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TRAINING GALLOPS FROM SARATOGA 658 SARATOGA SPRINGS. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., August 2. Training gallops over the local courses today included the following: Weather cloudy; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. CriG-Budana 35 040-Missionary 37 C54-Brainstorm 35 599-011 AAatch 37 050-Chateau Thierry3G 5S9-Polythia 35 624-Courtship 3373 G5G-Perigourdino ..37 003-Column 40 420-Ruddles 40 G5U-Dick Deadeye..37 048-Rib Grass 37 G51-Bager Eyes ...3S G5G-St. Allan 30 050-Furious 10 G5j-Senuings Park..SG C5G-Finn Friend ...30-., G5G-Sleiveconard ...35 024-Gallant Man ..35 G53-Serapis 30 High C 38 053-Sammy Kelly.. 35 040-June Grass ....3773 !5-Summit 30 iri-Jesava 30 5G-Toil 3 G5i-Ietterman 35 AVitchwork 35 . G5G-Little Chief ...3575 US-Wyiie 37 Half Mile. 056-By Jiminy 52 CIS-Mustard Seed.. 49 5S2-Boniface 47 Quesada 52 050-Court Aiew ...50 Snob II 49 Caretaker 49 57G-Seend Thoughls49 054-Dominique 47 .52-ThundPrcIap . . .4S G51-Irish Brigadier. 49 034-AVilliam A. ...4S G54-Krever 47 Five -Eighths Mile. fi5G-Ararat :59 G5G-Rotot 1:02 ;37-Berrington ...1:05 G5G-Radiola 1:02 "-Bravo 1:01 GSG-Sailing Along.l:07 054-Diaft 1:05 3G-The Aengnee.l :05 054-Execution ...1:04 052-Tho Bov 1:05 G5G-Early Bird ..1:02 049-Tricks 1:02 G3G-Mission Bells. 1:04 G29-A. of the Mnl:01 030-Piekwick 1:05 05G-Yankee Maid. 1:07 Threa-Quarters Mile. 05G-Rlnzes 1:21 G5C-Parader 1:15 033-Caliguia 1:15 055-Pcrfection ...1:1! G55-Clarkson 1:19 053-ItoyaI Greens. 1:21 G53-Curnt Eventsl:17 053-Runstar 1:14 !5G-Crocus 1:15 050-Rolo 1:19 001-Dough Girl ..1:10 G54-Swecpy 1:20 048-Dry Moon ...1:13 G55-Servitor 1:15 02G-Frizlet 1:10 055-Sherando 1:15 043-LEclair 1:20 O.ii-Aictor S 1:1S 054-Mavourneen ..1:20 G30-AVestwood ...1:18 G55-Mahony 1:18 Ono Mila. G3fi-Gipsy Lad 1:13 034-Ocean Swell.. 1:40 050-Moody 1:43 C."i5-RoutlDdge ...1:49 Mile and a Quarter. 056-J. Paul Joucs2:10 Budana and Little Chief went easily on even terms. Slcivcconard has his speed. Brainstorm went cleverly. Gallant Man and Lcttcrman were together. Scunings Park lobks good. AAilliam A. and Thunderclap showed good speed. Second Thoughts went easily. Krcwcr aud Dominique seem fresh and good. Boniface looks aud acts good. Ararat did a fine work. Bravo did a good work. Parader did his work handily. Crocus showed fine speed Uio first part of her trial. Sheranrio seems at her best. Hnnstar worked splendidly. Dry Moon wcMit fast all the way. Ralco galloped an I cay mile.