Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-09-13

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tATONIA FORM CHART LATONIA, ICY., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1921. Bator.Ia I mile. Eighth day. Kentucky Jockey Club. Autumn Meeting of 31 days. "Weather clear; temperature 82. Stewards. CJias. P. Price, C. S. Nuckols, .lr.. A; G. Leonard and C. W. Hay. Judges, W. II. Shelley, N. n. McClelland and E. Jasper. Starter. A. B. Dade. Bacing Secretary, -W. II. .Shelley. Baciug starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00 p. in,.. Iiidicates apprentice allowance. RfiAQO FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 7. ilSOO 1:05 3 93. Purse ,400. .2-ycar-oIds. UVU.Otf Maidens. Fillies. Clainung. Net value to winner ;100; second, 00; third, 00. Index -Horses A WtPPSt U t Str Fin -Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 5C7C3 FLOKID.V BI.OSM wb 112 7 11 T- 3- 2i 1" I-l Barnes Hal Price Ilcadley 1085-1O 55317 GEOBGKTTE 112U1 9 Sl 7i 4s 2 K Graves I "W Scott fl5S1-100 56817IDA IcGEF. w 100 G 7 :i fi1 3 35 G Fields G M Hanly 510-1W 50891 WrINDlXG THBGII w 100 5 :: 2i l1 U 4 B Parlse V II Hawkins 2SO-100 56891 PLUNELLA wn 112 8 8 0U 0J C.l 5 "W Hejnch I B Bradfield 3S55-100 5C703 IMAGE w H 2 1 1 2l 5 f.- S McGraw Treacy and Walker 1010-10O 50801 BASHFUL w 103 10 4 4i 5"k 7 7 J D Mney J Marino 1 56817::DIXIE ODAY w i07 0 5 7i S1 S1 Sl J Francis 1 Wedderstrand 275-100 SWISS w 112 3 fi 31 41 0" 0 "W Anilress J S Hawkins 915-100 5C763 LAST BBUSH wit 109 4 10 10- 10- 10 1010 O Willis B L Hubble 432C-100 POISE ws 109 12 11 11 11 11 A Collins H M. Porter 4135-10 IMutuel field. . Time, 24, 51, 1:05J. l:12?j. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Florida Blossom, 23.70 straight. 11. CO place, show; Georgette, field, 3.70 place. S.H show; Ida McGee. .70 show. l-iiiraknt lx.okiiig odds Florida Blossom: 1053 to .100 straight. ISO to. 100 place, 230 to 100 show; Grorcette. field. 5155 to 100 place. 230 to 100 show; Ida McGee. 135 to 100 ishow. Winner Ch. f, by Uncle Princess Orna, by Ornament tniiued by W. Buford; bred by MessrH Hcadley and Miller. . . . Wqnt to post at .2:00j At post minutes, Sturt gotU and slow". Won .driving; second -antl third Dm; same. FLORIDA BLOSSOM began slowly and had to be saved, until reaching the ..stretch, where bh: moved up fast, but had to be ridden hard right at the end to outstay GEORGETTE. The latter closed a big pap and ;came with a rush right at the end and finished fastest. IDA ;McGEE also made up ground arid finished well. WINDING THROUGH showed the most early upeed. but finished tiring and swerved in the last Msteenth.. DIXIE ODAY was always outrun. IMAGE set the early pace, but juit in the stretch. Scratched 53813ForcstalI. -101: 5GS173Fichl Lark, 101; 56763 Who Can Tell, 100; 35S13 Canny Lady, 103; 54249. Jlegan. 100; .OGgOLJthel Vale. 112. "QvenAelghts ii.corgettc, -iS pupds: BluneHa, 3. . . Rj; CCVQ A SECOND RACE 3-1 TilUo. June 7, 19211:105110. ,600 Addod. 3-ycar..old3. JMtJJf Allowances.- Ufetvaluc -to winner ,200; necond, ;22 ; third, 03. - Index Horsea AWtPPSt U V: i-8tr Fin -Jockeys Owners Eqnlv. Odds Strt 36819AVHITE STAB w 109 6 5 5 2?i P 1: J 1 Mncy G W Clark 150-10C G6819 BlZAF w 109 3 3 31 4li 2 2 N Barrett J W Forman 335-100 f5C9IGGUWj;OB wJ12 5 1 1" -31 7 Z" G Flcfds 31 Goldblatt 575100 50819 MONSOON wn 109 1 4 2l l 4 I1 M Garner lontfort Jones :J90T100 50819M. K. BEAUDON wn 109 2 G C. 0i 5 5s H .7 Burke D V Swift 9:a-100 55391 BEG PARDON wn J0:i 12 4 0 C 6 B VnrUn B P Marshall- 5325-10O Time, 24?i, 50i, 1:1C. Track heavy. mutuels .paid. White Star, .00 straight, .00 place, ,10 show; Ilunzaf, .S0 place, :S0 show; Guvnor. .10 show. .Equivalent booking odds White Star. 130 to 100 straight, 50 to 100 place, .20 to 100 show; Runzaf, GO to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Guvnor, 53 to 100 show. Winner Ch. c. by McGee Sweet Charlotte, by Ihgoldsby trained by G. V. Barnes; bred by Mr. Cliarles W. Moore. "Went to post -at 2:29. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ""WHITE STAR mil as if much the best in the going, raced into the lead with a riish when in the fltretch nnd-M-on ehsing up. RUNZAF dropped backafter going three-eighths, hut came fast in the-stretch. GUVNOR showed the most early speed, but tired in the stretch drive. JOHN S. REARDON raced into the lead, then quit badly. The others were always far;;baeJc. Scratched 30S03Bcttina, 100; 333235Miss Muffins,-109; 30910 Buddie Kcan, 103; 5CS20 Balance Wheel, 103. , THIRD RACE 1 1-8 ;Milos. Juno 20, 1914 l:50s 3 105. : Added. 4-ycar-tf Of 4 JL olds and npward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,000; second, S206; third, 44, tndcx- Horse-s AWtPPSt 11 M K Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlr. Odds Strt 5G720UANT1LEVEB wn 5 112 4 G 11 l3 Is 1" l1" B Parke F Ieyton H0-10O 5G8C2SWTAVE 5 103 1 4 4" 3" 2 23 2? G. Fields A Luzailer 330-100 508583PIT S 105 0 5 fi 0 0 41 3s II Gregory J "Phillips 710-103 568G2GOUmiAND w.s V, 112 5 2 3 C 4J S H J Francis J L Paul 2fKK-K0 56862CAPITAL CITY ws 7 110 3 :: 55 4ti Tfi 5 5s N J lVrtiui A Hill 25U5-JW C64SVNlt3 "31cIAWI3LI w"C-100 2 12 2U r. 0 6 K Scobic T J Pendercaat 390 -1W Timo, -25?5, 61, 1:17?J. 1:44. 1:58. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Cantilever, .80 straight, .00- place, .50 show; Wave, .70 place, .70 show; Pit, .70 show. Equivalent booking odds Cantilever. 110 to 100 straight, 30 to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Wave, S3 to 100 place, 35 to 100 Show: Pit, 35 to 100 show. Winner Ch.. g, by llajibridge Ma Salaame, by Hastings trained by W. Embry; bred by Mr. W. G-Hirsig. AVeni to tost at 3:00. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third tlriv-ing. CANTILEVER set the pace wider restraint from soon after the start and drew away in the stretch to win as his rider pleased. AVAYK mewl prominently all the- way and held on fairly well in the strcleh-PIT closed a big gap in the last three-eighths. GOURMAND ran a poor race. .BROWNIE McDAAYELL 111 it badly. Scratched-5S9G Natural Bridge. 109; 50838 Royal Duck. 112; 50010 Legal. 100: 5CS03 Candle Light, 105:.oPSli3 l-aji--Orient, 105; 50S22I.n .Fondrc. lQO; 5OSOO Whirling Dim, 112;"55552 Arravan, 105. K jQQQjrt FOURTH .RACE 3-4 3Iilc. Substitute for original raco declared offi June 7, 1921 uOttM 1:10 C 110. Parse ,400. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,100; second, 00; third, 00, - Index Horsea A WtPPSt U and ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 50785 DOXXA BOMA w 4 104 8 1 11 l 2 1 B Park; AValdeck Stable 790-105 508 10 BAS wis 3 107 2 5 41 22 11 21 B Kennedy Florisant Stable 155-100 50717 TULSA Wn 4 107 7 2 21 31 V." 3 E Scpbie AV E Applcgatc 4:.0-100 CO..ISAV. G. McCLTOCKwr. 3 10S?12 rt C fii 41 4 T :IuiTay J S AViggins tS95-300 50892 TAAVASEXTHA w 3 10-1 11 10 8 S- 71 5 Jl Espende J Jj Paul 50782 PHILAXIMCItEB vsn 3 ins 9 3 3! 5: 0- 0 x llarrett J C Colm 2fi55-i00 56711 PLUS ULTHA wis 3 102 10 7 51 l1 5s 7 G Field J Lowe 50S5-100 44377 PUBDEY w 9 105 1 11 93 i- 81 Sl F Porretto S D Bursch t 582 OPPORTUNITY w 7 112 5 8 7? 7- 9 91 J D Mney J L Knight 3005-100 5fi818 LACICVAVAXXA v.-5 10G 112 10 10 10 10 JFrancis AAilliams Bros. 11SO-100 50890 MISS DOB A wis 3 101 3 4 Eost rider. S McGraw T J Devcreaux 1000-100 5C822 UV DERXIEBE w 3 100! 9 Lost rider. A AVilson P AV Davia f i.AIutuel fleld. Timo, 25, 51, 1:18. Track heavy. miilnels paid, Ionna Roma, 7.0 straight, phtce, .10 sliow; Itas, ,70 place, .10 show; Tulsa. .M show. Equivalent booking odds Donna Roma. 790 to 100 straight, 225 to 100 place, 103 to 100 show; Ras, S3 to 300 place. 55 to 100 sliow; Tulsa, SO to 100 show. AAinner Br. f, by Light Brigade Oxeye, by Hustings trained by G. II. Keene; bred by Mr. John O. Keene. AVent to post at 3:30. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the tame. BONNA ROMA raced into the .lead at once, ,but. was headed and . seemed beaten when an eighth out, came again near the end and outstayed RAS. The latter began slowly and had to close a big gap,-but raced into the lead in the stretch, then began tiring near the end. TULSA tcca prominently front the start ami stayed well in the streteli drive. AV. .. McCLlNTOCK was goiiig well at the end. TAAVA-SE.VTIIA made up ground." PLUS ULTRA tired. LA DERNIERE and MISS DORA were caught in a jam soon after -the start and lost their riders. pviTwtiglitfr -W. "17. JrcClihtock. 1 ,4 .I?"": IliHandcrer, 1: Lac.Un wanna. 2; La Berjiierc, .1 y. EClftftQQ FIFTH BACH 1 1.16 llilos. Oct. T, 19101:433-122. ;Mount .Aumirn urs9. JrlCyoO SL1100 Added. 3.year-olds. Allowances. Net value to .winner ?1;350; second, 81; third. 04. Index Uorsca A WtPPSt U 4 Str Fin Jockeys Ownere Equiv. Odls Strt VoOH.l 0 irUMEHllEY we 107 2 4 4 4" VH 1. I1 J D Mney I Lehan i2t;r,-ioo ri8dOaCOLOXEli BAKER w 110 5 2 2 21 3 K Barnes B J Btcnnan 510100 508p3DEN VAMT W UO 3 1 int VI 1 ? ! !i J Burke B T Bedford Admr . 195-100 i5fl708PAKAUliB .wulli.i ?, i;i 3-li -4 4u4. iJJarrctt rajJlfccnUerBast "- -landWJJO" 30508 SECRET GRTINGSwii 107 1 5 5 5 6 f, J SlcCoy J O" and O II "Kccne 200-100 Time, 24?S, 50JS. 1:17, l:45vi, 1:52. Track heavy. mutuels paid, Humphrey, 7.30 straight, place, :;90 sliw; ;Colonel "Baker, .20 place, .30 sliow; Ben Aalet, .80 show. Equivalent booking odds Iltimphrcv. 12U3 to 100 straight. 310 to 100 place, 145 to 100 show; Colonel Baker. 200 to 1C0 place, 115 to 100 show; Ben Valet, 40 to 100 show. Winner Ch. e. by Ballot Bronzewing, by Stalwart trained by D. Lehan; bred by Mr. D. -Lehan.,. AVent to jifist at 4:02. At post 1 minute Start good and slow. Won easily; second and .thirddriving. HUMPHREY, well ridden, was kept in the best;going. for the entire race and, joining -fut in the stretch, raced into a ionglead and won in a canter. COLONEL BAKER raced well from the start .ami outstayed BEN AALET through the last eighth. BEN AALET showed the mot early speed, but Was" done after going seven -eighths. PARADER was always outrun and seemingly handicapped by the stiff going. Scratched 5C1921.sh0Cho tho, 112; 30520itBit pt AVhite. 1.17. , " . ,. ". er iQOiajl SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. June 7, 1521 lflOJs -6 110. Miami Valley Pnrso. ,500 tP .v"t7tF"db Added. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net valuo to vinner ,150; second, 94; third, 71. ,,--- ; . -- . Index Horses AWtPPSt VI -;1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnlv. Oddstrt 5071 93BOCKMIXISTER w 118 2 5 5 3 3" 1 M Garner ilontfoirt Jones 7lS3-100 5r:4fi03PEGASU.S wn 12;: 1 4 2s l1 ll -21 H Lunsfd Jlqntfort Jones i 50083 MARTHA FALLON w 112 3 1 1?. 2i 21 3" .E Pool C AV Moqre .Jr. . llfelW 50821" GRANITE AVABE w 108 4 3 3- 4 4 4- T Murray K Spence 3Qi5-ilW 5G338.IANKU w 102 C 2 4. 5 5 5 II Gregory F J Keliey 1260-100 5G3G5 BET !MOSIE w J1C 5 0 c" C C C L Lyke .15 B Bradley C35-100 f Coupled in betting as Montfort Jones ontrv. Timo, 24, A9, 1:17. Track heavy. mutuels paid, Montfort Jones entry, .70 straight, .70 place, .70 slittw; Martha Fallon, .00 sliow. Equivalent booking ds Montfort Jones entrv, 1S5 to 100 straight, 1S3 to ,100 place, 33 to 100 show; Martha Fallon, 30 ;to ,100 show. . Winner Ch. c, by Friai Rock Mallard, bv Star Shoot trained by . J. C. lilam; bred by Mr. John ,E. Madden. . .. . ..--"" ".."" . ." . , Went to post at 4132. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second ;and third the same. ROCKMINISTER "was outpaced in the early rnnning. but. ean10.KithAa.ru5h through the last eighth and got up to win in tiid last few strides. PEGASUS raced .into tho..-:ieaTa.oh llie last -turh and could have won had he been ridden hard in the last eighth. MARTHA FALLON tired -foist after "showing "the most Varly speed ami swerved in the last sixteenth. JANKU quit. GRANITE AVARE had no mishaps. BET . MOSIE was always-outrun. . . Scratched 53070 ILord Allen. 100; .fiOlS.Bonus. IPS. tK JROQ SEVENTH. RACE 1,1,1C -Miles. Oct. 7, 191G 1:43 3 122; ,400 Added. 4-year .OPvtyQ olds and upward. Claiming. Net value towinner .100; second, .;9fl. Index Horsea AAVtlPSt U V- ?i Str.Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odda.Strt 508DAXCO SPRAY w ;5a0:1 2 3 2 2 !?. 1 3 33 Scobie Treacy and. Walker ISSlM 5G8G1 W.ICKFORD w 5 107 1 2 3 3 2- 2" 2 II XU-cgory B Friend 4SJ-10J 5G570DIXIE CARROLL wn 5 107 4 1 in 3 3 3 t ;B Parke Xugent Bros 155-100 5G570SSEA PBIXCE wn 4 101 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 F "Porretto H 15 Swan S13-1C0 Time, 24, 50, 1:17, 1:44, 1:50. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Dancing Spray, S5.10 straight, .30 place; AAickforil, .30 place; no show mutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds Dancing Spray, 135 to 100 straight, 03 to 100 place; AVickford, 113 to .100 place. AVinner Br. m, by Rapid Water, Alberta II., by Handspring trained by J. II. Baker; bred by Mr. George AA". .1. Bissell. Went jo post at 5:00. At post 1 minute. Start good ami slow. Won easily;" second aud third driving. DANCING SPRAY was taken into the good going and raced close .up to DIXIE CARROLL .for three-quarters, then raced into the lead and won in a canter. AVICKFORD was forced back.. sharply . on the first turn and gained steadily in the next half mile, but tired in the streteli. DIXIE CARROLL set a fast early pace, but quit after going three-quarters and, just lasted for third place. SEA ;FRINCE .wja-i far back to the last quarter, where he came with a belated rush. Scratched 53320Mnrse John, 101; 33392 Ilarlock, 103; 5GS9GKinip:ilon"s," "110: ".30710CJier Leader, .100; 5C913 Mighty Man, IPG.

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Local Identifier: drf1921091301_3_1
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