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SARATOGA FORM CHART SARATOGA, N. Y., TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1921. Saratoga 1 1-a miles. Second day. Saratoga Racing Association. Summer Meeting of 27 day. Weather cloudy; temperature OS. Stt-ward to Represent Jockcv Club, P. Ii. Hitchcock. Stewards. R. T. Wilson, J. E. AVidener and K. L. Gerry. Judges, E. C. Smith and C. Cornehlsen. Starter, Mar Cassidy. Racing Secretary, A. MeL. Earlocker. Baring starts at 3:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. Jli riRST RACE 3-4 Mile. Aujr. 22. 191C 1 :10 Z 115. Purse S1.000. 3-year-olds 5KTk K3y 3.Uf and upward. Allowances. Kot value to vinncr 00; second, 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtlISt i4 s "A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O HOPS 55813-CA"REFUL w " 118 3 2 P 2?. 1! 1 L En:;or AV J Salmon 4 5 4 7-5 1-2 55753 NATURALIST wis 7 130 4 1 2- li 2 2" C Turner J K AVidener 2 25 12-54-5 1-3 5557:; LANIUS w t! 120 7 3 5 3. 31 3l J Zollef O D AAidener S 12 12 4 7-." 54990 DART.AIOOR w 3 103 S fi C 6 f.1 41 P Cltilettill I AVhitney 10 X 2" 7 3 5501! BILLY KELLY w 5 130 2 4 3" 41 il 53 E Sande J K L Hens 7-5 3-2 7-u 2-u ov 55194 BELLSOLAR wi: 5 115 5 S S 8 7- C J CallahanAV L S Martin 30 50 CO 15 8 51332 TEX-LEC w ?. US 17 41 i,- f.s 7s C: KummerPoreign Stable 10 30 30 S 4 54705 BROMELIA w 4 104J 0 5 7s 7 S L MeAtee Mrs P A Clark 20 100 100 30 10 Time, 23, 47, 1:11. Track fast. AVinner Br. f, by AVrack Mindful, by Star Shoot trained by E. AVayland; bred by Mr. Arthur B. Hancock. AVent to post at 3:00. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same. CAREFUL began fast and, displaying great speed for the entire race under vigorous riding, out-staved NATURALIST in the final drive. NATURALIST began in his stride and raced in close attendance on CAREFUL throughout, but tired slightly in the last fifty yards when called on for a final effort. LANIUS saved ground when entering the stretch and linishfU fast and gamely. DARTMOOR closed a big gap on the last turn and wasgaining at tlie end. BILLY KELLY showed speed for a half mile and tired as if short. BELLSOLAR closed a big gap aud was running fastest of all in the last eighth. Scratched 4SGS3Inchcap". 123; 54095Knot. 115; 54942 Dream of the Valley, 120; 54751 Enfilade, 111; 554J2Billy McLaughlin. 101; 5501G Step Lightly, 115; 555203St. Michael, 105. Overweights Bromelia, iy pounds. SECOND RACE Ahout 2- Miles. Stcoplecliase. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. 5ffefJ!fk 3VjjZdty Sailing. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. "index Horses AAVtPPSt 5 10 15 17 Fin Jockeys Owners O II O P 3 55030 ROBERT OLIAER w 10 14! 5 5 2 2 212 1 Is P Brady J Lumsden 1 0-5 9-102-3 out 303882SUP.F w 5 141 1 2 li 1" lj tl-" 215 L Cheyne rt C AVinmill G 10 10 3 1 55544 XEAAr HAVEX w 12 138 4 4 3" 4 4 3. 3 AV Rosen AAr Rosen 15 15 13 5 2 55544 3PAIR MAC w 11 143 3 1 4l 3 :;s 4 4 X KenndyJ 15 McDaniel 2 3. 3 4-5 1-3 55544 LE CYPRIX w 7 143 3 3 5 Lost rider. D Dale Mrs P A Clark 4 5 lC-nc-S 1-2 Time, 4:2G. Track fast. AAinner CIi. g, by Fatherless Diamontina, by Eon trained by J. Healy; bred by Mr. " Arthur B. Hancock. " AAcnt to post at 3:31. At iost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ROBERT OLIVER, after racing in close pursuit of SURF to the last turn of the Oeld, drew away in the filial quarter mile and won with speed in reserve. SURF showed much early speed and out jump d ROBERT OLIAER at several fences, but tired in tlie stretch. NEAV HAAEN ran a game race and easily disposed of FAIR MAC. The latter raced forwardly for a mile and a half. LE CYPRIN almost .unseat d his rider at the fourth jump and lost him finally. Scratched 54040-Ticket. 143. i6- THIHD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Aug. 22, 1918 1:04 2 107. Purse ,000. 2-year- gXya jJL olds. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AAVtPPSt yt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 5577 3 ROSE BRIGADE wu 107 2 1 ll lS I3 l3 L Fator Rancoeas Stable 1 1 7-101-4 out 55521 CARPENTER w 107 4 5 4" 2 21 3s J .oellor G D AVidener 20 20 20 7 3 55G70 OYDOXIA w 111?. 1 2 2h 31 3. 3? C II MillerP M Taylor 2. 3V 10-34-5 1-3 531! I MAAARCOROX wi: 111 15 3 3 4 4 4B P Keogh II Block 4 G 7-5 1-2 55287 CAPE PILLAR vn 112 3 5. u 5 5 C KummerJ II Rosseter S 12 12 3 B-5 5591-i PLURALITY w 100 5 4 5 0 F AVeiner T AA OBrien 30 40 40 10 4 Time. 23, 47, 1:00, 1:06. Track fast. AVinner B. f. by Short Grass Tapiola, by The Commoner trained by S. C. Ilildreth; bred by Mr. Edward F. Simms. AAent to post at 4:02. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. ROSE BRIGADE took the lead at once and, making the pace fast, held her opponents safe for the entire race. CARPENTER slipped through next to the inner rail on the last turn and made a game rush through tlie stretch, but could never overhaul the leader. CVDONfA, away well, was hard ridden sii.d outstayed MAAVRCORON in the final drive. MAAVRCORON had no mishaps. CAPE PILLAR raced poorly. The winner, entered for ,800, was bid up to ,005 and bought in. Scratched 559H-Duncecap, 99. Overv.eights Cydonia, 2,-i. pounds; Mawrcoron, 1. ffSJ6j FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. Aug". 6, 1916 1:30 3 113. Second Runnin EXPECTaI 0Q5,i2 TION HANDICAP. Guaranteed Value ,000. 3-year-olds. Net value to winner .175; second, 00; third. 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt4 "A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P 3 .".aOOsSPORTIBOY w 112 3 5 5 5 5 4 3 l P AVilson AV R Coe 4 5 3 1 2-1 58Gi -KILLALA wi: 110 4 1 2 1 l1 VI 21 P ICeogh J Sanford 2i 4 4 7-3 1-2 558G7 -COPPER DEMON wi: 122 1 4 4 l 4i 3 3 31 T Rica Quincy Stable 7-3 S-3 S-5 3-5 1-4 55887AAELLFIXDER w 112 3 2 1 21 2i 23 4 F CltilottHI P AAhitney 4 C G S-3 3-5 55G35 TWO FEATHERS wi; 107 5 3 31 3: il 5 5 E AmbroseAV M Jeffords 8 12 12 4 7-5 Time, 24, 47. 1:12. 1:3S. Track fast. AVinner B. e. by Sou-in-Law Pasouita, by Sundridge trained by AV. II. Karrick; bred in England by Mr. J. B. Joel. AVent to post at 4:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same. SPORTIBOY was outrun to the last turn, but closed up rapidly when straightened out in the stretch and headed KILLALA in the last stride. KILLALA raced AVELLF I N DE R into defeat in the first three-quarters and drew away in the last eighth, but could not withstand the winners challenge. COPPER DEMON saved ground on all the turns and made a game effort after entering the stretch, but tired under his impost in the final eighth. AVELLFINDER set tiie early pace, then raced in closest pursuit to the last eighth and gave way. TWO FEATHERS showed early speed. Scratched 55792Edgar Allan Poe, US. flAftiT FIFTH RACE 1 Mile. Aug-. 0, 19181: 3i 3 113. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds aud GSs7and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third, 00. Index Horses AAVtPPSt V4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P S 55275 ROYAL DUCK wn 4 105 3 1 4 2 ll l3 11 F Smith M Lowenstcin 3-5 4-5 1-2 out 5571lSUXXY HILL wn 6 106 1 1 2 3i 2i 2 2- S EuilmanG E Hall S-5 2 2 1-5 out 54941 TIC ACE Y wsn 5 105 4 3 1- 11 3 3 3U G AV CrollH C Fisher 20 30 JO 4 1 559G3 LEXJOLEUK w 5 10t! 2 2 3l 4 4 4 i C Ponco G Peterson 12 15 12 2 out Time, 25, 48, 1:14, 1:40. Track fast. AAinner Br. g, by Royal Realm Duckshot, by Gailinulc trained by M. Lowenstein; bred by Mr. George D. Went to post at 5:01. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. AAon easily; second and third driving. ROYAL DUCK passed TICACEY on the last turn and easily held sway to the finish. SUNNY-HILL moved up steadily on the stretch turn and easily disposed of TICACEY. The latter rushed into the lead and set a good pace, but readily gave way when challenged. LENJOLEUR was outrun all the way. Scratched 5G020 Fair Mac, 103. Overweights LEnjoleur, 1 pounds. 5QrandSS SIXTH RACE 5-8 Mile. Aug. 23, 1918 57 2 115. Purse ,000. 2-ycr-olds. " Maidens. Fillies. Special AVeights. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AAVtPPSt x :iX Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P rt 55145 HARR1DAX w 115 4 4 G 43 l1 1- K Sande J E Madden 4 5 31 7-5 7-10 54808 PIERRE QUE RsLE w 113 2 1 31 31 2: 2 L Fator J Sanford 10 10 10 4 S-5 55280 EVIL w 115 3 2 li If. 34 3 G AV CrollH C Fisher G 10 S 3 S-5 EXTERMINATE w 115 C 3 2i 21 4 i- L MeAtee P A Clark 3 4 4 S-5 4-5 DOLORES w 115 5 5 51 5h 53 A JohnsonJ II Rosseter 20 40 40 13 G 557S5 DISPUTE wu 115 7 S S3 S3 73 Cl S Lowe Quincy Stable 20 SO 30 12 0 55145 OUR DEAR wb 115 9 G 51 G3 Ci 7s AV Kelnay L AAaterbury iO 30 30 12 0 NEDXA w 115 1 7 7 1- S,u S13 F CltilettiL S Thompson 2 2 9-C 7-101-3 53985 BELMOX w 115 S !l ! ! 9 9 M Mniair.J Murphy SO CO GO 20 10 551G73XAXCY SHANKS w 115 10 Left at the post. T Rice Oak Ridge Stb 4 7 7 2. G-5 Time, 24, 47, 1:00. Track fast. AVinner Ch. f, by Friar Hock Tory Maid, by Yankee trained by AV. S. AAalker; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. AAent to post at 5:33. At post 5 minutes. Start straggling and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. HARRIDAN, away forwardly, was forced back while rounding the turn, but came around the leaders in the stretch and. racing into a good lead, was under restraint at the end. PIERRE QUI ROULE laced prominently from the start and passed EVIL in the last eighth. EAIL rushed into the lead at once and showed the most early speed, but tired in the last eighth. EXTERMINATE appeared high in flesh and dropped back after going well for a half mile. DISPUTE, off poorly, closed a big gap. The last rive at the start had no chance. Scratched Forest Queen, 115; 51917 Confusion, 115.