Belmont Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-09-13

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.BELMONT PARK FORM CHART HEW YORK, N. Y., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1921. Relmont Park 1.- miles. Ninth day. AVest-cliester Racing Association. Autumn Meeting of 13 days. Weather cloudy; temperature 75. Steward to Represent Jockey Club, P. R. Hitchcock. Stewards of Meeting. August Belmont, F. R. Ilitclicock and R. T. AVilon. Judges, E. C. Smith and C. Cornehlsen. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary, A. MeL. Earlocker. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 1:15 p. nu. Indicates apiirentice allowance. rSTIDCVtj2l FIRST RACE 5 .1-2 Furlongs Main Course. Sept. .5. 1921 1:05 2 10G. Islip Kan-sOiDtUO dicap. ,257 .Added, 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net .value to -winner ,002; second, 18; third, 12. Inde-v Horses : A WtPPSt V "h Str Fin Jockey,s Owners O H C P S ;30G90rBODIGIOUS w 107 1 1 2 21 H 1 G AV Car1.1 .E Davis. 25 13-52-1 1-1 out 5KG1DMODO w 120 2 2 :; 3 3 2- C Ponce Jlodo Stable 1-2 1-2 1-2 out 55914 BLACK RASCAL wis 107 3 3 1 1 2 3 F CltilettiGroentree Stable S 10 10 S-5 out Time, 23, .47. 1:00, 1:06. Track slow. AVinner B. f, by Faycttt Himation, by Hcrmis trained by M. Brady; bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnnrd. AVent to post at 2:20. At post 1 minute. Start gcod and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. PBOD1GIOUS, after racing in closest pursuit, took the lead with a rush in the last eighth and won easing up. MODO begun slowly and was hard, ridden all the way, but raced sluggishly and was always beaten. BLACK RASCAL set a List pace, but retired after going five-eighths in the lead. Scratched--553S2 iSri-omster. 121: 5523St. Henry, 119; 508o01Chcrry Tree, 111; 50710 Jiraiu-storm, 108; 507S1 All Over, 100. . . . : . ; fE?jOCl6:; SECOND KAOI-Abeut 2 Milca. Steeplechase. Parse 41,000, " 4-year-olds " and lijiwajrii. tiPaoJ: Soiling. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. - Index- Horses AAVtPPSt 4 7 -10 12 Fin Jockeys Owners O H C :P :56S53:LE MABSOUIX w 7 HI 1 2 5 2 2 V- V- B II CfordJ S Cosden 3-5 7-101-2 out .SOSSD-NEW ILVVEN w 12 139 2 1 3- 4 4 "3 :V AV lioscn AV Rbaen 10 12 10 4-5 36174BEN AAIS w 10 139 3 3 2 -3 5 2 310 AV Hunt J AV Healy 8 S 6 .and-5 2-3 56687::INFIDEL II. w S 111 5 5 4s 5 5 14 E AAolf T O Mooro 5 7 7 8-5 2-3 562ilSAYWHICH w 1 130 4 4 115- l3 Fell. AV Jones C .Teuebauni 5 8 S 21.4-5 Time, 3:56. Track slow. AVinner B. g. b Querido Marie Louise HI., by Masim trained by W. Garth; bred Jn Fr.ancc by Mr. M. de St. Alary. AVent to post at 2:44. At post 1 minute. Start good aud ijlow. AV6n easily; second and third driving. LE MARSOUIN raced under restraint until taking the tenth Jump, where he moved .up f;.ast and took an easy lead when SAYWHICH fell at the eleventh jump. NEAV ILVAEN finished- gamely and outstayed BEN WYAIS in the final drive. The latter raced forwardly in -.the early running, but tired finally. INFIDEL II. Was always o-jf paced. . , SfiiQfi! THIRD RACE 1 Mile. Juno "1. 1821 1:35 5 118. AmityviUo Handicap. ,257 :lltla0.t Added. 3-yoar-oldi and upv.ord. Net .-aluo to winner ,037; second, 23.60; .third, 82,40. . Index Horses A-WtPPSt i ! -jStrFIn Jockeys Owners D H C ;P 8 5GG91 CAPTAIN ALK wkb 4 308 2 1 4 4 33 21 lJ J Mooney Quincy Stable 1 1 4-5 1rl .oUt 56G12CHATEAU TIIY wn 3 10 3 2 2 2.A 2l C 2" F CltilettiJ Saliford 21 3 13-51t2 out 54401 IRISH DREAM wd 4 112 4 4 1 1 1 !-- 3l- A JohnasnKilrano Stable .4 10 10 3 1 CG912 QUECBEEIC wn 3 102 1 3 33 3 4 4 1 G AV CrollJ E Davis 6 7 7 8-5 out Time, 23, 47. 1:13, 1:39. Track slow. "Winner Ch. c, by Ogdeh Mallard, by Star Shoot trained by J. Fitzslmmohs; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. . Went to post at 3:13. At post 1 minute. Start poor and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. CAPTAIN ALC.OCK dwelt at the Mart and was off slowly, but .gradually improved .hispQSltlon and. Ainder vigorous riding, raced into the lead in the last sixteenth aud won going .away. !CHATJ3AU THIERRY closest pursuit of the early leader and, finishing gamely, took second place Jii .the last strides. IRISH DREAM appeared high in Ilesh. but quickly raced itno a long lead aitd tired in the last eighth. QUECREEK ran poorly and... quit badly in the last quarter. Scratched 50739;Krewer, 120; 5051!::Doimaeoiia, 111 ; 5G779:Kii:gdom II., 105. . KteGkOtfi FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. June 1, .1921 1:35 5-rll8. -Fifteenth Running NASSAU tJDtftSU BEXT.ING STAKES. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net valua to wlaaer ,925; second, 50; third. 50; fourth, 5. , ; Index Horses AAVtPPSt 4 51 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O HOPS 56780EDAV1XA wn 4 113 1 3 Sl Vfi . 1- l A JohnsonAV S Kilmer 3-513-203-5 out 56884 CRYSTAL FOP.D w 5 10G 3 1 1" V V 21 2t L Penman AV C Clancy C 10 .5 6-5 OXlt 568I0K. OFT. IllIEBwu 3 101 2 2 2 2. 21 3 3 J Alooney AV V Casey 10 12 10 "Si out 5GG29SSEBA1T0B wis 4 111 1 4 4 4 4 4 L Fa tor L AVaterbury .21 31 3i 7tl0out Time, 23, 47, 1:13, 1:40. Track slow. AVinner D. f, by Celt Lady Godiva, by Hanover trained by AV. Shields; bred by Mr. Arthur B. Hancuck. AVent to post at 3:39. At-.pot 2 minutes. Start .good and slow. AVon easily; second and third. driving. EDWINA was saved behind the leaders.-until well into the stretch, then easily . passed the leaders and won under restraint, CRYSTAL F015D rushed into the lead at once and showed, inueli speed, but was much used in racing KNIGHT OF THE HEATHER into defeat and tired. The. latter was promincnt.all the way and made a game finish. SERAITOR was outpaced in tiie early running, but came fast through the stretch. Scratched 5G750::Krewer. 110. Overweights Knight of the Heather, 2" pounds. fiQS7 FIFTH RACE-1 3-4 "Miles. Oct. 3. 10002:57 4 115: -United-Stated -Army" Offl-t3j ij O 4 cers Race. Purse ,000. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Net valuo to winner 00;-second, 00; third. 00. . Index Horses A AVfllSt 54 Str Fin Jockeys Owners OHO P 8 54807 -COUBTHOUS w 1G7 2 2 :: S-i 1.. 1 1 Lt McCrryt; S Remt Svc t 10 10 2 out 54807CI1EST15B TWO w 0 1C 5 " 4 4l 31 31 2l Maj Koch Major Koch C 6 4 7-106ut 5GG83SMAD1-:LL15 w.s 11 170 :: 5 3 5 43 3 Maj StevnMaj Stevenson 3-5 3-5 2-5 out 54807-AAONBEAlt w 9 1C2 4 t 11 I3 2s 2". 4 Gapt SyesU S Bemt Svc C 10 10 2 out 5Gfi8G1CATIE GAXAL w C.1S7 1 4 2" 2 .41 5 5 Capt TpleCapt Temple 2 5 5 C-5 out fCoupled in betting; 110 separate place or show lwttiug. Time, 2G,-53, 1:20, .1:50, 2:20, 2:51, 3:19. -Traelt slow. AAinner Ch. g. by MarcovII Politely, by Persimmon trained by Lieut. McCreery; bred in England by Lady James Douglas. AVent to post at 4:02. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon ridden out; second and "third driving. COURTEOUS raced in the best going all the way. steadily improved his position when called on and. passing AAONBEAR -when entering -the stretch, won going away. CHESTER TWO, under -stout restraint in the early running, linished fast and gamely. MADELLE. taken back at the start and racing next to the inner rail in the softest going, was hard ridden through the last half, but could never overtake the leaders. AAONBEAR set the early pace, but tired badly. Sci-atchcd-43534-Thcrmost:it, 101: 518Q7 Herrmann. 100- SfcRQSUS SIXTH" "RACE 3 --4 Mile Main Course. Sept. 1. 1919 1:10-t4 130. Purse r.057. OwtJOO 3-year-olds and upwaid. Maidens. Special Weights. Net valuo to winner 57; sae- ond, 00; third, 00. Index Horses .VAATPPSt U V- g Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P 8 58535GBAY GABLES w 4lt7 S 4 21 2 2s 11 L Fator T IJ Gross 21 13-521 4-5 2-5 53792 AVBECK15U wis 3 114 9 S 1 l3 1 2 K Sande Bedstone Stable "4 4 2h 1 1-2 50597 HUDDLES wu 3 111 :; 5 :: 3 l. 3 C BbtnsonGien Riddle Fm 21 14-513-B1 1-2 54573GOLD15N FLINT wis 3 114 6 7 41 I 4-- 4 G AA" Car IF J Farrell 12 15 35 6 3 50853 COTE DOB wis 3 lti 1 C, 7 71 .r.i J Hooncy M Hirsch 12 35 15 ii 3 r.Cl!5ARAPAHOE wn 3 114 4 1 J5 3 C A Johnson J L Holland 12 15 15 6 3 "5G24K PRINCE JAMES wis 3 111 3 S N S 6J 71 C II lilkrC Thelt-riot S 15 15 B 3 ESQl-lBE wn 3 111 2 2 F.i 35 .it " S F CltilettiR V Carman 8 10 .8 3 7.5 5.1373 CAUE1-T.EE n 3-111 7 Left at the post. It HarsouJ F Ttichardaon "20 25 :2S ;10 5 Time. 23. -47, 1:13. Trach slow. Winner B. g. by Assagai Busy Lady, by Meddler trained by A. G. Blakely; ;bred by Mr. AYaltcr O. Parmer. , ..... . Went to post at 4:37. At post 2 minutes. Start jood and slow for all but CARE 1TRBE. Won driving; second and third the same. GRAY GABLES, off forwardly. raced gamely under vijorouS ridhti ml wore AVRECKKR down in the last sixteenth to win drawing clear. WRECKER raced into a long leain the early running, but tired in the stretch drive. RUDDLES saved ground on all the turns, but could never improve Ws position, GOLDEN FLINT finished Jjauiely.

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