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DECISION ON TIJUANA RACE TRACK S.N DIEGO. Cal.. July 10. According to an announcement here by attorneys for the Zaragoza Investment Company, of which Jerome Bassity of San Francisco is president. Judge Modino Diaz of Mexico City, occupying the bench at Tijuana, confirmed two previous decisions by the Mexican courts awarding the Tijuana race track property to the Bassity interests. The defendant corporation in the suit is the Tijuana Jockey Club, of which James W. Coffroth is president. In the decision president Coffroth is given five days in which to file notice of appeal with the Supreme Court of Mexico. It was announced by Judge Diaz that if the defendant does not file an appeal within the time specified the property automatically reverts to the Zaragoza Investment Company. What action Coffroth will take has not been announced by his attorneys.