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NIAGARA RACING ASSOCIATION FORT ERIE ONTARIO STAKES TO BE RUN AT THE SUMMER MEETINGS 1921 1921TITO TITO Meetings Seven Days Each July 2 to July 9 and August S to August 15 Inclusive InclusiveStakes Stakes Close Thursday May 26 1921 TO BE RUN AT THE FIRST MEETING FOURTH OF JULY STAKES HANDICAP 3000 ADDED ADDEDTIIUEEYKAHOLDS TIIUEEYKAHOLDS AND UPWARD UPWARDNIAGARA NIAGARA STAKES 2500 ADDED TWOYEAROMJS TWOYEAROMJSCANADIAN CANADIAN DERRY 7500 ADDED ADDEDTIIREEYEAItOMS TIIREEYEAItOMS FOAMED IN CANADA CANADAFOURTH FOURTH OF JULY STAKES Handicap 3000 ADDED ADDEDFor For threeyearolds and upward 5 to accompany the nomination 25 additional to start 3000 added of which 500 to second 200 to third and 100 to fourth Weights threo days before the race A winner of 1200 after publication of weights 3 Ibs extra Starters to be named through the entry box the day before the race at the usual time of closing One Mile and 70 Yards YardsNIAGARA NIAGARA STAKES 2500 ADDED ADDEDFor For two year olds 5 to accompany the nomination 25 additional to start 2500 added of which 350 to second 150 to third and 50 to fourth Winners of 5000 or 2000 twice 5 Ibs extra non winners of 3000 or 1500 twice allowed 5 Ibs 1500 or four races 8 Ibs 1000 or two faces 12 Ibs maidens 1G Ibs Starters to be named through the entry box the day before the race at the usual time of closing Five Furlongs FurlongsCANADIAN CANADIAN DERBY 7500 ADDED ADDEDFor For threeyearolds foaled in Canada 10 to accompany the nomination 10 additional to start 7500 added of which 1500 to second 1000 to third and 500 to fourth Nonwinners of 4000 in 1921 allowed 5 Ibs two races in 1921 0 Ibs 3500 or two races in 192021 13 Ibs maidens 18 Ibs Starters to be named through the entry box the day before the race at the usual time of closing closingOne One Mile and a Quarter TO BE RUN AT THE SECOND MEETING DOMINION HANDICAP 7500 ADDED ADDEDTIIIMEYEAROIDS TIIIMEYEAROIDS AND UPWARD UPWARDIROQUOIS IROQUOIS HOTEL STAKES HANDICAP 2500 ADDED ADDEDTWOYEAROIDS TWOYEAROIDS TWOYEAROIDSE E W MA6INN MEMORIAL HANDICAP 2500 ADDED TIIRRUYEAKOliDS AND UPWARD UPWARDDOMINION DOMINION HANDICAP 7500 ADDED ADDEDFor For threeyearolds and upward 10 to accompany the nomination 40 additional to start 7500 added of which 1500 to tccond 1000 to third and 500 to fourth Weights four days befare the race A winner of 1500 after publication of weights 3 Ibs cztra Starters to be named through the entry box the day before the race at the usual time of closing One Mile and a Quarter QuarterIROQUOIS IROQUOIS HOTEL STAKES Handicap 2500 ADDED ADDEDFor For twoyearolds 5 to accompany the nomination 20 additional to start 2500 added of which 050 to second 150 to third and 50 to fourth Weights two days before the race Winners after pub ¬ lication of weights 3 Its extra Starters to be named through the entry box the day before the race at the usual time of closing Five Furlongs and a Half HalfEDWARD EDWARD W MAGINN MEMORIAL HANDICAP 2500 ADDED ADDEDFor For threeyearolds and upward 5 to accompany the nomination 20 additional to start 2500 added of which 350 to second 150 to third and 50 to fourth Weights two days before the race Winners after publication of weights 3 Ibs extra Starters to be named through the entry box the day before the race at the usual time of closing One Mile and a Sixteenth Address All Commuiiiuations to THE NIAGARA WAGING ASSOCIATION JOHN H MADIGIN President Fort Erie Ont