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DUFFERIN PARK FORM CHART TORONTO, OnL,. Monday, September 12, 18SI Dufferin park .;th.lf .mile. Fourth dy v. Toronto Driviug- Clu.U. Autumn Meeting of 7 days. Weather clear; temperatur 88". Presiding Judge. Edward Cole. Associate Judges. llK aud lt- Norvell. Starter, Elmer M Um.11. Racing Secretary, W. It. .Norvell. 56996 First Haco About 6-8 Mile. . Purs 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claimiiis. Net valu6 io winner ;00; second, ?126; third, 6, , . E-pilv. Odd. Fin- Horse.. Wt. Kin. Jockey. Straight, 56900 Pueblo 115 11 A Rlchcrsek 2121-H. 36878 Treadwell 115 21 O Atwell lUS-lw. ft6005 P, .Moody 105 21 j Smith l2S-lft 50477 ThIrtecn 115 4 II Shilling- 4W-1W 66880 Retreat 110 5 II cimppell 1S2S-10, .1488IBliifl Van 115 C W Anderson te25-HV, 50343 Impress 1W 72 P OMahonfiy SMlwl uCSSe.sjoes Sister 110 . S W ZTayloc 1220-100 mutuels paid. Pueblo."25 straight. .10 place. .10 show; Treadwell, .55 place Si.Mt show.; P. Moody, .05 .show. 4 .Equivalent booking oId3 Pueblo, 212, "to 100 straight, 103 to. 100 place. 55 to 100 show; Tread well. I27i.j to 100 place. 05 to 100 show; P Moody 132!. to 100 Rhoww . . Time, 1:03. Track fast. Winner J. Arthurs ch. g, 4, bv Rock ton Orjska, by .Clifford trained by J. Arthur; bred r .Mr. John Sanford. Went to post at 2:29. At post 1 minute.. Start .good,, and slow. Wou handily; second and third driving. ., 56997 Seconl Race About 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. ; ! Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third. 5. Equiv. Oddg. w Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 56958Chantour 113 V W Anderson 150-ino 56903 sBanyan 108 23 R. Paulev 319-100 .50958 Shoreacres 108 3 X Foden 410-100 540422.Bloor 100J 41 X Burger 2290-100 56958 Dorhy .CarlinlOS 5 O Atwf II 4175-10 ! 36K7K. Norma J. IKiJ C A Richereek l3-im 56958 Red .Post ins 7" J Smith 2515-IOfi 56905 . John I-ike 07 S A Jacobs 225U-biO , . mutuels paid.: Chantour, .00 straight. .15 place, ! .25 show; Banyan, .30 place, .40 show; Shoreacres, .70 show. Equivalent booking odds Qiantour. 150 ti 100 , straight, 37 and to 100 place, 12V. to 100 show; Banyan, : 75 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Shoreacres, " 35 to 100 show. Time, 1:02?J. Track fast. Winner R. Pillans b. g, 0, by Canter Cognomen, 1 by Knight of the Thistle trained by G. Bovd; bred 1 by Messrs. Owen Bros.. AVont to post at 3:Ol. At post 1 minute. Start . , driving. good and slow. Won handily; second and third Overweights Bloor, 4 U. pounds; Norma J., 3J1. 56998 Tlwrd Race About 5-8 Mile. Purse 0o! 3-year-olds and upward. -Claiming. j Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 5. V , Equiv. Odds. Ind.. ,T Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. fi S9.0Doctor D. 113 i j Kennedy 252.M0O 56670 Dora AV. 107 2A R Pauley CM-io 56077 Minnie Mack 101 3 O Atwell S50-lio 30950 Apple Jack 10S 4 W Andeinon HC5-100 !" 50671 General 1125 5" II Shilling 15E-10O ; 56175 Pokey Jane xWl GJ J Connors 7."5-l0 56681 Sarivan lOt 7 F Lux- 4485-iOi 56880 Allen Cain 110 S II Cluippclt 53:0-10- mutuels paid. Doctor D., .03 straight, .50 1 place. ,70 show; Dora W.. 1.50 place, show; Minnie Mack, $"1.95 tihow. . " . : Equivalent bopkiug oddti Doctor D., 232V. to 100 s straight. 75 to 100 place, 33 to 100 show; Dora W 4 173 tu 100 phicc. 230 to 100 show; Minnie Muck. 1 147.i to 100 show. Time, 1:03. Track fast. AViuner C. Derosucls b. g, 9, by Galvestou Verna Rice, by Dr. Rice trained by 0, Rice; bred by Sir. AVilUain B. Duke. Went to post at 3:13. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and tlilrd driving. Overweights Dora W.. 3 pounds; General, 1; Pokey Jane, Allen Cain, 2. fiOQQ Fourth Race G 1-2 Furlongs. Purse, uuoo.j7 j00 3.ycar-lds. Claiming. Net; value to winner 00; second, 5125; third, .5, Equiv. Odds. Ind. llorse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 5G900 Brown Bill 107 1" N Foden 3321-100 5G88S3Huvanna 135 2 H Myers 230-100 5GH02 North Shore 105 3 A Eichcreek 12S;-100 5G8.8S Our Kate 107 A" K Pauley lKi-100 r6S13Kathloeh K. 07 51 A Jacobs 22:-ino 50904 Scintillate 107 C3 X Burger 33O-100 5GH04 Adrift 90 7 F Lux 3290-100 mutuels paid. Brown Bill, .05 straight, .80 place, ..3.". show; Ravannn. .55 place, :.40 show; North Short?. .35 show. Equivalent booking odds Brown IStll. 33l,U to 300 straight, "JO t 100 plae, 07. to 100 show; Ravnnna. 77.4 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; North Shore, 207. to 300 show. Time, 1:26. Track fast. AVinner AV. M. Cains hr. g, by AValdo Cutano-ous, i.y Farandole trained by AV. M. Cain; bred by Mr. Banjamiu A. Joues. Went to post at 4:20. At. pot 1 minute. Start fair and slow. AVon easily; second and. third driving. Scratched .COM Suez. 102. Overweights Ravannn, 3 pounds; North Shore, 3; Atlrift, 1. V7n fin ifth "Race-7:8 Mile. "Pnrse -00. A-U;i yu.u yearblds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to -winner 00; second, 125; third, 5. -Equiv. Odds. Tnd. Horse. Wt". Fin. Jockey. Straight. 50009 Haokamore 114 1 X Foden 3771-300 rf5950irrcttv Baby 112 2l II Chappell 1W-1Q0 509GO Stove 109 31 O Atwcll 1200-100 5G908 Kingling II. 112 43 A Bichcreek 795-100 50870 Medusa 100 5 AV Taylor 775-100 S2 mutuels paid. Hackamore. S5.35 straight, ioo place, S2.75 show: Pretty Baby, .00 place, .53 show; Steve. S4.SO .show. Equivalent looking odds Hackamore. 177i to 100 straight, 30 to 100 idace. 37 to 100 show: Pretty Itaby, 30 to 100 place, 27 to 100 show; Steve, 110 to ICO show. Time. 1:343. Track fast. AViunei H. 1.. Holmes h. g, 4. hy Flint Rock Hour Hand, by Elhelbert trained by E. G. Jones; bled in France by Mr. August Belmont. "Went to post at. 5:05. At osl 1 minute. Slarl good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Sera U-bed 50000 JnckMount, 100; 5C9G0Finan-:Cial Rooster, 100; 0G05?lSluebanuock, 100. ,f5 7-001 Sixth Racc-f-8 Mile. Purse . 00. 4-" V V . ycarolds and -upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third,,5. Eqniv.jDdds. In1. Horse. "Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 50JMHSTom Logan 1C0 1J N Foden 215-100 50909 sSafranor 109 2l B Pauley 650-100; 5G870AfieW 1"9 3 AV Ta,ylor 220-100 56907 T. F. JicJln 101 1 A .Jacobs 170J-100 J!OTJ Player li t II Chappell .lOM-100 rrill7Psure Bent 11 1 C J Kennedy 4i0-lO0 inntuels paid, Tom Ugan, S0.30 straight, .C0 phice, :i.."0 show; Safranor, ?G.2,"i place, ?3.00 show; Aiew, -?i;.10 show. Equivalent booking odds Tom Logan, 21." to 100 straight. HO to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Safranor, 212V- to 1001hice, r.O to 100 show; View, 20 to 100 show. Time, 1:34. Track fast. "Winner V- .M. Caih h. g, 4, by Great Britain Little Fraud, by Deceiver trained by W. M. Cain; bred by Messrs. S. C. U A. Lyhe. "Went, lo post at "":"!. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won -handily; second and third driving. Sera iclied ::w;0 Colonel Matt, 112; ."C0C3Fair and "Wanner, 107. 57009 Seventh Race 1 l-l6:Miles. Purse 00. 3.yoar-olds and upward.. Claiming. Net value to winner 500; second, 25; third, 5. Einlr.;Oddg. tnd. Howe. "Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straisht. ncOlO5. Turnbow 111 VI It Chappell lJ,V100 ri050"Bond 10S 2l B -Pauley S03-100 rG9103.Salgeorge 105 W Taylor MSMW 30075 Gold. Dawn 102 4 AV Anderson 1015-100 5fi08 Tcrraalt 102 - 11 Jones 2150-10 J509C3 "Prunes 105 C"- N Foden 3175-100 56908Alt3inaha 111 711 F Chia.vctta 1150-1W 5G473The Pguese 10C .8 J Smith 1135-1C0 . minuets P3id. Walter Turnbow, ?5.J0 straight. .00 place, 2.90 show; Bond, -.13 place, .55 sliow; Salgeorge. .43 show. Eciuiralent looking odds .Walter Tnmbow, 195 to ;100 straight. SO to 100 place. 45 to 100 show; Bond, 107V. to 100 place, ny- to 100 show; Salgeorge, 72,i"to 100 show. Time. 1:5G. Track fast. WjlmcrS, jrcNeills ch. "g, 0, by Orbicular I.adv Dot to, by Mordotte trained hy S. McNeill; bred by Mr. t.ll. Campbell. AVent to post at 0:10. At post 1 minute. Start good and .slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights Prunes, 3 pounds; Altaniaha, 3; The Portuguese, 1.