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LAT0N1A The horses which seem best, in Tuesdays races fcxe: Xatonia, Ky., September 12, 1921. 1 GREEN GOLD, Kinglike, Cozette. 2 Cap Rock, Tulane, Salamander. 3 Sea Court, EaRteside, Miss Fontaine. 4 Lina Clark, Omnipotent, Lady Mother. r Marjorie Hynes, Rangoon, Attn Roy II. 1 Minute Man, Ginger. Angon. 7 Harvest King, Omer K., Arravan. J. L. Dempiey. New York Handicap. 3 Green Gold, Kinglike, Skiles Knob, Sweet Liberty.. 2 Demos, Tulane, Cap Rock, Lugs. 3 Easteside, Mnvehona, Gipsy Lad, Miss Petite. 4 Lina Clark, Hold Me, Omnipotent, Bernice K. 5 Guy, Rangoon,- Marjorie Hynes, Sands of Pleasure. 0 ANGON, Minute Man, fcinger, Sewell Combs. 7 Omer K., La Foudre, Nonskid, Lady Longfellow. " : ChicaK and Buffalo Handicaps. J-r-Green Gold, .Kinglil:er Skilea Knob, Sweet IJb-efty. 3 Tulane, Cap Rock. Demos, Salamander. Sr-Marehona, Easteside, Miss Fontaine, .Miss Pe- tite. 4 Hold Me. Una Clark, Bright Leaf, Bernice K. 5 SANDS OF PLEASURE, Guy, Rangoon, Mar jorie Hynes. 6 Minute Man. Ginger, Angpn, Scwoll Combs. 7 Omer K., Nonskid, Lady Longfellow, Harvest King. Observers Handicap. 1 Green Gold; Kinglike, Virgo, Cozette. - 2 Cap Rock, Tulane, Salamander. Demos. 3 Easteside, Mavehona, "Winchester, Miss Fon taine. 4 Hold Me, Omnipotent, Lina Clark, Bernice K. i 5 Marjorie Hynes, Guy, Sands of Pleasure, Wood- tmp. C MINUTE "if AN, Ginger, Sewell Combs, Angon. 7 Dmer -K-, Harvest King, Mali, La Foudre. Consennua of Handicap. J GREEN GOLD, Kinglike, Skiles Knob, Cozette. . a Cap Rock, Demos, Tulane, Salamander. 3 Eaateside, Sea Court, Mavehona, Miss Fontaine. !. 4 Lina Clark, Hold Me, Omnipotent, Bernice K. . 0 Xiarjorlo Hynes, Guy, Sands of Pleasure, Rangoon. - O Minute Man, Anson, Ginger, Sewell Combs. 7 Omer K., Harvest King, Nonskid, La Foudre.