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1 • I | j THIRD RACE S I-- KiiHoiiiis. :i-.vesir-ol !s. laiiiiin;;. Fck. I ! , 1»1« ALVEEIDA. b. f. 3 98 By Wrack — Lancashire aLss, by Kingston. Trainer, T. E. Crist. Owner, T. E. Crist. M202 Jefrsan 3-4 1:11 fast 10 101 1 16 4- 4-i A Gantner 11 MatchesMary, Briarcliff, Ashlin 57532 W* dblu« E| f l:07..-,fast c6 100 1 4 4 6"1":1R Holwayll TheMan.ijjs. Pre. Boy, QuickRtiu 67430 Wdbine 3-4 l:13%faat 139 9", 2 3 3 32 3J H B B*srer T IfsbdCartis, Delkliaar. W. Relief 6731 Thcliffe 51 f 1:07 fast 108 99 8* A Jacobs 9 M.Curtis. Marsdale. VwoodBoy E7281 Thcliffe 51 f l:0Sf,fast 2.9 96 64 A Jacobs 7 Alva. sfsrsSSte. Crest wood Boy 67084 Duf rin Ab 5-8 l:02" 10 104 4" M Foden 8 Pep.Tes, Plsudel, Adop.Daughter 56877 Dufrin Ab5-Sl:04 fast 18-5 1071 44i H Myers 8 Pep. Ten. A.laucliter, Caruthers HILLSDALE, br. 5. 3 US By Mont dOr— Lady Hillington. by Garry Herrman. Tminer. W. A. Burttschell. Owner. J. B Skin ker. 5?318 Jeff* son 5-8 l*01%fast 9-5 113 2 1 1 l,; l* H Kins 10 SaaTisse, Vsn.Dresser, Jseasalis 68718 Bowie 51 f 1:i0-:.mud 13-10 114 a 3 3 Is B» J Butwell 12 LadyZeas, P.Lady, Wei.Straaaef • m..i. Bowie 3-4 l:l*%hvy 12-5 MS 5 2 1 1- snl L Coney 12 F. Virgin Is, FeigaedSesl, Benmer 68648 Bowie 3-1 1 :!,;,hvy 23-6 Ml I I I -: 2*1 L Coney 11 Pclhimar. Theo, Veiled Colleen 68538 Pimlieo 51 f 1 :07ifast 37-10 99 6 4 2 3! 10»J I, Coney l:; Jos. Brant. B.Desdeye, Dovesrst 67743 Laurel f.j f l:07%fast 11-5 107 4 1 1 1 23 L Coney 12 Sword, Tha Vengeance. Colando E7404 H.deG*ca El t 1 :f7%fast 39-10 107 6 2 1 22 3» L Coney 12 BrillianRay. Ashiin, Jos. Brant GAMMER GURTON, ch. f, 3 103 By Von Tromp — Balerian, by Ihe Commoner. Trainer, G. V. Barnes. Owner, C. W. Clark. 51757 Latonia 41 f 57 mud 27-10 113 2 4 4- 4i"X Barret! 0 Whirl. C. dAmour. F. Weatiur 54416 Churchl 4;. f 55 mud I M I 4 2= 2J 8 Wida 8 Wm.Oldt. BeraiceK., Alam.Girl 54341 church-1 41 f 54/-,fast K NN 1 1 l1 l» 8 Wida 10 L. Rochester, Alserida, EdnaStk 54099 Churchl 1-2 47::sfast 19 110 6 9 9 9" X Barrett 9 BerniceK., NghtyNisba, At. Gal PETIE. b. f. 3 108 By Pataud— Sas Andres, by Quioklime. Trainer, A. L. Kirby. Owner. A. L. Kirby. 57458 Latonia 51 f 1 :12 hvy 3-2 107 3 3 4 3» 3«1 B Parke 10 Salamander. Buckingham, NIC MM Ft. Erie 51 f l:12%hvy 8-5 106 2 2 3 S3 F E Pollard 8 Helhimar. Chateaugay, Tony Sua 50219 Ft. Erie 51 f lMfcfaat 13-M Ml 6 4 3 31 l" E Pollard 8 Bump. Bumps, Crest. Boy. Moco MM Hamton 3-4 1:14%faat 5 109 I 113* ft* T Bawaa 4 WessieB.. Capt.Scott, RoyalGlft 66005 Ham ton 5-8 1 :01%fast 8 106 3 3 3 21 2» F Merimee S Delhimar. Ferrum, Al B5297 Hamton 6-8 l:02%good 17-5 112 5 6 6 6 4* J Gruber 12 Mabel Curtis, Dare, Big Notes DERMIS KEMBLE, ch. c, 3 113 By Prince Hermis— Fanny Kemble, by Sempronlua. Trainer, B. N. Vestal. Owner. 0. L. Blackford. ..9214 J -ff sot: 51 f 1:09 fast 6 112 1 2 1 212;1 J L Mney 12 .My Baste, Attoo. Malches Marv 59060 Jeff* son fc-8 IM good 5 115 I 1 I 1" 1*1 Karnes 12 Briarcliff, Paul Mteoa, Spinning 68034 Jeffson 3-4 1:16 fast 13-5 115 1 14 4 3J B Barnes 12 Dt.founder. Plurihclle, FldLark 68097 Jeffson 8-4 l:H%slow 5 K»8 I 2 I 3» 2 H J Burke : ft Bi assail I. F. Queen, Bbfnder 58813 Jeff son i| f lMtkfaat 5 115 4 S 4 in 2" FJ Rarnea 8 Attoo. Mumbfouuder, Trico E87M JefTsaa 8-S1M fast 15 115 5 6 8 8* 8" R Da vies 9 ftarterad, Honorable, For. Queen 65367 Litonia 61 f 1 :06%f 1st 332 112 7 8 6 84 Stn T Murray 10 B. Brown. Sir Hugh. R.audBoot, CLINCHFIELD. b. c, 3 113 By Sea King— Discontent II., by Voter. Trainer, W. H. Travers. Owner, ,T, Armstrong. 69331 Jeffson 3-4 l:13%fast 15 112 12 I 8 S1 0M L Morris M Bill Blo-k. Bartered, Ashlin 69234 Jeff son 51 f 1 :07 fast 15 10V.11 It 11 IF n" L Morris 12 BrilntKay. ftskteaS. FdKlnuey 59 j.:2 Jeffson 3-4 1:17 slow 8 113 7 5 4 6J 5" L Morris 9 Voocoria, LkyGlrl, K.Brummel 5S936 Jeff son 5J f l:08%fast 3 108 6 5 6 6s 6« L. Morris 12 F. Kinney, Bartered, Lucky Girl 58222 Empire 6i f l:07%fast 6 111 4 4 5 SJ 4* L Fator 13 Knot Grass, Kirtle, Avispa 5809O Empire 6J f 1:08 fast 16-5 110 8 10 10 8 54J M Buxton 12 Marc White, Castanet, Kirtle 58025 Jamaica 5J f l:07%fast 8 112 2 2 2 21 11 C H Millerl2 Awning, Promenade, I". Kinney KAPPT BUXTON, b. g. 3 100 By Dick FianeU— Cynthia, by Oddfellow. Trainer, C. Buxton. Owner, J. Dundee. 60267 Jeffson El f 1:08 fast 12 102 9 I I S1 S" A GasttaerM Forest fjacita. Bartered. Fusee 66816 Jeffson 3 4 i:154fcfsst 7 102 1 2 4 4* V A Gaataer 8 BrushBoy. Wat Relief. Image 57271 Conpht 31 f 1 :08%fast 4-5 112 2 2 2 6= 541 A Gantner 6 Navisco, Nellie Har[ier, Mary V. 50634 Dshtre H f l:10%mud 16-5 ICO 2 11 Ill" A Gantner 8 Bv. White, Veiled Colleen, Orris 55293 Ft. Erie 51 f 1 :09 fast 13-5 111 1 2 4 6s 6:J M Buxton 7 M.Curtis, OoUaLa. AuntAenes 55204 Hamton 5-8 1 :01"V,fast 4 112 1 4 4 42 2J M Buxton 12 Colossus. PcpperTca, WarHellef 54628 Hciinont 4if st M%faa 8 115 I 4 5J 6J M Buxton 14 Bergton. Mar;;. White. Hypbole 64278 Jamaica 6-8 l:OlVhfast I 113 1 11 1" lJM Buxton 11 Zennotta, K.Brummel, StockPln 64165 Jamaica 6-8 l:i2%mud 10 109 1 7 6 61 510 M Buxton 10 BrushBoy, Bunnyol. Bev. Belle 64029 Jamaica 5-8 l:00%KOod 41 97 9 8 8 10 10 T E Joslah 12 Morvicb, Brush Boy, Dol.Vardo 52812 F.Gnda 0-0 :36%fast 6 115 4 21 21 M Buxton 10 Mawrcoron. BedTom, MyMsxlm LADY ZEUS, b. f, 3 108 By Zeus— Lady Fesca, by Ethelbert. Trainer, G. Peterton. Owner, G. Petenon. 59282 Jeffson 3-4 1:15 fast 10 1"7 3 9 8 Sl 8«J C Ponce 11 MatchesMary, Briarcliff, Ashlin 59070 Jeff son 5i f 1:09 fast 20 Ml 12 6 6 6J 6*1 C Ponce 12 Skooter. Dol.Varden, PoderFaee 59924 Jeffson 0] f Lmishvy 10 112 1 f. I 7l S» C Ponce 8 OoI.aLa. Dbfounder. Bill Block ■MM Jeff son 5-S l:03M.BOod 10 113 10 5 4 6* 4«1 J Butwell 11 Fusee, Oo La 1m, Coodhart ff 855 Jeffson 2-4 l:19Vf,hvy 6 108 6 6 6 51 £" E Jlarti 6 Gdhart, Dumbfounder. KoaaLee 58718 Bowie 6i f l:10%mud 8 111 4 4 4 2» 1» C Ponce 12 P. Lady, W. Stranger, Ind. Prince 68669 Bowie 61fl:09%hvy 30 114 5 6 6 61 411 A Johnson 12 Mir.Cooper, FinnishMaid, Finery 58048 Bowie 3-4 l:16%bvy 44 105 3 8 7 7* 6*1 J Rowan 11 Delhimar, Hillsdale, Theo LITTLE AMMIE, ch. f. 3 103 By Pataud-Aralia, by Handsome. Trainer, J. P. Smith. Owner, L. T. Baser. 69154 Jeff son 3-4 1:15 good 30 103 9 11 10 101 8» F Welner IS Simplicity. BirdieO., FdKinney 5W0 Jeffson 51 f 1:09 fast 25 112 8 11 12 12 12ls L Morris 12 skooter. Dol.Varden, PoderFace 58936 Jeff son 51 f 1 :08=sfast 10 105 4 3 7 7» 717 F Cltilettil2 F. Kinney. Bartered. Lucky Girl 68505 Pimlico "-4 l:16%good 3-4f 105 12 13 8 9« 7»1 J Rowan 14 JewellV.D., Cannenclta, Arises 68182 Laurel 6* f 1:10 fast 8 112 1 2 2 V 1* J Williams 8 T. Vengeance. Caltoga, RosaLee 68068 Laurel 61 f l:08%faat 30 100 6 4 i 6 4*1 L Coney 13 MiaeColin, Calistoga. EarlyBird ] LITTLE PATSY, br. c. 3 111 By His Majesty— Madeira, by Star Shoot. Trainer. S. Hess. Owner, Marks 4c OSowd. MMrm ::-i i:i3*ifast ■ Ui l U U 12 12» J Pit/. IS Bill Mack, Bartered A*hlin 69032 Jeff son 3-4 1:17 slow » 111 5 3 3 4» 4« J Pita y Voogeria, LkyGirl, and Brauiniel 68936 Jeff son 6Jfl:08%fast 20 112 7 8 12 10 101T J Pltz H F. Kinney, Bartered. Lucky Girl 65750 Empire 5-S l:02 andslow 31 107 14 12 12 12* 68 A Collins 14 Restraint, Emma W. Awning 66322 Aqduct 6-8 l:00*,good 12 108 17 17 17» 17 « A Collins 18 Stock Pin. Sweepy, Mad Nell 65071 Aqduct 6-8 l:00%faat 16 111 8 7 7" 7«| F Keogh 17 Zealot, MiriamCooper, The Wag 64439 Jamaica, 6-8 1 :02%slow 8 110 4 I 1 V I A Schugrl3 L.Delhi, VeiledColleen, Runnyo 64208 Jamaica 61 f 1:07 slow 8 97 6 8 6 41 4*1 J Callahan 6 Morvieh, BrushBoy. Dolly Varden MR GRAFTER, ch. c. 3 M 108 "By King James — Rosecrest, by Goldcrest. Trainer. J. H. Baker. Owner. J. H. Baker. 69318 Jeffson 5-S l:d"-,fast 12 117 6 7 G 61 6" J Butwell M Hillsdale, BaaTtase. Van. Dresser 39279 Jeff son ."•; f 1 :082ofast 15 115 10 9 8 SJ 812 H King IS Crk o G..1.1. BjrOoah, Bal. Mail; JOE C. b. g, 3 M 108 By Plaudit — Queen Lend, by De Beau von. Trainer, 0. OMalley. Owner, T. OHers. B M Jeff son 11:42 fast 30 107 7 5 7 7 9 915 J D Mney In field Lark. Hotspur. FaiatgM 69172 Jeff son ."• t l:BS%faat 15 IS 11 11 11 8J S»i J D Mney 12 Spinning. Piaacaca Van Dresser MM Jeff son Mr 133 mud 20 112 6 4 4 7» 61* S Wida 10 Forest Queen, Walespa. Bullet 68873 Jpff son 5J f 1:13 hvy 20 Iff 10 10 10 10 10" S McGraw lit Tries, Forest Jiif.n. Plunolia £6.367 Latonia H f l:06,fast 379 112 10 9 9 10 10" R Tlarton 10 B. Brown. Sir Hugh S andBoota 66151 Latonia 51 f l:07*fast 217 108 7 8 8 8 8" R Harton 8 Bat Mosie. Bertico K.. Lucknow BABY EVELYN, b. f. 3 106 By Horron— Marganx, by Beintillant LL Trainer. T. Doyle. Owner, T. Doyle. 58545 MaplcH. 5-S 1 :02-;,fast 21 108 6 6 6 6 6" R Holway 0 Lit. Less. Pluu Steel. BalivVump 68525 MapleH. M1M good 74 107 7 7 7 7 7"N Even-it I Kwiftcrn-ket. Aslilin, Baaai 68515 MapleH. 5-K 1:04 hvy 25 108 7 6 6 6= 6"! R Dusgan S iBeeajaaaea, Bug. n. Swiflcricket 68444 MapleH. 6* f l:17%mud 26 112 4 4 4 6 6 » L Gray G Swiftcricket, Pl.mdel Iioogricn 68411 MapleH. M l:03-V,slow 15 111 4 5 6 6 6» F Murphy 6 Wed. Prince, SYricket. Lit. Leas 67091 R. Grass 4J f 58,mud 20 110 lh J J Warn? ! Iacifier. Magnesia, Nancy Lane JOSEPHINE WIEDEL. b. f, 3 103 By Zeus— Our Hannah, by Yankee. Trainer. R. Wingfield. Owner. M. and J. Lowenstoin. 5S194 Church 1 H f 1 4f 102 1.1 S 8 7 71 73i Q Fields 14 C.dAinour. Osaltsl, Reliability fWi4 Church 1 3-4 l:13«4faat 87 105 If 13 12 91 9*3 F Smith 18 Omnipolt. BerniieK.. Su. Prince 67676 latonia 1 1:42 fast 120 109 4 4 4 3 71 10= J Kederis 10 Georgette, Bright Trash, Pumpa 67238 Latonia 6J f 1:08 fast 98 til 9 9 11 lOllO11 G Stack 13 Br*htLeaf, llollMo, Omnipotent ; 64140 Churchl 1-2 49hvy U 113 2 5 61 4» Q Stack 8 Ala. Girl. AttaGal. M.frestwood 52586 F.Gnds 3-8 :35%fast 6 111 7 7 6*| G Stack 8 Fly. Beauty. WarRelief, One Pin 52373 F.Gnds 3-8 36 Tast 2 112 8 21 11 G Stank *5 RullyBnttons, RosaLee, Ba hfu! MIDNIGHT STORIES, b. g. 3 111 By Norford— Zubelda. by Montgomery. Trainer, J. W. Murphy. Owner, J. W. Murphy, EBJSS JafTaaa 3-4 IdS fast : iu 7 11 11 11 11" I" Murphy U ItateaeeSIary, Briarcliff Aahlin 58359 Lexton FC l:12/islow ISf 112 8 M 10 IO2 10" P Long 13 Tlali| . M.Oeatw4, Wdglhgh 68070 Churchl 3-4 l:13%fast 9f 112 2 6 11 11* ll22 P Long 18 M.Crest.vd, Flvcast. B.Wgfa 67398 f atonia 8-4 l:13«fcfast 20f 112 9 8 12 12 12» P Iong IS Bright I .if. Balaader, Or.fMt 67458 Iatonla 6J f 1:12 hvy 23 110 7 6 3 o* 6» E Scoble 10 Salamander. Buckingham, Petlf 6640.3 Windsor 6 f 1:11 mud 52 K«4 10 10 10 101 ll« C Ting 11 Peace Pal, F.v. Vliitc, V. 66313 Reno 1-2 49 fast 7-W 110 1» R Dorlty 7 H.Wght, ■ TTTtlla— . L.Fr n"