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DEVONSHIRES FINE TURNOUT Big Assemblage Gathers to Show Favor to Ladies Day. Yorkist Outfinishes St. Paul in the ,000 Prince Edward Hotel Handicap. i -4 WIXDSOH, Out.. August 2. Today was ladles day at Devonshire and. despite disagreeable weather conditions, an immense gathering turned out, the gentler sex predominating. The spacious grandstand was packed and enthusiasm was frequently manifested. The Devonshire managements efforts to popularize the sport is meeting with much success, as the daily attendance shows. Mud runners had their innings this afternoon, and horses that ruii well in that sort of going came in for strong support. -The Prince Edward Hotel Handicap, which was provided as a feature, furnished a stirring finish in which Yorkist came from behind in the stretch to beat St. Paul by a neck. The conditions of this race railed for a dash of a mile and a sixteenth and had for incentive a purse of ,000. All of the eight carded went to the post. The race was marked by a bit of rough riding, Hichcreek cutting across in front witli Algonquin when the start came and in the drive through the homestretch, -when Yorkist got to St. Paul, Walls, who had the mount on the latter, bumped Yorkist a couple of times. The latter w:uiuot.-ta.,be denhjdr-iowtjvet," iiiid. finishing fast and resolutely, headed St. Paul in the final drive. The light weighted Hlarney Hoy was third, beaten eight lengths for second place. At the conclusion of the race a ruling came from the stewards suspending jockeys Hichcreek and Walls for the meeting. Dresden made a runaway affair of her race and after her victory she changed owners. AV. Fenwick claimed her from the Gallaher Hros. for $.",000. Out of respect for the memory of his friend, the late Enrico Caruso, Thomas Francis ordered that the horse which he named for the operatic star be withdrawn from the fourth race. The horse seemed to have an excellent chance of winning when the track became heavy, but Francis would not allow him to carry his colors this afternoon. RUBY GAINS A NEW OWNER. Mrs. J. Phillips claimed Ituby. the beaten favorite in the third race, for .000. AVinneconne ran in the interest of C. Huxton in tlie seventh race. The latter purchased her of C. Anderson this morning. Jockey J. Conty was suspended for the remainder of the; meeting by the stewards, for cutting across in front in the first race. There is a lot of talk here over a rumor that is being circulated of a shift in tlie dates at the Konilworth track. It is said that some of those interested in the Kenilworth .lackey Club are much in favor of following right in behind the Iext AVindsor meeting, while others in the club favor sticking to the dates allotted by the Canadian Itac-ing Associations, -which means that their second meeting would be in October. Provided the Kenilworth interests decide to follow the AVindsor meeting, the Devonshire Park people will put off their second meeting until the latter part of August, otherwise they will follow iu a few days after the close of the next AVindsor meeting. A storm which swept across the track here a few days ago unroofed one of the stables and landed it fifty feet away. There were twenty horses in the barn at the time, but none was injured. C H. Hryson has shipped the jumpers Hellringer and llaran to Helniont Park, where they have been turned over to Fred IBerry, who will prepare them for the fall steeplechase on the metropolitan circuit. Jockey King was suspended for the remainder of tlie meeting by the stewards yesterday for rough riding on Eddie Kickenbaelier. The dates for the fairs to be held in Iennsyl-vauiau and AVest Airginia at which running races will be given are as follows: Erie, Pa. AVeek of August 22 to 27. Conneaut Lake, Pa. Week of August 211 to September 3. AVlieeling, AV. Aa. AVeek of September 5 to 10. Clarksburg, AV. Aa. AVeek of September 12 to 1". At each place thirty running races will be given, with purses ranging 00, 00 and 000. John Carey, 710 State street, Eric, Pa., is looking after the allotment of stalls.