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THE THEChief Chief dockers dockersDaily Daily Special 50c Occasional 200 200WE WE TOLD YOU SO SOYesterdays Yesterdays Advertised 200 Money Occasional Won WonTuesdays Tuesdays 200 TCTTX Occasional OccasionalBEST BEST PAL 4102 WON WONMONDAYS MONDAYS ADVERTISED LONG SHOT 200 MONEY OCCASIONAL OCCASIONALWHIRLING WHIRLING DUN16802 WON Fridays 200 Occasional Won Thursdays 200 Occasional Won WonWednesdays Wednesdays WednesdaysSpecial Special 200 Occasional Won WonMondays Mondays 200 Money Occasional Won WonThe The Following Were Some of Our 200 Occasional Which Won WonJ J C Stone 6702 Won WonInspector Inspector Hughes 5302 Won WonMarjorie Marjorie Hynes 8302 Won WonWoodthrush Woodthrush 7352 Won WonShe She Devil 8452 Won WonSea Sea Court 18602 Won WonWoodtrap Woodtrap 16502 Won WonMysterious Mysterious Girl11902 Won WonMany Many others were given that are too numerous to mention How is this for INFORMATION and all we charge is 2 2MANY MANY WINNERS WERE GIVEN ON OUR 50c DAILY SHEET SHEETthat that are entirely too numerous to mention mentionTODAYS TODAYS LATONIA ONE BT BTA A very shrewd trainer is going to start a horse horsein in the race today at Latonia and has this one onein in such fit condition that this horse will walk in a very easy winnerBEWARE winner BEWARE OF IMITATORS Be Sure You Ask for and Get GetTHE THE CHIEF CLOCKERS DAILY SPECIALS ONLY 50c 50cSPECIAL SPECIAL BIG LATONIA 200 OCCASIONAL TODAY TODAYYOU YOU MR PLAYER dont let this one of todays slip you by as our Chief docker has sent down for his 2 OCCASIONAL TODAY a horse that has had a careful preparation in view of this race of today Thlu horse lias so much speed that it will take a mighty GOOD SPEEDSTER to catch up to him Dont let the small sum of 2 STOP YOU from getting this one today for you will have no one to blame but yourself if you miss it itBEWARE BEWARE OF IMITATORS Make Sure That You Ask for and Get GetTHE THE CHIEF CLOCKERS 200 OCCASIONAL OCCASIONALHorse Horse must win or you get our next Occasional OccasionalFREE FREE OF CHARGE by mailing us in your sheet to our office officeSPECIAL SPECIAL OFFER FOR 10 A WEEK WEEKWe We will mail you our 200 Occasional in a plain scaled envelope and it is received tho first mail in tho morning morningCHIEF CHIEF CLOCKER 501 S Dearborn St Chicago 111 111SOLD SOLD AT PRINCIPAL NEWSSTANDS CINCINNATI 0 Bob Bishorn Fountain News NewsCo Co 5th and Walnut Sts COVINGTON Ky Robert Gordon Pharmacy S SW W corner 4th and Scott Sfs SfsLOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE Ky Eilcr Goodman 227 S 4th St LEXINGTON Ky Joe Bishorn Main Limestone ST LobbyDAYTON LOUIS Mo WmXaser 705 Market St Lobby DAYTON 0 H Euphrat 129 S Jefferson St StNEWSDEALERS NEWSDEALERS WANTED