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WORKOUTS FROM EAST AND WEST 589 JAMAICA NEW YOHK N Y Miiy 23 Saturdays gallops overthe local courses inqluded the following Wenlher clear track fast t ThreeEighths Mile Mile587Bcngalesc 587Bcngalesc 30 580Nohant 35 35583Good 583Good Times 30 ri71Swift Grass 315 1 Norman 42f 520Winncconnc 33 Half Mile MileCSSBon CSSBon Homme 45 5S5Spdragon II 53 586Chat Thierry 51 5S7Stannch 52 52Heatherton Heatherton 5255 Sunstar 48 48586Jules 586Jules Garson 5X71 5S1T Belgian II49 II49580Lcghoni 580Lcghoni 4S 587TinguLing 57 57518OmerK 518OmerK j5l 580 Wishbone 40 40582Runatrix 582Runatrix 48 48FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile578Bntton 578Bntton SwplQi 5S2Tamnica Bellel 340CInrice C 103 580Miles S It03 It03C68Ft C68Ft Chnchilll04 587Nancy 103 103585Florsain 585Florsain 103 584Orleans Girl 105 105587Genie 587Genie W 108 573Silence ll03 ll03Three Three Quartera Mile 587Com Eislin li5 580Miss Rankinl18 Rankinl18588Dorothys 588Dorothys PetlVIS 588Romahy 119 119Jngo Jngo 1H 582rTcn Buttons 118 118582Master 582Master Jaokvl17 580AVellfinder 113 One Mile Mile555Rcckna 555Rcckna 143 5S7St Isidore 155 155580Blnck 580Blnck Tli6ngl47 587Toss Up 14 582Bennington 148 5SOT McTaggtl43 McTaggtl43584Dlxlc 584Dlxlc Carrolll48 587Veto 141 141587ShilleIagh 587ShilleIagh 11142 t BELMONT PAKE Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Miler r 87Bridesman 41 Fanfare 30 30s s 587Kirkleviugton 30 rS7Duncecap 30 583Swcetcst Story 38 38578Esquire 578Esquire 39 Half Mile Mile587Blne 587Blne Laddie 53 501Polythin 50 50587BrooniKpun 587BrooniKpun 54 573Qnccrcck 51 Dead Indian 559ReprisaI 585Evil i 53 588San Stefano 51 51580Gallant 580Gallant Man 49 5S7Snare 49 49580Lcttermen 580Lcttermen V4S 582Timbrcl 49 49581Nancy 581Nancy Lee 54 501Two Feathers 49 49684Peter 684Peter Piper 53 53ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile MileBantry Bantry Passl21 577Mainmast 110 110587Eliminator 587Eliminator 118 587Polar 115 115587Grey 587Grey Lag 117 587Ramkin 110 110580L 580L Brighton 113 578Swcepmcnt 115 115584Last 584Last Straw 118 rS7Stromboli 110 110Manna Manna 118 577r TenLee llfl llfl587Mirncle 587Mirncle Man 115 CS7 Valor 110 110587Mdens 587Mdens Baltl14 Baltl14One One Mile Mile587Audacious 587Audacious 143 587Honcy Cell 142 r 84Bellsolar 144 588Kinnoul 149 149578ExoduV 578ExoduV 143 587LEcluire 147 147585Knfiliide 585Knfiliide 145 587 P T Barnuml49 Barnuml49587Goaler 587Goaler 152 587Routledge 145 145578Gcrma 578Gcrma 148 587St Michael 143 143Mile Mile and an Eighth C8ST Me Not 202 202Mile Mile and a Quarter Quarter588Georgie 588Georgie 209 DOUGLAS PARK LOUISVILLE Ky May 23 Following were Sat ¬ urdays workouts at Douglas Park Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mil Mil582Candy 582Candy Lady 37 5C9Frank E 30 30566Doyle 566Doyle 39 58GSca Court 39 39583Fast 583Fast Trial 38 38Half Half Mile Alameda Girl 51 585Gcncral Haig50 Haig50587Bromo 587Bromo 50 584Judge Budrbw52 Budrbw52C87For C87For Brow 51 585Radio 48 48587Grimalkin 587Grimalkin 50 508Tanlac 51 51FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile581A 581A Alexander 101 575Dolph 100 100583Bashful 583Bashful 103 578Kingfisher 107 107588Bill 588Bill MeCloy 102 5SGStar Time 104 580Corky W 100 100ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile580Bermont 580Bermont 118 584High Cost 118 118585Baldy 585Baldy 114 582Lady Morrowl10 Morrowl10585Clcrk 585Clcrk 118 583Sham Flowcrl21 Flowcrl21585George 585George Starrl17 58 Tab dHonrl19 dHonrl19587Gibby 587Gibby 120 5SGWar Zone 116 116587High 587High Gear 116 116SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 586Loc Leaves 129 129Ono Ono Mile MileB87Acclaim B87Acclaim 147 581Capt Rces 146 146580A11 580A11 Right Sirl44 588Frank F 147 580Accelerate 142 587John Arbor 145 590 CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSLOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE Ky May 23 Sundays training gallops at the local courses were as follows Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile589Ben 589Ben Valet 35 580Hcrmis Kimball39 Kimball39584Blarney 584Blarney Stone40 585John Finn 38 38583Coloncl 583Coloncl Lit 30 588Pcacc Pennant 37 584Captain Burns 38 583Royal Duck 3G 3G585Donna 585Donna Roma 30 583Rnnnan 35 35583Doris 583Doris 37 587Rcdmon 40 40588Escovar 588Escovar 40 5S9White Star 38 38Half Half Mile 573Bright Leaf 50 382Marjorie McKay50 McKay50478Cracow 478Cracow 49 587Mary J Baker 50 50571Dad 571Dad 50 581Nurture 52 587Dahabiah II 50 583Poilu 51 585Korbly 52 578Rockminister 53 53582Lngs 582Lngs 50 5G4Simouite 50 50582Mcrchant 582Mcrchant 48 48Five Five Eighths Mile Mile588Chief 588Chief Brown 107 324Hereafter 102 102580Coyne 580Coyne 104 588Hadrlan 102 102570Colossus 570Colossus 101 570Minute Man 103 103Dorius Dorius 102 582Simplctoii 101 101Debcfro Debcfro 102 5SSTruc Friend 104 104ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile584Afgar 584Afgar 11G 589Philandercr 123 123r88Brimful r88Brimful 117 rS3Planct 110 110585Big 585Big Son 415 585lenwell 115 115Ballygihcn Ballygihcn 120 5S3Quiek View 115 115589Cinderella 589Cinderella 113 580Rising Rock 115 115580Col 580Col Taylor 115 587Sewell Combsl19 Combsl195SOHigb 5SOHigb Cloud 125 587Sheka 118 5S7Harold K 115 588The Wit 114 114587Magikou 587Magikou 115 587W p t Wispl17 Wispl17SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile Mile588Miss 588Miss Patty 130 579Napoo 133 133One One Mile Mile585Angon 585Angon 149 588LErrant 141 141438Amanda 438Amanda 143 587Nordeck 143 143587Broth 587Broth Batchl43 r89S Tgeant Yorkl40 Yorkl40587Chcer 587Chcer Leaderl40 584Trihune 144 144ISOInquiry ISOInquiry 143 587Wickford 143 1435S5La 5S5La Foudrc 147 DOUGLAS PASK PASKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile58SA 58SA N Akin 38 588Kingllke 582 Autocrat 37 5S4Louie Lou 583Barry Shannon 39 581Plaudelia 587Converse 35 588Startle 588Fern Handley 39 5SS Washington 587Grcen Gold 39 39Half Half Mile Mile589Capt 589Capt Rees 51 588Hldden Jewel 570Capital City 53 Iraa Arcite 580Halu iD3 583Rupid Day FiveEighths Mil QSSgtatnp l06 ThreeQuarters Mile Mile588Hadhcrway 588Hadhcrway 118 5S8TwlnkIe Blue 119 580Port Light 110 SevenEighths Mile 585Tuanorca 129 129One One Milo Milo585Advocatn 585Advocatn 151 5S2Owossa 151 58iB of Etownl48 SSISquire Wginsl50 589Gcneral Haigl43Vs 58 Sca Court 147 587rMarie Uappldl4773 582The Vlrginianl4S 584Masler Bill 145 585Uncle Bert 140 140Mile Mile and an Eighth 5SGLady Rachel 202 202BELMONT BELMONT PARK TRAINING TRACK TRACKThreeEightiha ThreeEightiha Mile 451Ada McGee 371f 588Fifty Fifty 37 587Billy Watts 30 587Mcuse i 3G Blue Teal 40 58iMerch Marine3S 588Brush Boy 3i 571Montalvo 38 38Court Court dOr 30 588Nightmare 3i 3i584Caubeen 584Caubeen 37 589San Sttfano 30 30538Dunboyne 538Dunboyne 39 5SSV of the Moon3S Moon3SHalf Half Mile Mile587Dick 587Dick Deadeyc 51 588Neddam 49 49TiSBDcliartoii TiSBDcliartoii 50 58SOn Watch 49 495SS5Iadiator 5SS5Iadiator 49 580Utah 50 505S3Cloomy 5S3Cloomy Gus 50 Vasta 51 5GGMuIciber 52 52FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile579Big 579Big Heart 102 588KaiSang 103 103575Bud 575Bud Fisher 102 588LittIc Chief 101 101Column Column 101 5SGTurnabout 101 591 CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSLOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE Ky May 23 Monday workouts at Churchill Downs wcra as follows Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile589Adventure 589Adventure 3C 580Lord Allen 30 30559Asia 559Asia 30 59Montjoy 40 4058JBlack 58JBlack Rock 30 588Maximac 39 395S9Bcttini 5S9Bcttini 35 570Mirtlii Fallon39 Fallon39Berdie Berdie G 30 5SSOrlova 30 305S4Black 5S4Black Baby 35 588Quince Garden 38 585Coucr de Feu 38 5S4Sandy Mack 30 585Dr Carmen Theresa 30 581Gcneral Aage 3S 5S4UncIe Velo 38 38585J 585J C Stone 30 580 Yowell 37 37Half Half Mile 589 Aunt Sue 47 5S2Manictirist 47 47589Aloft 589Aloft 52 580May Bee 55 55587Brcnnan 587Brcnnan 51 588Matiiice Idol 52 52587Bruce 587Bruce Dudley 51 589Mom 50 505S8By 5S8By Golly 48 585Onr Alice 51 51585By 585By Gone Days49 5SUOUI Chap 49 49585Chcrry 585Chcrry Tree 52 58SOut the Way 48 48573Circus 573Circus 52 5S9Riga 52 52589Clennont 589Clennont 48 5S9Rckab 51 51582Goldcn 582Goldcn Dreams52i Smuts 51 51Uinklc Uinklc 51 588Unclc Sonny 51 51Joe Joe C 54 Uncle Foy 53 53589Judge 589Judge Brcuer 53 580Wadsworths L52 L52Lust Lust Brush 48 585Wishmaker 52 52587Lothair 587Lothair 52 Zack Terrell 52 52FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile5S9B 5S9B Connor 103 5SSItom Fair 103 103588British 588British Linerl03 588IctrareIi 101 101587BIow 587BIow Bbles 101 5821rince Wells 101 101588Billy 588Billy Star 101 Rob 103 103589Castlereagh 589Castlereagh 102 5S2Roy Palm 102 102580Cascy 580Cascy 103 Sloto 102 102587Dark 587Dark Ben 104 573Sec Gtings 102 10258tDarjeeling 58tDarjeeling 112 5S2Wward Ladyl01 Ladyl01588Gold 588Gold Digger 103 583W G McCkl02 McCkl02588Our 588Our Filley 589Wm Oldt 102 102ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile590Escovar 590Escovar 114 588Rama 117 117585Furebelow 585Furebelow 117 584Refugce II 114 114584Hlulii 584Hlulii Boy 110 588Tom Norris 117 117590Kinglike 590Kinglike 110 5S8Vella K 118 118590Louie 590Louie Lou 115 590 White Star 115 115589Melvin 589Melvin 110 110SevenEighths SevenEighths Mil Mil588B 588B of White 131 587Meliora 130 130589E 589E Flower 128 5881astoreau 129 129582Humphrey 582Humphrey 128 587Ruby 128 128One One Mile Mile5S2Advance 5S2Advance 150 584Macliiavelli 140 140580Bone 580Bone Dry 143 5S9Mious Girl 144 V 584Bel Queen 140 590P Pennant 143 143580Cozette 580Cozette 142 590Redmon 144 144588Fair 588Fair Orient 158 585Wling Dun 148 148588Jnlia 588Jnlia N 145 58SW or Quit 144 144587Kinburn 587Kinburn 144 5SGVirgo 144 144Mile Mile and an Eighth Eighth588MontiIlo 588MontiIlo 159 DOUGLAS PARK Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile5SSBct 5SSBct Mosle 38 587Marimba 30 30587Dora 587Dora W 39 589Radio 30 305SSHomc 5SSHomc Bound 39 581The Nephew 37 37583Jerry 583Jerry 38 580Tom Logan 39 395S4Magnesia 5S4Magnesia 38 580Title 37 37580Mogens 580Mogens 30 582Troilus 39 39Half Half MUe MUe502Alice 502Alice Atkin 53 588Marg Atkin 54 589Alamcda Girl 51 SSOSpokanb Queen 51 5158SBcatcn 58SBcatcn Path 50 410Wanatah 55 5S9Uigh 555S9Uigh Cost 50 50Five Five Eighths Mile Mile580A1 580A1 Thomas 100 5SGrimalkin 101 588Dixie Girl 103 589Judge Budrowl00 Budrowl00Three Three Quarters Mile 590A N Akin 118 589Kingfisher 120 120580Black 580Black Pat 120 587Rcpeatcr 120 580 Balance Whll15 5SGSca Prince 125 588CandIe Light 110 588Service Flag 119 590F Handleyl17 5S7Westwood 117 585Foster EmbryllG EmbryllGOne One Mile 589Bill McCloylrl 590Grcen Gold 145 582I5roth 145582I5roth I Iivel47 ivel47 589Gibby 149 588CaptaIn 149588CaptaIn Tom 148 587Kcwp ONeill47