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THIRD HACE 1 14 Miles 4year lds ami nmvard Claiming June JJO JuneJJO 12O 2O2 If5 II 121 WAVE b h 5 103 By Tidal Wave Marie Blanche by Solimaa Trainer SolimaaTrainer A Luzader Owner A Luzader 54893 Latonia 1 14 2OHfast 4 111 G 7 5 4 4 = 4SS M Garner 10 SJVergne InHuglies LnFMre 54GS7 LnFMre54GS7 KorbivE4515 Latonia 1 11G 147 fast 18f 115 G G G Ill 11 = W Heinchl2 Aph Wiikfonl Korbiv E4515 Churchl 1 14 205faat 3110 113 4 3 3 3 31 31 E Scobie 9 Korbly FauxCol Caiiltal Cltr 542GG Cltr542GG Churchl 1 14 204fast 14 110 121 2 2s 2 J Francis 8 WworlhsLast JC Stone C C ty 64144 Churchl 1 14 212 hvy 2910 107 1 1 1 1 1 1 J Francis 7 Capital City Corydon Lottery 54061 Churchl 78 l24fast 131 105 7 7 8 9 81 S J Francia 9 Flags Ciiutonvill Herald 51174 Latonia 1 14 2llmud 31 115 554 4 3 2 II Lunsfd 7 Dr Uae Sol iilsy 5eo Duncan 51118 Latonia 1 18 l53Mifast 11 11G 9 9 9 9 81 7 i H Ldnsf d 11 Lothair Steveiisou Kingfisher KingfisherFRANK FRANK F ch g 4 OR By Master Robert Chestnut Bell by Pirate of P Trainer K Sponce Owner W E Applegate zanco W893 Latonia 1 14 205fast 22 109 3 3 3 f = fiS II I rgne InIInghcs LaFdre 34C83 Latonia 1 11G l474fefast 22 113 9 0 9 11 10 10 = T Murray 1 Itcpeater Corson Merchant ESS2G MerchantESS2G Lexton 1 116 l4Gfast 12 111101010 9 C Sls T Murray 12 Merchant Poilu Mamie O 51426 Churchl 1 18 154 fast 5 107 5 4 G 1 4 4 F Wilson 12 Piratu McGee Keep Gourmand 51394 Churchl 1 14 208fast 2110 UJ 111 1 1 1 F Wilson 12 Keep Warlike FauxCol 51342 Churchl 1 14 208faat 3710 D9 9 3 2 1 1J 21 F Wlls Wilson 9 Counterbalance AVarlike Keeo 51309 Churchl 1 Ii9fast 32 110 163 4 45 4 4U H Luns Lunsfd 13 Tulsa Doctor Jim Lady Britain 51234 MouutaluGlrlR0797 Latonia 1 116 l47slow 91 110 3 4 4 3 24 2 H Luns LunsR0797 Lunsfd 7 HighCloud Tulsa MouutaluGlrl R0797 Kwrth Im70y 147 fast 102 8 7 7 C Rnk 7 V Vrli VrliJ VrlKht 10 Flume Kncrinlte Cork J C STONE cb gt 8 112 By Peep ol olTrainer oDay Prairie Bella Trainer W Perkins Owner R L Baker 54923 Latonia 118153 fast 2310 109 4 G 4 3 lh 1 E Pool S Exhorter Mab Sandman II 52766 FGnds 1 316 202hvy 185 108 3 2 2 2 Ink j J Mney 0 Kgfishcr WwVLasf P McGee 52694 FGnda 1 116 l4Sy5fast 4 10S 8 7 4 4 31 2 T Jarvis 8 Haider St Germain Kuklux 52571 FGnds 1 316 l59fnst 5 107 1 5 5 5 21 Z T Jarvis G WadsLast PMcGee T Pgnese 52501 FGnda 1 13 l53fast 8 114 6 3 3 5 7 74 M Garner 9 SGraf ton WthsLast S Gtnaln 52377 FGnds Im70y l44fast 8 112 7 6 6 4 4l G l E Pool 12 DofPeace Prospector Frogtown SANDY MAC b g 4 103 103Trainer By Aiiagal Brief by Badge Trainer J H Baker Owner J H Baker Baker54G5G 54G5G Latonia 1 14 203 fast 19 K 2 o 7 7 54447 Churchl 1 14 210mud 1 113 4 3 4 4 54379 Churchl 1 14 2OS = faat 11 105 2 1 1 2 54235 Churchl 1 14 205fast 11 110 4 3 3 4 4541SO 541SO Churchl 1 14 2llhvy 7 108 1 3 3 1 54124 Churchl 1 116 l4Stnud 21 110 5 6 6 8 8 82 L Penman 8 Corson Link Boy HarvestKine 54067 Churchl 1 116 l45fast 6 115 71011 11 S 7 M Garner 12 FairOrient Plenty Wllng Dun PIT ch g 8 By Leonid Bella HanJdn by Handball Trainer 7 Killlipi Oroer T Phlllipi 53004 Latonia 1 14 2C6fast 5 111 7 10 10 7 C 4s T Nolan 11 Xonskid British Liner Dolph 54803 Latonia 1 14 205fast 3710 1C9 9 S 6 6 6 G l T Nolan 10 SJVergne InHutches LaFdre 54758 Latonia 1 14 214mud 8 107 3 7 7 5 42 2 J Francis 8 Dr Ilae Captain Tom Dolph 53917 HdeGce 1 14 2llmud 5 102 8 8 8 5 51 55 R Lcasterll Hemlock Antoinette Bar One One3SS9S 3SS9S HdeGce 118 l54fast 2710 108 10 10 10 10 72 73i F Cltlletti 10 Benevolent Mather sundurU 53564 Bowie 1 14 212tast Hu 100 6 7 7 7 21 1s F Cltilettl S Sumluriu Alrna B Aztec 53515 Bowie 1 1S l57fast 1910 107 8 8 8 8 63J M Schvvti 8 Austral Solid Rock Spearlen 62695 FGnda 1 18 l5tfast 135115 G 6 6 6 6 21 D Connlly 0 Grandee Bombast KohInoor 52644 FGnda 1 18 l53fast 7 112 8 8 7 5 31 1 D Connlly 8 Aztec Lad David Craig 52591 FGnda 1 14 207Vtfast 75 103 6 6 5 4 2 21 L McDott 0 SMac MacdUisCout M Qalria tADSWORTHS LAST blk g 9 110 By WadswortTrainer Wadswort Aprils Lady by Liaden Trainer J M Goodo Owner 7 U Ooodo 1124 Latonia 1 1S l52fast 2010 114 C G 5 4 41 4 G Fields Dr Rie Gourmand Cantilever pG Latonia 1 14 203 fast 1 110 5 1 4 C C = C16 J Roberts S PGKing llomdiiliilSoy Kalong r53 Cliurchl 1 1S l52fast 2i 113 5 4 4 4 Gi 4 J Francis 1 Grace Paris Ma 111 Yowoll 1579 SamlyMncLGG Churchl 1 14 205faat 1310 110 3 2 2 1 lh in N Barrett 4 HonoltiluBoy Docod SamlyMnc LGG Churchl 1 14 204fast 4 110 4 5 4 1 1 1 G Fields 8 AVavc 7 O Stoni Capital Uitj 214 Churchl 1 14 2OGfast 1910 110 243 3 2J I1 X Barrett r CaptRecs Dolph UapltalCity 100 Churchl 1 14 205fast C 113 8 3 4 1 in 2 J Grulicr 10 NewelW CaptRcea JCStone 77 Lcxton 1 14 209hvy 1910 112 3323 6SO G J Grubcr 0 Lazylxii NewelW CapitalOitj ANDARINS COAT ch e 5 103 By Santbi Ti TiTrainer Trousseau by Love Wisely Trainer M Zowenstcin Owner M T Lowenstein 923 Latoiiia 1 1S lr 3 fast IS 110 7 S S G C 51 G Stack 8 J C Stone Exhorter Mab 714 Latonia 1 1J 20r 20rffast ffast S5 112 2 1 1 S 5 fi5 G Stack StackCOG 7 Gourmand La Foudre Cap City COG Churehl 1 14 201 fast 2C 111 S S 8 S 7i 7 9 G Stack StackLOO 8 WworthsLaKt Wave JCStont LOO Churchl 1 14 207fast 8 110 5 5 4 4 o5 4 = 3 G Stack G TexasSpe FotintairiF Simnnili 100 Churchl 1 11 2po faKt SO 113 G fi 3 S GJ f G Slack 10 NcwclW AVadssLast CReei 067 Churchl 1 11G l15ffast 272 115 12 12 12 12 11 11 G Stack 112 FairOrknt Plenty WldrlDuu WldrlDuu7GG 7GG FGiulg 1 31G 202jy vy 25 107 G C 6 fi 6 fi G Stack G Kfishor JCStone WwsLait WwsLaitENEFACTOR ENEFACTOR b g C 110 By The Manager Alanarka by AlanaDale AlanaDaleTrainer Trainer E C Crockett Owner J L Knight KnightIS7S IS7S Omaha 1 112 fast 32 117 47 G Morrow 8 Fof Steel Sweuson MonMakcr 793 Omaha 1 1S lSC = ffast 115 110 li G Fields i Audrey K Canute All Blight BlightI7S1 I7S1 Omaha 1 14S mud 910 117 38i L Mink 9 DrSamuel XKUcal PatMack PatMack13S 13S Latonia 1 S1G Ia9ifast G 107 S fi 7 11 12 12 F AVilson 1 Plciiiy Apli Simoliite S8 Latonla 34 l13Wast M 107 IS 11 11 8l 5 = J J MncyR Ruby 1yx Military Girl 1114 JcfKon Im70y l43 fast 100 106 777 7 7 1 D Hopkins 7 Simpleton Qiin lllomle Glasstol 7115 FGnda Im70y IMS fast X til S 9 12 12 12 12 V Smith If Mab liatiiUuU Tit for Tat fill FGnds 1 11G I4i7sfast 15 111 7 5 5 8 9 0 S SndmanlO Iirown Favorite Handfuli Mab MabM M 4 FGnds 1 11G 158 hvy 12 101 7 B 6 C 0 L Canfield 8 r Connelly Jack K Bluebauck BluebauckIXIE IXIE GIRL b m 5 M 03 By Marathon Senora Maria by Spendthrift SpendthriftTrainer Trainer R E McMillan Owner R E McMillin 756 Latonia 1 11G lG3Kmud SO 1W 9 5 10 10 10J 10J J Francis 11 TVginiHn BlackRock Xordeek XordeekI I MS Churchl 1142 mud 20 lot G 5 4 G G10 G1 J Francis 7 WFloer Korbly WGMCltk 13 Churchl 1 116 l47good 2 IOC 4 4 5 6 G G O Stack 6 Lady Rachel Tliinker Jovial 142 Churchl 1 144 mud lilt NIG 5 5 5 G 5 4 ° W Jarrell 14 IaulWeidol Tliiphaiit Trooper Trooper1G10 1G10 Churchl 1 18 IfiG slow 19f 107 899 7 6l fi II Thurberll Lothalr Service Flng Soinino SoininoI2S2 I2S2 Latoiiia 1 11G lGlmiid 15 104 12 12 10 9 S1 S S Boyltf 12 Iiriat FrMattox Jxirunu ftton fttonilJS ilJS Latonia 1 18 lr lr3Vtaat 3Vtaat 11 V 2 i 10 ID iw 10l IO T Murray 1U Stevensnu Constatliic J Vavld VavldJ35G J35G atonia 34 l17Hhvy 7 103 8 3 B 4i 0J S Koylu 1 Discurd llolnia Stevenson StevensonM13 M13 Latonia 34 llUMhvy It 112 9 76 4 7 N Barrett 11 Kotta U The G learner Kspanc KspancAPTAIN APTAIN TOM ch g 4 103 By Fair Play Florin by Hamburg HamburgTrainer Trainer J J Tfexlar Owner 7 J Troslor 920 Latonia 1 1S 1K fast 13 10 7 G 5 G G1 G15 R Harton S Itepeater BrltisliLlncr Nordcck 758 Latonia 1 14 214mud 70 112 2 1 1 2 21 3 II llartou 8 lr iie Pit Dolph 1714 Latonia 1 14 2UDfast 118 112 5 3 3 5 C5 G = ° U llarton 7 Gourmand La Fotidre Cap ity ityHIS HIS Churchl 1 112 jnud 54 112 5 7 7 7 7 7 = O Willis 7 WFloer Korbly WGMCltk 1158 Churchl 34 117 hvy 77 115 9 99 9IR U1 F MerlincelO Hereafter IMiilanilerur TNorris TNorris7G7FGnd3 7G7FGnd3 1 11C lClhvy 20 109 243 2 3l Gl II Krlcksnl1 Verity Iron Hoy Curydoii Curydoiii i 37 Ivitonia 34 l13fast 127 10711 11 H 12 12 J J Mlipyia Ixgotal High Gear CoeUrmrh 3 Icv 1 l41good 35 10 5 C 7 9 SJ 9TJ A Collins 11 Capt Recs Harry Glover iiopt iioptiS16 iS16 DevSo 34 l13 Wast IS 115 8 8 10 10 10 1 II Encksnli 1yx Clark M 1ullui 1ulluifi60 fi60 Windsor 1 l44Bood 17 107 2 1 1 1 1 II Ericksn 8 Nurdeck fnuniccK Tom i Locan otan Welnlnntl WelnlnntlKW5 weinninu weinninuKW5 KW5 Kwrth 34 l14ifast 611 112 8 98 10 10 i U Simpsonll Ruiiuyven 1 Roma Frivolity FrivolitylAPITAL FrivolitylAPITAL lAPITAL CITY br e K 7 105 By B Bbbl bbl Kovt Smlncto by AJcia AJciaTrainer Trainer A HilL Owner A Hill 1893 Latonia 1 14 2afast 22 103 10 10 10 9 9 9l J McCoy 10 SJVergue InIIiiglies LsiFdrc LsiFdrcI75S I75S I itonia 1 1J 214 mud 8 112 5 G G 7 C3 573 J Kcderis 8 Dr Itae 1lt Cuiitaiii Tola 1714 Iitonia 1 14 20r fast 5 112 4 G G 41 3lu T Murray 7 Goiirnianl La Filudre LorMoss 1515 Churchl 1 14 205 ffast 12 113 5 5 5 4 4 4 s N J IVrhcs 9 Korbly Faux Col Wave 1147 Churchl 1 14 210fmud f 113 1 5 5 3 4 4i N J Irnen 5 Ti Spccl SandyMac Grmnnd Grmnndi43 i43 Churchl 1 14 SiOGJfefast 7 113 3 5 5 4 4J 543 T Murray S Adfcliu V I r ltae TVirginian TVirginianI2A6 I2A6 Chunhl 1 14 204faat 7 111 7 7 7 7 4 = 4i T Murray 8 WwortlisLast AVave JCStonp 1201 Churchl 1 14 2OGfast 3310 110 G 6 G 6 5J 42i T Murray AVadswtlisL CaptRees Dolpk 1141 Churchl 1 14 212 hvy 2 T Murray Wave Corydmi Lottery S77 Lcxton 1 14 2ODlivy G 112 G 4 4 4 2l 3 E Martin 0 LazyLou NewellW 1oilu