Latest Work-Outs at New Orleans, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-04

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. " v : i ! ; i j j ! I i _ . . _ « .. — — _— LATEST WORK-OUTS AT NEW ORLEANS 806 PAIR GROJXDS. NEW ORLEANS. La.. Januarj 3. — Todays train ing gallops here were as MloWs: Weather clear; track laal Three-Eighths Mile. j sjB4 Tien lug ton ....3S Dal Mavoaia«ta 37. smii Kaiv- Wheel :;i;., B03-Prince K. . 3ii:. IST-Ballot Mark . .17% MM-Sweepy St% saauCornoa 37-., 7»-SearcliLlghtlII. 37 Bal-Com. HcMeekiaS6*i sir. s,,,, Myth . -*8 SMI Centime •:■ .:;."■ RgC-Thoaella M% Ml-Goodhart ....37-. Texas Chief . :i.".. mmi George Start . .M . Half Mile. MaVAaia a 14 Btfi-Johns I nnna s-, «8B-Barracada ..48 RBS-Lantnaa 33 Mil -Bill Block fid gOO-Mulciber .".». % IBg-BuIIel BO 7!in.Mr. Grafter. M 7ga Brass Tacks Bl -.-. BOl-Perigoardine . •" ".-. SOI Consul 1!-;. 7!»!i Plato 7.1 -.-, 7tS-Hoaorabte ... V-.. "W Repeater ....".-:-r, »;•,-, Hai h iaa .40=j 7!»il Spinning ••- 7«... High Gear ■"•» so:: sio-ka It 7".is .1. C. Btoae ■".- Five -Eighths Mie. SPl-Ahland .Mi:; IfB-Mai rie M. .1:03 sit.-p,.i. Louise l.i:;.. B03-Peuitent 1:03 IBfl-Birdie G .1:00 7:! !!«.-;, Lee . 1 :•--.-. MB-Cap Rock .1 ol;.-, so:, siiveii.iti .1 03 .. 803-Ply Ball . . . 1 u3 7»K-Handj H I 04 7i»." Col. Autuasa 1 o3 800 loin Bare .1: 1 03r, Three-Qnurtprs Mile, sni-pnie Jack 111:1s-, 846-May Blossoai 1:15*4 Taa-Baigaeur ... l:15«s OOC-Olynthas .1:10 faK-Brush Boy ..1:15 800-Pirate McGee 1:17 BOl-Bertha S. ...1:13% ROC-Rerbian Pis".,, 7si; CI lallengei . i :-• sin Sin mount ....1:13 sin-iii-p Sinker. .1:17 802-Wnrsaw 17*4 so:, i-.s. arpolette 1:18 •• Woodthrmdi .Pis-.. sin PortChurchill l in--, sol Fashasah . ..1:13 mmi Grass ir -" .1:18% Qua Mile. sum Bath -ration ..1:17 WKl-Merrimac ....1:44*4 7s7 c .! Cra:gm"el :4t .-. B03 I.ivia 1:43 sir; Court-hip 1:17:-. 800-Rep 1:47% 71IH I i.-iv Lilly 1 I-•.-, S05-Sister Flo ...1 19 -.-. 808-Dabity Laas .1:47 803-Thimble 1 14*4 Bel-Genie W .. 1:43*4 785-Taatnlaa 1:45% MC-HIgb Cast 1 U BM-Whlte Btar ..1 13% so:, Lighter .1 : 44 -. George Starr seems in fit condition. Texaa Chief -howed good -need. Mercury was undo: restraint. Johns imina ran well Barracuda snowed brilliant speed Ashland and Golden Autumn ran on even i terras. Cap Bock ams not extended. Peaiteat could ! have worked atach f lister. Baigaeur sec ui- fit and ready. Yashmak worked creditably. Fort Churchill was uiidei lest.-aini all the way. White Star r is in fine coaditioa, Pavia worked fast. Bather ation g:. Hoped an easy mile.

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Local Identifier: drf1922010401_2_6
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