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I WORK-OUTS FROM THE EAST AND WEST 690 ! LATONIA. LATONIA. Ky., September 7. Todays work-outs j here were as follows: i Weather clear; track good j Three-Eighthi Mile. j G87-P.lickiniara ...37 CS8-Hamet 3S 08S-Ciuderella as 083-.I. C. Stone ...IOt-i Ersklndale 38 Melun :iSi Ferguson as CSS-Peace Pennant.lS 5S9-i:uarauteed ...10 030-Precious Lulu.J.Ov-i Girlie 39 OSG-Westwood 42 j Half Mile. 033- Afgar 53 Joyce Hoffman. 33?o CST-Iiridgcton Maid50 CSK-I.ord Allen 51 j .-93-I5ansa Buck ..53 002-Machiavelli ...53 003-Cheer Leader.. 51 ,r. 0S7-Miss Petite ...51 OSS-Flying Prince. .5.! 575-Bat,;z7.a 58 C."7-Hiunnnlturi:iu ,50ts CH-Wavo 5375 1 CSG-IIis Choice ...55 Five-Eighths Mile. 087- Bnrtered 1:03 CS5-lIelvin 1:09 CSC-Big Son 1:03 V: ."Sl-Ietie 1:00 Iionerose Uluel:0S liS3-Ve Ganleu.l :05 ; CS7-.:eorce Starr. 1-01 57S-K. Traveler .1:04 089 -Georgette ...1:00 0S5-United Verde. 1:07 OSS-Hold Me 1 -.031.-, 031-W.G.McCock 1:00 CSH - Jack S tra v.-. .. 1 :051f, Three-Quarters Mile. tiSS-Ainerican Acel:lSif, 08fi-Kins:like 1:20 iEU-Ainamla 1:23 .IH-MMer Bill .1:21 OSS-Abadane ....1:21 0S7-Mlle. Dazie ..1:19 8-B. Dancer 11.1:19 OSO-Miw Dora ...1:20 034- Botheratiou .1:21 tiOS-Komauce 1:18 rrs-Dr. Clark ...1:1SK. 1:23 87-Dr. ltae 1:23 fiSn-AVInchester ..1:17 C..S9-HodBe 1:22 rS-AVis.- Man ...l:2l 037-nonolulu Boyl:21 ar.-W. Mc!.i-niorel:18 Seven-Eighths Milr. 584-Blackie Daw. 1:39 iKil-Pasluurcau -.1:33 GS7-Mntince Idol..l:23 One Mile. C8S-Accelerate ..1:54 GSO-Kewp. 0NeiIl:4S 032-Bril. Liner .1:51 C85-May Bee ...1:51 534-Captaiu Tom. 1:54 087-Mur. Kappoldl:51 OSS-Eleanor S. ..1:31 CSO-IoiiKee 1:44 020-Gourmand ...1:50 05-Itiehelieti 1:40 085-H.K.Colemaij 1:45 .ns ftmdr.i u II.. 1:5:; GS8-Jovial 1:53 OSy-AVanatali ...1:48 Mile and an Eighth. 6S9-Fircbrand ...1:3G 083 -AVood trap ...2:01 Mile and a Quarter. 601-Pit ..2:22 JAMAICA. Weather clear: track slow Throe-Eighths Mllo. 603-Care Free 42 678-Horologe 35 OSS-Fly Ball 3G GSS-Kainbow Boy... 10 CfS-Gniy Gables ...37 Half Mile. G87-Lady Zeus 53 r,K3-Koh 54 G51-Mai.e 35 G8S-TinibrcI 50 Five -Eighths Mile. 088- Modesly 1:05 C75-SaKacitv 1:05 G33-PluraIit.T 1:00 Three -Quarters Mile. 0S8-Granu.v Ijc...1:15 Odessa 1:17 OSS-Golden Flint. 1:20 088-Pire Q. llonlel :17 GS9-Moody 1:20 CSO-Whisk 1:23 One Mile. CS5-Craek Dawnl:47 OS7-Lisht Rose... 1:51 6S8-Irish Bgadierl :52 688-Lady Gertmdel:45V5 Fly Ball showed fine rpeed. Horologe went well. Modesty waa under restraint. Granny Lee worked fast. Crack Dawn galloped an easy mile. Lady Gertrude did her wcrk easily. BELMONT PARK TRAINING TRACK. XBAV YORK, N. . September 7. Todays training gallops over the local courses included the following: AVeather clear; track slow Throe-Eighths Mile. f.S-8-Clinchfield ...35 GSS-Sea Wolf 38 OHS-.Tocosc 38 688-Tidings 37 GSS-May llampton..HO Half Mile. GSS-Consort 53 G44-San Stefano ...51 G87-Knobbie 19 688-Wrecker 51 GSS-Night Boat ...53 401-AA. X. G rives.. 31 076-Pretty Idy ..50 Five -Eighths Mile. 666-E.ecution ...1:08 686-Xose Dive ...1:04 Three-Quarters Mile. GSS-Dan Boiling. .1:20 087-Modo 1:22 G8ti-D.of t.Aalley 1:21 088-Nancy Shanksl:29 G87-;alantman ..1:11 087-Sweep By ...1:15 G8S-L. Baltimore. 1:15 One Mile. 080-Mad. Cadeati.l:49 Milo and a Quarter. S9-:rey Ltg ...2:11 Sweep By went well. Lord Baltimore was not extended. Galautman did a fine trial on the slow track. Grey Lag galloped an -msy trial. I