untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-07-17


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00- AHANTEED P f yHIS HORSE, specially prepared for this race, GOES Wednesday, I July 20, at Kenilworth. Now, please do not confuse our IN- E-- 15 X. TORMATION with so-called "TIPS." Purveying of "informa- Q tion" is, with us, a BUSINESS, j LAST FRIDAYS SllSCIAL LOST. A BLACK SERVANT, 7.50. DARJEELING, 9.10. I HIS CHOICE, 2.40. ARE THREE of the many choico melons cut by us. The price of Wednesdays Guaranteed THESE Special is 00. If it dont WIN not run second or third we REFUND your subscription. Dont be a mollycoddle. Throw away your dope books. BUY INFORMATION. Wc KNOW. All "information" filid with this publication. Rush your subscription NOAV. This "nd" will not fti.jH-nr aain. NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE, Turr Doit. SUITli lOOi: - 105 AORTU DKARIlOItX STItBET - CHICAGO, ILL. WESTCHESTER RACING ASSOCIATION II HACK COI7Il.SK: OFFICE: I 11 Kvliuunt Park, luecns, L. I. IS AVost 41st Street, X. Y I STAKES To Be Run at the Autumn Meeting, 1921 TO CLOSE Wednesday, July 20, 1921 For Three-Year-Olds and Upward. AUTUMN . GOLD CUP ,000 ADDED TAVO HULKS. THE NASSAU Selling ,000 ADDED OMi 31 ILK. For Three-Year-Olds JEROME HANDICAP ,500 ADDED OAK MILK. For All Ages. MANHATTAN HANDICAP . . , ,500 ADDED OXE MILK. PALL HIGHWEIGHT HANDICAP ,000 ADDED six FcnLox;s main course. For Two-Year-Olds. THE CHAMPAGNE ,500 ADDED SEVEN 1TRL.ONGS MAIN" COURSE. NURSERY HANDICAP ,500 ADDED SIX FURLONGS MAIN COURSE. THE MINE0LA Selling ,000 ADDED SIX FURLONGS MAIN COURSE. TOMBOY HANDICAP Fillies ,500 ADDED FIVE AND ONE-HALF FURLONGS STRAIGHT COURSE. STEEPLECHASE STAKES For Three-Year-Olds and Upward. BR0ADH0LL0W HANDICAP ,000 ADDED ABOUT TAVO MILES. For Four-Year-Olds and Upward. CORINTHIAN HANDICAP ,500 ADDED AIIOUT TAVO AND ONE-HALF MILES. For Entry ilhuiks Address THE WESTCHESTER RACING ASSOCIATION 18 WEST 41st STREET .... hew YORK CITY Vi J CHIEfOBSERVERS SPECIAL .00 OCCASIONAL MONDAY A BIG WINDSOR .00 OCCASIONAL Hero is one of the sweetest things sent to the post at Windsor. Has shown such sterling works that or.ly an accident can stop him from getting down in front. Under no consideration fail to get down strong here. For this one just ask your newsdealer for the CHIEF OBSERVERS .00 OCCASIONAL FOE SALE AT CINCINNATI. O. All news-stands. ST. LOUIS, Mo. Wm. Laser. Lobby, 705 Market St. LOUISVILLE, Ky. Eiler and Goodman, 227 S. 4th St. AND ALL OTHER INTERMEDIATE CITIES ROSEATE .70- WON Was Thursdays 52.00 Occasional. BEST PAL....0.05- WON Was Tuesdays .00 Occasional. Secret Greetings .80- WON Was Thursdays July 7 .00 Occasional. Brotherly Love. ..20- WON Was Tuesdays July 5 .00 Occasional. Yesterdays .00 Occasional Was Scratched. This Makes 4 Nice Winners Out of the Last 5 Uemeinhcr, we only send these out three times a week when we have sometliiUK extra jjood. lust the thin? for those that do not want something every day. Price Is .00 for One, or S5.00 for Three National 0. K. Publishing Co. ROOM 411, BALTIMORE BLDG., CHICAGO, ILL. ALWAYS WINNING Let the WINWELL SUPER-SYSTEM pay you a steady income 12 months every year. Start with small or large capital, at or away fiom track. Win just as we are winning. This SlIKK-S YSTKM not for sale at any price. Hut our daily wire names horses and amounts to he wagered. Our fee is 10 per cent of your monthly profits, payable AFTER you win. A cluan-eut. straight-forward, lead-ou-the-levil, hig-money -making proposition. Since 1021 opening day on New York tracks this truly remarkable safety method has required only HIS capital. Investigate fully: then start making 1 to 10 daily, according to capital employed. Dont hesitate; dont delay. Start winning now, and keep on winning forever. Your name and address brings the astonishing details. WINWELL SUPER-SYSTEM 3 N. CAROLINA AVE. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form The Reliable, Wonderful, WINNING SYSTEM IS GIVING MANY BIG-PRICED WINNERS: Grace Daugherty, 24-1; The Enquirer, 30-1; Cum Sah. 15-1; Prodigious, 18-1; Scotland Yet. 15-1; Audacious. 8-1; Margaret White, 15-1: Rockport. 20-1; Birdie G.. 6.90; Miss Petite, 8-1; Byrne. 8.10; Citizen, 8.15; Whirling Dun, 6.80; Stock Pm. 12-1; Firebrand. 1.90; Rep. 20-1; Sherando. 10-1; Mock Orange, 1.40: Brookholt, 1.60; Tho Colonels Lady, 1.40; Adopted Daughter, 5.60; Jean Corey, S13.40; Whirling Dun, .60; Runquoi, 0.20; Cut Up. 0.00; American Boy, 10-1; Eddie Rickenbacher, .40. The select plays win big money on flat bets. A cool, conservative method, wherein SUCCESS IS ASSURED. Can be played away from track. You can get my system on small payment down, balance after you win. Start winning right now. Write at Once for Free Particulars. WATSON CORNELL 318 West 34th Street - - New York City WINDSOR AND KENILWORTH RACES J. J. SCH REINER AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER 30 Years Exporienco as Trainer-Clocker YOU CAN EMPLOY ME TO WORK FOR YOU 5 FOR 10 DAYS. RUSH ORDER. I wire one or two horses daily at 11 a. m. Telegraph remittance or remit by express order in letter. HOTEL MADISON DETROIT, MICH. LONG SHOTS I know of several long shots going soon. "Will wire you ONE absolutely free to prove the real value of my. information. Horse sent will be filed with this paper. Send name and address. I will win; you on day of race, at which time I receive final word. Postals ignored. ETHICAL SERVICE 1 EAST 42ND STREET NEW YORK CITY AJOM ..75-1 WON THE BAGGAGE .35-1 2nd WERE SATURDAYS XX SPECIALS. Dont Mis3 Next Saturdays TWO LIVE ONES ONLY .00 and if one of the two dont win you get tho following SATURDAYS FREE. MONDAYS FREE SPECIALS: October-Pcar-21-16-12-44. TUB STAND A Itl TURF GUIUK. Room 403, 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, Illhioii. The Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America, during the month of JUNE, is now on sale. PRICE .00 Single copies by mail -will POSITIVELY only 19 sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for book sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 131 PLYMOUTH COURT :: OUIOAflO. ILL. 157-159 East 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET j; BUFFALO, N. Y,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921071701/drf1921071701_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1921071701_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800