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ERIE ENTRIES FOR TUESDAY MAY 24 Probabilities Weather clear track fast Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 115 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair inud runner M Maidens Apprentlce allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 12 Mile 2yearolds Claiming ClaimingTodays Todays Ind Horse Wt Rcc AWtHan AWtHan53813s 53813s Baby Evelyn 107X725 53589 = Helen Major 99 49 102X720 53870 Gin M 109 54h 109 715 715Maura Maura cli f by Ralph llus by Eotheii 109 Plaudel l r c by Plaudit Avc Russell by Russell 110 Second Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Claiming 53817 bArtbnr Middletonll4 112 8 121X725 53374 IEdtlle McBride 101 113 5 124720 51297 Illinois Lad 7 127 715 53009 blvilkenny 109 113 7 119X715 51270 Douglas Fairbanks 10S 114 4 127X715 51358 bWoodpile 108 113 5 119 710 71051321s 51321s blarrish 115115 C 124X710 54290 bMadrid 109 113 5 124 710 54324 bSabrctash 110115 0127X710 54319 Petrcgrad 7 124 703 54271 Tilloloy M 104 118 4 107 700 54270s George F III M 4 117 700 700Third Third Race About 58 Mile 3ycarolds and upward Claiming 3400 Miss Wright 0110 725 72554255s 54255s Mauilie Wilson M 3 101 720 509243 Fond Hope 4 110 715 71553S99 53S99 Cancion 4 110 715 54252 11GX71C5120G Dinty 4 11GX71C 5120G bRubbcr II G 121X703 54292 Roxboro II G 118 705 54357 Ruhlvari M 4 110 700 53902 bNo Trumps 7 121X700 54361 Nameless M 7 110 700 Fourth Race 6 12 Furlongs FurlongsErin Erin Dispatch Purse 3ycarolds and upward KUKLUX 10S l23s 0110X7 0110X7First First Pullet 5110X715 5110X715I I Miss Krutcr 107 120 10 110X715 110X715blliddkdoe blliddkdoe 98124 4 103 710 710Gay Gay Life 7 110 703 703Twelve Twelve Bells 01 03 700 700Fifth Fifth Race 1 Milo Milo3ycarolds 3ycarolds aiid Upward Claiming ClaimingbBalarosti bBalarosti 118 145 5 118 725 725Lord Lord Byron 1121141 7 118 720 720Princess Princess Lou 101 l51m 4 112 715 715Little Little Niece 3 97 710 710bTop bTop Rung 113 150 5 118 705 705Martha Martha Gray M 3 97 705 705bPlato bPlato M 102144 3102X715 3102X715Molly Molly K 8 103X700 103X700Hopeful Hopeful M 103 140 5 118X700 118X700Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3ycarolds 3ycarolds and upward Claiming ClaimingbEmnia bEmnia J 102114 4107X725 4107X725Mary Mary 103114 3 109720 109720Mis Mis Cook M10l 117 3 109 715 715Financial Financial Rooster 115 113h 4 125X710 125X710Picker Picker and Stealerl02 110 4 120 705 705Glyco Glyco M 3 111 700 700Seventh Seventh Race About 58 Mile Mile3yearblds 3yearblds and upward Claiming Clear t he Way 118 X 725 1 Wealthy Ann 0 110X720 110X720bBonna bBonna A M 5 110 715 715Miss Miss Horner 4 110X725 110X725St St Just 4121x710 4121x710blligh blligh Horse 121X710 121X710bGrey bGrey Rump 4 121 705 705Little Little Bum 5 121 700 700Participle Participle M 7 121 700