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LATONIA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR MONDAY, JULY 4 WEATHER CLEAR j TRACK PAST. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 2:00. Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. X,,,a Karm Handicap. . , , . . . Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice reC0rd: 0110. Track June 7. 1921 1:10 allowance, b Blinkers. 53090 Clio Clio 110 1:11 3 100X750 Tu.ltt2 bMinute Man 4 103x74.". 102 1:11 First iirst Race iiace 3-4 d-4 Mile Mile. 55330 High Cost 110 1:10 0 120 X 745 Purse ,300. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 55330 bAngon ill 1:11 4 112X740 Track record: .lune 7, 1021 1:10 0 110. 55273s Marvin May 100 1:11 4 100x 740 Todays 53370s trookliolt 1R 1:11 4 125 X 740 Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt Han. r;51172 Jack Hare Jr 112 1:11 10Sand735 M2S2 MiCol. Taylor 117 1:11 5 100X723 54313stll:oiilcau 112 1:13 4 ml . .725 55197 Orlova 105 1:12 4 108.. 720 IMontfort Jones entry. 53270 Mulia X 94 1:12 if. 3 102x715 Fifth Race 1 1-2 Miles. 551GS Different Eyes ...105 1:11 5 111x715 Eleventh Running Independence Handicap. 55290s Loveliness 110 1:12 3 100X710 51, ECO Added. 55327 Maeobean 101 1:13 3 100:i:710 3-year-olds and upward. 55352s Cut Up 102 1:13 3 100.. 710 Track record: July 10. 1920 2:29 0115. 55093 bGipsy Queen 10411:12 0 100X710 55019s EXTERMINATOR.. 128 2:29 0 130850 55270 Grace Minard 102 1:14 3 100X705 55370s bWoodtrnp 7 1HXS25 5516S Golden Floss 113 1:14 5 111X705 55294 bSands of Pleasure. 105 2:33 8 112XS25 5538S3 Poilu lOfl 1:14 5 100X700 55392s bMint Cat 5 104X820 55352 bW. G. McCliutoclc.lOO 1:14 3 1050705 55370 La Rablee 4 10S. .S20 55170 blueblo :.10S 1:14 4 111X700 55332 tbDancing Spray 5 95X815 55197 Gorliam M 115 1:14 5 111X700 5483StbMidway 100 2:30 7 102XS15 55293 bCaptain Toin 115 1:14 4 111x700 55350 bSea Prince 101 2:38 4 90XS10 55290 Ras 109 1:14 3 105X700 55330 bTravesty 4 95XS00 55327 La Derniere M .10011:15 3 103.. 700 fFarris, Treacy and Walker entry. 55293 bDixia Girl M . . .110 1:16 5 100.. 700 Sixth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Second Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 1ursc ,400. 2-ycar-olds. Allowances. Purse ,400. 2-year-olds. Colts and Geldings. Track June 7, 1909 1:0573 .5 93. Maidens. Special weights. 55367s Sir Hugh M 112 1:00 105.. 725 Track record: June 7, 1909 1:05 3 93. 55291 Kill and Coo 110:1:720 552713 Suave Prince 112.. 725 nr,;5S92 1!om,.s 105 1:07 If. 55307s Saddle and Boots.. 113 1:07 112.. 720 l V"8 " JVAjiir 55307 Vitamin 112 1:0S 112.. 715 5 ?,Iart lon Xi 55109 Circus 11" 715 553S9 Granite Ware 110.. 15 55329 tLieut. Coionei".:::i0S 1:10 112..715 anda He.10" I,?sor,s ?n-.n- 55307 Blossom House ...112 1:08 112..710 t1,?1. 5 B1 "2 1:0. 55271 Hephaistos 10S 1:09 112.. 710 ti? Braedalbane US nol 110.. 00 553G7 Joe C 10S 1:12 112.. 705 55271 Spats 112.. 700 Seventh Race 1 1-16 Miles. 55271 Billy Brush 112.. 700 Puree .,400. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. TWidgeon 112 Track record: Oct. 7. 1910 1:43 3 122. IMontfort Jones entry. 55372s bYoung Adam 109 1:47 5 110X723 . . , , -.a titm 55119 Mab 105 1:40 7 103X720 Purse wwi ,500. , 3-year-olds. ,, m, . fiallfi Sam MeMeekin ...10S1:47 9 113X715 Claiming. nyvs Wave in 1.4714 n 10SX715 Track record: Oct. 7, 1910-1 :43-3-122. .yw,n ""."Im is" 4io5X715 5534S Dainty Lass 109 l:51h 100. .725 rwSOSbRnpid Stride 113 1:48 4 103X715 55352 May Bcdine 110 1:40 10S..720 55303 Jake Fold 112 1:47 4 113.. 715 55272s Miss Fontaine 102 1:47 99X715 55231 Ruby 97 1:49 4 103X710 55332 Lough Red 11241:40 112.. 715 55293s Miss Noll 104 1:4S 4 105.. 710 55293 bBritish Liner 102 1:57h 99.. 710 .",323s Capt. Rees 110 1:40 S 110.. 710 55272sbAce .110 1:47 109.. 710 55290s n.n vest King 110?1:52 7 113X710 54951 IIumphrey M ...103il:4S 99X711 55172 Sandy Mac 115 1:47 4 113X710 55290 Surmount 107.. 710 55119 Louie Lou 113 1:4S 5 110X705 55372 Blarney Stone 102 1:40 102 X 710 55293 Frank F 110 1:48s 4 110.. 705 55203 Grace Dauglierty .. 90 1:40 94X705 55340 Arravan 112 1:40 7 110X700 55292 bDona Loriotte 100 1:48 107X705 553SS bAlex Jr 95 1:40 4 110X700 55306 bAll Right Sir 108J1:40 109.. 705 55SSS bClermont 103 1:44 5 110.. 700 55238 bPetrnrch 105 l:4Ss 109X705 55270 Wild Flower .110 1 :48 4 103X700 LATONIA JOCKEY PERCENTAGES. From January 1, 1920, to Jnne 22, 1921, Inclusive. At or At or Over Over Jockey. P.O. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Jockey. P.O. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Griffin, C 27 95 11 3 0 1 Martinez, P 10 112 782 82 90 102 Lyke, L 23 111 Cll 138 103 7S Willis, 0 10 105 505 52 47 00 Butwell, J 21 111 843 178 100 159 Howard, J 10 106 109 17 17 14 Thompson, C 19 105 470 90 83 74 Smallwood, J 10 112 94 9 10 5 Fields, G 19 99 235 45 32 3S Paul, F 10 104 02 0 3 11 Murray, T 17 106 579 99 83 74 Burke, H. J 09 107 398 30 39 40 Garner, M 17 105 551 90 70 78 "Graves, E 09 110 111 10 7 12 Pool, E :18 104 525 94 92 S3 Allen, L 09 108 35 3 5 4 Pickens, A 17 103 402 80 77 77 McCoy, J 08 97 290 22 41 3S Roberts, J 10 100 707 110 99 95 Porretto, F 08 SO 53 4 9 0 Connelly, D 10 108 452 74 03 57 Wilson, A 08 96 25 2 0 4 Barrett, N 10 107 428 07 53 39 Harriagton, R. .. .08 100 25 2 0 1 Lunsford, H 13 109 559 71 81 70 Smith, F 07 100 337 25 30 27 King. H 13 103 519 70 54 56 Seobie, E 07 88 93 7 18 11 Heinisch, W. 13 108 43S 50 48 51 Hoffler, J 07 102 90 G 12 5 Nolan, T 13 107 202 27. 42 30 Anthony, E 07 102 70 5 0 2 Taylor, W. W 13 110 159 21 12 20 Andress, W 07 112 29 2 3 4 Lilley, W 13 108 02 8 5 8 Canfield, L 02 100 110 2 12 S Stack, G 12 10S 010 77 09 07 Gray, H. 03 103 39 1 0 1 Francis, J 12 104 445 52 01 51 Huff, N 02 110 45 1 1 1 Josiah, E. 12 94 204 23 27 23 Quinn, F .. 95 10 0 1 0 Morrissey. W 12 105 100 19 14 10 Lee, R 10S 4 0 0 0 Bryson, F 11 100 229 20 20 17 Stauder, G 95 3 0 0 0 Kederis, J 11 105 152 17 19 23 Pease, A 110 1 0 0 0 McGraw, S 11 97 153 17 22 16 Roach, A 98 1 0 0 0 Donahue. E. 10 OS 71 7 7 7 Yerrat. A 92 0 0 0 0 FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. 0-year-olds and upward. Claiming. June 7, 1921 1:10 4-5 O 110. Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish COL. TAYLOR, h. g, 5 IOC By Plaudit Looking Glass, by Clear the Way. Trainer, C. C. Van Meter. Owner, Harned Bros.. 55292 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 13 ICS 3 11 34 58J M Garner 12 ByGolly, A.N.Akin, GrecnGrass 63197 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 7-5 115 1 11 l1 34 M Garner 12 Orlova, Twin. Blue, G. Autumn 55073 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 21-5 112 1 12 31 71 J Roberts 10 Guvuor, Cozette, JanePnybakei 546S1 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 17-5 112 2 11 21 3 J Kederis 8 A.N.Akin, KovalDick, Doric 64287 Churchl 3-4 l:llfast 8 109 2 2 2 75 718 M Garner 9 BluePdise, Mar.May, Dr.Cmen 61408 Churchl 3-4 1:14 fast 9 115 1 2 2 6 6 C Buel 0 Louis A., Dr. Carmen, Panaman 61382 Churchl 3-4 1:13 good 8 9S 3 1 1 2s 2 C Buel 5 Angon, Sterling, Minute Man 6130S Churchl 3-4 l:12fast 13-10 10S 3 1 1 2J 3s E Pool 9 Rapid Day, Troilus, Louis A. ORLOVA, h. f, 4 108 By Free Lance Victoria ., by Bob Miles. Trainer, G. Moles-worth. Owner, G. J. Long. 55197 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast C 103 4 4 4 31 1 G Fields 12 Twin.Blue, C.Taylor, G.Autumn 54377 Churchl 3-4 l:12fast 5 105 7 2 3 5s Gsl E Scobie 15 Big Son, Tom Norris, Hereafter 62601 F.Gnds 3-4 l:13fast 18-3 103 4 1 2 1"J Is J J Mneyll CltLass, O.Siuner, Tcacli.slet 61674 Jefson 51 f 1:09 mud 30 103 9 6 7 7 61S T Jarvis 9 Lancelot, Poultney, Approval 61420 Churchl 7-8 l:26fast 9f 101 4 10 11 10 ll1 fi10 P Long 15 Grnd-Swell, Serbian, W.Flower 61350 Churchl 7-8 l:26fast 5f 100114 14 14 14 12s 12l E Pollard 15 Hi.Gear, Gd-Swell, M.theTime JULIA N., b. f, 3 102 By Peter Quince Nell Wilder, by Broomstick. Trainer, W. Perkins. Owner, C. Nuckols. 55270 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 1 94 2 2 2 2 in E Josiah 12 Sam Reh, Lou Widrig, T.Norris 54891 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 23-5 94 2 6 4 4s 3S1 E Josiah 12 Gl.France, BlclieMae, Br.alaid 54513 Churchl 3-4 1:13 fast 17-5 101 7 6 5 6 61! J D Mney 9 Fifi II., Sw.Liberty, Grd-Swell 52S15 F.Gnds 7-8 l:26fast 8 1061 1 2 2 3 35 47J E Pool 9 Day Lilly, Lucy Kate, Doric 62745 F.Gnds 51 f l:10hvy 3-5 106 2 2 2 3s 3J E Pool 7 Doric, Wedgwood, Ocean SwelV 626G1 F.Gnds 3-4 l:13fast 4 10G 1 4 4 Si 4s E Pool 9 Day Lilly, Rolo, Rancocas 2517 F.Gnds 3-4 l:13fast 2J 1S5 1 2 2 14 1 E Pool 11 Philderer, ToutOr, Marg.Dixon DIFFERENT EYES, b. h, 5 111 Bv "Che Manager AcushU, by Bier. Trainer, E. L. Fitzgerald. Owner, E. L. Fitzgerald. 55168 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 10 113 9 9 S 10s 10ls A Pickens 11 Meliora, Green Grass, Cozette 63415 Havana 3-4 l:12fast 2 110 2 11 2ll 33 W Kelsay 7 Sirocco. Mayor House, Mat. Idol 53302 Havana 5J f l:0Gfast 3K 109 1 11 21 2and A Pickens 5 B.ofEltown. Am. Ace, Rivside 63200 Havana 51 f l:0Gfaat 8-5 109 1 1 2 11 25 W Kelsay C Furbelow, Sirocco, MayorHouse 63181 Havana 3-4 l:12fast 4 109 2 2 2 31 2and W Kelsay 8 Riverside, B.ofElbtown, L.One 53138 Havana 3-4 1:13 fast 5 110 1 2 2 31 33 R Lcaster 5 Last One, Furbelow, Sirocco LOVELINESS, ch. f, 3 100 By Charles Edward Spanish Maid, by DisgulM. Trainer, G. H. Keene. Owner, J. 0. and G. H. Keeno. 65290 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 13 1G0 10 8 5 51 2 J McCoy 12 Surmount, Sir Lawnfal, Ras 54945 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 11 10S 8 9 10 101 103.N Barrett 12 Guvnor. Cozette, May Bodine 52815 F.Gnds 7-8 l:26fast 5 104 3 5 8 6 5 6" H Thurber 9 Day Lilly, Lucy Kate, Doric 62520 F.Gnds 11:41 fast 2 104 2 1 3 4 11 4SJ J McCoy 9 Pinilico, Mas.Jack, T.Forgner 62446 F.Gnds 7-8 l:2Cfast 7 97 3 4 3 4 31 3s J McCoy 8 Br.Check, Botheration, Twopair 62355 F.Gnds 3-4 1:14 fast 10 101 1 9 9 5H 551 G Stone 10 T.Official, B.Clieck, J.s Umma 62251 F.Gnds 3-4 l:16hvy 4 104 4 4 3 31 4s! G Stone 8 M.Lillian, J.sUmma, Wedgwood 61378 Churchl 3-4 l:14goodl9-10 106 6 C 2 11 l5 E Pool 0 GoldenDreams, Cozette, Romance JACOBEAN, b. . 3 100 By Polymelian Tacoba, by Jack Atkins. Trainer, M. Goldblatt. Owner, M. Goldblatt. 55327 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 29 105 7 9 7 5s 42 J Francis 12 Ring Rose, Penwell, Currency 64377 Churchl 3-4 l:12fast 15 99 13 11 12 126 12" F Porretto 15 Big Son, Tom Norris, Hereafter 54218 Churchl 7-S l:26fast llf 93 9 7 11 10 91 971 F PorrettolS A.Alexder, Gd-Swell, T.Nephw 54178 Churchl 3-4 l:16hvy 41 99 6 G 5 71 891 F PorrettolO Doric, Napoo, Blemislied 63401 Havana 3-4 l:12fast 2 104 5 4 3 3s 323 F Porretto 7 Black Top, Perhaps. Molinero 63358 Havana 51 f l:07fast 21 91 2 3 2 Ink in p Porretto S Flying Frog, Avion, Nepe 63301 Havana 51 f l:06fast 4 94 2 4 5 41 21 L Penman 8 Stepson, Peasant, Oavan Boy CUT UP, b. f, 3 100 By Wrack Janina, by The Scribe. Trainer, J. McKinney. Owner, R. P. Marshall. 5352 Lctonia 1 1-16 l:4Cfast 5 104 0 G 3 2 3 3: J Francis 12 MayBodine, LoughRed, Gr.ICing 65272 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 20 100 5 6 5 9 9s 9" E AnthonylO Jim Daisy, Ace, Miss Fontaine 65099 Latonia 1 1-16 l:49slov 5 109 1 3 2 2 1J 21 G Fields 7 Elpis, GraceDaugherty, Nonskid 65002 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 21f 102 1 10 10 Sl 671 F Smith 12 Grd-Swell, Sirocco, Honor Man 64836 Latonia 3-4 l:17hvy 118 102 3 7 10 10 10s" F Smith 11 Herald, Redmon, Napoo 54343 Churchl 3-4 1:13 fast 16 102 2 5 5 71 6 G Fields 12 Runnan, RoyalDuck, Cl.Theisen GIPSY QUEEN, b. m, G 106 By Marathon Zinfandel, by Tho Commoner. Trainer, A. Newman. Owner, J. P. Baker. 65093 Latonia 3-4 l:14slov 13 107 Left at the post. W Morseyl2 Dr.Carmen, GrnGrass, Lancelot E1406 Churchl 3-4 l:14fast 0 112 9 S 7 4h 2U H Lunsfd 13 Honor Man, The Nephew, Ruby 6133G Churchl 3-4 l:13fast 14 107 4 4 3 4s 41 J Roberts 9 A.N.Akin, P.Light, Ap.Jackll. 61322 Church i 3-4 l:13fast 13-10 107 8 6 4 51 hi J Roberts 8 Ruby, CottonBlossom, B.ofWar 61232 Latonia 3-4 l:13slow 5 1021 2 2 2 21 2 J Roberts 7 Marvin May, Sam Reh, Louis A. 61172 Latonia 3-4 l:15mud 12 104 3 3 2 21 2 J Roberts 10 MarvinMay, LadyLuxury, Ruby 61132 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 22-5 108 6 5 5 6h 71 H King 8 MabelG., Ap.Jackll., MarseJohn " GRACE MINARD, br. f, 3 100 By Frontenac Roses, by Wagner. Trainer, J. M. Hukill. Owner, V. C. Geodloe. 5570 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 37 104 7 3 4 5s 51S W Morsey 12 Julia N., Sam Reh, Lou Widrig 65197 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 29 104 10 S S 9s 918 W Morsey 12 Orlova, Twin. Blue, Col. Taylor 63964 Lex ton 3-4 l:14fast 15 102 6 7 6 61 4 G W Carl VI Sikhim, Sleepy Dear, Corilla 63849 Lexton 3-4 l:lomud 54 104 3 2 1 l1! 1 E Martin 9 NurseJane, fcanwood, F.Kou6ter 63264 Tijuana 5-8 l:00fost 3 92 5 5 5 5 5 G Yeargln 5 T.othMorn.. J.Goodman, Shifty 63320 Tijuana 51 f l:0Sfast 4-5 104 4 2 2 11 1 C VanDunlo Toreador, Peg.Martin, Missoula 4S607 Latonia y f 1:10 slow 8 112 4 2 2 3s 481 C VaiiDunR! W.G.MOock, Teutha, B.Bton GOLDEN FLOSS, b. h, 5 m By Golden Maxim Floss S., by Handspring. Trainer, L. V. Bellew. Owner, J. E. Ellis. 551C8 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast lOGf 113 11 10 10 9J 9" J Roberts 11 Meliora, Green Grass, Cozette 40430 Latonia 3-4 l:17hvy 10 110 6 5 4 21 31 F Murphy 6 Asadorlll., J.Stahr, OllieS. 40009 Churchl 3-4 1:15 fast 51 112 4 1 1 1 1 F Murphy 12 G.Mbach, Emanale, ElCoronel 31947 Churchl 5i f l:07fast 16 1051 4 5 5 5 62 F Murphy 5 Nan Knoehr, War Cap, Jap FOILU, ch. h, 5 106 By Ogden Grace Navarre, by Henry of Navarro. Trainer, P. J. Williams. Owner, Williams Bros.. 55SSS Li.tonia 1 1-S l:52fast 22 104 4 S 6 3 3s 3i J Francis 11 Nelle Yorke, Bromo, Kingfisher 55174 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 4 104 G 6 5 3 2J2 J Francis 9 Byrne, Virgo, Mazola 55116 Latonia 1 1-1G l:47fast 10 105 3 6 4 3 2l 2s J Francis 9 S.McMkin, Cntilever, Kalllpolis 55004 Latonia 1 1-4 2:06fast 11 105 3 5 4 4 5J 5 J Francis 11 Nonskid, British Liner, Dolph 54451 Churchl 1 l:42mud 10 107 4 3 4 4 21 2 J Francis 7 B.King, S.Light III.,FtainFay 54250 Churchl 1 1-16 1 :46f ast and 103 5 4 7 7 7 79 J Francis 12 Mab, Our Birthday, Hocnlr 54124 Churchl 1 1-16 l:4Smud 17 105 4 4 5 4 Gl 4T J Francis 8 Corson, Link Boy, HarvcstKlng 53970 Lexton 1 1-10 l:49mud 19-10 103 4 3 3 3 v.1 3 J Francis 8 Louie Lou, Cantilever, Undine 53S77 Lexton 1 1-4 2:09hvy 7-5 107 1 2 2 2 41 4" J Francis 0 LazyLou, NewelW., OapitalCIty W. G. McCLINTOCK. br. f. 3 105 By Jim Gaffnoy Ducis, by Sandrincham. Trainer, E. P. OMeara. Owner, J. S. Wiggins. C5SS2 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Cfast 28 10f 2 2 2 0 ra 91 T Murray 12 May Bodino. Loiigh Red, Cut Up 34918 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 39 1C0 9 10 10 10 7C1 E Scobie 12 SwtLiby, M.Fonso. EyesofYtli 54687 Latonia 11-101:47 fast 2o 101 2 7 30 11 12 12" S McGraw 12 Aph. Wickford, Korbly 5444S Churchl 1 1:42 mud 3 101 3 4 5 4 3s 3s J D Mney 7 WildFlower, Korbly, MissPatty 54098 Churchl 7-8 l:2Gfast 26 10G1 0 6 6 6 h 21 J D Mney 12 CandleLiglit, Virgo, GrdDaddy 339C4 Lexton 3-4 l:14fast 28 109 11 11 H 11 0 G31 M Garner 12 Sikhim, Sleepy Dear, Corilla PUEBLO, ch. g, 4 in By Eockton Oriska, by Clifford. Trainer, J. Phillips. Owner, W. Birnie. 55170 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47f ast 15 107 6 5 6 G SlUo A Wilson 12 Amanda, MissPatty, Miss Nell 54918 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 18 107 G G 0 6l Gl J Francis 12 SwtLiby, M.Fonso, EyesofYtli 53S93 H.deGco 3-4 1:14 fast 9-5 115 9 6 6 7and 9 J Butwell 15 Lit.Maudio. BlackTop, Rafferty 53G72 H.deGce 51 f l:09fast 6 10G 5 2 2 21 21 F Cltilettll3 Lib.Girl, Lit.Maudie, Ormalteed 53518 Bowie 61 f 1:21 fast S3 103 8 3 7 71 10" M SchwtzlO Approval, Brisk, Service Star 525G7 F.Gnds 61 f 1:07 fast 13-5 109 4 6 3 21 in J Heupel 13 Lit.Maudie, Circulate, Vansylvla 51946 Jefson 3-4 l:17hvy 5 105 8 7 7 7s 7S3 H King 8 Lonely, Lancelot, Oaklawa Bella 518S4 Jefson 51 f l:07fast 21 102J 2 1 1 1" 3s J Robert3 8 Ablaze. Murray, Roydcn GORHAM, blk. g, 5 M 111 By Patriot Floreo, by Contestor. Trainer, R. Gilmore. Owner, R. Gilmoro. 53197 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast r.Of 115 9 9 9 10 1010 J Roberts 12 Orlova, Twin. Blue, Col. Taylor 52466 F.Gnds 3-4 l:12fast 100 109 12 11 11 11 11" A Collins 12 GreenGold, .TockScot, M.Maxim 51032 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 22 111 10 12 11 91 9" A Collins 12 Pyx, Cormoran, Eyes of Youth 507S5 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 140 105 12 12 12 101 715 G Stone 12 GipsyQueen, ColumbiaTn. Rifle 506SS Latonia 3-4 l:14fast 1G 115 3 3 3 4h G53 A Collins 12 DonnaRoma. DoctorJim, Simonito 49921 Devre 3-4 l:17hvy 91 112 1 11 2s 3s A Collins 11 B.Brmel II., D.Roma, Simonite 49790 Devre 3-4 l:13fast 12f 115 1 11 ln 52 A Collins 11 Alf Vezina, Fin.Rooster. Ava R. CAPTAIN TOM, ch. g, 4 111 By Fair Play Florin, by Hamburg. Trainer, J. J. Troxler. Owner, J. J. Troxler. 53293 Latonia 1 1-4 2:07fast 127 100 0 7 9 11 10s 10" R Hartonl2 Virgo, Brilish Liner, Pit 55116 Latonia 1 1-1G l:47fast 21 110 7 S 8 7 5s 5,s M Garner 9 S.McMeekin, Poilu, Cantilever 54920 Latonia 1 1-S 1:53 fast 13 109 7 6 5 G Cl 618 R Harton 8 Repeater, BritishLiner, Nordeck 54758 Latonia 1 1-4 2:14mud 76 112 2 1 1 2 21 3 R Harton 8 Dr. Rae, Pit, Dolph 54714 Latonia 1 1-4 2:05fast US 112 5 3 3 5 Gs 6 R Harton 7 Gourmand, La Foudre, Cap. City 51448 Churchl 1 1:42 mud 54 U2 5 7 7 7 7 7" O Willis 7 W.FIoer, Korbly, W.G.MCltk RAS, b. c, 3 105 By The Manager Argon Esher, by Esher. Trainer, E. Trotter. Owner, Florisant Stable. 55290 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 13 109 0 4 4 4h 41 II Lunsfd 12 Surmnt, Loveliness, SirLawnfal 52724 F.Gnds 51 f l:09hvy 7 103 2 2 2 3s 4 E Pool 8 Runzaf, .TonsUmma, BegPardon 52539 F.Gnds 3-4 l:13fast 40 107 1 1 2 Tfi 6 II Lunsfd S Un. Verde, BungaBuck. Rancocas 62497 F.Gnds 3-4 l:13fast 20 103 1 2 3 2s fiio H Lunsfd S Tivopair, .Toaquina, Alcatraz 52446 F.Gnds 7-8 l:26fast 20 108 4 2 1 3 7" 75 H Lunsfd 8 B.Clieck, Botheration, Loveliness 52335 F.Gnds 3-4 1:14 fast 30 108 G 4 5 10 10 II Lunsfd 10 T.Official, B.Clieck, J.s Umma LA DERNIERE, ch. f, 3 M 103 By Mont dOr H. Ambrosia, by Hanover. Trainer, P. W. Davis. Owner, P. W. Davis. 55327 Lat on ia 3-4 l:13fast .".If 102 9 8 10 9s 9" W Morsey! 2 Ring Rose, Ppnwell, Currency 55073 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast ICS IOCS 9 1" 10 10 108 W MorseylO Guvnor, Cozette, JanePnybaker 54809 Latonia 3-4 1:18 hvy 209 104 G 7 C 81 8l F Knitli 9 Ruby, Dr. Carmen, Lancelot 54377 Churchl 3-4 l:12fast 7f 105 4 14 11 14s H J D Mney 15 Big Son, Tom Norris, Hereafter 512S1 Churchl 3-4 l:15mud G3 112 3 4 10 13 13" II J Burkel4 LouiseWynne," Gold.Quirice. lbnla 51233 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 65 112 6 7 5 8 S W Heinch 8 L.Chanip. BygoneDays, L.Widg 51193 Latonia 3-4 l:10hvy 36 115 6 6 4 4h 108 L Lyke 12 MissFontaine, G.Quiuce, Puzzle DIXIE GIRL, b. m, 5 M 108 By Marathon Senora Maria, by Spendthrift. Trainer, R. E. McMillan. Owner, R. E. McMUHd. 55293 Latonia 1 1-4 2:07fast 41f 105 3 11 7 12 12s R Wida 12 Virgo, Briiish Liner, Pit 55148 Latonia 2-4 l:13fast 26f 110 10 10 10 10s 10" W Lilley 12 M.Bodine, Blk.Hackle Or Kine 65075 Latonia 1 1-4 2:CGfast 44 !51 0 0 8 S S S" 12 Josiah 9 J.C.Stone, Wave WwrthsLast 54756 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :53mud 30 106 9 5 10 10 10 10s .1 Francis 11 T.Vginian. BlackRock Nonl-I- 34448 Church-l 1 1 42 mud 26 101 0 6 4 5 C 0" J Francis 7 W.FIoer Korblv W Cl MrtUt 47213 Churchl 1 1-1C l:47good 62 ICS 4 4 G 6 6 G!I G Stack Lady Rachel, Thinker. Jovial SECOXD RACE T, 1-2 FurloiiRN. 2-yoar-olds. araidens. Colts and Oold- inyrs. Siievial AVeifthts. June 7, 1909 l:rt 2-.1 9.:. SUAVE PRINCE, ch. c, 2 M 112 By Frizzle-Grace Colo, by Ornament. Trainer, L. Paul. Owner, M. Everton. 55271 Latonia 5-8 l:00fast 8 115 1 1 1 lb 3s F Paul 12 Bit oBlack Sirlluch Billvqtor 55169 Latonia 5-S l:00fast 9 115 G 1 1 21 3s F Paul 12 J.B.Br n, BkrlVr 11 Salamander 55074 Latonia 5-8 1:01 fast 12 113 5 2 2 2 3 F Paul 10 GteW-ire n JSo, i . . 54810 Latonia 41 f 58hvy 42 115 2 1 41 612 F Paul YMmUliM SADDLE AND BOOTS, ch. c, 2 M 112 By Boots and Saddle Flash of Lightning bv Ben Trainer, J. F. Schorr. Owner, E. B. McLean. Brush or Prince of Monaco. SaS, by Ben 5MG7 Latonia 5?. f l:C6fast 50 113 3 3 3 3 3s .1 Butwell 10 II1-i.rRrmm a:riin.i. n.rr 55169 Latonia 5-8 l:00fast 15 115 2 0 G 6s CSJ J Butwe 1 12 nrSw.S sn.S 55074 Latonia 6-8 1:01 fast ;31f 11G 4 ,. 4 0 6 6 N Huff 10 GteW-ire Dn4lnT I , T Ce 54892 Latonia 5-8 l:01f ast 17-10 112 10 9 9 91 910 N Huff 12 Hutchison, Leharesli Vitamin 54655 Latonia 41 f 54fast 1 115 4 8 71 7 N Huff 10 Cold Boy, LcharesII D Smker VITAMIN, b. c, 2 M 112 By Transvaal Incognita, by Disguise. Trainer, K. J. Walden. Owner, Morris and Walden. suise. 53367 Latonia 5i f l:C6fat 10 112 8 7 6 5J 31S T Nolan 10 B.Brown. Sir Hu-h S andBoots 55271 Latonia 5-8 l:00fast 9 113 S 7 6 6s Cs T Nolan 1- Bit ollL- qirH,," i. J 1 55027 Latonia 5-8 1:01 fast 5 115 7 8 7 71 72 T Can 1: M os e .LB ffin ffiaSr 54S92 Latonia 5-8 l:01fast 14 112 9 5 4 3i 3 T Nolan 12 Hchison. Lcliaril.. J B Bwn CIRCUS, ch. c. 2 M 112 By Whisk Broom II. Pageant, by 7 Delhi Trainer, T. P. Hayes. Owner, H. P. Whitney. 55169 Latonia 5-8 l:00fast 14 115 12 12 12 12 128 H Lunsfd 12 J.B.Brn. BkrBrn SuavcPrce LIEUT. COLONEL, b. g. 2 M 112 By Light Brigade-Yolanda, by St. Florian. Trainer, J. C. Milam. Owner, Montfort Jones. 55329 Latonia 51 f l:07fast 45 108 9 7 8 91 9" M Garner 12 Dr.ofAllah, WavdLady B Hair BLOSSOM HOUSE b. g 2 M 112 By Bulse Agnes May, by The Commoner. Trainer, W. Buford. Owner, H. P. Headloy. 55367 Latonia 51 f l:06fast 175 112 1 4 4 4s 4" W MorseylO B.Brown, Sir Hugh S audBools 55199 Latonia 5-S l:02hvy 59 ICS 6 7 7 71 7s H King S Q 11 . G a id en , Ad vent u re Bil S t ar 55027 Latonia 5-8 1:01 fast 70 115 9 9 9 8s SSJ G Fields 12 Bet Mosie, jTBrown BillyStar HEPHAISTOS. b. c, 2 M 112 By Vulcain Neva W., by Rey Y del Sierras aierra.. Trainer, C. R. Richards. Owner, F. E. Brown. 55271 Latonia 5-s l:00fast 50 115 11 10 12 12 12" G Stack 12 Bit oBlk. SirHugh SuavePrin a 5ir I 1:07fast 323 10S 5 6 fh 5s G Stack S Bet Mosie Bernice K., Lucknow 53027 Latonia 5-S 1:01 fast 102 115 6 6 S 9 9" G Stack 12 Bet Mosie, J.B.Brown BillyStar JOE Cj, b. c, 2 M "3Tr , By Plaudit-Queen Land, by Do Beauvoir. Trainer, C. OMalloy. Owner, T. OHern. E3S67 Latonia 51 f l:00fast S7t 112 10 9 9 10 10s" R Harton 10 B.Brown. Sir Hugh. S audBoots 55151 Latonia 51 f l:07fast 217 10S 7 S H S Ss It Harton S Bet Mosie. Bernice K.TLucknW SPATS, b. c, 2 M 112 By Sain Levia, by Falsetto. Trainer, D. Lehan. Owner, D. Lchan. 53271 Latonia 5-8 l:00fast 1G0 115 12 12 10 91 9" W Morsey 12 Bit oBlk, SirHugh, SuavePrin BILLY BRUSH, b. c, 2 M 112 By Ben Brush-Sweetheart Sue, by Peter Quince. Trainer, J. S. Everman. Owner, R. L. Hubble. 53271 Latonia 3-8 l:00fast 171 115 7 9 9 10l 10 J Francis 12 Bit oBlk, SirHugh SuavePrin 55169 Latonia 5-S l:00fast 62 115 6 5 7 71 7J T Nolan 12 J.B.Brn. BkrBrn. SuavePrce" WIDGEON, ch. c, 2 M 112 By Star Shoot Wide Eyes, by Hamburg. Trainer, J. C. Milam. Owner, M. Jones. First start. THIRD RACE 1 1-1G Miles. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Oct. 7, 191G DAINTY LASS ch. f, 3 106 By Ballot-Rdyal Dainty, by Royal Flush III. Trainer, S. Chenault. Owner, Berryman and Young. rr-348 Latonia 1 1-4 l::-lo 105 8 5 T, 4 11 Is J Howard 12 Hherwy, M.Prneritv L Widri? 55198 Latonia 1 1-1C l:49i6hvy 185 1C9 12 12 11 H 91 515 J Howard 12 Firebrand, BlcheMac Wil Tril 55025 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 92 106 G G 6 G G18 J Howard C Clio Cho. Apliie Dear. Fallacy MAY BODINE, b. f, 3 108 By Golden Maxim Mary Bodine. by y Star Btar andnoot Shoot. Traipcr, J. C. Milam. Owner, 7. C. Milam. 5IE52 Latonia 1 I-1G l:46fast ?-5 110 4 1 1 1 11 11 H Lunsfd 12 Lough Red. Cut Up. Grace Kinc 5o272 Latonia 1 1-1G l:4Grast 10 107 7 7 G 4 G 73J M Garner 10 Jim Daisy, Ace, Miss Fontaine 53148 latonia 3-4 l:13fast 9-5 105 7 6 3 2s H M Garner 12 B.Hackle, Gr.King Mar McKav 54945 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 95 109 7 7 G 4 3s W Heino!il2 Guvnor. Cozette. The Bagcace 54S91 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 47 109 11 10 10 10 10o M Garner 12 Gl.France. BlancheMac JuliaN MISS FONTAINE ch. f, 3 SD By Ivan tiio Terrible Superl, by The Commoner. Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, W. V. Thraves. 55272 Latonia 1 1-10 l:46fast 14 102 8 9 9 7 4s 3s E Scobie 10 Jim Daisy Ace Nanoo 55095 Latonia 1 1-16 l:48s!ow 11-10 105 2 3 2 3 2s 2s E Scobie 7 Petrarch, Ace WhinDet 54761 Latonia 1 l:47mud 14-5 107 4 3 3 4 32 33 E Scobie 7 Easteside, W.otheWisi B Diva 544S3 Churchl 1 l:3Sgood 22-5 90 3 2 2 2 li 1 E Scobie 8 Dr.Carmen, TheNephew LkBoy 54284 Churchl 11:39 fast 6 89 2 2 2 1 11 2k E Scobie 8 Gourmand. Machiavelli C Burns 54164 Churchl 1 1-16 1:52 hvy 21 99 4 4 4 4 2J 2s B Scobie G B.Stone. M.J.Baker W oi Wis,, 54104 Churchl 1 1-1G l:47fast 9 110 3 4 6 6 7s 6s T Murray S Sea Court, Nurture Corilla 53S72 Lexton 1 1-16 l:50hvy 31-10 108 3 4 4 2 2 3s B Scobie Planet, M.J.Baker, Au Revoir LOUGH RED, b. c, 3 2 By Lough Foyle Ruby Hyams, by Orlando. Trainer, J. F. Schorr. Owner, E. B. McLean. 6352 Lstonia 1 1-16 1.43fast .9 1121 7 6 3 3 2and 21 J Butwell 12 MayBodine, CntUp GraceKiiic 55095 Latonia 1 1-16 l:48slow 20 110 7 0 C G 5 5" M Garner 7 Petrarch, .Miss Fontaine Ace 63359 Pimlico 1 l:41fast 27-10 113 8 4 3 4 4s 5J J Butwell 10 Thimble. Tus.Maiden HdGuess 51319 Pimlico 3-4 l:12fast 40 115 9 8 8 8s 8s L Morris 10 Polvthia, Bon Homme TwoDalr 51079 Laurel 1 l:42fast 29-10 110 3 4 4 4 3s U J Butwell 9 Galiot, Zealous Tin-line 50971 Laurel 3-4 l:15fast 61 117 4 8 6 41 31 J Butwell 11 Parader, LongMand." Good Hods 502S4 H.deGce 3-4 l:15fast 33 116 2 6 7 G 61 J Butwell 8 Joaquina. Bygone Chevalier 50249 H.deGce 51 f l:0SV:fast 6 115 6 6 6 6s 62 N Huff 8 Superwoinan. Rancocas, Vrmir BRITISH LINER, b. g, 3 89 By Cunard Masks and Faces, by Diseulse " Trainer, L. Cahn. Owner, T. J. Pendergast. 55293 Latonia 1 1-4 2:07fast 4 94 2 5 5 2 21 "X E Josiah 12 Virgo, Pit. Miss Nell 55200 Latonia 1 1-4 2:11 hvy 5 93 f. 2 2 2 3 4J E Scobie G Capital City. Romper Pit 55154 Latonia 1 1-4 2:06fast 11 92 3 2 2 G G1! 5 E Scobie 10 Wave, Wads. s Last Merehnnr 55004 Latonia 1 1-4 2:0Gfast 37-10 S9 2 3 3 3 2" 21 F Porretto 11 Nonskid. Dolph Pit 54920 Latonia 1 1-S 1:53 fast 15 941 4 2 2 2 21 2 E Josiah 8 Repeater, Nordeck Tonev Ladv E4S42 Latonia 1 1-16 l:55hvy 48 102 5 5 6 7 61 6 F Smith 7 Tulsa, Rapid Stride Corson 54709 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 13f 105 8 10 9 8 6 F Smith 12 G. -Swell Sw. Liberty G France 54244 Churchl 1 l:40fast 5f 110 13 13 13 13 13s 13" F Smith 15 Radio, Wislimaker, BldBuddy ACE, ch. c, 3 109 By Meelick Agnes Dale, by Hinsdale. Trainer, R. N. Vestal. Owner, G. L. Blackford. 55272 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 11 110 3 2 2 2 2i 21 T Murray 10 JimDalsy, MissFontaine. Napoo 5o09o Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Sslow 8 110 3 1 1 1 35 34 T Murray 7 Petrarch, Miss Ftaine WhlDnet 54945 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 5 110 12 1 9 S $ E Pool 12 Guvnor. Cozette. May Bodine 52042 Jefson 3-4 1:14 fast G 110 4 3 4 41 4H S McGraw 7 Polythia. BungaBuck, M Lillian 520C5 Jefson 5-8 l:02good 2-5 115 2 2 2 lu lij s McGraw 7 Philanderer. JnArbor Wireless 51903 Jefson 5-8 l:01fast 3-2 113 1 3 2 2s 2" S McGraw 11 Trantula. Tony Sutton Voormir 50557 Latonia 61 f 1:08 fast 21 115 Lost rider. J Small wdl2 Darjeeling, Rama. Clem Theiseu 49020 Kwrth 51 f l:07fast 2 106 12 11 11 11s SJ A Collins 13 A.Wood. Centimeter. J S Rrdon HUMPHREY, ch. c. 3 M 99 By Ballot Bronzewing, by Stalwart. 1 Trainer, D. Lehan. Owner, D. Lehan. 54951 Latonla. 1 1-16 l:4525fttst 123 1061 6 5 C S 71 7 O Willis 10 Title. Marse John, P. O. King 3 E4S95 Latonla 3-4 1:12 fast ICt 104111 12 12 10 10 O Willis 12 lirswiek, .I.S.Rrdon, Bothatn G E4732 Latonla 3-4 l:15mud 15 1091 S 5 6 7 7" II King 8 Advoetite, D.Loriotte, Serg.STork 5 E4445 Churchl 3-4 l:15mud 13 110 7 4 4 6 2 O Willis 14 M.inthcAalr. C.Thelsen, Hr. Maid 5 54221 Churchl 7-8 l:244fast 45 98 6 3 5 6 7 72 L Canfleld 7 Rouleau, HighCommand. Jouett 5 64139 Churchl 7-8 l:2Shvy 7f 113 6 3 4 5 5J 3" L Canfieldiri Advocate, Wil. Tree, T.Vginiac 5 50458 Lexton F C l-.lOtifaat 15 115 5 4 4 4 44 J Hanover 7 Col. Baker, Dark Friar, Nonskld ; SURMOUNT, b. c, 3 107 By The Manager Alix, by Star Ruby. Trainer, H. Booker. Owner, R. C. Troxler. i 55290 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 23 105 4 2 2 l3 i E Pool 12 Loveliness, Sir Lawnfal, Ras t 531C8 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 210 104 4 3 2 7J S10 R Hartonll Moliora, Green Grass, Cozette i 5514S Latonla 3-4 l:13yfast 5 109 3 2 8 11 ll" R Harton 12 M.Bodine, BlckHackle, Gr.King I 54945 Latonla 3-4 l:12fast 19f 110 5 3 4 Gnk g3 R Harton 12 Guvnor, Cozette, May Bodine 54S36 Latonia 3-4 l:17hvy 45f 1065 9 11 11 11 11" A Pickens 11 Herald, Redmon. Napoo I 51732 Latonia 3-4 l:15mud 160 10S 6 S 8 8 8" R Harton 8 Advocate, D.Loriotte, Serg.York 62444 F.Gnds 3-4 1:14 fast 12 114 4 3 10 10 104 J WiUiamsll Cut Dp, Vulcanize. Plato BLARNEY STONE, b. g, 3 102 By Berrilldon Top Bock, by Rockton. i Trainer, J. Hanover. Owner, M. Reiser. 55372 Latonia 1 1-S l:52fast 11 100 7 8 8 5 G 6" E Josiah S Bro.Love, Cand.Light. YgAdam I 55272 Latonia 1 1-10 l:46fast 13 115 10 10 10 10 10 10" L Lyko 10 Jim Daisy, Ace, Miss Fontaine t 54485 Churchl 1 1-8 l:53good37-10 103 5 4 3 3 2 xl F Bryson 8 Yol. Blossom, Hocnir. Simonite ! 51233 Churchl 1 1-16 l:46andfast 8 102 3 3 3 2 2 21 F Bryson 8 Tribune, Merchant, Link Boy ! 54164 Churchl 1 1-16 1:52 hvy 12 109 5 5 5 2 Hi2 F Bryson G M.Faine. M.J.Bkcr, W.otWisp i 61104 Churchl 1 1-16 l:47?fast 5 100 6 S 4 5 B1 5J L Penman S Sea Court, Nurture, Corllla 52817 F.Gnds lm70y l:45fast 7-5 106 1 8 9 10 82 4s F Cltilettll2 W.otlieWp, Romper, CharlteO. B2747 F.Gnds lm70y l:49?hvy 41 106 6 6 5 5 4 4 A Richcrk 7 Lucy Kate, Gilt Fringe, Atraa . GRACE DAUGHERTY, ch. f, 3 91 By Frizzle Ruth Carter, by Handsel. Trainer, R. T. Williams. Owner, M. Murnan. 55203 Latonia 1 1-10 l:50hvy 9 92 3 7 5 G 52 4 E Scoble S Aph, Repeater, Brotherly Love 55099 Latonia 1 1-16 l:49slow 23-5 105 5 5 6 4 3 3s F Porretto 7 Elpls, Cut Up, Nonskid I 54951 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4525fast 29 95 7 2 2 3 5s 52 F Porretto 10 Title, Marse John, P. G. King ! 54734 Latonla 1 1-16 1:52 mud 25 90 2 2 2 2 23 Ink p Porretto 7 Trooper, Tulsa. Petrarch i 54549 Churchl 1 1-16 l:46fast 148 90 7 7 6 5 5 3i B Scheffel 10 Wickford, Dr.Rae. Yel.Blossom 54343 Churchl 3-4 1:13 fast 53f 97 6 11 12 81 Sl E Anthony 12 Runnan, RoynlDuck, Cl.Tlieisen 54247 Churchl 3-4 l:12fast 47f 94 9 11 11 9 9 F Porrettoll Dr.Cmen, A.Jackll., Sergt.York DONA LORIOTTE, b. f, 3 107 By Cicero lorlotte, by lochryan. Trainer, J. M. Gcode. Owner, J. M. Qoode. I 55292 Latonla 3-4 lUHJfast 14 94 5 3 4 7 9" E Josiah 12 ByGolIy, A.N.Akin, GreenGrass 55150 Latonia 1 1-10 l:45fast 17 100 2 2 3 4 01 6" G Fields 10 H.E.Coleman, MakeUp, B.Wheel 54732 Latonia 3-4 l:15mud 16 100 2 3 2 21 2s N Barrett 8 Advocate. Serg.York, Bal.Wheel 61312 Churchl 7-S l:25fast 100 106 3 3 4 4 4and 52 C VanDun 0 B.Idle Hr, LadyChamp, Bettina E1157 Latonia 51 f l:0Smud 14 115 5 3 5 71 71" C VanDun 9 Pongee, Julia N., Dimples 60999 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 12-5 112 1 1 2 J 1 C VanDun 11 G.Quince, L.Wynne, M.Fontaine ALL RIGHT SIR, br. c. 3 109 By Vulcain Topsy Bolle, by Knight Errant Trainer, U. J. Hak. Owner, Keith Sc Hak. 55366 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 102 111 7 7 7 63 4s P. Harton 7 SirLawnfal, Runzaf, J.S.Rrdon 55272 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast 16 110 9 8 8 8 8a 8t0 W MorseylO Jim Daisy, Ace, Miss Fontaine 55171 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 176 107 10 10 10 8 8 J Roberts 10 BelicveldleHour, Bwick, Flacy 54449 Churchl 1 l:40mud 44 104 8 8 S 8 61 618 J Francis 8 II.E.Coleman, B.Kean, Advocate 63430 Ha,vana 1 1-8 1:57 mud 6 112 6 6 3 4 I1 3! W Kelsay t! Billy Barton, G.Mcnocal, Aiken PETRARCH, b. c, 3 109 By Sain or Free Lance Mytileno, by Falsetto. Trainer, R. Williams. Owner, G. J7 Long. 552SS Latonia 1 1-4 2:0Shvy 6 SS 5 4 5 1 4! 4- G Fields 5 Firebrand, Our Flag. Advocate 55095 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4S!slow 23-10 105 4 4 3 2 1 1 G Fields 7 Miss Fontaine, Ace, Whippet 54734 Latonia 1 1-10 1:52 mud 11 100 6 5 4 4 4 4 F Bryson 7 Grace Daugherty, Trooper Tulsa 54104 Churchl 1 1-16 l:47fast 47-10 109 S 8 8 8 8 S4 N Barrett 8 Sea Court, Nurture, Corllla E2520 F.Gnds 1 1:41 fast 41 109 1 7 7 5 8l 77i W Wright 9 Pimlico, Mas.Jack, T.Forgner 52323 F.Gnds 1 1:41 fast 41 1021 1 3 2 7 5 3i J J Mney 7 Parader, Fantoche, White Star FOURTH RACE 35-4 3lile. Xnlnna Farm Hamllcan. il-year-olds and m- vfard. June 7, l!21 1:10 4-5 G 110. CHO CHO, ch. f, 3 105 By Jack Atkin English Esther, by Lord Esterling. Trainer, J. O. Whitlow. Owner, F. E. Courson. 55096 Latonia 3-4 1:13 slow 3-5 109 1 1 1 H 1 O Willis C Fallacy, BanceWheel, Advocate 65025 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 2 110 1 3 1 11 lnt O Willis G Aphie Dear, Fallacy, B.IdleHour 54922 Latonla 3-4 l:llfast 11 1011 2 1 1 Ink 31 O Willis 7 Darjecling, Distinction, St.Aine 54231 Churchl 3-4 l:llfast 9 104 1 1 1 11 1 J D Mney 7 L.Madcap, Pongee, M. Gaffney MINUTE MAN, br. c, 4 105 By Pataud Mi Moment!, by Fibgran. Trainer, J. H. Deavenport. Owner, M. Daitner. 55152 Latonia 1 l:39fast 24 JOS 1 1 1 3 3 2 W Heinch 5 Brookholt, DancingSpray, Ginger 54918 Latonia 3-4 l:ll4fast 11 108 6 6 3 4s i J Francis i M.Jemima, Brkholt, Mar.Hynes 54839 Latonla 3-4 1:16 hvy 4 110 4 4 5 6l O1" J Kederls 7 Angon, J. HareJr., Miss Jemima 54712 Latonia 3-4 l:10fast 5 110 2 2 2 2and 3 S McGraw 7 High Cost, S. Combs, Darjeeling 64659 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 5 109 3 2 1 lh 2i S McGraw S Brkholt, HighCost, Distinction 54550 Churchl 7-8 l;25fast 25 107 4 3 2 2 21! 21 S McGraw 7 Distinction, Ginger, S.ofPleasure 64182 Churchl 7-8 l:26slow 22-5 112 2 2 3 5 61 712 N Barrett 8 Brookholt, Wyoming, J.HareJr. B4123 Churchl 3-4 l:14mud 4-5 113 4 3 2 2s 2l F Smith 5 Brookholt, T.deHonur, H.Cost HIGH COST, b. h, 6 120 By Von Tromp Mitten, by King Erio. Trainer, E. Trotter. Owner, Florisant Stable. 55330 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 12-5 115 1 1 1 ll 1- II Lunsfd 0 Miss Jemima, Angon, Darjeeling 55153 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 3-5 116 4 11 2s 2 H Lunsfd 5 M.Jemima, Unc.Vclo, Darjeeliiig 54712 Latonia 3-4 1:10 2 110 3 1 1 Is Is II Lunsfd 7 S. Combs, Min. Man, Darjeeiing 51659 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 10 110 2 1 2 3 31! H Lunsfd 8 Brookholt, MteMan, Distintlon 64382 Churchl 3-4 1:11 fast 14 113 5 5 4 5 5" H Lunsfd 5 Flags, Distinction, Courtship 54123 Churchl 3-4 l:14mud 10 119 1 2 3 4 4" H Lunsfd 5 Brookholt, Min.Man, T.dHonnr 61135 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 17-10 115 5 2 1 31 4s H Lunsfd 6 Marj.Hyncs, HighCloud, Ginger 50882 Latonla 3-4 l:Ufast 1-2 115 2 11 1 .2k M Garner 5 M.Hynes, B.Paradise, Normdle ANGON, b. c, 4 112 By Assagai Hortensia, by St. Savla. Trainer, L. Gentry. Owner, L. Gentry. 55330 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 4 ItC 2 4 3 3 3i T Murray O H.Cost, MissJeminia, Darjeeling 54948 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 21 120 1 3 5 Ol 5IU T Murray M.Jemima, Brkholt, Mar.Hynes 54839 Latonia 3-4 1:16 hvy 12-5 115 1 2 2 l4 in W W TMor 7 JackHareJr., MissJema, S.ofP. 54712 Latonia 3-4 l:10fast 11 113 I 5 6 6 611 T Murray 7 High Cost, S.Combs, MinuteMan 52220 F Gnds 3-4 lclOsmud 2 122 4 4 4 11 l2 T Murray 7 Wyoming. St.Qiientin, Pickwick 52177 F. Gnds 3-4 l:12andfast 6 117 3 3 3 3 5" T Murray 12 E.Rickbher, B.Proof, C.Hshler MARVIN MAY. oh. o. 4 100 By McGee Conclusion, by Poop oDay. Trainer, J. McPhcrson. Owner, T. D. Matlock. 63273 Latonia 3-4 l:12rast 12-5 10S 1 3 3 3n 3:1 A Wilson 8 Redmon, Guvnor, His Choice 55078 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 21-10 113 7 3 3 3 21 G Fields 9 Buddie Keati, Kstero, Geo. Starr 54735 Iatonia 3-4 l:16mud 23-10 113 1 1 1 15 2"k w Heinch 8 Hadrian. SowcllCombs, Redmon 51634 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 6 115 1 11 ll U W Heinchl2 Dodge, Meliora, George Starr 54287 Churchl 3-4 l:llfast 11 109 4 4 3 2s 2" G Fields 9 BluePdisc. Dr.Cmen, J.Pbakcr 61198 Churchl 3-4 l:12fast 6 110 7 4 5 8l Sl J Francis 12 HidnJewcl, G.Gold, Clintouvle BROOKHOLT, ch. c, 4 125 By Ballot Gracilla, by Goldfinch. Trainer, J .C. Milam. Owner, Montfort Jones. 53370 latonia 1 l:37faut 6 126 2 3 3 3 33 3s L Lyke ." T.Porter, Woodtrap, Mar.Hynes 65152 Latonia 1 l:39fast 1-2 115 2 2 3 1 ll l2 M Garner 5 Min.Man, DancingSpray, Ginger 6491S Uatonia 3-4 l:llfast 9 12S 5 4 4 2l 2k L, Lyke i M.Jemima, M.Hynes, Min.Man 64839 Latonia 3-4 1:16 hvy 7 130 6 6 7 7 712 L Lyke 7 Angou, .1. HareJr.. Miss Jemima 61659 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 15 123 1 3 3 22 ll F Keogh 8 MinuteMan. HighCost, Disttion 64268 Churchl 1 l:366fast 17-10 110 3 3 3 3 45 4 M Garner 5 Sands oflPsure, Flags, Fbelow JACK HARE JR., br. h, 6 10S By Marathon Moonot, by Donald A. Trainer, D. B. Miller. Owner, T. M. Botts. 55117 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 29-10 112 7 3 3 3 2l E Pool S Bullion. By Golly. Blanche Mac E3003 Latonia 3-4 l:ll,fast 6-5 109 4 2 2 21 32 E Pool G St.Augte. Rap.Day, Mlle.Dazie 54839 Latonia 3-4 1:16 hvy 11 114 3 5 4 3 2nk "vT Morscy 7 Angon, MissJemimn, S. of Pleas. 64268 Churchl 1 l:36Mfast 7 107 4 2 4 4 6 5" H King G Sands ofPlsure, Flags. Fbelow 64182 Churchl 7-8 l:26Vislow 4 116 7 6 4 4 31 3S J D Mney 8 Hrookholt, Wyoming, Sterling 63934 Lcxton 3-4 l:144,hvy 1-2 117 4 2 2 21 2 T Murray S MarvinMay, Napoo, GreenGrass 51382 Churchl . 3-4 1:13 good 14-5 126 4 3 3 5 6J F Wilson 5 Angon, Col. Taylor, Sterling ROULEAU, br. c, 4 104 By Tracery Royal Coinage, by Minting. Trainer, J. C. Milam. Owner, Montfort Jones, 51345 Churchl 7-8 l:23fast 3-10 113 4 4 4 4 3l 371 M Garner 4 H.Command. H.Choice, W.Zone 54221 Churchl 7-8 l:244i,fast 4-5 111 7 2 3 2 In 1" M Garner 7 HighCommond, Jouett, B.Shann 54101 Churchl 1 l:37fast 39-10 110 4 1 1 1 1" 2n M Garner G LaRablee, Jouett, MystiousGlrl 53875 Lexton 1 1-1C l:47hvy 14 110 3 5 6 6 7 7" N Barrett 7 leu. Haig, Woodtrap, Mas.BlU 53786 Lexton 1 1-16 l:46slow 19f 109 6 6 6 8 71 76i M Garner 12 Best Pal, Ginger, Plurlbus 49472 Sartoga 1 l:37fast 10 120 7 Fell. A JohnsonlO Crank, Bridesman. Lunetta 49127 Sartoga 1 l:39fast 7 112 6 5 5 2 1 Is A Johnson G Mauovrc, Sweet Music, Georgie FIFTH RACE 1 l-li Miles. Inilepcnilence Ilanrtlcau. :;-year-oltl.s anil it- uard, July lO, 1020 2:2i V.-T, 113. EXTERMINATOR, ch. g. 6 130 x.y McGee Fair Empress, by Jim Gort. Trainer, W. McDaniol. Owner, W. S. Kilmer. 55019 Aqduct 1 1-8 l:49igood 4 129 S 7 7 4 11 3s L Ensor 11 GreyLag, J.P.Grier.IeonardoII. 51631 Belmont 1 1-1 2:02;iifast 6-5 133 7 0 5 5 53 582 A Johnson 8 Audacious, M.Hatter, Sen. Park 54;:01 Jamaica 1 1-8 1:50 fast 1 130 2 2 2 1 11 13 A Johnson 4 Mad Hatter Cirrus, Pilgrim E41S8 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:47I4mud 18-5 129 7 5 5 4 3s 2i A Johnson 7 Blazes, Naturalist, Mad Hatter 54051 Jamaica 1 1-16 1:45 fast 11-5 129 1 3 4 3 2l 2s E Haynes 5 M. Hatter, Y.Haud, SingsPark 6140" Pimlico 2 1-4 3-53 fast 3-4 126 3 2 2 1 11 1 L Ensor 7 Boniface, PaulJoncs, Donnacona 51346 Pimlico 1 1-2 2:31fast 14-5 133 2 7 7 5 61 51 C Fbther 9 MadHatter, Boniface, ThePorter WOODTRAP, ch. h. 7 111 By Trap Rock Wood vine, by Magnetixor. Trainer, J. McPherson. Owner, Fair Acre Farm. .5370 Latonia 1 l:37fist 16 108 1 1 1 1 25 2l D Connlly 5 T.Porter, Brkholt. Marj.Hynes 55MH Latonia 1 1-1C 1:43 fast 10 112 1 o 6 7 72 6J. H Lunsfd S BestPal, Marjoriellynes, Jouett 55"oi Latonia 1 l:42hvy 9 117 3 3 3 4 4 4" H Lunsfd 5 Aphie Dear, Mlle.Dazie, Jouett 55077 Latonia 1 1-16 l44Mifast 8 115 2 6 S S 8 N Barrett 8 M.Hynes, Sdsof Plure, BestPal 54838 Latonia 1 1-16 l:53hvy 13-10 121 1 2 2 2 2 1" II Lunsfd 3 Kinhurn. Midway 51657 Latonia 1 1-16 1:45 fast 9 114 a 4 5 3 31 2 II Lunsfd 10 Sdsof Pleas., Rangoon, Best Pal SANDS OF PLEASURE, b. g, 8 112 By Fair Play Golden Sand, by Rock Sand. Trainer, J. M. Goode. Owner, J. M. Goode. 35294 Latonia 11-16 1:45 fast 8 112 S S S S S S1S Wida 8 BestPal, Marjoriellynes, Jouett 55152 Latonia 1 l:39fast 41-10 115 5 5 5 5 5 5J G Fields 5 Brookholt, Min.Man, Danc.Spray 55077 Latonia 1 1-16 l:44Vfast 7 112 8 8 7 7 33 2" E Pool 8 M. Hynes Best Pal, Distinction 54839 Latonla 3-4 1:16 hvy 15 110 7 7 6 51 442 N Barrett 7 Angon, J. HareJr.. Miss Jemima 54657 Latonia 1 1-16 1:45 fast 9 103 9 9 7 4 2i 1 E Pool 10 Woodtrap, Rangoon, Best Pal 51550 Churchl 7-8 l:25fHSt 7 106 6 7 6 51 44 J D Mney 7 Distinction, MinuteMan, Ginger 64308 Churchl 1 1-4 2:0U5fast 5 103 11 11 11 9 91 S J D Mney 111 Woodtrap, Ethel Gray, Jouett MINT CAT. b. h, 5 104 By Catmint Arlotte, by Sunflower. Trainer. J. F. Schorr. Owner, E. B. McLean. "3T Inlonia 1 1-16 1 :41Hfast 21 111 C U 6 5 4J 2s J Butwcll K.ONeil, Mar.Johu. Kimpalong 55332 Latonia I 1 ::,Wast 27-10 111 5 6 5 3 V.- 2i J Butw. ll 7 K.ONil, Harlpck, Daiu-ingSpy CKI0 Latcnia 1 1-16 l:49hvy 5 1116 0 5 4 3 3J .1 Butwcll 0 Accelerate. Rrn.Hais. healrincc rtn37 Latonia 1 1-16 l;17V6alow 0 l--7 S 7 6 1 3 ::i M Garner 8 Sway, Mile. p3zle. Make Up 6 W9 Latonia. 1 1-16 l:45urai3t S-5 111 0 6 5 2 1 2i U Lyke 7 Pastoureu.i. Iiiquiry, TaDc.fpray 64594 Latonia. 1 1-15 1:4 lfa8t. 6 1 13 S S 7 6 V 3 .1 Butwc 8 Morj.Hynes, .Tnuett Daucpray . Latonia. 1 lSSHfast Zt m- 5 5 I 3: S J Butwll 7 Marj.Hynes, Wyomg. L. Wrack 604li H ctc-t 1 1-16 .j;if"t 112 2 4 1 5 . 6 1" J Butwcll 5 Master Bill. Sailor. Belarlo LA RABLEE. b. f, 4 108 By Rabelais La Flambeo, by AjJt. Trainer, J. McCormack. Owner, P. A. Clark. . j. x, 1 1 1. 370 Latonia 1 l:37fast 31-10 107 5 5 5 5 3 5 L McAtec 5 Therorter. Woodtrap. Brookholt 64915 Bolmont 1 1-10 1 44fa8t 3 04 5 4 3 4 32 2 McAtee G Yel.Hand, Dr.Clark. Donnacona Slolmont 11.8 1:49 faft 10 106 4 2 2 2 2 21 L McAtee 5 Goaler, Capt.Alcock, D.of theV y 64510 Belmont 1 l:3Sfast 13-5 114 3 4 4 4 3 2 L McAtee 5 Pen Hose, Uunksia. Polly Ann mooPimalca lm l-39?fast 8-5 113 3 3 2 2 B ink L. McAtee 4 FairGain, Biff Bang, Amer.Boy g Church l llfast 21-5 103 6 5 4 2 2k la L McAtee 6 Rouleau, Jouett, MysteriousGirl DANCING SPRAY, br. m, 6 95 By Rapid Water Alberta H., by Hindiprin. Trainer, J. H. Baker. Owner, Treacy and Walker, r Tntonia 11-33-fast 7 157 4 3 3 4 4 41 F Smith 7 KcpieONeil, MintCat, Harlock t1.-La on a 1 lyst 25 m 4 4 4 2 2U 32 E Pool 5 Brookholt, MinuteMan. Ginger 79Latoi 1 1 1-10 l:454ifaat 9 106 7 7 7 6 5 l1 N Barrett 7 Pasloureau. MintCat, Inquiry CIS31 lttlult 1 - 6 I:44fast 12 101 2 5 5 4 and 4 L Canficld S MarjoricUyncs, Jouett, MintCat Km lion a 11-4 2 -10 mud 13-10 105 1 1 1 1 l2 1 N Barrett 1 WiilowTrcc. P.G.Kiiig. Mat.Idoi 1 3 G 5 5 5 5 ; i t i I I i I t ! ! i . I ! i I . MIDWAY, ch. h, 7 102 By Ballot Thirty-third, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, R. Goose. Owner. J. W. Parrisb. 34838 Latonia 1 1-16 l:E3hvy 19-10 1071 3 3 3 3 3 3 N Barrett 3 Woodtrap, Klnburn 54657 Latonia 1 1-16 1:45 fast 32 103 3 8 9 9 9s 91 F Smith 10 S. of Pleas., Woodtrap. Rangoon 54518 Churchl 1 1-16 l:44ffcfast 9 110 4 4 4 4 41 4" S McGraw 5 BnsySignal. Sway, GeneralHaie 54413 Churchl 11-8 1:53 mud 31 110 2 3 3 3 32 2i W W Tlor 4 Best Pal, Sterling, Bone Dry 54308 Churchl 1 1-4 2:03yjfast 29 110 4 2 7 10 13 13" W W Tlorl3 Woodtrap, Ethel Gray, Jouett 54248 Churchl 1 1-8 l:50fast 8 115 3 2 3 4 4 4 W W Tlor 5 Woodtrap, Sterling, BelgianQn SEA PRINCE, ch. 0, 4 98 By 8 King Danoeress, by OgdxsB. Trainer. U. J. Hak. Owner, H. E. Bwaa. 5350 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 49 109 9 9 9 9 5 R Harton 9 Make I p, Tippo Sahib, Aph 55240 Latonla 1 1-16 l:19?4hTr 26 106 5 5 6 6 41 4" J Francis 0 Accelerate. Gen. Haig. MintCat 55003 Latonia 1 1-8 l:51fast 12 107 6 6 C 0 51 3" J Francis 0 Paris Maid. Lothair, Wickford 51897 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 7 108 7 7 7 7 6 63 J Francis 7 Kewpie ONl. Legal, Accelerate 54660 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast llf 106 11 11 11 H 9i 41 S McGraw 12 Accelerate, Dimples, Mafpeldo! 54383 Churchl 1 1-16 l:45fast 36f 104 11 11 11 H 102 71 C Parrish 11 Mys.Girl, BelnQueen, Mas.i.ill TRAVESTY, b. c, 4 95 By Ballot Coy Maid, by Kingston. Trainer, J. I. Smith. Owner, H. H. Hewitt. "..2;fl Latonla 1 1-16 89 101 1 2 6 4 51 S8s J Francis 0 Make Up, Tippo Sahib, Aph 53275 Latonia 1 1-10 1:47 fast 41 103 4 3 3 4 6t 63 J Francis 7 Wh.Dun, Bal. Wheel, S.Grting. 55150 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 219 109 10 10 10 10 91 7 J Roberts 10 II.K.Coleman, MakeUp, B.Whe.l 55026 Latonia 1 1-16 1:4 lfast 49 110 3 1 3 4 42 4" W Lllley 7 Jouett, II.E.Coleman, Tip.. Sahib 55005 Latonia 3-4 l:llM;fast 86 103 2 5 5 5 6" F Smith 0 St.Augte. RapidDay. J.HareJr. 54711 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 75 110 1 8 9 9 92 9IS H Lunsfd 10 Jouett, Make Up, CottonBlossom 54221 Churchl 7-8 l:24;jrast 60 105 2 6 6 7 60 512 F Smith 7 Rouleau, HighCommand, Jouett SIXTH RACE 5 3-2 FurlonK-s. 2-year-olds. Allowances. June 7, 110! 1:05 2-5 a OS. SIR HUGH, b. c, 2 M 105 By Light Brigade Enigma, by Ben Brush. Trailer, J. C. Milam. Owner, J. N. Camden. C5S67 Latonia 51 f l:06fast 1-2 112 5 2 2 2s 2and II Lunsfd 10 B.Brown. S.andBoots, Bl.Houso 55271 Latonia 5-8 l:00fast 1-2 115 2 2 2 2h 2- M Garner 12 Bit oBlk, SnavcPrin.. Bil.Star 551C9 Latonia 5-8 l:00andfast 19-5 110 11 7 5 5 0" M Garner 12 J.B.Brn, BkrBrn, SuavePrce BILL AND COO, br. f, 2 no By Helmet Padula, by Laveno. Trainer, H. J. Thompson. Owner, E. R. Bradley. 55291 Latonia 5-8 1:01 y5fast 12-5 115 1 3 3 11 1 L Lyke 12 Marimba, Scandal, Our Betsy 53094 Latonia 5-8 l:02slow 10 112 3 5 4 42 32 L Lyke 10 StaClara, FhmBlue, LyMothcr 54223 Churchl 41 f 54andCast 43-10 114 2 3 3 32 L Lyke 0 NaughyNisba, O.dAtnour, Doris 54099 Churchl 1-2 47fast 37-10 115 2 4 41 433 L Lyke 9 BerniceK., NghtyNisba, At.Gal 538S9 Leston 1-2 47good 30 114 2 7 71 72 B Pool 10 Startle, Fair Phantom, Aloft 53783 Lexton 1-2 495hvy 19 113 6 7 71 8:a L Lyke 12 J.Bowdre, Alverida, LillnMaeB. BONUS, b. f, 2 107 By All Gold Remembrance, by Hamburg or Broom- Trainer, T. P. Heyes. Owner, H. P. Whitney. stick. 55389 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 15 112 6 5 5 3! 21 L McAtee 8 MissJoy, F.Phantom, Rminster 55274 Latonia 51 f 1:07 fast 11 103 4 3 3 21 2 O Willis 8 San.Clara, Washgton. BetMosic 54232 Churchl 41 i 54fast 8 115 6 7 3i lo D Connllyll Be Good, Atta Gal, Orma Dale 03823 Lexton 1-2 47fast 28 109 4 6 61 610 E Martin 12 Startle, F.Phantom, BrightLeaf PRECIOUS LULA. b. f, 2 107 By Helmet Armilda, by Bryn Mawr. Trainer, A. Baker. Owner, A. Baker. E5347 Latonla 5-8 l:00fast 3-2 112 4 3 2 l2 l3 J Butwell 10 Chewink, Marimba. MockingBird 55003 Latonia 5-8 l:00fast 112 115 5 4 4 4l 41 F Smith 11 Bob.Hair, M.Wiusor, Inquisition MARTHA FALL 017", hr. f, 2 110 By McGee Boony Doon, by Prince of Melbourne. Trainer, W. Perkins. Owner, C. W. Moore, Jr.. 54930 Latonia 5-8 10 113 2 2 2 21 22 E Pool 9 D.ofAllah, Ompotent, H.Rogcrs 54708 Latonia 5-S l:00andfast 16 111 3 2 2 22 22 N Barrett i Miss Joy, Ea.Riehts, LinaClark 5465S Latonia 5-8 E94fast 28 114 7 7 7 61 6 H King 8 FrPhtom, Miss.Ioy, Dr.ofAllah 54064 Churchl 1-2 46fast 13 119 7 2 2h 2s H King 13 Fair Phantom, Aloft, Mom S4D04 Lexton 41 f 67hvy 1 113 2 1 l1! Is H King 0 Lina Clark, Mom, Caunzel 32917 Lexton 1-2 50 mud 9 112 1 3 ll 1 E Pool 11 L.Rochter, BerniceK., B.Trash GRANITE WARE, b. c, 2 110 By Granite Liska, by Sabine. Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, W. V. Thraves. 55389 Latonia 3-1 l:12;ifast 2S 115 7 S 8 72 7TJ E Scobe 8 Miss Joy, Bonus, Fair Phantom 55074 Latonia 5-8 1:01 fast 5 115 1 1 1 1 1 T Murray 10 DpSker, SuavePrince, Marimba 54514 Churchl 41 f 54fast 19f 115 2 3 61 51 H Lunsfd 11 John Finn, Demos, Montjoy 53787 Lexton 1-2 4Sslow 15f 109 12 4 51 6" T Murray 12 LordAllen, Gentility, PepperTea HELEN ROGERS, blk. f, 2 10 By Delhi The Spirit, by Yankee. Trainer, R. C. Frakos. Owner, N. Macfarlane. 53371 Latonia 5-8 59fast 30 112 3 3 3 32 3s W Lilley 5 F.Phtom, WydLady, B.Trash 54950 Latonia 5-8 55andfast 12 110 7 5 4 41 4i W Lilley 9 D.ofAllah, M.Fallon, Ompotent 54729 Latonia 41 f 56andmud 8 lli 3 4 11 ll W Lilley 9 BirdieG., Starella, Atta Gal BRIGHT TRASH, br. f, 2 107 By Bulse Cain Chaser, by Otis. Trainer, W. Buford. Owner, Hal Price Headley. 53S71 L-.tonia 5-S 59fast 31 107 4 4 4 42 4" W Morsey 0 F.Phtom, WydLady, H.Rogers 55295 Latonia 51 f l:07fast 14 112 2 11 l5 1J H Lunsfd 9 Lady Mother, Randel. Tulallp 53202 Latonia 5-S 1:03 hvy 20 112 5 2 3 4 41 II King 7 Alverida, At.Gal. MissCrestwd 55118 Latonia 5-8 l:C0fast 61 110 4 5 5 6 6" J Francis S Wayward Lady, Mom, Birdie G. 54896 Latonia 5-8 l:01fast 7 106 7 4 5 7s 73 J Francis 8 Bcrnice K., M.Crtwood, Dorius 54S14 Latonia 41 f 59 hvy 9-5 114 4 4 21 45 W W Tlor 0 Noontime, EnualRights, Tulallp 54484 Churchl 41 f E4good 4 109 1 1 ll 11 H King 9 Randel, Alverida, MissCrtwood BRAEDALBANE, ch. c, 2 110 By Jack Atkin Princess Pat, by Stalwart. Trainer, S. Chenault. Owner, D. Breckcnridge. 543S1 Churchl 4J f 53fast 33-10 113 1 2 2 21 2 E Pool C Rockminister, LordAllen. Stamp 54203 Churchl 41 f 54 fast 1 110 1 1 ll I3 J Howard ! Demos, Lucknow, BoyFr.Homc 54142 Churchl 41 f 55andhvy 8 117 1 1 11 3s J Howard 5 Casey, Rekab. Royal Palm ROB, ch. c, 2 110 By Orb Panlita, by Panmuro. Trainer, R. N. Vestal. Owner, I. E. Clark. 55199 Latonia 5-8 l:02,ihvy 19 115 7 6 6 61 S2T II Lunsfd S Qu.Gardcn, Adventure, Bil.Star 54552 Churchl 41 f 6375fast 17 112 4 4 41 41 J Smallwd 8 Rockminister, Aloft, Rekab 54517 Churchl 41 f 53 fast 51 115 5 6 61 7" J Smallwd 8 Fair Phantom, Miss Joy, Aloft 54265 Churchl 41 f 53fast 12-5 115 2 1 l2 ll J SmallwdlO Rockistqr, Hutson, B. Buttons 54219 Churchl 41 f 53fast 5 115 2 3 4 4Ji J Smallwd 8 QuinceGarden, Demos, Bemcful 54062 Churchl 1-2 47fast 8 115 2 2 21 2 S McGraw 9 BettcrStill, Q.Garden, Snewall SEVENTH RACE 1 1-1G aiiles. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Oct. 7, ioii 1:4;: 2-5 :i 122. YOUNG ADAM, ch. h, 5 110 By Adams Express or Frederick L. Maezie, bj Trainer, J. P. Phillips. Owner, J. P. Phillips. Caughnawaga. .r.;S72 Latonia 1 1-8 l:32fast 46 112 4 4 5 6 4 3- W Lilley 8 ltro.Lovc, CandlrLiglit, Lothair 15295 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 22 110 9 9 9 8 S3 Sl M Garner 11 H.Gear, HarvestKing. Repeater 52816 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:46fast 12 1111 9 9 8 8 81 5 J Rodsez 9 Bantry, Madge F., Master Bill 52623 F.Gnds 1 1-8 l:52fast 41 109 1 1 1 4 62 79 M Garner 7 Kpalong, Fgtown. T.Ptngueso 52377 F.Gnds lm70y l:41fast 6 112 10 9 7 8 62 62 L Lyke 12 D.ofPcacc, Prospector, Frogtown 52297 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1:48 fast 6 108 9 3 3 5 102 10 E Pollard 13 Lucky 1!., Veteran, Prospector MAB, br. m, 7 103 By Meelick Dona Hamilton, by Donald A. Trainer, L. L. Mason. Owner. H. T. Batchler. 55119 Latonia 1 1-16 l:40fast 27-10 103 4 ,3 4 2 23 2 G Fields 9 HighGr, DahabiahlL, LouicLoU 54923 Latonia 1 1-8 1:53 fast 5 107 1 3 1 2 3 31 T Nolan 8 .7. C. Stone, Exhorter, Sdmanll. 54250 Churchl 1 1-16 l:46fast 8 103 6 5 3 3 22 ll C Thompnl2 OnrBirthday, Hocnir, LaFoudre 54098 Churchl 7-S l:26fast 22 106 9 9 10 10 10 7 G Fields 12 CdleLight, W.G.McCltk, Virgo 52378 F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:474fast 4 102 3. 4 4 2 22 B T Jarvls 9 Capt.Burns, LightWine, Dr.Rao SAM McMEEKIN, b. g, 9 113 By McGee Gunrod, by Mirthful, Trainer, W. Perkins. Owner, 0. M. Boner. 55116 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 5 110 4 4 2 1 l2 l3 B Pool 9 Poilti Cantilever. Kallipolis 54233 Churchl 1 1-16 l:45andfast 37 1091 8 8 8 S 3 83 H King 8 Tribune, Blarney Stone, Mchanl 53999 Lexton 3-4 l:17hvy 42 114 Left at the post. G Stone 10 E.oflouth, CobtLass, Betsinda 47318 Churchl 1 l:43V5;mud 6 113 3 3 2 3 6h 71s m Garner 10 Rafferty, Orenzo, James Foster 47199 Churchl 1 1-16 l:52hvy 9 115 5 2 2 2 S1 2l L Ensor i Merchant, Dr.Rae, D.ofDnshlre 47174 Churchl 11:43 mud 3 115 6 5 6 6 64 722 J Hanover 9 PeggyC, D.ofDevhire.Boouville WAVE, b. h, 5 108 By Tidal Wav Mario Blanche, by Sollman. Trainer, A. Luzader. Owner. A. Luzader. 53239 Latonia 1 1-8 l:58y3hvy 22-5 110 3 4 4 3 22 2 G Fields 7 Merchant, Gourmand, Lothair 55154 Latonia 1 1-4 2:06fast 0 103 6 5 4 3 33 11 G Fields 10 Wad.sLast, Mchant, AdcliaW. 55075 Latonia 1 1-4 2:06fast 7 103 4 4 2 2 22 21 G Fields 9 J.C.Stone, WthsLast, FrankF. 54S93 Latonia 1 1-4 2:05fast 4 111 6 0 5 4 42 41 M Garner 10 S.J.Vergne, In.Hughes, LaFdre 546S7 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47 fast ISf 115 6 6 0 9 111 ll20 W Heinchl2 Aph, Wickford, Korbly E4515 Churchl 1 1-4 2:05fast 31-10 113 4 3 3 3 3 31 E Scoble 9 Korbly, Faux-Col, Capital City MELVIN, b. g. 4 105 By Martinet Lady Esther, by Lord Esterling. Trainor, P. J. Williams. Owner. Williams Bros.. 5336S Latonia 1 1-10 l:47andfast 9 107 3 7 G 3 43 43 J Francis 9 .TakcFeid, ItapidStride, Fifill. 55093 Latonia 3-4 l:14slow 65 110 1 5 5 4 1" J Francis 12 Dr.Carmen, GrnGrass, Lancelot 54734 Latonia 1 1-16 1:52 mud 20 107 5 C 6 6 6 624 J Francis 7 Grace Da-igherty, Trooper Tulsa 54377 Churchl 3-4 l:12fast 39 110 2 8 7 71 9 J Francis 15 Big Son. Tom Norris, Hereafter 54141 Churchl 1 1:43 hvy 9 110 1 2 3 4 63 63 J Francis 8 Jim Heffering, Aph, Simonite 54098 Churchl 7-S l:26fast 13 109 5 3 3 7 S 8 J Francis 12 CdleLight, W.G.McCltk, Virgo RAPID STRIDE, ch. 0. 4 108 By Rapid Water Lady Ornama, by Ornament. Trainer, W. St. Vincent. Owner, J. L. Earl. 53368 Latonia 1 1-15 l:47fast S 113 4 2 1 1 2 23 E Josiah 9 Jake Fold, Fifi II., Mclvin 53296 Latonla 1 1-16 l:47fast 12 108 10 10 10 11 11 ll23 J Francis 11 H.Gear. HarvestKing. Repeater 55236 Latonia 1 1-8 l:594hvy 33-10 103 1 1 1 1 l3 l5 E Josiah 7 Kingfisher. Corson. Tanlac 51842 Latonla 1 1-16 l:53hvy 9 106 3 2 2 2 2 21 E Josiah 7 Tulsa, Corson, Fair Orient 54709 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 19 113 2 4 6 9J 9" X Barrett 12 G.-SweU, Sw. Liberty, G.France 54549 Churchl 1 1-16 l:46fast 42 112 3 1 1 1 2J S12 J Roberts 10 Wkford, Dr.Rae, G.Daugherty JAKE FELD, b. g. 4 113 By St. Volma Bonetto, by Masetto. Trainer, T. F. Devereaux. Owner, T. F. Devereaux. E5368 Latonla 1 1-16 l:47,fast 114 112 S 6 2 2 1 l3 F Paul 9 Rapid Stride. Fifi II., Melvin 55239 Latonia 1 1-S l:3SHhvy 129 10S 4 2 2 G 7 72 F Paul 7 Merchant, Wave. Gourmand 55174 Latonia 1 1-10 l:47fast 144 114 S 7 7 6 6 6" W Heinch 9 Bvrne. Poilu, Virgo 5491S Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 23f 114 12 12 12 12 1222 W W Tlorl2 SwtLiby, M.Fonso, Eyesofrth 53371 Havana 1 1-16 l:4745fast 6 106 7 4 2 2 4 9s A Pickens 9 White Haven, Armistice, Zole 53345 Havana lm50y l:41fast 5 109 4 6 2 2 2nk sj r McDott S Paula V., Jellison, White Haven RUBY, b. f, 4 103 By Golden Maxim Hiva, by Bemproniua. f Trainer, 7. Umensetter. Owner, J. Umenietter. 53234 Latoriia 3-4 l:163hvy 6-5 104 7 6 0 41 4" E Scobie 7 Dr.Carmeu. Sav.Libertv P Li"ht 55115 Latonla 3-4 l:12andfast 52 103 6 7 S 8 8" E Scobie 10 MabelG.. Gr.-Swell, ClintonvUle 54809 Latonia 3-4 1:18 hvy 31-10 112 2 2 2 l2 l2 E Scobie ! Dr.Carmen, Lancelot. MyFono 54547 Churchl 3-4 l:12fast 23 108 8 7 12 12 12" P Long 12 Youneed, Hon.Man. BritishMaid 54289 Churchl 3-4 l:12V4fast 7 107 4 4 4 6J 7J P Long 11 MabelG., Cozette. BritishMaid 54118 Churchl 3-4 l:14y3mud 21 105 3 1 1 l2 l2 p Long 12 Mabel G.. Kallipolis, Brig ofWar 51406 Churchl 3-4 l:145fast 12 108 2 2 2 21 4J P Lont: la Hon.Man. GipsjQn, TlicNcphcv? MISS NELL, b. f, 4 105 By Dick Finnell Miss Thompson, by Goldcxest, Trainer, D. Hill. Owner, A. Hill. 55293 Latonia 1 1-1 2:07"iftist IS 105 3 1 3 3 3 ll K Paul 12 Virgo. Brilish Liner. Pit 55170 Latonia 1 1-16 l:17";6raut 12f 10-t 7 6 7 7 3i F Paul 12 Amanda. Miss Patty, Tanlac 34S03 Lalonia 3 4 1:18 hvy 52 110 S 8 9 7 7" W Heinch 9 ttuby. Dr. Carmen. Lancelot EW59 Jefaoii 1 1-16 l:4Sfant 20 98 7 V 8 10 91 Pi S Mitcholl 1.", Seutimental. HkODay, Col LU 52073 Jef son lni70y l:50Ahvy 13 103 6 S 3 3 4h 311 15 Pollard 9 K.Neptune. HigldLad. SubodM 61957 Jef non 3-4 1:17 hvy 25 103 12 6 7 S 92 H Gregoryl3 Ragazza, Murray. Anticipate CAPT. REES, ch. g, 8 110 By Plaudit Starry Night, by Star Shoot. Trainer, J. M. Hubbard. Owner, J. M. Hubbard. 6532S Latonla .1 1-4 2:06fast 8 110 5 0 5 4 2 M Garner 0 Lothair. Ales Jr.. Mis? Tni It 54519 Churchl 1 1-16 l:46fast 16 112 9 9 10 7 83 7lJ H King 10 Wkford, Dr. Hat. U. Daugherty 54349 Churchl 1 1-1 2:065fast 27-10 113 2 3 4 5 6k 62 J D Mney 8 Adelia W., Dr.Rae, T.Virginian 54224 Churchl 1 1-8 l:52sfast 8 103 1 6 6 8 81 S3 F PorrettolO Lazy Lou. Llvelv, Corsou 54204 Churchl 1 1-4 2:06fast r. Ill 1 3 2 2 B 21 D Connlly 6 Wswthslast. Dolph, Cup. City 54100 Churchl 1 1-4 2:055sfast 16 113 1 1 1 2 S 3 D ConnllylO NelW., Wads.sLast, J.C.Stone HARVEST KING. ch. g. 7 US By Sea King Mum, by Freemaion. Trainer, J. M. Goode. Owner, J. M. Goode. 53293 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 10 109 2 3 2 2 2U 21 E" Pool 11 HighGear, Repeater, BrolyLove 55113 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast .15. 115 3 1 1 1 62 7" Ji Harton 8 Exhorter, Colonel Lit, Dolph 54734 Latonia 1 1-16 1:52 mud 22-10 115 3 4 5 5 52 E22 N Barrett 7 Grace Daughcrtv. Trooper Tulsa 54451 Churchl 1 1 :42y5mud 19-10 112 14 1 1 l5 l4 It Harton 7 Poll 11, S.LightHL, FountainFay 54234 Churchl 11:39 last 17-10 107 5 3 3 2 62 731 G Fields S Goiumd, M.Fntaiue. Mchlavll 51183 Churchl 1 l:4Qandtlow 8-5 113 5 4 3 3 2a 21 N Barrett 8 Guaranteed, Bond, Napthalius 64124 Churchl 1 1-16 l:lS54mud 5 111 1 3 3 3 3 31 N Barrett 8 CotMiu, Link Boy, Poilu 55373 Los tou 1 WO l:507srau4 7-5 113 3 3 4 3 34 2 j qruber 4 Sandy Mac, Eiwdo J, 0. BWce SANDY MAC, b. g, 4 113 By Assagai Brief, tj Badfe. Trainer, J. H. Baker. Otmer, J. H. Baker. Lutonia 1 1-4 2:05fast G4 112 5 7 7 7 7 7,e L Lyke 7 Kimpalong, Wford, WhingDun G505 Latonia 1 1-4 2:0Gfast y 103 1 5 C 7 78 728 A Wilson 9 J.C.Stone, Wave, WwrthsLast 5465G Latonia 1 1-4 2:05 fast 19 105 2 o 7 7 71 7 L Canfield S P.G.King, HonoluluBoy. Kalong C4447 Churchl 1 1-4 2:10mud 1 313 4 3 4 4 32 21 K Scobio 5 Tex.Specl, Gourmand, Cap.Clty 54379 Churchl 1 1-4 2:052fcfast 11 103 2 1 1 2 3s 4i E Scoble 4 Wads.s Last. Hono.Boy, Docod 54233 Churchl 1 1-4 2:03fast 11 110 4 3 3 4 6s 67i G Fields 7 MterBill, HluluBoy. Simpleton LOUIE LOTJ, ch. g, 6 110 By Magazine Grace Cole, by Ornament. Trainer, L. Paul. Owner, M. Everton, C5119 Latonia 1 1-1C l:4Gfast CO n:: 2 G 5 5 C 4" F Paul 9 High Gear Mab, Dahablah II. 55097 Latonia 1 1-1G l:47slow ISO 105 G 8 8 8 8 8" A Paul 8 Sway, MlIe.Dazie, MintCat f.4709 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 85 11G 7 S 10 10 77i F Paul 12 G. -Swell Sw. Liberty G.France C4451 Churchl 1 l:42mud 7 115 3 2 :t 3 3i 6" F Paul 7 II.King, Poilu. SearehLIght III. 04237 Churchl 1 1-1G l:4Gfast 13 113 4 5 8 8 8 821 W W Tlor 8 MysteriousGl, N.Yorke, t.W-i 63970 Lex ton 1 1-1C 1 :49mud 0 113 2 11 1 i in F Paul 8 Cantilever, Poilu. Undine 3871 Lex ton 2-4 1:17hvy 7 110 3 3 3 4 3i T Murray lit Ragazza, T.Nephew. K.of Youth FRANK F., ch. g, 4 110 By Master Robert Chestnut Bell, by Pirate of Pen. Trainer, K. Spence. Owner, W. E. Applegate. zance. G52S3 Latonia 1 1-1 2:07fast 3 101 4 2 4 4 C1 r.J E Scobie ll Virgo, British Liner, Pit C5075 Latonia 1 1-1 2:06fast 9 Si II II 4 4 4s 4" E Scobie J J.C.Stone, Wave, Wwrlh.sLast G4S93 Latonia 1 1-4 2:05fast 22 100 r. :: I! 3 r.2 571 II I.unsfd 10 S.J.Vergne, In.Hughes, IiaFMre 64CS3 Latonia 1 1-1G l:47fast 22 113 9 st :t ll lu 10s T Murray 12 Repeater Corson, Mercluint CS82G Lexton 1 1-10 l:4Gfast 12 111 10 DUO !t C 8" T Munay It: Merchant, Poilu. Mamie O. C142G Churchl 11-8 1:54 fast 5 107 5 4 G I 4 4s F Wilson 12 Pirate McGee, Keep, Gourmand ARRAVAN, b. g, 7 110 By Broomstick Sallie of Navarre, by Henry of Trainer, C. Trotter. Owner, E. Trotter. Navarro. 5534G Latonia 2-4 1:12fast 105 112 . 10 8 8 S5H Lunsfd u Clintonville, Kinglike, Port Light 44G52 Churchl 1 3-16 2:04mud 111 1 8 C- 3 4l 41 O Willis 11 Adelante Medusa. Sosius 44563 Churchl 1 1-1G 1:51 hvy 29 111 10 10 7 7 31 3i O Willis 12 Mist.Polly, Grace, II. O. Baseh 44422 Latonia 1 1-S 2:01mud 9 113 4 4 4 4 4" G18 L Ensor 7 Corvdon. Dancing Spray, Jiffy 44382 Latonia 1 1-1G l:52mud 8 113 8 S G 7 VI 7" O Willis 10 Amelita, Gr.Gold, DaneingSpray AXEX, JR., ch. c, 4 110 By Ballot Bronzewlng, by Stalwart. Trainer, X. Pitt. Owner, A. W. Jackson. 533S3 Latonia 1 1-S i:5253fast GO 109 1 S 3 5 Gl S12 W Morsey 11 Nolle Yorke, Bromo, Poilu 55328 Latonia 1 1-4 2:06fast 10 105 1 3 3 3 31 S7 J Francis C, Lothair, Capt. Rees, Mi.-:s Patty 55170 Latonia 1 1-1G l:47fast 7-5 104 11 11 10 10 55 775 J Francis 12 Amanda, Miss Patty. Miss Nell 55113 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 8 110 4 5 5 6 53 51U J Roberts S Exhorter, Colonel Lit, Dolph 55008 Latonia 1 1-S l:51fast 20 10S 1 2 2 2 42 5 F Smith C Paris Maid, Lothair, Sea Prince 54730 Latonia 1 1-16 1:53 mud 4-5 112 3 2 2 2 23 2! H J Burke 5 Harlock, Nelle Yorke, D.Tokalon 54G56 Latonia 1 1-4 2:05 fast 17 113 4 1 1 2 4l 54 H J Burke 8 P.G.King, HonoluluBoy, Kalong CLERMONT, b. h, 5 110 By Free Lance Rezia, by Meddler. Trainer, P. Coyne. Owner, G. J. Long. 55388 Latonia 1 1-S l:52fast 10 109 10 9 8 11 10 1013 L McAtee 11 Nolle Yorke, Bromo, Poilu 55296 Latonia 1 1-1G l:47fast 11 110 11 11 11 9 71 "ial O Willis 11 H.Gear, narvestKing, Repealer 55203 Latonia 1 1-1G l:50hvy 11 111 6 5 6 7 712 7" T Murray 8 Apli, Repeater, Brotherly Love C4383 Churchl 1 1-1G l:45fast 5 109 4 2 6 9 11 ll28 T Murray 11 Mys.Girl, BelnQueen, Mas.Bill 42920 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46mud 7-5 100 G 5 3 4 4s 4" C Robsonll Ruf.Riley, Prospector, Par.Maid 42875 Latonia 11-8 1:52 fast 9-5 110 3 4 4 3 35 2h J Groth 4 Omond, Ginger, Texas Special WILD FLOWER, br. f, 4 108 By Magneto Lainpover, by Lamplighter. Trainer, C. OMalley. Owner, T. Ahern. 55270 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 17 110 8 5 G 72 710 R Har ton 12 Julia N., Sam Reli, Lou Widrig 55116 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 8 110 1 1 1 2 6 7s R Hartou U S.McMeekin, Poilu, Cantilever 54448 Churchl 1 1:42 mud G 107 1 2 2 2 1J 1and S Wlda 7 R.rbly, W.G.McCltk, M.Patty 64310 Churchl 1 1-16 l:46fast G 110 5 2 2 4 32 38 J Roberts 12 Faux-Col. Y.Blosm, O.Birthday 54218 Churchl 7-8 l:2Cfnst lit 109 2 8 5 7 71 51 J Roberts 15 A.AIexder, Gd-Swell, T.Nephw