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SIXTH RACE r lil Furlonsrs 2yearolds Claiming June 7 71O5 1O5 25 3 LADY MOTHER ch f 2 M 107 107Trainer By Ultirous Nevada by Goldfinch Trainer G Land Owner F J Kelley 55293 Latonia 5i f l07fast 10 109 4 3 3 2i 2s M Garner Bright Trash Raudel Tulalip 55094 Latonia 58 l02slow 9 112 5 2 25454S 3 C 4 G Fields 10 StaClara PhmBluc BillandCoo 5454S Churchl 41 f 54Vfast 17 112 10 10 10 10 S McGraw 10 PrWelles CherTree BobHalr 54412 Churchl 4J f 55Vsmud 7 112 2 4 3 24 S Wida 7 Aloft Bobbed Hair BrightLeaf 54223 Churchl 41 f Si fast 8 109 4 4 6 5 1 J D Mney G NatyXisba CdAinr BandO 34199 Churchl 41 f 55 fast 27 115 7 6 6 6 = 2 J D Mney 8 Mom le Good Chewink 34064 Churchl 12 46fast 111 114 13 13RANDEL 12 13 13 E Donhuel1 Fair Phantom M Fallon Aloft RANDEL b c 2 107 By Jack Atkin Niko by Ossary Trainer R P Brooks Owner Mualler Brooks 55295 Latonia 5i f 1 07sfast 22 107 S 6 f 4 3 S3 1 Francis 9 BrightTrasIi Lady Mother Tliii 55149 Latonia 5S l01fast 11910 113 1 155C9S 5 41 4 W Lilley 10 Tulalip Commander Colin Nig 55C9S Latonia 5S l02slow 14 113 4 4 4 3 W Lilley 8 Article X Dorius Hutchison 55007 Latonia 58 l00fast 33 104 S 8 8 8 i J Francis 8 Bernice K Ited Leaf WmOIdt 54896 Latonia 58 l01fast 9 114 8 8546S6 8 S 8 2 N Barrett 8 Bcrnice K MCrtwood Dorius 546S6 Latonia 41 f 53fast 48 111 5 6 51 5 N Barrett G JohnFinn QuGarden Pr Welles 54352 Churchl 4i I 63fast 23 110 7 7544S4 8 8 812 T Murray 8 Rockminister Aloft Rekab 544S4 Churchl 41 f 54goodl710 115 5 4 4J 21 N Barrett 9 BrTrasu Alverida MCrtwood 54347 Churchl 41 f 64 fast 6 112 2 2THE 2 I2 1s S Wida 7 Hermoden BulButtons FrBoyd THE COLONELS LADY ch f 107 By Star Shoot Elmaha by Ogden 2 M Trainer A Aubochon Owner A Aubochon 55291 Latonia 5S l01V fast 3 115 11511 11 115S 11 12 12 12 = o M Garner 12 Bill and Coo Marimba Scandal 55235 Latonia 5S 105 hvy 3 112 9 95Sl01fast 965 3J 3 W Lilley 10 Riga Blec Deep Nancy Lane 55114 Latonia 5Sl01fast 41 112 5 2 1 U 2 W Lilley 12 Stonewall Ethel Vale Fedora 54919 Latonia 58 l01fast 23 ill HI 4 3 2 32 3 W Lilley 12 Birdie G Alverida Forestall 54232 Churchl 41 f 54fast 11 113 8 6 71 9 1 H Lunsfd 11 Bonus Be Good Atta Gal 51161 Churchl 12 50hvy 11 115 GalH5 2 3 3DORIUS 41 4 1 G Walls 7 MissCrestwood Nig CarrieBakcr DORIUS b or br c 2 112 112Trainer By Bain Latifa by Hamburg Trainer R Williams Owner G J Long 55295 Latoiilii 5i f f5509S f l07fast 2910 112 3 35S 4 G 71 C L Lyke 9 BrlKhtTrash LyMotliir Itanilel 5509S Latonia 5S l02slow 3110 115 1 2 2 2 24 L Lyke 8 Article X Jtandel Hutchison 55007 Latonla 5S 5S54S96 l00TSst 19 109 1 1IS 7 7 73J 11 Lunsfd 8 Bernice K Keel Leaf WmOIlt 54S96 Latonia IS l01fast 40 114 3 3 3 3J W W Tlor S BnlceK MCrtwood WnvOldt 54733 Latonia 41 f 56 mud IS 111 6 6 6 6 U Lunsfd Colossuji Wm Olflt IVii 54416 Churchl 41 f 55 mud 12 109 8 7 7 74 H Lunsfd 8 WmOlJt GGnrton HerniocK 54234 Churchl 4i f 54fast 14 113 5 4 41 4 H Lunsfd G Topmast Bet Mosie Wm Oldt 54179 Churchl 12 EOVshvy 75 115 2 2 in l i H Lunsfd 4 Hermoden Bully Buttons Spod 54121 Churchl 12 49Hmud 21 113 4 5 I 64 6l ° H Lunsf d 0 Topmast Bemcareful Autocrat AutocratBy STONEWALL br c 2 112 By Jim Gaffney Gipsy Love by Cesarlon Trainer K Spence Owner W V Thraves res 5295 Latonia 5J f l07 fast 10 112 9 S 5 T Murray HrightTrnsh LyMothor Handel 5114 Latonla 5S l014iftnt 75 Iir I T Murra 12 2 K l IlieColsLady KthVnle Fedira 58 l00fast 10 109 9 C FediraC CJ 5 T Murray 12 Article X Salamander Dad 41 f C6 mud 19 102 5 5 54 o2 E Scobie l Colossus Wm Oldt Dad 54710 Latonla 44 f 54V faftt J lis 7 74i C DadC G 5 = 1 T Murray 12 Ruggles Billy Star Salmaader 545H Churchl 4i f 547sfast 19f 113 S SalmaaderS Sl T Murray 11 John Finn Demos Montjoy 54378 Church 1 41 f SSvifast 23 115 4 5 5l 52 T Murray 12 Royal Palm Bet Mosie Lugs 54234 Churchl 41 f 54fast 11 110 C CW02 5 6 6 i T Murray G Topmast Bet Mosic Wm Oldt W02 churcb1 13 JiTjfast 71 W9 I OldtI 3 4 T Murray p BeUcrStiji Bobt QuloceCaraM ALVESIDA b f 2 109 109Trainer By Wrack Lancashire Lasa by Kingston Trainer W Perkins Owner W Perkins 65295 Latonia 5J f l07 fast 3910 104 1 22 2 5J 7 Et Josiah 9 BrightTrash LyMother Randel E6202 5202 Latonia 5S 103 hvy 2310 112 1 11 1 I1 11 E Pool 7 AtGal MissCrestwd BrTrash 54919 Latonla 5S i01fast 4 103 1 45 5 2 2 E Pool 12 ISirdieG TheCollsLy Fstall 54760 Latonia 41 f 56mud 8 109 1 1 2 1 2 W Morsey 7 MCstwood DSinker ArticieX 64484 Churchl 41 f 54good 51 107 2 2 21 3 i E Pool 9 BrTrash Randol MissCrtwood 64344 Churchl 41 t 64Vfcfast 3910 107 2 2 3 3 E Pool 10 GGurton Rochester EdnaStk 64285 Churchl 41 f 64faat 2310 115 2 6 3i 41 H King 6 Tony Sue Orma Dale Marimba 64249 Churchl 41 f 63 fast 10 110 2 5 4Z 4 N Barrett 12 Omtent LadyAstor BhtTrash 63783 Lfixtnn 12 49bvy 2910 112 2 2 2 V H Klnjr 12 JBowdre LiHnMaeB Qnerlda QnerldaBy COMMANDEE COLIN b c 2 M 110 110Trainer By Colin Briretta by Dr MacBride Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean tan tSSSfi Latonia 58 l01fast 5 115 11 tanC C 4h 4 = 1 J Butwell 11 RrtLeaf LilMneB FlyPrince 5ril49 Lntonla 5S l01fast 4110 112 1 2 23 2J J Butwell 10 Tulalip Nit Handel 65114 Latonia B8 l01fast 4i 115 C 7 S1 71 L Lyke 12 Stonewall TColsLady KVale 64710 Latonia 4J f 54fist 8 11G 9 B 5l G l J Butwell It Ruggles Billy Star Salauiandei C4131 PJmlico 41 f 5T fast 1710 113 1 2 21 Cl J Butwell 7 Aunt Agnes Al Tricks C4091 Pimlico 4J f 55fast 31 113 2 3 41 4s N Huff C Caretaker Al Starella StarellaBy TONY SUE ch f 2 109 109Trainer By Tony Bonero Susan Lenox by Handsel HandselG Trainer J L Paul Owner J L Paul 55202 Latonia 58 103 hvy 54 112 4 G fs 519 W Lilley 7 Alverida AtGal MissCrestwd CTiilS Latonia 5S l00fast 1C8 115 5 4 8 8 W Lilley 8 Wayward Lady Mom Birdie G 55022 Latonia 58 l00fast 19 115 6 4 6 = 8 W Lilley 8 WwardLady Mom MCrstwood 64416 Churchl mud 10 105 G 8 8 J Francis 8 WmOldt GGurton BernlceK 64283 Churchl 41 t 54fast 1 1 I1 W Lilley G OrmaDale Marimba Alverida 64232 Churchl 41 f 54fast 20 115 3 3 2fc 5 W Lilley 11 Bonus Be Good Atta Gal 64064 Churchl 12 46fast 65 114 1 13 12l 12 W Lilley 13 Fair Phantom M Fallen Aloft 63889 Lexton 12 47good35 114 4 6 6l 610 J D MneylO Startle Fair Phantom Aloft 53825 Lexton 12 47fast 69f 109 6 4 4h 410 w Lilley 12 Startle FPhahtom BrightLenf BrightLenfBy HEEMODEN ch c 2 H By Prince Herznfs Uodena by Armoath II Trainer E N Vestal Owner G L Blackford S5114 Latonia 58 l01fast 8 110 Left at the post G Fields 12 Stonewall TColsLady EVUe 5494G Latonia 58 l00fast 7 105 8 41 4 J Francis 12 Article X Salamander Dad 64710 Latonia 41 f 54fcfast 61 115 4 95 911 W Lilley 12 Ruggles Billy Star Salamander 64548 Churchl 41 f 54fast C 115 5 8l 87i J SmallwdlO Pr Welles CherTree BobHair 64446 Churchl 4 f 55mud 1910 114 5 4 3 ° 3i J Smallwd 8 Colossus SunTime Bkiughain 64347 Churchl 41 f 54fast 65 112 5 6 4 23 J Smallwvl 7 Randel Bully Buttons FrBoyd 64179 Churchl 12 SO hvy 215 115 1 1 2s 21 J Smallwd 4 Dorius Bully Buttons Spods BLOSSOM HOUSE b g 2 M 110 110Trainer By Bulse Agnes May by The Commoner Trainer W Buford Owner H P Headley 55199 Latonia 5S l02hvy 59 108 C 77 71 1 H King 8 QuGarden Adventure BilStar 6027 Latonia 58101 fast 70 115 9 99 8 = 882 G Fields 12 Bet Mosie JBBrown BillyStar SHELBYVILLE b c 2 M 110 110Trainer By Watervale Miss Metcalf by Ardington ArdingtonV Trainer J H Nichols Owner S K Nichols 55149 Latonia 58 l01fast 27 110 7 V 9 W HeinchlO Tulalip Commander Colin Nig 55114 Latonia 58 l01fast 74 115 7 G1 Gi W Heinchl2 Stonewall UCblsLady KVale 5494G Latonia 58 l00fast 24 10 G 8 81 812 E Pool 12 Article X Salamander Dad 64655 Latonia 41 f 54fast 18 115 S 7 S1 8 8G G E Pool 10 Cold Boy LcharesIL DSinker 64484 Churchl 41 f 54good 32 110 6 8 62 6 M Garner 9 Bright Trash Randel Alverida 63233 Lex ton 41 f 57hvy 18f 115 10 10 10 10 F Smith 10 Lknow ComMcMkin Hutchn HutchnBy NANCY LANE ch f 2 M 102 102Trainer By Great Britain Mymer by My Boy II Trainer F Cropper Owner F Cropper 55291 Latonia 5S lOUfast 33 115 10 9 9 9 912 W Heinchl2 Bill and Cop Marimba Scandal 65235 Latonia 58106 hvy 84 112 8 7 7 oh 4 W HeinchlO Riga Blue Deep TheColsLady 55114 Latonia 58 l01fast 16f 112 11 11 11 9U 103 F Paul 12 Stonewall TColsLady BVale 63917 Lex1 ton 12 50 mud 49 112 11 11TAMPER 11 11 111Z D Connllyll MFallon LRuchester BernK TAMPER ch c 3 M 10h By Broomstick Tamps by Rabelais Trainer M Goldblatt Owner M Goldblatt 55237 Latonia 58 l02hvy 53 104 2 36 36Sf 7 713 J Francis 7 Birdie G RedLeaf WayLady Sf 027 Latonia 58 101 fast 24 115 2 44 44E4245 4 4 J Francis 12 Bet Mosie JBBrowu BillyStar E4245 Churchl 12 4Gfast 7 110 2 4 4C4119 4 411 J D Mney 4 Miss Joy Rekab AUveuiure C4119 Churchl 41 f 6Frnud 175 110 3 2 2 21 L Penman 5 Stamp Bully Buttons Colossui NIG blk f 2 M 107 107Trainer By Black Toney Costume by Domino Dominoeh Trainer J H Baker Owner J H Baker 55293 Latonia 51 f l07fast SS 109 8 8 8r5149 eh 911 i Smith 9 BrightTrash LyMpther Randel r5149 Latonia 58 l01fast 19 107 4 3 I n = 3 1 E Pool 10 Tiilalip CommderColin Randel 54919 Latonia 5S l01fast 12f 114 11 12 12 3 3C47GO lO lO13 W W Tlorl2 BirdieG Alda TheCollsLady C47GO Latonia 41 f 66mud 20 109 2 4 42 5 N Barrett 7 MCrstwood Alverida DSinker 484 Churchl 41 f 54good 17 105 7 7 7C4344 El 5 J Francis 9 BrightTrash Randel Alverida C4344 Churchl 41 f 61fast 17 104 8 7 7l 5r J Francis 10 GGurton LRochester Alverida 54249 Churchl 4 f 53 fast 14 105 10 9 71 7 G Fields 12 Omtent LadyAstor BhtTraiJi 64161 Churchl 12 50 hvy 245 115 3 2 2 2s W W Tlor 7 MCrestwood CBaker TCI ady BIB JOHN EEVE b c 2 M 110 By Sir John Johnsou La Reve by Sain Trainer W M Glover Owner Thompson Glover 5T32C Latonia 58 l01fast 72f 115 i G 10 10 10 J Smalldll BrtLnaf LilManR FlyPrince 55027 Latonia 58 101 fast 22f 115 12 10 10 10 10 J Smallwdl2 Bft Mosie TBBrowri BillyStar 54892 Latonia 58 l01fast 84f 112 5 8 8 10 10 2 W Morseyia Hutchison LcharesIL Vitamin 54810 Latonia 41 f 58hvy 21f 115 8 7 7J 71 J Smaljwdl2 Yoshimi Leochares II Dad 54514 Churchl 41 f 64fast 231 11310 9 9 9tz J McCoy 11 Jolin Finn Demos Montjoy 54378 Churchl 4i f 53fast Slf 115 12 12 12 12 S McGraw 12 Royal Palm Bet Mosie Lugs 54305 Churchl 41 f 53fast 94 115 7 7 710 724 S McGraw 8 Bemceful Demos GmanJett BOJUL b c 2 M By Sidbow Julia H Faulkner by Autolight Trainer G P Mattingly Owner G P Mat tingly 55169 Latonia 58 1 00 fast 89f 115 7 8 11 11 II14 J Francis 12 JBBrn BkrBrn SuavePrVc W446 Churchl 41 f 55mud GG US 8 88 810 L Allen S Colossus Sun Time Herinodeii