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SEVENTH RACE 1 3ltt Miles 4yearol lH anil niiward Claiming No Notrack track record recordSWEET SWEET IngoldsbyTrainer APPLE b f 4 99 By Sweep Sweet Charlotte by Ingoldsby Trainer J Eckert Owner J Eckert 55015 Connht 1 110 l49 fnst 9 102 2 7 7 4 31J 1J I Gordon 10 Madrono Little Sandy Ronon 54826 Dufferin 78 l34fast 133 110 2 W Hinphy 8 Sedgegrass Dewitt Nebraska NebraskaD4C73 D4C73 Tcliffe ImTOy l48hvy 11 100 2 L McDott 8 MtnKoselL Dkmate IrnuUoy 54627 Tncliffe 1 116 l48fast 10 1V7 6 W Hinphy 7 KinglinglL SRock WTurnbow WTurnbow545GG 545GG Thcliffe 1 116 l51hvy 14 108 25 W Hinphy G KinglinglL Deckmate Neenah 63793 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast G 109 1 5 5 5 5l G3i E Taylor 8 Nepnerhau MtnGirl WWillow S51 A Gantner 0 BrbonGrn VdiLoon GrnMint i3594 Tijuana 1 11G l47 fast 215 110 4 4 4 4 3 3i M Buxton G VerLoon WWillow MStathem 53493 Tijuana 1 116 l4SVsfast S 100 1 3 3 4 4 41 E Joslah 8 CavalcadonrlL Reydo ViCuba BOND ch f t 09 By Etholbert Boudoir by Ootucoa 54931 BBonts 1 18 l56Vffast 185 102 6 S 6 5 5 3 E Pollard 8 Dnlim HMStevens AmSdier 54848 BBonts 1 l43sdop J95f 108 8 10 11 S 3t 42j E Pollard 15 Kirah Leoti Fay BRrnnimelll 54741 BBonts 1 l41fast 175f 105 7 7 8 11 14 14131S 131S B Pollard 17 Mormon Eldor Duke Ruff linen 54284 Churchl 1 139 fast 9 107 3 1 1 3 31 55J B Pollard 8 Gonrmd MFntaine MchlHvll 54218 Churchl 78 l Gffast 9 109 6 4 4 3 41 G81 B Pollard 15 AAlexder GdSwell TNephw TNephw541S3 541S3 Churchl 1 l40V slow 235 110 4 1 1 2 3 351 E Pollard 8 Guaranteed HKliig Naptbaliua 53968 Lex ton 1 116 l47fast 3 108 3 1 1 5 61 581 E Pollard 10 Colonel Lit Prospector Jetsam JetsamRHYMER RHYMER ch g 7 104 By Salvation La Poeta by Honduras HondurasTrainer Trainer G W Atkinson Owner G W Atkinson 54904 BBonts 1 18 l56slow 13 103 744 4 G1 G6 R Lcaster 8 Bar Ono Lazy Lou Warlike 54640 Dorval 1 14 222 slop 5 100 3 3 3 2 li I2 K Parrton 8 AttyMuir M Luckett Sundurla Sundurla545SO 545SO Dorval 1 18 204V slop 6 103 G 3 2 1 I3 I5 K Partoh 7 Siesta Woodthrush Chief 54457 Wdbine 118157 slow 43 108 5 4 4 6 5J 5 J Conway 8 Willdo CapHodge JackReeves 54356 Wdbine 1 l46slop 22 109 5 5 5 6 6 6 1 J Conway G JoeJoe Klingll OldMcKenna 53897 HdeGce 1 18 l55fast 9 103 8 7 9 8 8 8 1 R Lncaser 9 P G King Joe Joe Tan II B3807 HdeGe 1 116 l49y5fast 17 103 S 8 7 5 41 31 R Lcaster 8 Iron Boy LEnjoleur WHaven SUNDURLA KingsTrainer br m 5 104 By OlambaJa Mis Kingaton by Bramble or Kings Trainer J H Murray Owner J H Murray ton 55035 Connht 1 116 l46Mfast 38 105 10 11 12 12 12 991 E Taylor 14 Brisk Duke Ruff Piedra Piedra54G40 54G40 Dorval 1 14 222 slop 195 107 7 4 4 3 4s 4 2 J Grneisen 8 Rhymer Atty Muir M Luckett Luckett54GOO 54GOO Dorval 1 116 200 hvy 51 109 5 4 4 Z Il 1 E Taylor 10 Blazonry Amer Soldier Aztec 54560 Dorval 1 116 l49fast 21 108 8 5 G 6 5l Csi E Taylor 9 Handful Attorney Muir Clip 54137 Pimlico 1 l41fast 11 111 2 7 7 7 75 5 J Rowan 8 Sugarmt MrBruml DHolbert 53898 HdeGce 1 18 l54fast 82 103 G 4 4 3 3k 32 G Babin 10 Benevolent Mather AttorMuir 53774 HdeGco 1 14 213slop 16 102 6 5 8 9 92 911 1 Fletcher 11 Court Fool Rallbird Warlike 53753 HdeGe 1 116 l49fast 23 102 2 2 2 9 82 61 G Babln 14 MormonElder Mather IronBoy BURLINGAME ch g 7 09 By Canard Sweet Alice by Flying Dutchman DutchmanTrainer Trainer A Bulcroft Owner G Luther 55015 Connht 1 116 l49fast 16 103 3 6 4 G G1 3 G EulcrfotlO SwtAppIo Madrono LittloSandy 54928 BBonts 1 18 l56fast 23 106 4 4 5 6 6 23 G Bulcroft 8 Legacy Plantarede Mormon 54817 BBonts 73 l27fast 30 109 9 10 7 9 9 1012 W Powers 17 TheBelgiaril Kohinoor Hush 54576 Dorval 1 18 l57fast 4310 105 2 5 1 1 3s G Bulcroft 7 Warlike OMalley Helen Lucai 54438 MRoyal 1 116 l49fast 6310 106 Left at the post G Bulcroft 8 SheDevil SStalwart TomBrooka 54197 Pimlico 1 116 I48slow2910f 102 7 7 7 9 9 7C2 R L caster 10 PierreaFeu Siesta DoctorJim ATTORNEY MUIR br g 6 106 By Stalwart Han Andrei by Qnioklima QnioklimaTrainer Trainer G C Milton Owner G C Milton 55015 LittleSandy54G94 Connht 1 11G l49fast 13 106 S 9 9 9 9 = S B Taylor 10 SwtApple Madrono LittleSandy 54G94 Dorval 1 18 158 slow 32 108 10 10 10 10 82 7 ° 3 B Taylor 10 OMalley Whippoorwill Clip 54640 Dorval 1 14 222 slop 5 108 5 7 7 7 5 22 E Taylor 8 Rhymer Mtlm Luckett Sunria SunriaS4HGO S4HGO Dorval 1 116 l49fast 16 107 6 8 S 5 41 2l F Weiner 9 Handfull Clip AVoodthrush 54331 MtRoyal 1 l44fast 8 103 1 J Htamer 7 Aztec Firewortu Stir Up 53947 HdeGce 1 14 2llmud 13 102 6 7 7 8 7 6T J Gneisen 11 Hemlock Antoinette Bar One COURT FOOL h c 4 Bv Fitx Herbert Court iiane by Meddler Trainer R B Jackson Owner W S Murra y yG4C93 G4C93 Dorval 1 116 It50slow 13 108 577 6 6s 612 G Corey 8 Roisterer SheDevil Perhaps Perhaps4GG5 4GG5 Dorval 1 116 l hvy 10 108 6 G 5 4 3l 5 G Corey 7 Beaverkill Roisterer Attorney 54197 Pimlico 1 116 l48slow 1C 110 G 5 4 4 4Z C G Corey 10 PierreaKeu Siesta DoctorJim DoctorJimG409G G409G Pimlico 1 l40VfaKt 41 100 4 10 10 10 8 8 I Fletcher It SirenMaid Gath KingJohn KingJohn540S9 540S9 Pimlico 1 116 l54 hvy 3310 110 243 3 33 l k J Gneisen WBedotte Syrdarya PMoOee 53774 HdeGce 1 14 213slop3110f 102 732 1 I2 I2 J Gneisenll Railbird Warlike Indolence TRICKSTER HamburgTrainer II b g 5 100 By Irish Lad Artiest by Hamburg Trainer W A McKinney Ownei E T Zollicoffer 54768 BBonts 118155 fast 75 107 2 4 5 G 6 6s H Thurber 9 Great Hawk Darnley Legacy 54721 BBonts 1 l41Vffast 3710 110 2 5 5 5 4J 4 H Thurber 9 Ettahe Chefa Bar One 3840 HdeGe ImTOy l45fast 9 108 12 12 11 11 11 9 J II Thurber 14 AtnBoy Wdthrnsh DCarrol Jruudy5C26 53731 HdeGce 1 1S l55fast 19 103 2 2 3 2 2h in II Thurber G WarClub WidowBedte Jruudy 5C26 Kwrth Im70y l45fost 1910 113 433 3 21 22 II Thurber 8 Diomed Philistine Solid Rook 50567 Wdbine 114208 slow 21 106 1 2 2 2 2 11 H Thurber S DonDodge Joan ofArc Wilfrcda 50495 Wdbine 1 1S l5nfast 8 113 2 4 3 4 2 2 H Thurberl2 Jof Are Siinilnria WIIBkiier WIIBkiierr0440 r0440 Dnrval 118156 fast 4310 113 221 1 2s I1 H Thurb r 7 MDixon LitNearer Trackstar SOLID ROCK b g 8 106 By Trap Rook Amaranth by Bir Dtxoa DtxoaTrainer Trainer W Smith Owner W Smith SmithBITOO BITOO Trncliffe 1 18 l53fast 125 103 1 R Holway 8 ThistleQueen Austral D sBeit 54627 Tncliffe 1 11G l4Sfast 10 1C9 l J Groth 7 KglinglL WTnbow Prosptor 51315 Wdbine Im70y l47fast S3 112 6 6 6 7 G G1 F Keogh S Annette Hinstan MtainRII 5925 IIdeGe 1 116 l49fast 31 116 9 S 7 C 62 671 C Robsonl2 TosslJp BlacklVip I IjnnuAIws jnnuAIws jnnuAIws5G22 5G22 Bowio 1 116 l50fast 10 112 S 8 8 8 7 7IS L Morris S OakliiBell Ktttihe Annalalliip AnnalalliipS35GI S35GI Bowie 1 14 212fast 5 109 2 3 3 3 61 6 L Morris 8 Pit Siindnrin Alma B Braio raio Howie 1 18 l57fast 175 112 443 3 31 21 L Morris 8 Austral Spearlcne Sundurla 53170 Sbport 1 18 l55ffast 4 104 3 6 4 2 2 2i L Aron 8 P C King Sundurla Roisterer RoistererD3134 RoistererD3134 D3134 Shnort Im70y 151 slow 5 112 4 5 G 4 3 3 L Aron 7 Siindiiria KirssCub Kohinoor KEBO b h 7 94 By Ogden Cremorne by Carlibad CarlibadTrainer Trainer P Mepham Owner T Costello Costello51S22 51S22 BBonts 1 14 209 fast 59 103 2 7 6 8 9 SC3 R Lcaster n Chleslian Plantde PaddyDear EJC67 Dorval 1 14 222Hhvy 6T 104 745 5 G1 G R Lcaster 8 Coterbilinci IlCeives Willdo 51619 Dorval 1 116 152 hvy 33 106 8 8 8 S 8 621 J Dreyer 8 Legacy Dairyman LoniseWynne 54576 Dorval 1 18 l37fast 14 107 777 7 6J 5 1 J Dreyer 7 Warlike OMalley Jtiirlliiciiiif 1197 Plmllno 1 116 l48alow 54 9S 10 10 10 10 10 10 J ShelepetslO IMerreaFeu Siesta DoctorJim 547 HdeCVce 1 14 2llmud 153 97 10 11 11 11 10 1018 T Brooke 11 Hemlock Autoinette Bar One 53Si2 IIdnGce 1 14 208fast 82f 104 10 12 12 12 11I21121 W Obert 12 LKniiiieIine Patlua P G King BUCK NAIL blk g 9 108 By Leonid Beiaio Bembert by Dnngarrem DnngarremTrainer Trainer L F OLeary Owner L T OLeary 55015 Connht 1 116 l49 fast 12 109 10 10 10 10 10 102 F MerimeelO SwtApple Madrono LittleKandy 54822 BBonts 1 14 209 fast 95 106 4 S 8 7 62 733 G Bulcroft ChJestian Plantde IaddyDear Irie 1116157 hvy 7010 114 Left at the post W Dkson G LLgfellow VCnba WTrnlMJw WTrnlMJw5TS1S 5TS1S Wheels 1 116 152 good 2 112 2 C McCTkle 8 Stir Up Counterbalance Chefa 3702 Wheels 1 145 fast 195 113 I4 C Barnes 12 Willdo Handfull Brn Favorite 53403 Havana 1 116 147 fast 21 113 2 6 6 5 4k 22 B Kenndy G DnkeRuff Hush WhiteUaven WARLIKE ch gr 4 100 100Trainer By Ivan tho Terrible Rebellion by Star Moot Trainer C Morton Owner 7 M Collins 54904 BBonts 1 18 l5G7 l5Gslow slow 18 104 4 G 5 a 3i 33J A Claver 8 Bar One Lazy Lou Duke Ruff 54720 BBonts 1 1S l56 fast 20 110 545 3 4 31 R Lcasterll Kohinoor Seiitimtal SGilsey 51610 Dorval 1 14 222 slop 3710 100 2 6 G G 7l 8 W BogskI 8 Rhymer Atty Muir M Luckett 54576 Dorval 1 18 l57fast 115 100 5 C C 4 2 t I2 W Bogski 7 OMalley Burlingame H Lucas Lucas53SC2 53SC2 HdeGce 1 11 2OSfast 10 94 1 2 1 3 G1 9s M Schwtzl2 LKmmeline Padua P G King 53774 HdeGco 1 14 213slop 40 96 8 10 11 10 81 31 M Schwtzll Court Fool Railbird Indolence IndolenceKENTUCKY KENTUCKY IngoldibyTrainer BOY ch g 7 99 By Toddlngton Hy Fair Kentucky by Ingoldiby Trainer N S Vail Owner C Vail 55035 Connht 1 116 l4G fast 2G 1011414 Pulled up A RichcrkH Brisk DnkeRuff Piedra 5460 Dorval 1 116 154 hvy 34 106 8 8 S 8 61 6 R Romelli 8 ShoDevil EPcess HMStevens 54539 MRoyal Im20yl43Lfast 6 110 6 P Ormes G Enos SheDevil DottaaBest 54560 Dorval 1 11G l49fast 57 103 7 7 6 9 9 918 E Lomas 9 Handfull Attorney Muir Clip 54438 MRoyal 1 116 l49fast 15 111 Left at the post W Ormes 8 SheDevil SStalwart TumRrcoks 52732 Tijuana Im70y l47fast S 117 7T1 M MthewslO Frivolous BusyBird WMlSaker 52509 Tijuana ImTOy l50V hvy 56 110 6 M Mthews G Yermak Audrey 1C Modiste 52132 Tijuana 1 116 148 fast 15 103 G12 G Yeargin 6 MinuielL BabyCal JudgeDaild JudgeDaildVIVA VIVA CUBA b f 4 97 By Aisagai Argosy by Cayug CayugTrairer Trairer 3 Hizer Owner E E Major 55014 Connht 1 116 l4Sfast 31 102 11 11 13 10 92 7i D Prible IS Jackstraw Tomlxgaii Dairyman 54748 Dufrin 1 116 l45fast 6 94 2i D Prible G WtrWillow Piedra HCBasch 5146 Erie 1 148 slow 95 102 3J D Prible HCBasch BMtain Crbalance 54359 Erie 1 116 157 hvy 2310 107 2 D Prible G LLflw W Tnbow HCBsch 51231 Erie 34 l17fast 18 111 3 W Hinphy G RainbowGirl Knkltix I Stella Stella5352S 5352S Tijuana 1 l41fast 8 101 4 4 3 3 5J 5S3 D Prible 8 Trophy OrchidKing Jake Sehas 53433 Tijuana 1 116 l4SVsfast 16 101 6 5 5 2 2J1 3J D Prible 8 CavalcadotirlL Reydo SApplo SApploTOM TOM BROOKS ch g 5 94 By Brummol Resignation by Ben Strom StromTrainer Trainer A Brent Owner A Brent 54958 Connht 1116149 fast 62 98 2 S 8 4 21 2l J Htamer 11 LWynne EtdPrincess TossUp 54928 BBonts 1 18 lE6fast 29 98 3 6 6 7 72 5 J Hunmer 8 Legacy Burlingiime Ilantarede 54819 BBonts 1 14 2OSy5fast 42 98 6 5 6 5 41 4T J Htamer 9 Padua Am Soldier Jack Reeves 54662 Dorval Im70y 200hvy 17 98 3 5 7 5 G8 511 J Htamer 7 Sblan IlM Stevens JW Klein 54580 Dorval 1 18 204V5slop 14 102 4 5 7 7 7s 7 J Htamer 8 Rhymer Willdo Captain Hodge 54506 MtRoyal 1 l41fast 215102 3 1 J Hunmer 9 Whiprwill NMbright Royden 54438 MRoyal 1 116 l49fast 17 106 31 J Htamer 8 She Devil S Stalwart Sllex II 54370 MLRoyal 1 144Vfast 12 108 61 J Htamer 8 Clip ScmpStalwart Obsllnnte 53624 Bowie 1 116 l51V faat 41 110 3 5 5 5 5 51 A Collins G Oreuzo Uackaniote Nebraska