Aqueduct Entries And Past Performances, Daily Racing Form, 1921-06-18

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AQUEDUCT ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR SATURDAY JUNE 18 18AVEATIIKK AVEATIIKK SIIOAVERY TRACK GOOD Racing starts at 215 p in Chicago time 115 0 SuiHrior nnul riiniir X Good mud runner Fair mild runner M Maidens Apprentice Apprenticenlluwancc nlluwancc b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Unco 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record July 1 1JlJ i2S 5 13 13Todays Todays TodaysInd Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHanB48S53 B48S53 Murigoiirdinc 10J 12G C 115X725 000 bOmcr K 3 101 720 545114 Arrowhead 105 129 4 11 X715 51517 P T llariiiim 3 100 715 42797 = JYnrucari 5 115X715 55000 bNoliant 102 127 4 113X715 54052 flEnjoIetir 1118710 51722 tHrink 4 111 710 710550M 550M Jamaica Belle M 90 130 3 S 5710 51012 bSalutc 110 l32Jfc 5 113 710 51372 Wiimcconne 4 111 710 54111 JSiHtcr Flo 3 113X705 113X70554S 54S 3 Tliecdosil M 3 705 55000 = Hold Up 107 129 3 118 705 51911 Gloomy Gus 113 120 7 11SX705 11SX705514S8 514S8 bArdito 4 113X700 113X700531C8 531C8 Horeb 114 129 4 111X700 51507 Jago 115 l2S f 5 1180700 1180700lilSJS3 lilSJS3 Kjiiccn Blonde 105 l32m 113X700 53830 Tetley 101 l20i 5 1181700 11817001G 1G Peterson entry entryiQuincy iQuincy Stable entry entrySecond Second Race About 2 Miles MilesBucttisto Bucttisto Steeplechase 4yearolds and upward Handicap 51070 Royal Arch 0 119X700 51070 Joyful 5 8X 1 5 554SSC 54SSC 1 Valnpar i 137 XWM 53050 Leviathan M 4 134 tat 51508 Syrdarya 5 135XiS5 135XiS54S3H3 4S3H3 Conte de Fee M 5 131 085 08551SSO 51SSO Sweet Kiss M 5 130 CSO CSOSea Sea Bryn 4 134 Third Race 58 Mile MileThirtyFirst ThirtyFirst Running Hudssn Stakes 2500 Added 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record July 3 1919 57 2 115 11554S32 54S32 = Sweep Hy 115 l02m 115 750 75054S323 54S323 tlHglieart 115 715 54408 fLoid Baltimore 125 l2m 127X740 54944 Bioomster 117 102 102i i 115 710 54832 William A 115 1 00s 130X740 54727 Toil 115 101 115 735 73551C131 51C131 Whirligig M 115 l01m 112 735 55018 JJuiiegrass M 115 101 112 725 550012 JKnot Grass M 108 102K 112 733 73354S32 54S32 Black Rascal 115 730 73054S2 54S2 Pillory 115 730 51727 Tievelyan M 112 723 51210 Vineyard M 115103758 112 725 725Diiiahmeur Diiiahmeur 109 Monday Morning 112 J S Cosden entry JShort Grass Stable entry Fourth Race 1 Mile MileTwentySixth TwentySixth Running Carlton Stakes 3500 Added 3 yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record July 1 1910 13 8 114 51 i5atbPLAYFKLLOW 115 l3if 10SX75 54214 lilirooinspun 93 130 123 74 51214 JCareful 115X74 115X74550W 550W tGrey Lag US 138 123 74 51725 f Knobble 120 138 123 73 55010 JStep Lightly 122 113 115 73 7354u 54u 9 hilly McLauglilin 115x73 41850 bUiiiiiuesdale 108 73 1942s Idle Dell 112 14075 115 73 549 i Jolin Paul Jones 108 l39f 108 73 54913 BuiinliiKton 1IH13S 108 73 53430 Billy Barton 105 13 123X72 123X72iilSOl2 iilSOl2 Monlalvo 112 1 3S 108 72 54030 Smoke Screen OS 141 3 113X72 113X72tltancoeas tltancoeas Stable entry JW J Salmon entry entryFifth Fifth Race 58 Mile Mile1urse 1urse flOQO 2yearoltlsi Selling SellingTrack Track record July 3 1919 57 3 2 115 51540 Zealot Il5 l00f 111 72 51912 tKirtle 109 101 108 72 720 54939 Evelyn White 112102 103X72 51439 = Little Iatsy 108 101 f 111 72 720 51 39 Iterringtou 110 l02f 111 71 715 547211 Miriam Cooper M112 101 101 71 715 54912 Dovcsroost M 107102 107 71 715 51939 = JlSeamer 107 102 111 715 51939 Lont M 110 102 102 715 542021 Selota M 112 102 104 710 51803 Slock Pin M 115 101 107 710 54939 Dick Deadeye MJ115 102 111 710 51053 Manheim M 112104 107 705 51912 Mabel A 112 l01m 108 705 54174 The Wag 111X705 55021 tAlico C M 101 700 51917 JMaggie MurpliyM109 102 104 700 700540SO 540SO Goodhart M 104 700 700B4803 B4803 Runnyol M 112 102 107 700 55001 San Stefano M114 103 107 700 700rinv rinv Drifting M 104 700 Grass Tree M 118 104 307 700 54508 fli Vendor 104 l03m 100X700 100X700Plioclms Plioclms 107 SMatches Mary 104 5 Lazy Lady 109 tH T Wilson entry JQuincy Stable entry 0ak Ridge Stable entry entrySixth Sixth Race 1 Mile MilePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds Maidens Fillies FilliesSpecial Special Weights Track record July 1 1910 130 S 114 51835 Vivian 115 725 50901 Sagacity 115 720 53093 Gem 115 720 54722 Donna Agnes 115 715 51835 Gallant Foe 115 715 55000 Jamaica IJelle 115 710 54590 Clarice C 115 705 54990 Daffadowndilly 100 141 115 700 700Nancy Nancy 115

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Local Identifier: drf1921061801_8_1
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