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WINDSOR The horses which seem best in Tuesdays races are : Windsor, Ont., July 18, 1921, 1 Tom Cassidy. Caretaker, Wessie B. 2 Fort Bliss, Smart Guy, Carmandalo. 3 THORXCLIFFE STABLE ENTRY, Fanatic, Royal Gift. 4 Lough Storm, Baby Grand, Seagram Stable , eiltry, 5 King John, Tantalus, Mint Cat. 0 Jinn; Fly, Sir Clarence, Bengore. 7 l.risk, Kuklux, Water Willow. T. K. Lynch. New Yorlk Handicap. 1 Colossus, Tom Cassidy, Caretaker, Saddle and Boots. 2 Anzac, War God, Fort Bliss, Furbelow. 3 Fanatic, Royal Gift, Captain Scott, Tiger Empress. 4 Golden Sphere, Baby Grand, Our Flag, Kent ish Boy. a Mint Cat, King John, Tantalus, Dresden. C THORNY WAY, Reconnaissance, June Fly, - Bengore. 7 Exhorter, Brisk, Xonskid, Antiphon. Chicago and Buffalo Handicap. 1 Torn Cassidy, Caretaker, Colossus, Bumpety Bumps. 2 Fort Bliss, Furbelow, War God, Anzac. 3 Captain Scott, Fanatic, Royal Gift, Play wright. 4 JEAN COREY, Our Flag, Baby Grand, Golden ..Sphere. 5 Mint Cat, King John, She Devil, Gain de- Cans!. C June Fly, Thorny Way, Bengore, Sir Clarence. 7 Exhorter, Winneconne, Brisk, Antiphon. Observer. Handicap. 1 BumFety Bumps, Colossus, Tom Cassidy, Sad dle and Boots. 2 Fort Bliss, Carmandale, Dr. Carmen, Furbe low. 3 Royal Gift, Captain Scott, Fanatic, Play-wright. 4 Baby Grand, Our Flag, Jean Corey, Seagram Stable entry. 5 Tantalus, Mint Cat, Gaiu de Cause, King John. J JUXE FLY, Thorny Way, Sir Clarence, Flame. 7 Exhorter, Brisk, Xonskid, Roseate. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Tom Cassidy, Colossus, Bumpety Bumps, Care taker. 2 Fort Bliss, Anzac, Carmandale, Furbelow. 3 Thorneliffe Stable entry, Fanatic, Royal Gift, Tiger Empress. 4 Lough Storm, Golden Sphere, Jean Corey, Baby Grand. 5 Mint Cat, King John, Tantalus, Gain de Cause, i June Fly, Thorny Way, Sir Clarence, Bengore. 7 EXHORTER, Brisk, Xonskid, Antiphon.