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AQUEDUCT FORM CHART NEW YORK N Y THURSDAY JUNE 23 1921 Aqueduct 1 14 miles and 51 feet Sixth day Queens County Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 19 days Weather clear temperature 82 ° Steward to Represent Jockey Club R T Wilson Judges E C Smith and C Cornehlsen Starter Mars Cassidy Racing Secretary Fred Rehberger Racing Starts at 215 p m Chicago time 115 p in W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse ami weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance Crcr JO FIRST RACE 58 Mile July 3 1919 57 2 US Purse 1 KG 50 2yearolds LPelJLlf U Allowances Net value to winner 84650 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt 74 Str Fin Jockeys O 11 C J 55001 IRISH BRIGADIER w 108 3 2 Leopn Kilran Stable 4 8 S BRAVO WB 107 4 1 2 21 2J E AmbroseW M Jeffords SO CO 50 20 10 1055001BROOMFLAX 55001BROOMFLAX w 110 8 7 42 3 E Martin J E Madden 2 1152 35 14 54832 ULTIMO w 110 G 5 3 31 42 C H MillerC A Stoneham 75 95 32 12 15 15STONE STONE JUG WB 108 11 8 71 f 5J I Fator J Butler 20 20 15 5 2i 2iATTOO ATTOO w 107 7 C 95 9 6 S Lowe Quincy Stable t 0 50 DO 20 1U 55069 WHIRLIGIG wn 107 10 10 8l C1 7 L McAtee J E Widener 7772 45 54889 REPARATION 107 1 4 41 71 8k S BullmanAllifis Stable 50 100 KO 40 20 54032 TORCHY w 107 2 3 5 8 92 J Mooney Quincy Stable fO 50 50 20 10 54090 SIDEREAL w 107 5 9 101 101 10 C Ponce M Hirsch 30 50 50 20 10 10DOUBLE DOUBLE CROSS w lit 9 11 11 11 11 T Rice J E Griffith 30 40 40 15 C CfCoupled fCoupled in betting no separate place or show betting bettingTime Time 100 Track fast fastWinner Winner Br c by Light Brigade Magic Lantern II by M Saggittaire trained by F Burlew brid by Mr H A Porter PorterWent Went to post it 219 At post S minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving IRISH BRIGADIER set a fast pace from the start and held his opponents safe under hard riding through the last eighth BRAVO raced forwardly all the way and responded gamely to hard ridiug in tin stretch BROOMFLAX began slowly but closed up steadily and passed ULTIMO in the last eighth Tin latter was speedy and meed under extreme pressure from the start but tired STONK JlG ran a good race raceScratched Scratched 55018Draft 107 550S9Iick Deadeye 113 55092Lally 12 55092 Silent King 107 55001 Sea Master 107 107Overweights Overweights Irish Brigadier 2 pounds Ultimo 3 Stone Jug 1 Double Cross 4 Ctr3Q SECOND RACE 12 Furlongs May 5 1910 118 4 122 Friar RocfcHighweight CftfJLVfO Handicap 134650 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner SI 18050 second 200 third 100 Index Hor es AWtPPSt 4 v Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P rS 55070 SMOKESCREEN wn 3 1C9 3 fi Z 2 1 B KenndyG A C6chran 3 3 4525 54998 = SKA MINT WB 4 108 1 1 1 1 2s K W Kelsay Oak Ridge Stb 2 21 11571013 55087 DIMAIKSDALE w 3 111 54 42 4l S 32 C KummerK T Wilson 2 3 3 45 25 255413DR 5413DR JOK w 5 112 4 3 5J 5 = 4 = 4 = D SterJingJ S Tyree 48021 54210 ST ALLAN wis 4 114 CO B C C Cut C Poncn J Hewitt 10 20 20 7 3 54703 CALIGULA wit 3 107 22 2l 3l 5i G A SchfgerXalapa Fm Stb 15 20 20 7 3 3Time Time 23 46 111 117J new track record Track fast fastWinner Winner B c by His Majesty Veil by Disguise trained by J Evans bred by Mr Gilford A Cooh ran ranWent Went to post at 251 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing SMOKE SCREEN slipped through next to the inner rail on the last turn and racing into a long lead won in a canter SEA MINT set a fast early pace but tired in the stretch and just lasted long enough to withstand DIMMESDALES challenge The latter finished fast and gamely through the last eighth DR JOE raced forwardly all the way ST ALLAN ran rs if unfit CALIGULA ran a fast hulf ni lie and quit quitScratched Scratched 550103Cum Sah 112 55019 Blazes 132 5339CsMartin A Noonan 102 102Overweights Overweights Caligula 5 pounds BTCrg Gi THIRD RACE 1 116 Miles Sept 22 1920 143 3 112 Purse 1UC 50 3year tf tf JLOTC olds and upward Claimins Net value to winner S84G50 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners 54WlO = Sm GRAFTON WU5107 5 C G G C 42 lt S BullmanR E Walking 2 1251 1545 13 r5jil TOM McTAGGARTwB 7 117 2 3 1i 21 I1 I1 Z E Sande Rancocas Stable 2 2 S535J1 54572 TttE ENQUIRER we 3 102 6 2 5 Z 3 2 = i 3 L Penman T Doyle CO 30 25 S 3 55111 DEVILDOG WB 4 114 1 4 4 4 4 = 3 41 1 Mooney Quincy Stable G 8 S 2 1 1SSllO SSllO CRYSTAL TORD w 5 117 3 5 3 5 5J 53 53 C Ponce W C Clancy 8 12 12 4 75 54834 2TOUCANET WB 4 10S 411 1J 2i 6 G L Fator S Ross 455 S5 710 710Time Time 24 47 113 139 146 Track fast fastWinner Winner Gr h by Fitz Graf ton Simple Aveu by Ajax trained by R E Watkins bred in England by Mr I II Whcatcroft WhcatcroftWent Went to post at 315 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same SIR GRAFTON followed his opponents last of all until straightened out in the stretch where he closed up fast on the outside arid wore TOM McTAGGART down to win in the last twenty yards TOM McTAGGART after being under slight restraint in the early running raced into the lead and drew away but could not withstand the winners challenge THE ENQUIRER was in a forward position for the entire race and finished gamely DEVILDOG was in close quarters during the early running and moved up rapidly in the stretch but tired when forced to a drive CRYSTAL FORD ran a poor race TOU CANET set a fast early pace but bled and was eased up upScratched Scratched 54834Dark Hill 110 54914 Mumbo Jumbo 112 55020 Miss Petite 99 50149 Royallieu 112 5491G Walnut Hall 115 54341Daviil Hariim 111 54108 Tufter 107 5191G Herd Girl 10G Overweights 10GOverweights Tdiicanet 2 pounds KK t ftET FOURTH RACE 78 Mile July 4 1919 123 5 132 Twelfth Running UNION CJtJXO J SELLING STAKES 2000 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 2COO second 500 third 250 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C 55110 WELLFINDER w 101 4 3 1i 1s I3 I1 1 L Penman K P Whitney 3 45 4 75 35 55109 TWO FEATHERS WD 102 1 4 Si 3l 31 2 2 = i P CltilettiW M Jeffords 10 15 15 G 3 55020M1SS PETITE B 91 3 2 2 2J 2 33 3 P Walls Quincy Stable 15 15 12 4 2 254340RAMKIN 7535548882SUPERWOMAN 54340RAMKIN wn 97 2 1 4J 4 4J 51 5 A S BullmanR T Wilson 3 41 4 75 7535 35 35548882SUPERWOMAN 548882SUPERWOMAN wn 102 G 7 LSJ 5 42 4l 53 W RidenrW J Salmon 65 75 7512 14 54890 LUCKY FIND WB 114 5 G G Gi 7s 75 G2 E Sande R L Gerry 10 15 15 G 3 354804ilARD 54804ilARD GUESS WB 9G 8 5 71 8l G1 Gi 7 E KummerJ Butler 20 30 30 8 4 54702 A1DA McGEE w 9G 7 8 8 71 8 8 S J CallahanXalapa Fm Stb 8 15 15 G 3 3Time Time 23 46 112 125 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch g by Broomstick Wonder by Disguise trained by S A Clopton bred by Mr Harry Payne Whitney WhitneyWent Went to post at 340 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing WELLFINDER running in suddenly improved form took the lead immediately and displaying great speed held sway throughout TWO FEATHERS was a forward contender for the entire race and finished gamely MISS PETITE ran prominently and gamely all the way RAMKIN finished fast SUPERWOMAN was never dangerous and quit near the end The last three were badly outpaced Tin winner entered for 2500 was bid up to 4105 and bought In InScratched Scratched 54703 Messines 101 48409 Wrecker 104 104Overweights Overweights Two Feathers 1 pound Lucky Find 2 K K t FIETH RACE 1 Itile July 1 191 136 8 114 Purse 114650 4yearolds cJ J JLOjO arid upward Allowances Net value to winner 584650 second 200 third S100 Index Horses AWtPPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C I S 55019 CAPT ALCOCK w 4 122 3 1 53 4J 21 li If J Mooney Qulhcy Stable t75 32 75 13 1G 55087 HOBEY BAKER WB 4 10S 1 2 1s I2i 1J 2J 23i W RidenrW J Salmon 15 15 12 4 85 55087 55087SGENIE 5087 GENIE V w v 4 HO 2 4 3l 2 2551442THUNDERSTRM 22 3 3 3J L McAtee J Whalen 10 12 10 21 35 354i 551442THUNDERSTRM w 5 122 4 7 tiJ G G5437G 4i C KummerC Koahler G5 G5 G5 25 1G 1G5s 5437G RECOUNT w G 118 7 5 4l 5 5s C H MillerC A Stoneham 10 15 15 5 2i 2iG 50149 ROYALLIEU w 5 108 5 3 2l 3 3i G 6s G ° E Jelly T Monahan 50 CO GO 20 10 55018 ANNIVERSARY W410S 4 108 G GG7 G 7 7 77 7 S Lowe Quincy Stable t75 32 75 13 1C 1CtCoupled tCoupled in betting no separate place or show betting bettingTime Time 23 47 112 137 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch c by Ogden Mallard by Star Shoot trained by J Fitzsimmons bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenWent Went to post at 404 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same CAPTAIN ALCOCK after being saved in the early running came through the stretch with a Tush and outstayed HOBEY BAKER in the final drive HOBEY BAKER set a fast early pace and saved ground on the turns but tired slightly in the last eighth GENIE W moved up rapidly on the stretch turn but tired in the stretch drive THUNDERSTORM lacked early speed but finished gamely under hard pressure RECOUNT raced well for a half mile mileScraUhed ScraUhed 54887 Elected II 120 551C32Sea Mint 118 SIXTH RACE 58 Mila July 3 1919 57 J 2 115 Purse 114050 2yearpIds Maidens Fillies Special Weights Net value i to winner 84650 second 200 third thirdylvO ylvO Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P 5 55021 MONTARA A w 115 3 5 IX 1 1 E Sande J H Rocseter 5 10 10 4 2 2CITA 54512 CARMENCITA CITA wn 115 1 4 3l 2l 22 F CltilettiH P Whitney 4 G 6 21 G5 G5SHANKS 54917 NANCY SHANKS w 115 10 3 3549172HUMANITARIAN l G1 3i 3 T Rice Oak Ridge Stb f3 5 4 85 710 710TARIAN 549172HUMANITARIAN TARIAN w 1J5 4 1 21 4J 4J L McAtee J Sariford 2 2i 11545 25 25DO 55112 SHERANDO DO w 115 7 75 7 51 W Kelsay Oak Ridge Stb fS 5 4 85 710 710LADY 55021 PRETTY LADY w 115 9 2 4 5 6l E AmbroseR L Gerry 20 50 50 20 10 55112 GLENBELLS w 115 5 7 5J G1 71 C Ponce Marrone Stable 20 30 30 10 5 54151 LUCKY GIRL wu 115 G 10 10EMOTION 8 S2 S F Keogh S Ross G 8 1S585 45 45EMOTION EMOTION w 115 11 S 9J 9l 91 E Martin J E Madden 10 12 12 5 21 54145 STRAIGHT SHOT w 115 S f fVALENTINE 10 = 10 10 J RodgezA R Lawson 20 30 30 10 5 5VALENTINE VALENTINE DOR WB 115 2 12 12TREVITA H2 11s II3 J Z9eller J Grandl 50 GO M 20 10 10TREVITA TREVITA w 115 12 11 12 12 12 E Jelly J G Leiper 50 GO CO 20 10 10fCoupled fCoupled in betting no separate pliice or show betting bettingTime Time l OSs Track fast fastWinner Winner Blk f by Disguise Santa Malta by Sancturary trained by G II Strate bred by Mr J H Rosseter RosseterWent Went to post at 430 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily secoud and third driving MONTARA away forwardly set a fast pace and responding gamely when called on outstayed CARMEXCITA at the end CARMENCITA saved ground on all the turns and finished resolutely NANCY SHANKS was cut off in the early Tunning and closed up rapidly when clear in the hist eighth HUMANITARIAN took the lead t the ulbow but was taken back in the stretch but could not improve her position when called on onScratched Scratched 54939 Pancake 115