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AQUEDUCT r i The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are:. m Aqueduct Long Island, N. Y., September 23, 1921. 1 Arrow of Gold, Xalapa Farm Stable entry, . .Conine. . 2 Bullseye, Decisive,. Sea Bryn. 3 Forest Queen, Radiola, Grandson. 4 Damask, Mad Hatter, Kingdom II. 5 ROMANY, Crystal Ford, Pavia. 6 Chesterbrook, My Play, Quincy Stable entry. F. J. Ortell. New York Handicap. 1 Arrow of Gold, Mercury, Light Rose, Polythia. 2 Bullseye, Decisive, Sea Bryn, Valspar. 3 Brilliant Ray, Forest Queen, Tricks, Fred Kinney. 4 tDAMASK, Mad Hatter, Kingdom II. 5 Crystal Ford, Fluff, Paddy Whack, Romany. 6 My Play, Chesterbrook, Relay, Commander Mc- .Meekin. Chicago and BnffCO Handicaps. 1 Bon Homme. Polythia, Arrow of Gold, Conine. 2 Valspar, Bullseye; Sea Bryn, Decisive. 3 Forest Queen, Brilliant Ray, Radiola, Grand- son. . 4 MAD HATTER, Damask, .Kingdom II. 5 Paddy Whack, Romany, Crystal Ford, Lampus. 6 My Play, Chesterbrook, Nose Dive, Relay. Observers Handicap. 1 Arrow of Gold, Bon Homme, Polythia, Mavour- neen. 2 Bullseye, Sea Bryn, Valspar, Decisive. 3 Brilliant Ray, Fred Kinney, Forest Queen, Radiola. 4 MAD HATTER, Damask, Kingdom II. 5 Crystal Ford, Paddy Whack, Romany, Thimble. 6 Chesterbrook, All Oyer, My ?lay, Nose Dive. Consensu of Handicaps. . 1 ARROW OF GOLD, Bon Homme, Polythia, Conine. 2 Bullseye, Valspar, Sea Bryn, Decisive. 3 Forest Queen, Brilliant Ray, Radiola, Grand-; son. 4 Daicask,. Mad Hatter, Kingdom II. r Crystal Ford, Romany, Paddy Whaek, Pavia. tt-Cii;cterbrook, My Play, Relay, Nose Dive.