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JOCKEY CLUB STEWARDS MEETING XEW YORK. X. Y., July 27. At a meeting of the stewards of the Jockey Club, held today, there were present August Belmont, H. K. Kuapp J. E. Cowdin Mini J. 13. Davis. The application of Thomas McTaggart for a jockey license was denied. The application of A. Claver for a jockey license was denied. Claver is licensed to ride in Canada for Commander J. K. L. Ross. The ruling of the stewards of the Empire City Racing Association as to H. Kearney and George Morgan was continued pending a hearing to bo granted the above parlies. They are charged with collusion in violation of the claiming rules. The ruling of the stewards of the Empire City Racing Association in suspending the jockey license of J. Metcalf was continued. Metcalf was suspended for striking Kai-Sang with his whip in the East View Stakes while astride Hunstar. Andrew Herkert was appointed registrar of the Joekev flub to succeed he late W. II. Howe. William Kuapp was granted a trainers license. Otherwise ouly routine business, waa transacted,