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SECOND RACE 5S Mile 2yearolds 31ai lens Fillies Special Weights SpecialWeights June 22 1O1O 5O 2 1OO 1OOBRED BRED AT HOME ch f 2 M 112 By North Star III Benanet by St Avonicus AvonicusTrainer Trainer H J Thompson Owner E R Bradley 54950 Latonia 58 59fast 53 llli 4 7 7 71 71S L Lyke 9 DofAllah MFallon Ompotent OmpotentCHEWINK CHEWINK WillonyxTrainer b f 2 M 112 By Celt Bobolink n by Willonyx Trainer J McCormack Owner P A Clark 55145 Atiduct 5S 50fast 20 109 a S 9J ll11 L McAfee 14 Budana Penitent Lucky Button 54303 Jamaica 58 l00fast 21 114 3 34 42 4 ° 3 L McAtee 5 Budana Balance Sailing Along 54199 Churchl 41 f 55 fast 2 115 1 2 21 3 = L McAtee S Mom BeGood LadyAstor 54064 Churchl 12 46fast 48 114 3 S 61 6 ° 3 L McAtee 13 Fair Phantom M Fallen Aloft AloftMARIMBA MARIMBA ReachTrainer b f 2 M 112 By Ultimus Mattie C by Out of Reach Trainer G Denny Owner B Coinbs 55291 Latonia 5S l01 fast 3710 115 4 2 1 2 2 W Lilley 12 Bill and Coo Scandal Our Betsy 55074 Latonia 5S 101 fast 5 112 3 34 4J 4s W Lilley 10 GteWare DpSinker SePrince 51285 Alverid5S8S9 Churchl 41 f 54fast 3110 115 5 4 2l 35i N Barrett C Tony Sue Orma Dale Alverid 5S8S9 Lexton 12 474goo l 48 114 8 9 9l 9 H King 10 Startle Fair Phantom Aloft BRIGHT LEAF ch f 2 M 112 By Bulse Triad by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Headley5532G Trainer W Buford Owner Hal Price Headley 5532G Latonia 58 l01fast 6 112 1 1 1 1 I1 H Lunsfdll LilMB FlyPrince ComColin 55022 Latonia 58 l00fast 15 105 1 1 1 31 5 J Francis 8 WwardLady Mom MCrstwood 54919 Latonia 58 l01fast 13 114 9 3 61 6 F Porretto 12 BirdieG Alda TheColTsLady 54729 Latonia 41 f 50mud 5 115 2 254C82 1 42 6 H King 9 Helen Rogers BirdieG Starella 54C82 Latonia 41 f 54fast 10 115 3 2 2l 2 H King 9 Little Polly Birdie G Starella 54480 Churchl 41 f 55slow 14 112 1 1 I1 41 H King 5 Lady Astor Bril Star Atta Gal 54412 Churchl 41 f 55 mud 16 112 4 2 21 410 W W Tlor 7 Aloft LadyMother BobbedHair BobbedHairBy PRECIOUS LULA b f 2 M 112 112Trainer By Helmet Armilda by Bryn Mawr Trainer A Baker Owner A Baker 55003 Latonia 58 l00fast 112 313 5 4 4 41 4i F Smith 11 BobHair MWinsor Inquisition OUR SavinTrainer BETSY b f 2 M 112 By Huon Mary Le Ens by St Savin Trainer J S Hawkins Owner A L Ferguson 55291 Latonia 5S 101 fast 12f 33512 S 7 C 4i E Pool 12 Bill and Coo Marimba Scandal CONTENTION OgdenTrainer b f 2 M 112 By Star Shoot Continent by Ogden Trainer K Sponce Owner K Spence 51235 Latonia 58106 hvy 26 112 1 8 S 72 C C Studer 10 Riga Blue Deep TheColsLady McGEES FonsoTrainer PINK ch f 2 M 112 By McGee Pink Rose by Fonso Trainer K Spence Owner W E Applegate 55235 Latonia 58106 hvy 26 112 7 5 2 C SIT T Murray 10 Riga Blue Deep TheColsLady 55094 Latonia 58 l02slov 28 332 6 7 8 S T Murray 10 StaClara PhmBlne BillandCoo 54811 Latonia 41 f 58hvy 33 115 7 77 72 H Lunsfd 7 Red Leaf Santa Clara BirdieG 54450 Churchl 4J f C4mud 18 109 4 44 415 T Murray 4 JBowdr Whirl BrassTacks 542S5 BrassTacks542S5 Churchl 41 f 54y3fast 16 115 6 2 C5 C1 T Murray 0 Tony Sue Orma Dale Marimba 54223 Churchl 4i f 54i4fast 32 109 6 56 61 T Murray 0 NatyNisba CdAmr BandO 54099 Churchl 12 47fast 21 115 8 8 81 8 ° J Gruber 9 BerniceK NghtyNIsba AtQal AtQalLAST LAST OrnamentTrainer BRUSH b f 2 M 112 By Ben Brush Tildees Last by Ornament Trainer J S Everman Owner R L Hubble 53225 Latonia 58 1OC hvy 46 112 30 9 10 30 10 = 3 J Francis 10 Riga Blue Deep TheColsLady TheColsLadyGEORGETTE GEORGETTE ch f 2 M 112 By The Manager Janina by The Scribe Trainer ScribeTrainer F Brooks Owner D W Scott 55114 Latonia C8 l01fast 47 112 1 10 10 10 972 E Graves 12 Stonewall TColHLady EVale EValeFirst First start for the following followingBLACK BLACK PlayTrainer FLAG blk f 2 M 112 By Light Brigade Misplay by Fair Play Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean McLeanMOCKING MOCKING CesarionTrainer BIRD b f 2 M 112 By Dick Welles Jenny Geddes by Cesarion Trainer J B Respess Owner J S Respess