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MELBOURNE CUP STRUGGLE How Sister Olive Won the Great Australian Race of 1921. Favorite Eurythmic Cut Down When Beginning His Run — The Contest Described in Detail. Hero is tfea story of the Melbourne Cap of 1!21 ami the race for it at Floiuington in November: In one of the closest belting races in the history of the race the favorites failed to get into the first four. L*urythmic found his great weight too much. David raised the hopes of his sup[K rters only Once. Purser, after looking dangerous at the distance, tailed wlio-e he "as expected to shine — as a stayer. The Derby and Oaks winner furious, after being well placed, faded away to the rear. It was another win for the threi-year-olddivision, which haa not heea purtieatarry ■aceeaafai in the big up. Slater Othre waa the drat fill .v to win since Aararia*S t up hi I8B5. Bllaeia was the only other three year-aid fiHy to aria Sister !;■..■ is owned b] Fl a] Noinian. a well-known Melbourne paster aad breeder, and was ridden by K. »Sii;liv.ii, who has been nueecunfnj recently on Beetiae Bad Strive. Her sire. Hed Dennis, was only a Bmderate performer in Australia. He srae imported fraai England by Robinson and Clarke some eight yeara ;i;o aad was aal a good race barae. In the Cap race itself there were tsreaty-flre ■tarter*, a bis field far tare miles, aader heavy weight*, each aa the beal Knpported ones carried, from 115 pounds fee the f.ivorilc. the Australian champion Eurythmic. RACE FOR THE MELBOURNE CUP. As the field get "ell away Fat loan was first to move, but she was iinme«v displaced by King of the raeeat, with Vial— rflla. Harreat King and BeCtea aext. Dahe Napetl took charge when they settled down, aad. passing the stand. w:is showing the way ta Harreat Kin:; Lionel Attwilh The Rarer, Helton. Biahad the Bailer, sister Olive, Violoncello. Bthlaedaa and Kiag of the Parent, the last at this stage being Keaaaejahair. Duke Na poli ran aat of the rtraigh in adraaee at Lionel Attwtll. The Barer, Harvest King. Stnbed the Ball Sisier Olive. Furious. Knryi luni ■■. CWoacclio. Kiag of the Fereat ami David. Duke Napoll BMiataiaed the rale at paeeaaaker along lh» bark, with Lioael Attwill in atteadaare. Fo lowing this pair rame Barret Kng. The Rarer, Sister Olire Furious, Ray a I Gaardiaa, Wirraway, itu s.r-:- aad violoncello. Hounding Ihe far turn Duke Nanoli waa still leading from Lionel Attwill. The Rarer. Bieter Olive aad Barythaiic, which had Blored up. Violonct II i aad Kiirious. Al the half-mile Lionel Attwill luplanled Duke Napoli. which dropped back. la the van aww were Lionel Vttwill. Tic Rover. Siabad the Bailor, Beyal Gaardiaa and Violoncello. Da* d raa r ward, but s mil dropped bach again. Harvest King ii. m teak ihaiie aad led lata Ihe straight from sister olive aad Parser. Biater Mire raa forward rapidly aad at the dlataace was ;-,i front • •; Ha. e-t King. Fat act1, Amazonia and Lionel Attwill ISae ing on. Sistes live won l.y lime IMiai ten f a length from The Rarer, which ben Aeaaaoala by a head. Then cause Harreal King. Uarid. Pnreer Ethiopian and ilotiev Bee. Eurythmic, which practically nulled up. was 1..S-. Duke Napoli fell, loi one! Aide-, broke a leg. Passing Ihe ataad the first round Koyal Gaardiaa fell. liurythmi -.-. when raa-ning well approaching the house turn, was luter-Barad with. His fetteeft was cat in a mix up. EURYTHMIC AND HIS INTERFERENCE. Lurythmic was going all aanlj when be atrack trouble, but though McLachlaa though he weald hare won. it must net be overtaaked that Barythaaiv was pat out of rear aearly ■ half mile from home. At different times I bare seen heavily weighted horses showing boldly at the home |am in Melbourne ups. but the last eighth aad -i half pulled them up. It may not have been the same with Lurythmic. but. with 10..". it is reusonahh la some that the harden! part of the ra ■ fer hint would have been the raaclading qnarter of :l m !•-. It «as there hh big weighi would bare laid The Melbourne up rammari s .is follows: Mclhearae Cap 8250 far atari re, 849.008 ■■■i-i«--l I I with .".it traphy: 88.808 to aecaad. 84.000 to third Handicap: two mil I 1. W. Narmaui Bister Olive, eh. r. :,. by Red Deaai* Inhilee Qaeea ... ■ : 0*8ntlivan. 1 .1. Wrens The Hover. . -I . ;: . 6. U S -a Priwe Beaakader, ll« V, Bleighi . 2 A. .1. Tutu-goods Amai wis g. ;. !•* st. Alaryae— The Amazon, 109 i.. Franklin!. . . :! T mr 5:27 NOTABLE LOT OF ALSO RANS. Raty thaaic, 1 lo pounds: Keanaquhair, 131; tioton ei!o. 188: David, 1.1: Wirraway. 13B: Ethiopian. IIS: T.iugiiooma. 118; Daarewta, IBB: Qaeea .m edy, 10": Paraer. MS: King of the Forest. 104: Panto*. IBB; Beftau. IBB; Fnriona. 108; Duke Na pall. 88; Lend Attwill, •. • ■. Homy Bee, t.-,: i:,,V!,i Guardian. 98; Rinhad the Bailor, !tl : Prince Sandy. •.•:;: Oarveat King. hi. and Colonel Aides, 81, also tan. The p., i betting aa Ihe Cap was as follow s- Odda. Iloraca. I«i u 1 Slater OHve IMda i . Id to i ii;,, ve-t King Ti to l lair i, n.ii- Lti to l Wirmwaj •; ta 1 D.n !ii : • to 1 Honey Bee s to i Paraer .■" : 1 Taagalaawa R t.. 1 l;nioiis ■.■:, t,, 1 •, i,,,.,. S ,,|,|, 1 » to 1 v »!«arello M i.. I King of ::; • Forl lo to 1 The Barer 30 to IBB to 1 against the IS la 1 Amazonia other-. SISTER OLIVE A HOME BRED. Its aire ta own a Cup winner, but it is nicer still to be the bleeder as well as the owner. . lad Kred Kenann has thai aahaae diatiactiaa, as be bred Sister Olive al his flarciilon Park stad. Bfhea a foal at f«it he sold her with her dam. .lubiice QOma, to D. .1. Bearkc, only !■ repurchase her as ■ i yearling for 8888. Norman owns Biater Oli"s sire. Bad Denni-. sister Ollvea dam, Mbilee Qaeea. unfortunately for her owner, died a few weeks ago, as did her foal by King Of fa. She was ti- • t a good pet lo. met »U Hie traek and did not do eiedit to her relation, sinp to Oomedy King wha waa bet balf-hratber. Iiooklng avei s.nie of the betting lists hmaed mar the end of Au,ii t last, it i- found that Sister UUre was then naetcd at K to 1 for the Melbourne Cap and the price going against the two Cnpa double of Violoiieello. which w on the Sydney trophy. and Biater Wive waa 1038 to 1. At that trtne so little catered into caleulations that few Mlewera of lacing waald hav- been able t,. Oefialtelj atate thai Sister Olive was lagagtd in the Melbourne Cup. EURYTHMIC S MELBOURNE STAKES. | Ihoiigh th" eliampioii Lot rthnaie was soundly j I j beaten in the MeMaarae Cap under nareaaaanMe I weight -he was ee.-.nd choice at 7 to 1 he BCOWd | I gallantly in the Me!bi urne Stakes two dais b -f ore I i the Cup race on a slow track, it waa hi- eacaai I j win r ihe Stakes Here is ihe Meihearae Stakes, summary and description : Melbourne St.ikes -098 each, ST. .".00 add.d: at I aal 81.900, bird 8730. Fee tltrrr jrar flOa and over. Weight -for-age; one mile and a quarter. L". Lee Btaerea Barythaiic, ch. b. 3, by Kudorus — Bah Cherry, 188 if*. Deaapaey t 8ir Samuei Bngdhwaa VJoMacrlia. eh. h. n. by Vjaaaaa -Catgut. L_0 W. roulsham "i A. 3. Thurgoods Amazonia, br. g, fi, by St. Al- i i wyue— The Amazon. 127 L. l-ranklin 3! Keough and- Moss Braaaran, br. e, by Liaacre j I. ady Cnpalet, ISO I. Kill. .mi t| j Thaw, -.vot1,. I IJetiiug--J u. . Lui - z :o 1, ioloncello, ! Vi lu lt Auaooiu»i 33 to 1, Erasmus. 1 i i j j I ! 1 As sen: a the field settled down. Violoncello took up the ruuninc down the river stretch, two length-clear of Lutythmii . with mraaasaa nasi and Aran-! zouia last. There was no atterattaa passing the .abattoirs and Violoncello wa.s still out two lengths at the five-eighths from Eurythmie, with Erasmus and Amazonia two lengths farther back Eiuythmic dosed on the leader rounding the linn and was al length behind Viol..n.ello entering the straight.] Gradually getting the upper hand iu the raa beaae, j Barythaiic won by a half hnagth from VJalaarello. j [which si hart ha ia from of Aaaaaaala Eras-, mue wga eilit leujiiis oil, Ust, fcangaiuy. I