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JTURF AID SOCIETY REPORT Excellent Charitable Organization for Racing j Folk Has Healthy Balance in Treasury. XBW EOBK, V I . January 3. The first annual report f the Qaecaa County Turf Aid Society, of Which J. L. Johnson is presid-nt and John O. CavanaRh secretary - treasurer, shows that during its fir-t year of operation 88.818 was collected. 88.843.78 disbursed and a balance left of 83, 273. 21. Of the dislmrsemeiits .-?2.M went to the Mary Immaculate Hospital for the establishment and in i titenanco of beds, and the balance to the funeral expenses of a number of men connected with raciag at one time, to the building of a monument for the soldiers from Queens who lust their lives in the late war. some of wham were recruited from the racing stables, and to the aiding of the worthy sick among the fraternity. The years operating expenses of UiaVfcOciety were a mere . 40 for printing. The ex-cutive committee of the excellent society-is made up of Thomas Welsh, chairman: T. J. Healey. A. J. Joyiier. Simon Healy. Kdward Callahan. W. B. Jennings. John Walters. Thomas Shaw. Michael Campion. James Fitzsimmons and C. J. Fitz Gerald. a.