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BELIEF KENTUCKY RACING IS SAFE FRANKFORT, Ky., January 4. — At the session of the general assembly now under way the committee on agriculture and state fairs of the Kentucky senate will consider the bill to abolish the pari-nnituel system of betting in this state, it was announced today. It is composed of Newton Bright, chairman; S. L. Marshall. A. H. Points, Griffin Kelley, B. F. Reynolds. William A. Perry and Whit-sett nail. On the same committee two years ago Senator Bright was chairman and voted in favor of racing, while Senator Hall voted against racing. The other five senators were not members of the committee at that time. Three of the members are farmers, two are lawyers, one is a lawyer and farmer, while the other is a physician. Two years ago the senate defeated the anti-racing bill by a vote of LX to 14 and it is the general belief here that the friends of racing are still in the ascendancy.