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The Chief dockers DAILY SPECIALS 50c OCCASIONAL Yesterdays XXX Occasional Was Scratched. Tuesdays ,..00 Money Occasional Won Mondays - - .00 Occasional Won Wednesdays Advertised .00 Money Occasional Won V Tuesdays Advertised 1 .00 XXX Occasional Won MONDAYS ADVERTISED LONG SHOT .00 MONEY OCCASIONAL WHIRLING DUN6.80- WON LATONIA ONE BEST TODAY will win this race in a jiffy, w string along with the wise ones. Make sure you ask for and get THE CHIEF CLOCKERS DAILY SPECIALS 50c SPECIAL LATONIA .00 OCCASIONAL TODAY tan run like greased lightning and where they have this horse placed today it will be all over but the shouting. For 2.00 you will get a WINDER il ilt " good price, too, so get this at once and go to it. Make Sure That You Ask for and Get THE CHIEF CLOCKERS .00 OCCASIONAL Horse must win or you get our noxt Occasional FREE OF CHARGE byimfiling us in your sheet. f CHIEF CLOCKER 50Vig, Dearborn St, ... Chicago, 111. I II. I HI i w OCCASIONAL INFORMATION 515 MADISON AVE. : COVINGTON, KY. Not connected with any other information bureau. This is my first time advertising. Yesterdays One Horse D0C0D LOST Tuesday NOTHING DOING NO INFORMATION SENT OUT Monday SADDLE AND BOOTS .00- WON Saturday BUDDIE KEAN 2nd Beaten a half length. Friday SIR HUGH 2nd Beaten a head. SIR HUGH WON NEXT OUT. Thursday CLINT0NVILLE ..90- WON Wednesday RING ROSE .IO- WON Tuesday SURMOUNT 8.40- WON ABOVE HORSES ARE POSITIVELY THE ONLY HORSES SENT OUT TODAY TODAY One Horse Only. Today is the day. One goes today at Latoniu that has been saved for this spot and they will not know which way this bird goes. 1 cant tell too much here, but will say that 1 expect this one t be the Banner Special of My Career TERMS 0 The price is within reach of all, as a dollar should get the ten back. Be wise follow conservative and shrewd turf followers. Good things are in order now, as the getaway specials have started. ANOTHER ONE TOMORROW TERMS 0 EXPECT 15 TO 1 OR BETTER MY GUARANTEE If todays horse fails to win at less than 5 to 1 you will get tomorrows 0 getaway special FREIJ, T H E WESTCHESTER RAGING ASSOCIATION RACE COURSE: OFFICE: Belmont Park, Queens, L. I. IS West 41st Street. A". Y. STAKES To Be Run at the Autumn Meeting, 1921 TO CLOSE Wednesday, July 20, 1921 For Three-YeaivOlds and Upward. AUTUMN GOLD CUP ,000 ADDED TWO MILES. THE NASSAU Selling ,000 ADDED ONE 311 LE. For Three-Year-Olds JEROME HANDICAP ,500 ADDED ONE MIIE. For All Ages. MANHATTAN HANDICAP ,500 ADDED ONE MILE. FALL HIGHWEIGHT HANDICAP ,000 ADDED SIX FURLONGS MAIN COURSE. For Two-Year-Olds. THE CHAMPAGNE ,500 ADDED SEVEN FURLONGS MAIN COURSE. NURSERY HANDICAP ,500 ADDED SIX FURLONGS MAIN COURSE. THE MINE0LA Selling ,000 ADDED SIX FURLONGS MAIN COURSE. TOMBOY HANDICAP Fillies ,500 ADDED FIVE AND ONE-HALF FURLONGS STRAIGHT COURSE. STEEPLECHASE STAKES For Three-Year-Olds and Upward. BR0ADH0LL0W HANDICAP ,000 ADDED ABOUT TWO MILES. For Four-Year-Olds and Upward. CORINTHIAN HANDICAP ,500 ADDED ABOUT TWO A Nil ONE-HALF MILES. For Entry Blanks Address THE WESTCHESTER RACING ASSOCIATION 18 WEST 41st STREET .... NEW YORK CITY V J Pi A A SPECIAL WEDNESDAY I 1 1 1 1 BRINGS HOME THE BACON AGAIN ! I I -V Vli NEXT GUAUAXTEED SPECIAL goes at Fort Erie W W M ETA WAY DAY, Saturday, July 9. Xow, this is one Xl X m of the best "bettiiiK" horses ever saddled. In order to I Xrf PKOVE UP THAT "WE KNOW," beg to say that name of horse and jockey who rides is now on tile with the publishers of this paper. THROW AWAY YOUR DOPE BOOKS ALL. we have sent out EIGHT 00 SPECIALS. All have been filed with this paper. Six IX WOX. one lost, the other finished second. SOME "information." How do we do it Thats EASY. WE PAY "TOPS." As ireviojisly indicated, our next 00 GUARANTEE!! Special SPECIAL Sc Saturday. If it does not WIN not run seeond or third we will refund your subscription. Please include telephone number. AVe PREPAY ALL CHARGES. Rush your subscription NOW. NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE, Turf Dept. , SUITE 1O02 - - NORTH DEARBORN STREET - - CHICAGO, ILL. NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER Yesterdays BEST BET WON This makes 8 WINNERS out of the last 17 starters on. cur ONE BEST BET Extra Good Card Today 50c At All Newsstands 50c Mailed Direct, 1 Week, .00; 2 Weeks, .00 BROTHERLY LOVE ?7.20- WON Was Tuesdays 52.00 Occasional Dont Miss Saturdays .00 Getaway Occasional at Latonia NATIONAL O. K. PUBLISHING CO. Room 411, Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, 111. CHIEf OBSERVER 35c. DAILY TODAYS FREE CODES: Latonia: Virginia-2-3-8 Fort Erie: Wyoming-3-9-11 Aqueduct: Florida-5-23-5 NEW BOOK OUT TODAY Get one at your newsdealer beforo he is sold out. 35o per copy. Gives the best line on horses that is to bo obtained. Also code to FREE SPECIALS that appear daily in this paper. YESTERDAYS FORM SPECIAL WON TODAYS FREE SPECIAL: June-Plum-56-13-18-12 THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403-22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, 111. SUNNYSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs Baldwin Alabama County - - In the heart of the Ponco do Leon country, be tween Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Open all the year round. Fine fishing. The Spring furnish a certain cure for kidney diseases. RATES: 5 PER WEEK. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 East 32nd STREET, NEW YORK. N. Y. 74 EX0XAKGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. T, JACK FIELD I ONLY GIVE ONE HORSE A DAT SOLD AT PRINCIPAL NEWSSTANDS ?1 DA1LI TODAY A BIG SPECIAL AT LATONIA Here i horse that will show great surprise to the smart ones, as they are out with the Intention of CLEANING UP, and I know that this horses winning chances in this race will be a cinch, as you really dont know how good this horse is. Here is a chanee that comes once in a lifetime, so dont pass opportunity along when it knocks at jour door. So good is this one -that you can go to it 01: the nose to WIN AND WIN ONLY Mailed a week over night in a plain, sealed envelope, or can be telegraphed at the same price. JACK FIELD 505 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. Sold at Principal Nowsstands CINCINNATI, O. Bob Bishow, Fountain News Co., 5th and Walnut Sts. COVINGTON, Ky. Robert Gordon Pharmacy S. W. corner 4th and Scott Sts. LOUISVILLE, Ky. Eiler and Goodman, 227 4th Ave. LEXINGTON, Ky. -Joe Bishow, Main and Limestono Streets. The Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month of JUNE, is now on sale. PRICE .00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only ba sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for booki sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 East 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET BUFFALO, N. Y,