Woodbine Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-05-24


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WOODBINE PARK FORM CHART TORONTO ONT MONDAY MAY 23 1921 Woodbine Park Second day Ontario Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 7 days Weather clear temperature 75 ° Steward Representing Canadian Racing Associations Francis Nelson Stewards of the Meeting Col Win Ilendrie Colin Campbell P 1 Bryan A K Dyment and Peter Clinch Judges J 15 Campbell and 1C 11 Marshall Starter Harry Morrissey Racing Secretary W P Fraser Racing start at 230 p 111 Chicago time 120 p m Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 34 Mile Sept 20 1914 111 6 117 Bendor Purse 1500 Added 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1035 second 300 third 150 fourth 50 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 54li0MANOEVRE w 5 IM 2 4 33 3 = 35 12 T Prinetn R Pending 54217 ENRICO CARUSO w 4 110 3 2 uk 2nk 2ut 2 A Richck T Francis FrancisI1 54152 WRAITH w 3 109 4 3 I1 I1 1 3nt H Gregory J W Dayton 53837 TENNITE W 110 1 G G503C2JDAINTY 4S Dayton4S 4J 4J 4 II Stearns J H Louchheim LouchheimC2 503C2JDAINTY LADY WB 5 111 G 7 C2 r = r 5 A Casey J S Baldwin 53094 SACAIAWEA w 3 9G 5 5 8 7 C C J McDmt J Eainton Eaintonr 50895 = FLAME w G 110 7 1 1C3728 r C 7 ° 7 F Murphy P G Christopher C3728 STILETTO WB 5 109 S S 71 S 8 8 J Conway G W Atkinson Time 24 49 116 Track sloppy 2 mutuils paid Manoevre 305 straight 255 place 235 show Enrico Caruso 290 place ° SO show Wraith 1120 show showEquivalent Equivalent looking odds Manoevre 82 to 100 straight 27 to 100 place 171 to 100 show Enrico Caruso 45 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Wraith 300 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Sweeper Ilerodia by Adam trained by W C Balnes bred in Prance by Mr Herman IS Dnryca DnrycaWent Went to post at 302 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing MANOEVRE was saved under restraint until straightened away in the homestretch where he raced into an asy lead and drew away in the last eighth ENRICO OARUSO was in closest pursuit all the way but was unable to withstand the winners challenge WRAITH quit in the last eighth after show ¬ ing the most early speed and leading to the last eighth TENNITE finished gamely Scratched gamelyScratched r 0739ilellahm 112 539425Burgoyne 114 53923 Citizen 103 53S97 Iron Boy 111 53850 Krnest A 109 109Overweights Overweights Enrico Caruso 1 pound SECOND RACE About 2 Miles Sopt 25 1913 358 5 139 Hopeful Steeplechase 1500 Added 4yearolds and upward Maidens Allowances Net value to winner 1040 second 300 third 150 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 i 12 15 Pin Jockeys Owners EC Equiv Odds Strt 50115 SSUPERBA w 5 145 4 1 33 23 14 I2 I2 A Sims G B Elliott Elliottw 1257J100 C0631 WAR TOGS w 5 147 1 3 4l 3t S13 2 28 A Stretch C T Levin Levinw 1090100 54035 2BUTCHER BOY BOYGLENMAYNE w G 152 2 G 5h 1 23 3 = ° 32 ° S VeitchJr C K Harrison Harrisonw til 5100 GLENMAYNE w G 152 7 8 S G G 5 ° 42 H McAfee H C Cox Coxw 935100 4778G ALTAR FIRE w 7 152 5 4 G 515 5 ° 45 C15 W Blake G W Bcardmore Bcardmorew o 2920100 54035 SEA OGRESS w 5 J45 8 9 7s 44 43 G G A Cmpbell C II Douglas Douglasw 2113100 54211 LE CYPRIN w 7 152 3 2 lt Bolted W Green Mrs F A Clark Clarkw 54173 PEPI w 5 145 9 7 2 Lost rider W OConr C K Harrison Jr Jrw 50593 JIM PETRIE w u 5 142 C 5 Lost rider W McClry F Proctor 2030100 fCoupled In betting as C K Harrison Jr entry entryTime Time 413 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid Superba 2715 straight 1025 place 425 show War Togs 1195 place 480 show C 1C Harrison Jr entry 270 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Superba 1257 to 100 straight 412 to 100 place 112 to 100 show War Togs 497 to 100 place 140 to 100 show C K Harrison Jr entry 35 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch m by Superman Rossair by Kosslngton trained by W G Wilson bred by Mr S Koss KossWent Went to post at 333 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing SUPERBA fenced in easy fashion withstood challenges from BUTCHER BOV and WAU TOGS in The last quarters and won under restraint WAR TOGS moved up quickly when going to the fourteenth fence but tired after getting to the leader BUTCHER BOY was hard driven from the seventh to the thirteenth fence and also tired in the linal drive LE CYPRIN made a bad landing at the seventh fence where he almost fell and bolted over a wing at the eighth fence before his rider could get settled in tho addle PEPI lost his rider at the fifth Jump and JIM PETKIE at the llrst llrstScratched Scratched 54312 Dustin Parnuni 147 KTiOETO THIRD RACE 34 Mile Sept 26 1914 111 6 117 V7hitby Purse 1500 Added O OlbOOArf lbOOArf 3yearolds and upward Claiming Foaled in Canada Net value to winner 1035 second 300 third 150 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt A Str Pin Jockeys Owners Kiiuiv Odds Strt 5081MALLOWMOT w 7 122 3 1 G 51 42 1 I McDott J HefferitiK 1321100 49379 AVAR FOX w 3 105 84 4J 3l 3j 2l F Murphy Brookdale Stable ICOOIOD 49808 SPEARHALF w 3 99 C 8 88 11Z 31 I Gordon Mrs L A Livingston 2910100 2910100DONALD DONALD J w 3 102 4 G 2i 1 I1 44 F Lux E B Clancy C195100 C19510030793MYRTLE 30793MYRTLE CROWNwsn 3 107 2 2 C10 5 55 R Lcapter Seagram Stable 140100 40298 CARRY ON w 5 110 1 3 l ° t 4 c1 CJ A Casey Foxhead Mews 4895100 48795 BLOOR w 3 09 5 5 3 2 ° k 2J 72 E Harbne J II Doane 1775100 50125 MARIE FREEBRNw 5 113i 77 74 7k 8 S T Pargton W Hammell 10015100 10015100Time Time 24 50 118 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid Mallowmot 4C5 straight 320 place 2W show War Fox 870 place 585 show SpearHalf G80 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Mallowmot 132 to 100 straight GO to 100 place 30 to 100 show War Fox 335 to 100 place 192 to 100 show SpearHalf 240 to 100 show showWinner Winner TaylorWent Br g by Cedarstrome Kitsilas by Kitimat trained by H Oots bred by Mr W J Taylor Went to post at 404 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same MALLOWMOT was taken to the outside at the head of the stretch and wearing the leaders down got up to win in the linal stride WAR FOX was a forward contender all the way but tired after get ¬ ting to the front in the last eighth SPEARHALF badly outrun early closed a big gap and finished with a rush MYRTLE CROWN was much knocked about DONALD J showed the most early speed is a good looker and may improve improveScratched Scratched 52045 Bengali 122 507933Gallipot 107 50564 Waac 97 4S377 Silver Dawn 110 43916 Master Fox 115 115Overweights Overweights War Fox 3 pounds Marie Freeborn 3 KylOPTO FOURTH RACE 1 110 Miles May 31 1S06 l4G5 4 99 Thirtyfifth Running J ± t J O WOODSTOCK PLATE 5000 Added 3yearolds Allowances Net valuo to winner 3610 second 1000 third 500 fourth 250 Index Horses ATVtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kniiiv Odds Strt 54214 STAR VOTER w 12G 3 1 22 14 1 I2 I2 F Keogh J K L Ross 72i100 54214 MYTHOLOGY WE 111 1 2 lh 28 2s 2 ° 2 H Tmirber J R Skinker 350100 53959 CAHALAN w 10S 2 3 4 = 4 3l ° 3 315 B Parke Nevada Stock Farm 535100 5381 2PIMLICO WB 111 555 5 5 5 4 H Gregory E L Loubat 15G5100 51313 ALVIN T HERT will 44 34 3 42 4 5 G Walls AV F Cisco 5SGO100 Time 5SGO100Time 25 50 116 142 1495 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid Star Voter 345 straight 2GO place 210 show Mythology 295 place 225 show Cahalan 240 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Star Voter 72y to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 5 to 100 show Mytholoy 47 to 100 place 12 to 100 show Cahalan 20 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch c by Ballot Starry Night by Star Shoot trained by H McDaniel bred by Mr Ken ¬ neth D Alexander i iWent Went to post at 431 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing STAR VOTER was taken under restraint after racing to the front on the backstretch and was 1111 extended for the remainder of the race MYTHOLOGY made a game rush on the stretch turn but could never get to the leader CAHALAN was outpaced but easily best of the others othersScratched Scratched 540922Baby Grand 122 54311 Jean Corey 100 54311 Irish Jig 108 KtfK A FIFTH RACE 58 Mile June 2 1900 100 2 99 Woodbine Doncaster 1500 FTtO 1500FTtO f TC Added 2yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 1040 second 300 third 150 150fourth fourth 50 Index Horses AWtlPht V4 y Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt ALL FAIR w 109 94 2 1J 1 = J H Thurber J W Bean 591 100 54174 HIGH C WB 114 4 S 4nt 3l 3 24 T Pargton E F Whitney 825100 52742SA 82510052742SA DAUGHTER w 104 72 Ih 21 21 33 L McDott J H Thompson S03100 54171 AL v 112 G 7 6s 5 4t 41 F Keogh J Lumsden 2T3100 ASHLIN 2T3100ASHLIN w 104 5 G 31 4i 54 5 ° H Gregory J W Dayton G005100 52619 DADJA w 102 23 71 72 7C G2 H Stearns W D Bernhardt 11510100 53920 DESPERATION w 105 8 5 5s G5 G 7 A Richcrk Pelican Stable CGO100 53827 BLAZING FIRE w 104 3 1 8 S S8 8s B Parke Nevada Stock Farm 415100 54131 WILFEX WB10S19 9999G Walls Sunnyland Stable 7C05100 Time 7C05100Time 24 49 J 103 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid All Fair 12025 straight 9220 place 3470 show High C 1000 place 020 show Adopted Daughter 430 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds All Fair 5912 to 100 straight 4510 to 100 place 1C35 to 100 show High C 400 to 100 place 210 to 100 show Adopted Daughter 115 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Allumeur Sabretache II by Martagon trained by M C Kelly bred by Mr W S Kilmer KilmerWent Went to post at 503 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ALL FAIR raced ADOPTED DAUGHTER into defeat and was going away at the end HIGH C began slowly but came around on the outside and finished resolutely ADOPTED DAUGHTER set the early pace and raced well but was tiring at the end AL began slowly and finished with a rush ASHLIN showed speed but quit quitScratched Scratched 54111 Rosa Lee 99 99Overweights Overweights Al 5 pounds Desperation 1 Ashlin 1 K t OCTC SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards May 22 1911 143 5 93 Queen Hotel Han tPO J t dicap 1500 Added 3yearolds and upward Net valuo to winner 51020 second 3GO third 190 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Enniv Odds Strt 53534 TAILOR MAID WB 5 99 3 2 2l li 1 1 1 L McDott G W Atkinson 191523DUKE JOHN w 5 104 1 1 Ink 2s 2 22 2 II Thurber E T Zollicoffer 100100 14193 GOLDINE wn 4 97 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 I Gordon A L Austin 4 Time 24 49 116 142 147 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid Tailor Maid 520 straight no place or show mutuels sold Equivalent straightWinner soldEquivalent booking odds Tailor Maid 100 to 100 straight Winner Ch m by Fair Play Toggery by Hock Sand trained by G W Atkinson bred by Mr August Belmont BelmontWent Went to post at 531 At post 1 minute Start poor and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing TAILOR MAID raced DUKE JOHN into defeat in the first half and drew away into a canterin lead theOSt DUKE JOHN evidently short raced gamely GOLDINE propped at the start and was left at the OSt OStScratched Scratched 50783 Irish Kiss 108 54311 King Thrush 107 fTl4 J fi Y FL 0 1 Mile Ju 19061394 104 Woodbine Graftoa Plato OAOcVVf 1500 Added 3yejolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1025 sec ond 300 third 150 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt K Str Pin Jockeys Ovn Equiv Odds Strt JOE JOE w 5 112 1 G 2 23 I3 Ink 11 R Holway E Loll oo 100 KINGLING 100KINGLING II S 107 G 4 G G = WB 5J 4 2 C Lan J P Mayberry 740100 53001OLD 74010053001OLD McKENNA w 4 104 3 3 4 4 2 24 33 H Gregory J Hovizi 4Jn 100 53977T 10053977T F McMAHON WB 5 107 5 2 3J 3 41 i2 4H H B Bower W Walker 100 527102THUR 100527102THUR NIGHTER WB 7 109 4 1 I2 iu 32 3J 5 II Stearns G Macfarlane l95100 53897 RHYMER w 7 109 2 5 5 5 G G G J Conway G W Atkinson 195100 Time 195100Time 24 49 118 146 Track sloppy 2 mutuels paid Joe Joe 025 straight 370 place 250 show Kingling II G 90 place S3 C5 show Old McKenna 315 show Equivalent booking odds Joe Joe 212 to 100 straight 85 to 100 place 25 to 100 show Kinliii II 245 to 100 place 82 to 100 show Old McKenna 57 to 100 show = Winner B h by Key Hindoo La Sinaloa by Emperor of Norfolk trained by O E Pons bred bv Mr Edward Cebrian Went to post at 004 At 3 minutes Start post good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing JOE JOE was shullied back on the first turn but moved up with a rush on the backstretch and raced into a long lead but swerved out in the stretch and had to be hard ridden through the last eighth KINGLING II came through fast on the inside and was gaining on the winner at the end OLD Mc ¬ KENNA came wide on the stretch turn and tired after getting to the leaders THURSDAY NIGHTER quit hi the last quarter ii ijuM ijuMScratched Scratched 539Gl lrospector 102 54012 Mark West 111 Chart Continued oil IViiith Pase

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921052401/drf1921052401_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1921052401_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800