American Track Record Times: Two of Man O Wars Marks, One for a Mile, the Other for One Mile and an Eighth, Reduced during Racing of 1921, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-04


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. • . , , i II I !1 , j i I | AMERICAN TRACK RECORD TIMES TWO OF MAN 0 WARS MARKS, ONE FOR A MILE, THE OTHER FOR ONE MILE AND AN EIGHTH, REDUCED DURING RACING OF 1921 Exceptionally fist as the American track records are. there i- aoi a year paaaas wiiieott oae or more of them being broken. The year llCl was ao exceptioa in Hits respect, although only two new tnarks were established. Singularly eassagh both of the records shattered were made by the peerless Man War. Pint, Auda ions lowered hi- mile mark af l:35f£ to 1:S5%, then later tiealcr redaced hi- l:t!t, for a mile and an eighth to 1 :4J. The latter time waa equaled by Grey Lag and was the more meritorious performance of the iwo. Sealers was aierel] a bit of speed with oaly iMj paaada np aa ■ buoyant teaiae, while Grey Lag-, under 13 pound-, was a saaashiag exhibitiaa of both speed aad -lamina. Following are the Amej-i an track records at all di-tanccs to date Dist. Horse A. Wt. Track. Date Time. 1-4 Bob Wade 1 lLl Butte. Mont sagaal l». 18M :-l ! i •J. 1- f Nash ash 2 11 Charleston, S. C. Ualmetto I.n k Febi uary :.. l!»lL- :J.. 8-8 Atoka ti lo.j Batte, Mont September 7. 1888 :33_. 3 1 - f -loe Blair 5 11.". Juarez. Hex February .". l!»l« :3i» 1-8 Daaaa - 113 I s Aageles, t al. Santa AaitaMarcb 13, 1888 :Hi 0 Amon 2 US Juarez. Me Pefaraary 8, 1811 :48% 4 1-2 f Distinction 2 HIT Lataaia, Ky tune 10, 1919 ■ -—, 8-8 Pan Zareta ■" 128 Juarez. Ilex Pebraary 10. 1815 :." 7i 8 1-2 f Iron Mask t 138 Juarez. Mex March 8, 189 -1 1:03-; Old Futurity Course 170 feel leas than 3-4 mile. Kingston 7 188 flhliashiail Bay. . Y June 22, 1S91 1 :0.S 34 Iron -Mask «j 113 Juarez. Me laaaary 4. 1914 l:09:;;. 6 1-4 t Montanic 4 loo Chicago. Ill | Washington IarklJuly LO. 1901 1:1."»4.-. 8 1-2 f Braakdale Nymph... 4 124 Betxaaat ".uk . October 14. 1907 1:17% Sweep On 3 IU Belmont Park, X. Y May 31, 1919 1:17-.-, 7s Beaehta 5 1J6 Beiaaoat Park X. Y October lti, 1888 12 1 1-2 f Itestigouche 3 10i Bataaaal Park. . Y May 28, 190S 1 :31 5 1 "Baaairr 7 llo Saratoga Kpriaxs. N. Y sagaat 21, 1818 1:34*4 1 Audacious :, lis Belmont Park. N. Y June 1, 1821 1:83% Jmioy Praglega 4 107 Louisville. Ky. Chnrchiii Daaaa May 13, 2913 1:88 Senator James s lo.l Orieatai Park Havana Pebraary 1"". 1818 1:28 lm40y Preen 4 184 Buffalo. X. Y. i Kenilworth Park I June 18, 190K -± Maiachaace I 114 Buffalo. N. Y Keail worth Park Jaae 19. 19o7 t:4J Barry Bhaw 4 104 Baltimore, Md. PiasiiCo November 8, 19i: 1:42 Chiclet 4 114 Ballimore. Md. PiasiiCo November 8, 1818 1:42 lm."itt» Vox Popall 4 104 Seattle. Wash. The Meadows. .September ."., I90S 1:48% Iaa35y Plral Whip 3 101 Saratoga Springs. N. Y ugiist 22. 1888 1:43% ImiOy Watervale 3 9* Baltim-ie. M.l ilinilieoi May 9. 1811 1:42% laaTBy Plf Jr « 120 Louisville. Ky I Douglas Park. May 28, 191 1:41% The Porter 4 110 Louisville. Ky. Churchill Downs i May :.0, 1919 1:41% laalOOy Bapid Water « 114 Oakland. Cal XoTesaber 30, 1887 1:44% 1 1-18 Celesta I 108 Syracuse, N. f September 3. 1914 1:42% 1 l-« Oaaler : 9t;. Belmont Park. X. V -Time 10. 1021 1:49 Grey Lag I 123 Aaaedact, N. Y Inly 7. 1821 1:49 1 8-18 Sir Bart. .n 4 133 Saratoga SjiritiRs. N. Y AiiRust 28, 1828 1:38% 11-4 Whisk Brook II t 139 Belmont Park. X. Y June 28, 1813 2:0O Im.iooy Swiftwing .". loo Litonia. Ky -. Jaly 8, 1883 2:18% 1 3-16 Ballot 4 128 Bheepsbead Bay. X. Y Ju!v 1, 1888 2:09-- ] 3-8 Man o War 3 12C Belmont Bark. X. Y lane 12 1828 2:14% 1-2 Man o War 8 1 1 !s Belmonl Park. X. Y ttepteasber 11 1920 2:28% 1 5-8 Man o War 8 128 Beiaaoat Park, N. Y Septesaber 4. 1828 2:48% 1 ". t Kxtcrsaiaator 5 120 Saratoga Bprings, X. Y ugust 31, 1920 !:3d% 7s Orcagaa 4 9»i Oakland. Cal March 2. 1888 3:17% i:terminater .". 12S Pclmoni Paik. X. Y September 1.". 1020 3:21% 2 :.7i"y liroagraia 4 181 New Orleaas, La. City Park... Jannary 27. 18M 8:33% 2 1 18 War Whoop 4 or. Toroato, Out. Woodbiae Park .September 23. 1885 ".::,.4l 2 IS loe Murphy I 90 Chicago. Ill Harlem ugi!-t 88, 1V4 :;:42 2 1-4 Ethelbert 4 124 Brightoa Beadi, X. Y Aogast 4. P.iih 8:48% 1-1-2 Kyrat 3 ss Newport. Ky XoTessber 18 IMMt l:24Vs : s |,. ,, Broeck t 104 fexlagtoa, Kj Bepteaaber H . lv-7ii 1:38% 2 3-4 Hubbard 1 lo7 Rarataga Bpriags, V Y Aagusl !». 1873 1:38% 3 Mamie Algol :, Hia Ne,v Oilcan-. La. City Park ... Pebraary 18 1907 5:11 4 •Locretia Borgia ... 1 - Oakland. Cal Max 20, 197 7:11 Boteasia ." 119 Laatarille, Ky. Churchill Downs October 7. 1912 7:10;, ■» r:« u it i tunrse. List. Bane. A Wl. Track. Date Time. 1-2 Geraktiae l viz Moms Park. X. Y uriisi 88, 1888 :48 I 1-2 f Preceptor 2 112 Belmont Park, S Y May 19. Bios :51 .". s pen Lose 2 110 Belmont Park, X. V Beptcanbcr 12 1318 :5S% 5 1 2 f Plater 2 131 Morris Park. X. V October 21. 1902 1:02--, .", I Artful 2 138 Marris Park. X. October 13, loot 1:88 ti 1 2 f Lady Vera 2 90 Belmont Park. X. Y October 18, 1888 1:18% 7-8 Paris 2 118 Belmont Park. X. Y September 12. 1814 1:22--. 1 •Salvator 1 118 Monmouth Park. X. J ugtist 28, 1888 1:33% Kildeer 4 91 Monmouth Park, N. J ugust 13. 1882 1:37, 11-4 Banquet 3 188 Monmouth Park, X. J luly 17. 1888 Ln:!3, •Against time.

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