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LATONlA feKiTRIES M PAST fEfl FOR FRIDAY JUNt 24 WEATHER CLEAR I TRACK PAST Kucing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 2 00 00Superior jnjinejiIf Superior iuuti runner XOoo1 mud jnjineji If Fair nmd ixuhhcr M Maidens Apprentice Apprenticeillowance illowance li Blinkers i Tirst Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse I3CiO 3earolds nnd upward Claiming Track record June 7 1921 lI04f G 110 nXin Tnd Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 55073 bCol Taylor 117111 r 115X725 54377 0rioya 105 112 4 105 710 71010GJ112 54151 Tom Norris Norris54S01 10GJ112 3105X715 54S01 Penwell 97 113 3 91715 53961 Grace 3Iinard 102114 3 100X710 54918 Wort Light 117112 81150710 55073 Twinkle Blue M 92 113 3 05 705 705550432bZainer 550432bZainer 31 114 115 3 100 705 70554S91 54S91 Sure 94 113 3 95 X705 51073 Uoll On 31 108115 3 95 700 54244 bGolden Autumn 31 107 114 3 95X700 54204 Our Alice 99115 3 100 700 52405 Gorhnm 31 115114 5115X700 55073 La Dernierc M 100115 3 105 700 54513 T J Pendergast SI 102115 3 105 700 7004IS92 4IS92 bShoot Away 31 102 l18m 4 115 700 53355 Black 1at 107115 3 105 700 700Creation Creation 3 95 Second Race 1 116 Miles Purse 1400 3yearolds and upward 3Iaidens Allowances i iTrack Track record Oct 7 1910 143 3 122 55077 Firebrand 915144 3110x725 547312 Willow Tree 103 146 f 3110X720 3110X720514S2 514S2 Black Hackle 107148 4 113 715 71555148s 55148s Grace King 3 105 715 7155514S 5514S bSIarjorie IcKay 3105X715 55117 Blanche 3Iac 31057lo 54951 Humphrey J06J1 4S 3 110X710 54445 Nurture 107 147 3 HO 710 55171 Royal Dick 3 110 705 51025 Dainty Lnss 3 105 705 54756 b3Iiss Prpsperity 101 150 3105X700 55148 bDixie Girl 106 152 f 5 108 700 54756 Marine Corps Ill l5Sm 3 110 700 55099 Lou Wiilrig 110 l521Ss 3 110 700 54756 bRay Atkin 110 l58m 4112X700 54756 Service Flag 112 l55m 0 113X7CO 54756 3Iay Bee 100 l57m 3 105 700 34761 WUhmnker 3 110 700 700Third Third jftace 58 Mile Purse 1500 2yearplls Allowances AllowancesColts Colts and Geldings GeldingsTrack Track record June 22 1910 59 2 109 55076 QUINCE GARDENH4 101 vs 115 X 721 55074 Granite Ware 115101 115 715 Todays TodaysThdr Thdr Horse Wt Rec AVt Jinn Jinn53982s 53982s Llewellyn 115X113 53787 BitV Biack3I ItiSvTXO 550273 Billy Star 31 115 101 108 710 7105l552 5l552 Rob 015 710 710Adventure Adventure 115 705 705Blossom Blossom Hoiise31115 102 103 700 Col G 109 Fourth Race 1 14 Uiles UilesPurse Purse 1400 3ycarolds anil upward Claiming Track record June 30 1920 202 3 121 55113 l Pit 107 203 Ji 8105X725 55154 bI5ritish Liner M 89 L05 3 93 720 55170 b3Iandarins Coat 113 L07 5110X715 54893 bChiof Brown llO l05 81100710 55004 bltompor 31 89 l07 3 88X705 55075 bCiipital City Ill L00 7 110X705 110X705Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile MileJohns Johns Hill Handicap HandicapPurse Purse 2200 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record July 3 1919 13 1 100 1005T077 5T077 3Iarjorie Hynes 100 1 3 4118X750 55020 bJouett 110137 4112X745 54202 bPaul Wcidcl 122 138 4 1140741 55153 Darjeeling 112 1 37 3 110 740 74055P972 55P972 Mile Dazie 108138 4100X735 550252 Aphie Dear 3 104 735 735Sixth Sixth Race 58 Mile Purse 1300 2yearolds Fillies Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 22 1910 59 2 109 550223 3Iiiis Crestwood 114 101 115X725 549192 Alverida 31 105102 112 720 55118 Bright Trash 10f l02Jf 112c715 55114 Fedora 31 113 102 112 710 55115 Tony Sue 115 104 112 705 54729 Atta Gal 31 107X705 107X705Dixie Dixie ODay 112 Seventh Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1300 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Oct 7 1916 143 3 122 122546S7 546S7 Apli 102 140 4 106X725 55099 Elpb HO l49Vfs 3106X721 55028 Brotherly Love 97146 4 112 715 54920 bUepcater 113 1 47 4 11 X 715 54951 Nclle Yorke 111146 5105x715 550993 Grace Dangherty 90 140 3 92X715 92X715500S 500S Cheer Leader 112146 7107x710 54383 bCJermont 103 144 5 illjl 55095 bWhippet 4Q5 Ir30s 3 91X70 5 924 Pinecrest 31 1Q4 l50f 3 91 706 547612 Will o the Wisp 106 l52m 3 96X7QO 4734 John F Russell 31113221