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THE COMMISSIONER COMMISSIONERSOc SOc DAILY For sale at all newsstands everywhere Mondays Big Commission Horse HorseROULEAU ROULEAU 360 WON WONWE WE ALSO GAVE GAVEArchie Archie Alexander 11 40 WON WONLAZY LAZY LOU 2380 WON WONNAUGHTY NAUGHTY NISBA700 WON WONTODAY TODAY TODAYWE WE EXPECT TO LAND ANOTHER ANOTHERBIG BIG BIGCommission Commission Horse HorseThe The Commissioner received this one extra strong and they say this one cant lose Here is your chance to get some of the money Only SOc at all newsstands or mailed 2 weeks 500 Address AddressTHE THE COMMISSIONER Room 308 103 West 42nd St New York City CityPrincipal Principal Agents AgentsLouisville Louisville Ky Eiler Goodman 227 4th Ave Cincinnati 0 All Newsstands St Louis Mo Wm Laser Lobby 705 Market St Detroit Mich Triangle News Co Griswold and Michigan