Fourth Race [4th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1921-06-18

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FOUIITII UACI3 5S Blilc Ilarulil Stulccs ycarolils Colts and Gcltl GcltlHJS HJS Allo vinccs June il 131O 5 HJ HJOHN OHN FINN ch c Z 117 By Dick Finnell Coruscate by Chorister ChoristerTrainer Trainer W Perkins Owner G F Baker BakerIGSG IGSG Latonia V t rS fast 1 111 4 2 I3 I3 E Pool G QuGardcn PrAVelles LAllcn 1514 Churchl 4i f 54fast 13 113 3 4 2l 1s E Pool 11 Demos Montjoy Autocrat AutocratOCKMINISTER OCKMINISTER ch c 2 119 By Friar Rock Mallard by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer J C Milam Owner Montfort Tones TonesID21 ID21 Latonia 58 lCOfast 1110 120 3 3321 Ink i Lykc 4 Lord Allen Rclab Topmast 1552 Churchl 4 f G3fast 73 112 3 2 2 I1 W W Tlor 8 Aloft Uekab Rob RobI3S1 I3S1 Churchl 4 f C3fast 8 110 G 4 4 3l 1 M Garnnr 0 Itraedalbane Lord Allen Stamp StampI2G5 I2G5 Churchl 4 41 1 I D3fast 2910 1 15 3 2 2 21 M Garner 10 Rob Ilutcliison ISnlly Uuttons UuttonsTJINCE TJINCE GARDEN ch c 2 114 114Trainer By Peter Quince Miss Gardner by Hcsctto Trainer A Baker Owner A Baker IGSG Latonia 45 f 53i fast 12 111 3 3 J 2s II J Burkb G JolinFinn Priu Welles LAllen 1219 Churchl 41 f SSlifast 10 115 4 1 2i I11 K Pool S Dennis Itcmoncareful Rob I OG2 CUiurchl 12 47 = ffast t 115 4 4 4s 3 ° i E Pool 8 Ietter Still Uob Stonewall W50 Lcxton 12 4Smud 235 112 1 2 25 2 1 Connlly 5 Casey Fast Trial Spoda SpodaBy ASEY b c 2 127 By Vulcain Incendiary by Lamplighter 1S37 Latonia 58 105 hvy 2310 121 1 33 2 23 E Pool 4 MissJoy ISankerlrown ColKoy 1317 Cliurcl 1 4i f 5o fast U 125 S 5 5l fiJ 13 Pool 8 Fair Phantom Miss Joy Aloft 1142 Churcl 1 4 f G5Vfhvy 15 122 3 3 2 I1 15 Connlly 5 RcUa liraedalbam Royal Palm 1102 Churcl 1 12 4Gfast 3110 111 2 2 1J 1s E Pool 5 LAllcn Adventure ItfinHonie ItfinHonieJS2 JS2 Lcxto i 12 4Simud G5 122 2 2 23 V II King 4 Rekab Llewellyn Lord Allen AllenSTO STO Ixjxto i 12 48mud 1 110 4 1 1s 1s E Pool 15 QuinccGardcn Fa tTrial Spoils SpoilsJ787 J787 Lexton 12 4SsIow 31 109 9 8 GJ 513 E Pool 1U l lirdAlIcii irdAlIcii Jeutility IeppcrTea IeppcrTeaVASHINGTON VASHINGTON ch c 2 II 110 By Ballot Hazzaza by Cunard CunardTrainer Trainer J I Smith Owner E K Hewitt HewittIS92 IS92 Latonia 58 lUlfast 3710 112 11 11 10 S1 S3 D Connlly 111 Hutchison LcharesII Vitamin ORD ALLEN b c 2 113 By Frizzle Mary King by Fatherlost FatherlostTrainer Trainer L Cahn Owner T J rcndnrgast ID21 Latonia 5S lOOVffast 2J 107 4 4IGSG 2 N Karrctt 4 Rockmiiiister Rekab TojHiiast IGSG Lalonia 4i t GStfast 2i 111 2 2I3SI 4 4 = 4 V Si lith 0 JolinFinn UuGurdin Pr Welles I3SI Churchl 4i f 5ffaat G 113 4 1 1 Ii 3 = F Si Iilh K Rkininister lirdulbane Stamp 1102 Churchl 12 4G = tfast 34 IIS 3 1 2 2s F Si ilth 5 Casey Adventure ISfromllouie 382 Lexton 12 4S mud GG 122 3 3 3J 4 F Si dth 4 Rekab Casey Llewellyn 7S7 Lexton 12 4Sslow 1 117 4 1 1i 1s F Si illh 12 Gentility 1vpper Tea Sweepy 1414 F FGnda Gnda 38 34fast 32 117 1 I4 I4 F Smith SmithSil D Adventure StarTJme JDunde Sil ll FGnda 38 SG SSiJast faat 95 119 2 li 22 F Smith 7 MyReverie llliixlon Cornstlk 175 FGnds 38 SGVtfast U10 llfi 5 U U T Smit SmitOSIIIMI Smith 11 JDuiulcc TedflyU FredKiiiney OSIIIMI b c 2 114 By Ballot Go GoTrainer Gold Lady by Goldcrest Trainer A Baker Owner T C Bradley BradleyIIS10 IIS10 Latonla 4 f BShvy 9 115 6 4 23 1 E Pool PoolirIS 12 Lcocharcs II Dad Autocrat AutocratirIS irIS Cliurchl 4i f WVtfast G 115 9 8 7l 7 E Pool 10 Pr Welles ClierTiee UobUair 1305 Churchl 4i f DSJifast 27 115 4 5 Di 4 L Allen 8 Bemceful Demos GmauJctt GmauJcttLEWELLYN LEWELLYN b c 2 1M By Luke McL McLuko Agnes Virginia by Sir Dixon DixonTrainer Trainer G H Kccne Owner J O G II Kcouo Kcouo39S2 39S2 Lexton 12 4S mud C 122 4 4 4 3 ° N Barrett 4 Rekab Casey I ord Allen 71 I exton 12 GO hvy 41 110 4 4 1 1 ° N Karrctt r Hotter Still Sweepy Stamp 3787 l cxton 12 48slow 15 IW 10 9 S4 Sr N Barrett 11 LordAllcu Genlility PeppcrTea PeppcrTeaOPMAST OPMAST ch c 2 117 By PennantsGolden Bod by All Gold GoldTrainer Trainer T P Hayes Owner H P Whitney Whitney1J21 1J21 Latonia 5S lOOVfabt 41 10S 2 4 4 4 43S T Murray 4 Rockminisler Lord Allen Rekab Rekab1M 1M Churchl 4X f 5tfast 3110 115 4 3 Ill3 D Connlly JSct Mo e Win Oldt Dorlus 11 Churchl 12 4Jmud 3 115 2 2 2 in C Kummcr Iteiueareful Autocrat Hutchn HutchnX1I35 X1I35 Lexton 4J f 57bvy 225 115 5 7 51 GJ E Pool 10 Llinow ComMcMkiii Ilutchu Ilutchu3S21 3S21 l cxtou 12 4S fast 27 112 4 2 31 35 E Martin 10 Rekab ComMcMcckin Colossus ColossusVITAMIN VITAMIN b c 2 M 110 By Transvaal Incognita by Disguise Trainer R J Waldcn Owner Morris WalrletO 15027 Latonia 5S 101 fast 5 1157 S 7 7i T8 T Nolan 1U ItctMosie JIUrown HillyStar I SJ2 I ttonia GS lOlTsfaat 14 112 9 G 4 31 3l T Nolan 11 Hcliison LeliaresIL JBltwn UCKNOW b c 2 114 By Luko McLuko Carene by Grey Leg LegIVaiiior IVaiiior G H Kocne Owner J O G H Kceno 11203 Churchl 41 f 51 fast 3 115 2 4 3J 3 N Barrett C Iraedallmne Demos IJoyFIIiut IJoyFIIiuti3335 i3335 Lcxtou 4J f t7hvy 1910 Ho 3 2 2 Il N Barrett 10 C MeMeekin llnUliison Luss Luss3S1 3S1 Lexton 12 48 fast 215 112 8 8 8i 81 N Barrett 10 Rekab CouiMcMeekin TopiuM

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Local Identifier: drf1921061801_5_1
Library of Congress Record: