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WORKOUTS FROM THE EAST ANP WEST 614 LATONIA Ky June 17 Todays training gal ¬ lops over the local track were as follows followsLATONIA LATONIA Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile007Bcrmont 007Bcrmont 35 fillQuince Garden 37 37C01B C01B of Elitown 38 07Ruckinlnistcr 39 39012Bankcr 012Banker Brown 35 KOOSandy Mac 3fl 3flR12B1I1 R12B1I1 and Coo 35 007Saiigrado 37 37012Casey 012Casey 35 07The Cols Lady35 Lady35COOColumbla COOColumbla Tenn 33 OOoUnclc Velo 37 37527Captaiu 527Captaiu Mac 40 012West ill West Side 40 40012Granite 012Granite Ware 35 002Wyoming 002Wyoming5C9Miss 02 Wyoming 40 5C9Miss Joy 37 011Yoshimi Half Mile OilBest Pal 47 HOlMarimba 48 GUIDane Spray 4J 613Midway 4975 4975G13Icep G13Icep Sinker 50 G02Sir Lawnfal J 0 G08J C Stone rO i2Woodtrap 73 73liOSI liOSI onl Allen 4U f GOOWads Last 51 51G12M G12M the Time 49 49FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile MileCISBonus CISBonus il02Vi 08Mahony 108 G08IIutthison 103 GOSMnuds Coat 104 CS7T Pcnnybakerl03 G0 Whlte Star l03fs l03fsC12Magikou C12Magikou 101 101Three Three Quarters Uile UileG03Frank G03Frank E 115 C13Mcliori 117 117G07Oiorge G07Oiorge Starr 114 fillSorv Flag 119 119113Kingcr 113Kingcr 115 JllThe Wit llr f fC07Marj C07Marj Ilynes 111 GOSWave 119 119SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile MileG0r G0r Redmon 134 G04W If Pearccl30 Pearccl30COGSaddle COGSaddle Ring 128 128i i One Mile MileG12By G12By Golly 142 GOSFrank F 144 144n12CoI n12CoI Taylor 143 011Inqiiiry 14M 14MCISChief CISChief Brownl44 GOSMiht Cat 14 Mile and an Eighth EighthG04ARk G04ARk Her Iii9 G07Kingliko 158 158G12Fox G12Fox Brow 159 Louie Lou 1Z AQUEDUCT Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile013Broomspnn 013Broomspnn 39 011LUtlo Chief 37 37Blue Blue Ribbons 37 012Lucullite 39 39Drifting Drifting 35 592Oceanna 38 38012Green 012Green Fniit j 0 Our Dear 35 G99IVanhoe 35 009Superwoman 3 3Impetus Impetus 37 OllSidius 3 3C04Tocose C04Tocose 37 Shuttles 41 41C12Lydia C12Lydia S 37 003TreveIyn 37 37Half Half Kile dlOBndnnii 010Bndinii 49 Jim 50 50012Black 012Black Fox 50 592Luclry Find 54 540JBighi 0JBighi art 49 ilOLord Baltimore 49 49438rCamouf 438rCamouf lage 411 275Piirchase 48 002Doughnut 52 Quaker 49 49G12Dan G12Dan ISolling 50 Itoutledge 49 49Gravitate Gravitate 50 50FiveEightha FiveEightha Mile MilefilOAda filOAda McGce 105 lilRavenwood 103 012Frank Furst 102 012The Almoner 107 598Priuters 01102 01102ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 093Arrow of Goldl17 S12StraiRht Shot l T fiOiDiomedes 117 il2Toneh M Nt 118 118012Irisli 012Irisli Confetti 1 22 C12Topaz 11 11588Merry 588Merry Sinner 118 113Vista llfi llfi012Mile 012Mile Cadeau 110 ilLVice Regal 14 14012Sporting 012Sporting Pld 124 012Victor S 115 115C12Star C12Star Court llrt llrtSovenEighths SovenEighths Milo ClOBallymooney 130 OilDue de Mornyl30 Mornyl30One One Mile GliTidings 148 JAMAICA JAMAICANEW NEW YORK N ST June 17 Workouts over the local courses today included the following Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Milo MiloGOSBif GOSBif Bang 39 fiX2Litte Patsy 35 G12College Maid 3i GOSMawrcoron 311 311GllFlorsain GllFlorsain 30 05 Maize 40 40G09Genie G09Genie W 40 G12Runstar 40 40GilHappy GilHappy Buxtoii 39 39Half Half Uile UileGilBombast GilBombast 50 GilLloyd Grorge 50 50ROflfDr ROflfDr Clark 53 G12Long Grass 53 53GilFred GilFred Kinney 49 G12Prin Pandora r2 r2GilGray GilGray Gables 52 GtOPlnrality 53 53GlOGipsy GlOGipsy Lad 50 GilPickwick 49 49G12Goodhart G12Goodhart 50 GlOIJomany 54 R11Tyntcc 48 R12Ril Grass 53 53i i 012Jago 54 R12Sea Sinner ri riI I G12KeaJah r 3 GilWar Pennant 50 50GOSLiquid GOSLiquid Fire 49 011WJrclcss 52 52Five Five Eighths Mile G12Big Noise 100 G07Mann Grass 102 102G12Gncnlanl G12Gncnlanl 103 10Mopdy 103 103R05IIiiL R05IIiiL Jewell 105 GllOileans Girl 105 105G0tLucky G0tLucky Button 02 GilPastoral 103 103G12Lively G12Lively 104 104Three Three Quarters Mile MileGOOBennington GOOBennington 125 GilMaster Bill 123 R12Coiri EishmahllS GllQnveii Blondel19 CllLEnjoleur 119 119SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile C13M Antoincttel30 Antoincttel30One One Mile MileChat Chat Thiorryl4G G12Sagacity 14G OOSLady Gtrndel52 Gtrndel52Mawropron Mawropron was under restraint Jynteo has her sixod Fred Kinney did his litst from the barrier Lucky Button did an impressive work Pastoral was not extended Marie Antoinette went easily all Ihe way