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Overweights iivcrwejms — — Galiot, iiaiioi. - 2,i • _. pounds; ihmiiio-. Flypaper, r i.t piii» -i, 3: o, ii:iiu, Plato, 1. i. HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA, CUBA. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 4. 1022. Oriental Part il mile. Thirty-seventh day Cuba -American Jockey and Auto Club. Winter Meeting af 1IM or more dais. Weather clear; teni- peratuie 86 . Mli-n.nds. .1. Hachmeisler, C. il. i»*tiisd:ile and |;. Bunke, Judges, C. Coruehlseii and Kduard Jasper. Starter, Janus Hilton. Racing Secretary. Martin Natbanson. Racing stalls at i:30 p. am. GancBaa time 1:.77 p. in.. •Indicates apprentice aUowauce. | K QJ -g Q FIRST RACE— 1-4 Mile. Jan. 24. 1919—22—2—112. Purse S700. 2-year-olds. t CF TL JL tJr Maidaai, Special Weights. Net value to winner 50; s»cond, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSl i - • Sir Kin Jot keys Owners o II i: V S MISS BEULAH W U2 7 1 1- l,: A Pickena F L Fitzgerald 2] 2 Z 7-101-:; FRANK S. « 11.7 I J r - W Filly F Steinhart :ii 6 fi 2 1 HAVANA bTLCTRIC w 115 1 1 ::■ B KenndvK Steinhart ii G G 2 1 andD3S82PANDINE w 112 f. E .". IS J Domick Williams Dros 1 C-7 6-7. l-.7 1-5 r S3iS*CARLOS ENRIQUE w 115 E 7 4» E* C RobaonB A Jonea 1-5 W s-o 1-2 1-4 StSU GONWITHIM w 115 4 t; ii! I1 W MoraeyRoaedale stable 10 10 M :; s.-, QUEEN MAZONIA w 112 2 4 7 7 C McCkleE B Major M 12 F 4 2 fCoapled in betting; no separate place ar show betttag. Time, 23. Track fast. Si* mataela paid. MIsa BenJah, si.iio straight, ?:;.2t place, ?l.2i show; V. Bteialarrt entry 70 place, M.M snow. Konivalenl bi»,kinK odds— Mi-s Deulab. 11.7 to 110 Straight, M to lilt place. 110 to 100 show: K. steinbart entry, 235 to loo place. 230 :o loo show. Winner- B. f. by Dick WeUes ClmeUa, by McGee trained by E. I.. PitageraM; bred by Mr. Jerome B, Respi -si. Weal to posl at 2:3i. At pest 4 minut — . Start goad and slow. Won driving; second :ind third the same. Miss BEULAH, a qnick beginner, set a fast pace all the way. but bad to be ridden out at the end. PRANK S. raced in nearest pnisnil and made I -sine lini ■ b. HAVANA ELECTRIC ran Well tbroagboat. PANDINE reared ap when the barrier was apctjwg and ranged inte CARLOS ENRIQUE, which ruined both or their chances. EnQ/i Oti SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and *3jiJ ~M mand F apward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. lud-x Horses AWtPPSt i ■ % Sir Fin Joekeyii owners m t p ti .7U3HI PIDROCIl a I I lo7, I 5 21 1 f I.uri. F A Sears i i i 1-4 out 59244 CARL ROBERTS w * IM 2 I 2*5 ** 1 V .1 Carroll E Sterrett 4] I] 4 6-5 oat 6P2SS-PEARANT a 8 IM E l 31 .■ 31 S* A Pickens H Coona 8-5 8-5 4 5 1-3 ont 69287**TWO BYES Wit Hi 1 :: I* 2*5 I N Swart C E Myatl I 14 M 4 out :.!»•;•;•; .i;fi p..K BELLE wb 5 M8 :: ". 4 4 * * 5 C RobaonH B Davis s M M 4 out Time. SSi, 48, 1:1S%. Track fast. mntnela paid. Pibroch, S3. so straight, 83.041 place; Carl Robaerts, S4.0Q place: no show mataela sold. i I ilent I I. in- adds Pibroch, M to IM straight, 50 to loo j,|., , : i ,MI Roberta, IM to loo place Wianer B, g, by MaedonaH 11 Melody, by Meddler trained bj F. c. Frisbie; bred in Frame by Messrs. Mackay .v » arroU. Went to poal at .":otl. At jn.-t 1 minute. Start goad and alow. Won easily; second had third driving. PIBROCH, after being saved for Ibe Srsl half, worked In-- way up on the outside and easily la—il into a decisive lead ia the last eighth. CARL ROBERTS ran weD, but tired after raehag TWO I IS into defeat and taking the bad. PEASANT wa- BBdcr r.-traint in the e.irlv iiiniiin::. but tired after making a challenge a: the bead of the homes retch. TWO EYES sel a f.i -. early pa£e and gave way. Overweitrbts— Norfolk Belle. 3 pound-. tCO/i* "l THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Fuller.;;::. Jan. 24. 197-15 15— 102.T Pur.-.e"C0. 4-year- «.J»«J "7fcjui JL oh.- and upward. CU_MiiuniJI_ Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. " line Horses A Wt PPSt F Bti I in Jockeys Owners " ~Q~~H "c P »"" 5S274 KENTMERE w 4 MS 5 3 :" 2* ll C RobsonKenUnere F Stb 6-5 4-5 8-5 2-5 1-4 5»200*L GENTRY w 7 ME 7 1 I i ll l1 2" T Burns I: B Major ., .. I 2 l :, ;:;!« JAMES w 8 IM 9 I .= S» * 3* ll Swarl .1 E Allej 3 3 3 1 1-2 r,0SO1 DANDY VAN ws 5 IM I ■ B» E5 45 J DomickF B Doyle 12 12 12 E ■ SS288*KNG WORTH wa 11 105 l I ,■• 7 6 I .1 Maiben I. Letoumean 7 8 8 3 8-5 .79100 GUARDSMAN w i IM I 8 v; .7- i. Ii KenndyH A Cotton 12 12 12 3 2. 59383 AUTOMATIC RED a 4 106 t i i :• 7 ll ClmentaA M del Hi.rr.. ., 6 t. 2 1 59380* FADY BETTY a 8 142 2 7 7*8* • B* .1 ChalmersG Nibbs 7 8 3 8-5 59383 SHORT CHANGE wa 5 IM 3 I 9 9 9 9 A Pickens C Vaughn I M M I 4 Time, 8J«», 481-,. 1:01" . F0S ,. Track fast. E2 run;, els paid, Kentmere, 84 .70 Rtraigbt, 83.10 place 82.80 how; I. Gentry, . so place, j:; 40 .Line ■ . ! 30 BOB . Eqnivaleul booking odds Kentmere, 135 to 100 straight, 53 to IM pmre, 10 to IM show; I. Gentry, M to too place, 7o to lint -how: James, 11.. lo loo show. Winnei i;. g, by MadrigaUaa 01 Bard of Hop. II: ticity, bj teronaal trained by II. .1 i r "d by Mr. K. N. Gilpia. ent P. |M8l ii :,:Lti. At post 1 minute. Start goad and slow. Won easily; seen.! and third driving. KENTMERE, after being saved lo the stretch hire, -lipped taroagh 00 the inside and. buisliiug fi-t. was going away at the end. 1.. GENTRY sel a fast pace, but kepi swerving out in the last eighth. JAMES was forced to work his ., up on Ibe ulltsidi and covered mine ground than the lirsl two, DANDY VAN Inished Well. Overweights — Kentaaere, 2 ponnds. hV5 FOURTH KACE— 5 1-2 FaihaagJ. Jan. 24. 1917— l:C5i— 5— 102. Purse 00. 4-year-*J lJ jklmAandd olds aad apward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Indei Horses AWtPPSt % F ", str Fin Jockey- Owners B II c P s 59290* LUI-M EM E w 5 Ml 7 3 Is Is 1 15 B Scheffel O L Foster M M M 4 2"" C928C=*HUMPY a 4 Ml 3 I V 12 3* - R SmwodL K Crist :. 6-5 3-5 r 9298 FRASCUELO w s 112 1; 1 _ - 2 ■ 2* :: .1 DomickJ D Healy 5 I I 2| fi-", 59224 PAROL w 5 112 1 2 4* 5* 4" 4" W Mor*aeyS T Baxter M 24 24 8 4 59328 *YEOMANETTE we. 1 1- t 5 62 V . .1 Smith P J Daffy E 6 6 2 1 59381 : MIDIAN WB 5 M7 5 7 8 .17 I ; .1 Pevic K 1 Shew bridge 8-5 8-5 8-5 1-21-4 .-.!;::ko DIXIE GIRL a I 107 i 7 ■ ; Corey 11 M Foul 0 7 7: 7-. 1 59288 MARICUSA WB 4 IM 2 4 5 S 8 8 L Penman B A Wagman 3 13 1 1-2 Time. 233,. 48, 1:01*.,. 1:08. Track fast. 82 mutuei- paid, Lai-Mease, 838.40 Rtraigbt, 5.M place, .80 show; Humpy. 83.M place, $:!.sii show; Frascaelo, .50 -how. Equivalent booking adds-— Lai-Mease, 1828 la IM straight, SM to lot place, Clo to loo show; Runway ;75 to 100 place. M lo IM -how; Frascaelo, 17.7 to 100 -how. Winner Br. g, bj Lnke McLnki Micaela, by Watercress drained by o. L Foater; bred by Meeara, Keene it Scbt rr. Wenl in post ai 3:50. Ar post 1 minute. Start ■_ ! and -low. Won driving; second and third the same. LUI-MEME was rushed to the from in ti ■ iii-t eighth and sei 1 fait pace, but had to be hard riddca to outstay 111 MFY. The lattet n - Unfiled hick la the tir-i six:, .nth. bat closed a big gap and was ireariag the winner down at the end FRA8CI ELO raced well, bat begaa tiriag in the last sixteenth. MIDIAN was away poorly and badly rido-n. MARICU8A pulled up lame. Overweights — Hnmpy, 1 ponnd. Eg C5 /| f FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 FurlonE-. Jan. 24. 1917— l:05/i— 5— 102. Purse 00. 3-year-hBP *J ~x: JmA O olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. index Horses A Wt PPSt , _• % Str Pin Jockeys Owners T fi C 1 S 58978 2CHERRY TREE w US h~:; 3 3 J 3* 1* L Penman H P Whitney -4-0 4 :. 4-0 l-:j 1-6 and51ftl*LUCKNOW wb MS 3 7 1. ; 4: 2j A McLhlinJ O dr. Q H KeenH E I 2 1 59354 *LIT. BLK SHEEP W 147 7 1 I- I- F T Funis J W Pangle 3 F. ?, 6-5 1-2 59888 HUTCHISON w MS I 5 l5 5*1 5* 4» a Pickena R I. Baker 1; o ti I 1 .78X01 BUCKINGHAM w 107 E 2 2- 2 21 :,- 1: Scheffel W F Knebelkampn 7 7 BJ !-7 59325 RANDEL wi MS 2 I 7 1 ink 1,- ,, J a Yerratt T E Mueller 7 7 7 2| 6-5 59325 ARTICLE X. w Ml 6 I I I I 7-; B KenndyM GoMbbitt t4-5 4-6 4-6 1-3 1-8 :,!.;::, SMILING fad wa if. 1 1 5* 7- V I 11 BrydgcaW F KnebelkaaapM :;o 30 N 5 vCoupb-d n betting; no leparate place or -how betttag. Time, 234. 47. 1:00-.,. FOC1;. Track fast. mataela paid. IF P. Whitney and U. Coldblatt entry. 84.10 straight, .30 plate. .40 show; Lncknow, s.:,!! place, 8430 show: Little Black Sheep, 82.70 show. Eqnlvalent hooka:;; adds— H, P. Whitney and M. Coldblatt entry. 10.7 to 100 straight, *K to 100 plate, 28 to loo show; Lncknow, 815 to IM place, 115 ta IM show; Little Black Sheep, 3.7 to 100 show Winner— 15. c, by Broomstick Cerise, by Voter trained by M. Goldblatt; bred bv Mr. Harrv Payne Whitney 1. Went to post al FKi. At post 1 minate. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driv-ing. CHERRY TREE was saved .lose up lo the stretch, then moved ap with a rash and bad to be rid-■iea out through the last sixteenth to whi going away. LUCKNOW ran ■ good race and finished with a rash. LITTLE BLACK SHEEP set a great pace to the lasl 1 Fhth and tired. HUTCHISON and BUCK INGHAM raa weR. CT O A Cp A SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 23. 1919—1:38—5—1057 Purso 00~ 3-year-olds. «L»«J*~itrH: Ci aiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third, 0. Ind. Horses AWtPPSt % ,_• » str Fin Jockeys Owners O fi C P SI 59299* FORGE AHEAD W M9 . 3 S 2- 2 2 • 1 , C KobsonF D Weir 1 1 1 1-4 l-s 59117* who CAN TELL w M 5 I Ill* 3* 3 ■ 2* B Scheffel M D Sugga .. 3 2 1 1-2 59299 CAIMITO w 104 1 1 1* F 1- F :;• N Swart C and 1 stable U M 20 8 4 59346 SW1FTCRICKET w M8 6 S 53 ." - ."IF 1 w Hinptty P Hinphy . 2. 9 1 2-7 59299 PLURALITY w MB 7 7 8" i; 68 ",♦ 5* I. Penman Harlem Stable 5 5 5 I 1 EMM s. STEFANO w MS 4 4 S" 41 4h r ll il ClmentaM D Hell M M 20 8 4 fi 9273COL TEX w Ml 2 2 7 7 7 7 7 1: KenndyMarianao Stable IS 15 15 6 3 Time, 24, 48, 1:14, 1:41=5. Track fast. 83 matnels paid. Forge Ahead. 85.30 straight, .:;o place. 83.M show: Who Can Tell. 30 place, 3.70 show: Cahnito, 814.M show. Kqnivaleat bookbsg eash — Forge Ahead. 14S to loo straight, 89 to 100 place, .70 to loo show; Who an Teli. 113 to IM place, s.7 to MO show; Calmito, 820 to 100 abaw. Wianer— -Ch. «. by Valeahs— Mixed Color, by Hastiags trained by P. D. Weir; bred by Mr. Edward r. Silnms. Went to post at 4:12. At po-t 1 minute. Start goad ami slow. Won driving; second and third the same. FORGE AHEAD, given ■ goad ride, moved up rapidly from the stretch turn and held WHO CAN TELL sale at the end. The latter ran I good race, bill tired after getting la the winner. CAIMITO -print.-! into I long lead in the early running and set I good pace to the last ei-hth, then tired. SWIFTCRICKET finished close up and gamely. Scratched 58309* Moore so, ac, IM.