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IMPORTANT FRENCH STAKES Dates of the Big Autumn Events of the Continental Racing Season. PARIS, France, July .10. The important stake races still to be run in France this year are as follows: July 29, Chantilly Prix do la Pelouse. July 31, Maisons Laffitte Prix Monarcue. August 2, Chantilly Prix dAumale, Prix Tu-renne. August 9, Caen St. Leger. August 14, Dcauvillc Prix de Kcrgorlay. August 20, Deauville Grand Handicap. August 21, Deauville Grand Prix. August 22, Deauvilk Prix Morny. August 31, Deauville Grand Steeplechase. September 4, Chantilly Prix de Chantilly. September 11, Chantilly Prix la Rochette. September 14, Chantilly Prix Aeimont. September IS, Longchamps Prix Hoyal Oak, Prix Omnium. Septemlier 23, Maisons Laf fittePrix Biennial. September 2", Longchamps Prix du Prince dOrange, Prix du Satory. September 2!, Maisons Laffitte Handicap Tarn ise. September 30, Maisons Laffitte Critcrium. October 7, Maisons Laffitte Grand Cros-i Conn-try National. October 9, Longchamps Prix de lArc de Tri-omphe. October 10, Longchamps Prix du Couscil Municipal. October 20, Longchamps October Handicap. October 23, Longchamps Prix de la Foret, Prix Gladiateur. October 27, Longchamps Prix dc Conde. October 31, St. Cloud Prix Eclipse. November 1, Autcuil Prix Finot.