1910 113 6 5 3 32 3 L Lyke 12 Ras Philanderer Dan Jackson 49471 Sartoga 51 f l07fast 185 115 4 2 1 21 3s T Rice 9 Vista SunnyDays KateFraley 49198 Sartoga 68 100 fast 60 10912 12 12 131 1422 T Rice 15 Exodus RisingRock Brunswick BRITISH LINER b g 3 M By Cunard Masks and Faces by Disguise Trainer L Cahn Owner T J Pendergast 54098 Churchl 78 l26fast 52 103 12 12 12 11 III 11 F Smith 12 CdleLight WGMcCltk Virgo 52784 FGnds 51 f l06fast 25 9 9 7Z 710 F Cltiletti 9 Blue Paradise Herald JJaycluc 52fifiO FGnds 34 113 fast 4 107 2 1 2 2H 25 F Smith J Tenite Be Sure Yellow Blossom 52602 FGnds 34 113 fast 15 100 9 999 9 J F Smith 9 MasterJack Runzaf VVhiteStar 52539 FGnds 34 l13fast 60 106 6 6 6 6 52 F Smith S UnVerde BuuaaBuck Itaucoca CHO CHO ch f 3 M By Jack Atkin English Esther by Lord Esterling Trainer J 0 Whitlow Owner F E Courson 54231 Churchl 34 lllfast 9 104 1 1 1 1J in J D Mney 7 LMadcap Pongee M Gaffney