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DISCOMFORT AT HAMILTON . r- l Cold Weather Surprises Patrons and Reduces Attendance. King John Captures the Feature Eace from Murray and Madge F. Get Em Wins. ! HAMILTON, Out., August 2. AVhu t may be described as the feature race :it Ilaniiltou this afternoon was a dash which brought together some good class platers under claiming; conditions to go a mile and a sixteenth. F. Musantes Kin;; John wis ro turned tin? winner in a spirited drive through the stretch witli Murray. The latter eut out most of the running and only succumbed while racing through the final sixteenth. Madge F. ran a bad race for her. but outstayed the others to take the small end of the purse by a safe margin. Unseasonable weather prevailed this afternoon and it showed in the reduced attendance. The crowd, generally large from Toronto, was greatly reduced from the holiday gathering of yesterday. Cloudy skies prevailed and summer clothes were dispensed witli in favor of light woolens. Tlie racing was of a spirited order, but again the backers failed to center on the winners, favorites meeting with mishaps, which may be because of the wetting of the homestretch previous to tliu first race. Hose lines are played freely through the homestretch to reduce the dust. The fractional time through the final quarters was much slower than that, shown on the backstretch and by horses in their morning works.- - - - Tne cTosest finish of the meeting came witli the running of the fourth race, which drew a large and awkward band to the post. Get Km, under really good riding by Hrooks, managed to get up in the closing strides to win from the tiring, pacemaker Sister Kmblem. 1tdy Heart accounted Tor the running of a dash fashioned fo1- Canadian-bred two-year-olds from Lyuniouth and Humorist. The opening dash of the afternoon served to introduce maiden jockeys. Marie Maxim, a recent arrival from Xew York, served to graduate X. JSrook in easy manner after recovering from early interference. Charles C. Smith arrived today from Columbus, Ohio, where he terminated a successful trolriug meeting on Saturday. T. F. Horninau will ship from here to Windsor to rest and await the opening of the racing at that point. Harry OXcal -was scratched from the opening race by the stewards. The rider failed to report to the clerk of the scales in time to make weight. AV. A. Porter departed for .Saratoga to rejoin H. McDaniel, in charge of the J. K. I-. Hoss stable at that point. J. 15. Foreman will divide ins stable now here, five going to Fort Erie for racing at that point, while the remainder will proceed to Montreal to rest while awaiting the opening there. The Hrookdnle Sit able will ship from here to the farm at Itarrie, Out., the two-year-olds Aquatic and Fanatic and the three-year-old Resarf. The former lias developed a slight, attack of skin disease, -while Fanatic is suffering from ankle trouble, ltesarf lias broken out witli sores on her legs. The next meeting of the Canadian Hating Associations will be held August 11 in the clubhouse at Fort Krie. General and routine business will bo transacted. Tile condition books for the coming meeting at Fort Krie were distributed today.