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DAILY BACINQ FORM Daily Suriair Winter Xontha. Pally Exoept Monday Balance of the Tear. DAILY RACING FORM PUBI.I3HINO 00. Jfcute red as tecoDd-clasi matter, April 2, 1880. at tie post-office at Ghlcag, IHlnoii, under tk Act f Karen 8. 1879. TELEPHONE 2087 HARBISON. For business and circulation purposes only. This telephone has no connection with tbe news or editorial departments and cannot be used to com- Biunicate with them. NEW YORK CITY OFFICE 167-169 East Thirty-Second Street. All dealers supplied from this office. Back numbers and monthly books supplM. For eale at all hotels and news-stands. SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. Per Week $ 1.00 Per Month S.00 Half Year ir,.00 One Year 30.00 The above rates are for single copies as sealed letters first-class wall. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS, SEPTEMBER 8, 1921.