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=a TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MEX.. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 4. 19S2. One mile. Thirty -lam 18 dav. Tijuana Jockey jab. Win! r Meeting of 12.5 or more days. Weather clear: temperature 85°. Presiding Steward, Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards, J. W. Coffroth and Leon Wing. Starter. Barry Morrtssey. Racing Becretary, Leon Wing. Racing starts at 1:38 p. m. Chicago time 3:55 p. m. L •Indicates apprentice allowance. C/lHC FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1:1123— 3— 110. Purse 90. 3-year.oWs and «-8eJ TCmdeJ upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt t ■ - % Str I in Jockeys Owners Eqaiv. Odds Sttt 59388*FtGARON « •". 108 4 4 3ul 14 i A Jacob3 M R Sutton ijo-100 .59407 "SIPPARA ws 7 110 I i «J 6J Si 2» E Noble J Mackey 2.TO-1D0 68924 .MISS HILDA II. w 5 108 11 IJ •!• m 31*0 Wliams B. Heigel SOO-100 59185 MONTPERRI wn 5 115 f, 5 2i lh 4-J 4- C Brown A S Williams 23C0-100 58927*BAR A ws 4 107 I n: 5 4 5- f.1 R Dukrhii L Dk-kerson RW-108 59393* EASTER JIM w fi 110 2 ! 83 S- S« C-! A Arvln Ray and Beers 21500-100 .59080* IRISH REINA wit 3 90 3 :! 6J 7 1 7i 7- P Hum F Oopeland 1740-100 59185 I.ITT. MOTHER w 9 108 I 2 4°t 5j ti 88 B Parke G D Kenyon 1020-100 Canartg Continued on MlntJt Paajn.i , , — ■ • MN Mi IS » 1 : -. . good go ., Ihe .. , a the _ g. gj .S .1 .",« 84 K| r. .- : s, T « , I » " JJ 3 , j ■ j «_# I - J , :■■ I c : ;J " ; . ] ; , , *| : I | * j ■ I I !.: M , I i I ,k | ; ; I i * j ■ j ai ! l ! e | ■ i - i i I «* D. j ] ,„, j ; ,, 1 y "- ,;ir "» 1 !° ," . newt ;irl PT r,D Vlrgt rBt ■hi on it ?I1 7 He t her fry Palter ker aid eao hta tf e lol* TI.U A lMlltlf ll.VUT O.YIIMEI IltOI Ill lit l PACK. 88848 ALASKA w E 115 7 7 7 ; : I I 1, Hall II Rasmnasen ;w i-io»t Time, 26. bVs. 1:23. Track muddy. s-j mataeU i aii. Plgaroa, 85.88 strsignt. 82.89 place, *2.».i» ibaw; Bippara, »m place. .so show; Hilda II., 84.88 show. 11 iuival",it booking adds- Flgaroa, lsn to 188 strabjtbt, 40 ts l" i place, 30 to 100 show; Sippara. ." o 1110 place. 40 t.. 3liO RBWW; Mi— Hilda 11., 188 Is 100 sliow. Winner— Ch m. by Rogoa— Figeat, by HasRnga trained by C. :. Sutton: bred by Mr. F. I. ll»w- rd. Went !.. i».-t at 1:88. At sost I minate. Start gaad and s!..w. Wen driving; seessn] and third the ;.ic". KIGARON forced a good naue from the start and, coming fast sreusd the Issl tara, raced into a lead, ha! ;.. be bard ridden is the law liiiy yards t.. withstand the belated rash of SIPPARA. latter was outro ily. bu1 closed a! fast and Baisbcd rapidly ovrhanlhag the wksaer. Miss HILDA II. si„.Nv-.i the most early speed, bat tired in the stretch. MONTPKBRI s.ail sites raciasj into lead. BAB A. ran well for a hair. Overweights - Bar A.. 3 pound. CISi/ixtfk SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920—59—4—107. Purse i-500. 3-ycar-olds and OfJ-iAltJ upward. Claiasiag. Net value to winner 5350; second. S100; third, 0. index Hursesf AWtPPKl hi _• ••. StrPin Jack*ya Osfaera Rqalv. Odds Strt 38189 HARRY D. si I 112 2 2 i I" C -irr.s Holter Sc Singleton 289-MI 88289 • PERFECT DAY wa 5 1M 7 :: E" 5* 4 21 P. Parke P Glixnsan 500-100 59S88 -t:i.l. WALDO w4 197 I t 2* 2- 21 3 : Wlinms C R Groves 119 188 B9SSI JOSENIA w 6 185 l 3 l;:!1 ■■ 4*1 9 Hum l. WUKams 248B 9M S949«*MLS£ KRUTER w 13 110 5 E 4»* 4* B * 5« T Rae li T Palmer 7H0-1« B889S*STRIKEB w« 12 M5 ,7 7 7 7 t;-1 T Wilson J Kern 894sVM8 5S99H NEPPERHAN i: 7 11". 2 fi t;s 6 61 7 i Uartines .1 Ball 2988-188 Time. 24,Ji. £2, 1:0635. Track muddy. |2 ainraeta paid. Harry IV. |7.28 straight; 85.20 place, 88.28 show; Perfecl Day, 14.28 place, .H0 slimy. Rlla Wakw. 82.20 sbaw. lluiiival.M; l king odd- Harry IV. 2 ti ts 180 straight, !«,0 to 188 place, 88 ts 100 show; Perfect Day. 118 to 100 place, 80 to ISO show; Kits Waldo. 10 le 180 rImw. Winner— -Ch. g, by Barasdale- Turnaway, by Simrsd rraiaed by W. Biagletoa; brad bf Mrs, s.nnuel Watkias. Went t.i pest at 2:22. At nijst 1 minute. Start good and slow Wen easily; second and tlurd driv ing. HARRY lv was saved until rouadiag the lasi tnra, where !:•• raced to tbe in. at with a rush to win easing op. PERPECT DAY made up ground resolutely and* was a fast-gabsg ssrsad. RLLA WALDO tired after forcing JOSENIA along at tap ppeed, be I held the latter safe far third place. JOSKNlA snowed speed in pacessakiag, but was done midway li ihe stretch. Miss KRITTER was in ckase sjaautera wbea an eiyiitn out. * • BrO/f.97 TKII-IJ RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1S20— 59— 4—107. | Purr.c S500. 3-year-olds and s -fi: .«* "5 upward. Ciaiurinj. Net valae to winner 8358; second. 5,100: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSI , .■ :i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqaiv. Odds Srt?t »M 31t8IHTT dOMPOB x 4 117 5 4 i i T Murray Campbell i La k 89-M9 ;"!»•.»«.■» ■."•.;: -1. II w 9 ill 3 J l» 1 21 2: P V li Irwin 4Mi-lOO K8245*JOSIE GORMAN w 4 M3 I 3 2* 31 31 3s .1 Hunmcr T J Elward 349-sls 59354*TOM i "■ !. • wa 9 112 2 3 Ill; 4*5 4* C Studer P A Snndidge M29-189 59SSt* * PLANT AGEXET w M M7 t 5 5k 5» B* 5» B Parke .1 W Sbockley 298-181 59S38 STEVE ws S 112 7 7 7 7 7 6* A Jacobs R Rmrie *588-M9 59387 *»E. HARRIGAN w6 111 E fi fi fi V 7 E Noble Y Leeds IR Rd Time, 25. 52. 1:06. Track aUMkty. 82 matnelfl paid, Little Romper, is.ou straight, . s.2ii place., 84-80 skaw; Crispie, .00 place, . so -innv: Josie Gorman, .00 show. i :.iui ■.:-,."•- hooking odd* Little Romper, Sun to 100 straight 810 t.. loo place, DR to loo skaw, Irispie, 200 to 100 plnce. «.u t.. 100 -now: Josie Gormaa, 104 to 100 show. Winner -Br. c, b Boa Jobason La v*eita, by Kingston trained by R. CampbeB; bred by Mr. Bear* Dewolf. Wlii ?.. i.e-r at 2:50. Al post l miaates. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv-in*. LITTLE ROMPER took ile- lead wtih .1 rush after entering tbe stretch and won eoshsg up. IlilS-I. PIE Bni hard riding JOSIE GORMAX showed »| eed and aaisbed resolutely. TOM CMto ■•■! a good pace aatil round ing tbe lasr turn, where he tired badly. PLANTAGENRT was alwaya unt-*■ uace l. EVALYN HARRIGAN ran a bad race from 1 *b»a begianiag. B«*ratche«l 5844MJ i.« wis .:.. 107. " rweighl I rispie, 1 poaad; Josie Gorman, 1. P" CL /*" *•?■ Q E lUP.r:i RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yaxds. Feb. 1, 1020— 1:43 Vi—C— 122.3 Purse 00. e3 Jt**Jb4lialO 3-year-olds and upward.. C.aimiisg. Net valas to winner $.350; second. 00; ihird, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSl y ;. . Bti Fin Jockeys Owners i:.!itiv~i»d]7sTtt 08:*SHENANEHJA11 vT~V.l 5 4 4» :: 2* -- 1 [ !. Van.. II D Cates 270-io.i 59387* "CLOVER .lii. wo 112 2 1 i-: l*J l1 2- :.- E Noble E in- 8M Ml 59357s RHYMER ws - 112 3 :: 2-1.2 ::• 2-1 ::; . Jacobs G W Atkinson -ji-O-I*" :.:-;.-,-, -DALWOOD si , 112 6 5 "■ ; I J 4 T: 1 ■"■ T Wilson .1 Kern 2289 RO 593«7»*AFTER NIGHT v.-.-n " 107 fi fi"_ ;: :. .". ■ 5" .1 Kunmer F s Cooper 789 R9 593881RABY SISTER wa II 111 3 7-77788P Martinez i] Wal rs 9-M9 59352*HARY SAiA!:!: n 1112 V 2 :; S» Pnll.up.G Wiams . W Tat- 499-MI Time, 25--,. 52!:,. l:20;Jt 1:4R*», 1:84%. Track auaidy. 92 mntnels paid, Sh naadoah, "", 10 straight, 84-49 place, 83.88 show; lover Janls. 88.80 place, . 88 ■ boa : Rhymer, 82.80 show. Ki-uivalenl hooking udds — Sheaandaah. 270 hi 140 straight, 128 to 188 place, 58 t" 100 show: Plover Jnuin. 240 10 100 place. 80 t 100 show; Rhymer, 40 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g, bj Bea Kins Bine Grasx, by Hamburg I trained by .! rrofton; bred by Mr. John K. Badd i! . Weni to posl at .",:!!. Al posl 2 minutes, start good and slow. Won easily; s ad and third driv- ing. SHENANDOAH moved np with a rush after rounding tbe far turn and. f org bag to the front, after »ntf ring the stretch, won in a can er. rLOVER JINIA s.-t a good pai-e and. after relinqaisbiag the lead, finished gamely. liHVMM!: uliowed 11 good mrn of speed and did bis best. DALWOOD raced fairly well. HARVEY BMARR Herd badly. Overweights- Baby Bister. 1 1 Ml. EST 0/490 l:FTl1 2ACE— 1 Kile and 70 Yards. Feb. 1, 1920— 1:43..— 6—122. Purse *700. il5»J"i".j/i|J 3-year-oW.i and apward. Claiming Ket value to ivinner J4-0; second. 40; third, 0. 1 iel es I lor - ":s j W : PPSt 7_ . _U str Fin J« ■ 1. . y , Owners E n~i"v~i 7id"s~s nt r*»9489*Mir IA : - ; 2 l*J 1-J l-i l2i I C Studer V Mannalc B89 Ml 59879 *JAKE SCHAS wb 7 114 5 ! 2;i 2 :- 2" 2J ; Wliams H W Bs 229-MH 50370 OMOXD wsa 8 112 ! 3 3-J 33 2; 2- 3= .1 llunmer .V Quinn 209-100 59389 i.". IN BLACK wsb 5 112 2444444P Martinez C B Irwin 489-MI 59391 HORA" E LERI H a*a S MS : Refused to go. P. Parke C 11 Davison 549-MI Time. 25. 51. 1:18*5, 1-4S-.. 1:88%, Track maddy. :-2 mntnels paid, Midia, 3.20 straight. 0.90 place, 220 show; Jake Brhas, 84.88 ptace, .88 -iiow: Omond, 82.80 sIm « Konivaleni booking mld« -Midia. loon m 100 straight, 430 to 100 place. 00 to 100 »h«w; .lake Be baa. 130 lo 100 place. 30 to HW show; Omond, 30 to 100 show. Winner !■ m. bv Uo4k View Galaxy, by Star Bl t trained Vv J. Uanmile; bred by Messrs. Gal- laher Bros.t. Wenl to posl - 3:42. At posl 8 minntes. Btarl z i and slon : ■■ ■; all t.nt HORACE l.lir.i II. Won . ily; second iind third driviae. MIDIA sjiriut •■! to the front at once ami, racing iuto a 0.;,! lead, won easily all the ....i!l S!l.s raced In closest, bni aaavailiug, |«irsu!t of tbe speedy header and was .:.-■! np in the xixteenlh. OMOND was hard ridden, but war a I way f outpaced. LADI IN BLACK ran ly. HORACE !.i;ll. !l refnsed to leave Ihe | ost. £"■ O A e-* i SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Fnriang*. June 28, 1916— 1 :05:-,— 3— 118. Purse «EOo! 3- year - t j *3 "Jc O a f olds and apward Claiming, Ret value *o winr.e;- c0; second. S100: third, 0. lades Hoi — AWtPPSI , ■ , Str Fin Jockey* Owai Euaiv. Odds Strt JfitllAilERN MAID a ■ Hunmer H D Cates 459-MO 593334 HAPPY YLLRY wsa 4 U7 I 2 4 5* 35 2= E Taylor .i ; Arvin :;-»-Mn 59387 JACK LED! ws MS 1 i 2* 2 2= 33 K Noble Blackwell S. Crlppea 409-1*9 59398 = SKA BEACH wa 9 199 5 1 4« H !• Bv r W Walker 290-M8 50-* luM.l. SABIO w 12 112 1 : ::,; • r. ■ :, 1: Parke .1 Kern ;»9-l « 59445 BIT OF BLARNEY w IK .". fi ; I fi P Martinez F !: Irwin 44S8-M8 Time, 14*4, 5Z-C. 1:44%, 1:18%. Track maddy. 82 mataels paid. American Maid, straight, 84.48 place, .80 show; Happy Valley. .49 place, f.i/21 show: Jack Ledi, 83.80 kIsjw. Eriuivaleni booking odd Ameriean Maid. 450 to 100 straight. 120 to 188 place, 40 te ion show; Happy falley, 150 to 100 place, 89 lo 190 sbaw; Jack Ledi, N9 to 100 show. Winner— Br. f, by Dalkousie Brown Bess, by Blitxen trained by II. D. Cates; bred l y Mr. II. P. Gardner. Went to post al 4:07. Ai peat 3 miaates. Start good and slow. WToa driving 1 aeread and third the hum. AMERICAN MAID took the had al aace and. keeping it. held sway throughout, hut tired and barely lasted to win nader vigorous riding. HAPPY VALLEY closed np with a great rush through the Insl quarter aad, when seemiagly the winner, tired. Jack LERI bad bo mishaps and raced gauaety. SE.% BEACH ran well. EL SABIO tired badly. Cr Qi ~A * -A SEVENTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1:11 — 3— 110. Parse 9848L 3-yea7-olda O *lF-ift.and X. and apward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AYVtIP.St l4 _• a Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eipiiv. Odds Strt 5!7T;iJ»vltA|.TKI-llt! WS S MS I L 1-1 4 23 li C Studer II Walters 549-M8 59194s* PLUM BLOSSM ws 1 MS fi. E l» 1- I1 2" .1 Hunmer .1 A Parson 240-100 59371 -MABEL RULE w 4 185 I 4 3* P 3-3 A Jacobs Neal A Bartholomew 249-M8 59S71*SHORT STOP wa 7 Ml I I I ■■■■ Is B Parke r. Kelly 220-lt.o Q937] CHOW wl 114 2 2 2- 2 . J- V li Saladin W inner, 4au-liNt :,H.XH w. i. PEARCR ara 8 1.12 E 3 51 :.; 1. Hall 11 RaiimuaiiLii 1189 MS Ti:ne, 25V3, 61;,, 1:20. Track muddy. .-■•_• mnraebi paid. Rafferty, 812.88 atraigbt .vo.imi place, tS.aa show: Plam Bhamaca, . so place, .80 show: Mabel Rule, *2.°.0 show. Equivalent 1 king islda ITaffeilj, 549 ta 191 strabjtht. i.mi to 140 place, 89 to 148 show; Plum BJaaa- •0111. 199 to 108 nla«-e, 40 to 198 show: Mabel Iiule. 10 to 198 show, Winner B. g, by Harrigaa— Pickaninny, by Cesarioa trained by H. Walters; bred by Sir. Benjamin A. Jon. si. Went to post at 4:31. At post 1 minute. Start gaud Bad slow. Won driving; second and third the s.une. RAFFERTY, nway fist, was oartraa to the stretch, where he moved up with a great rush aad won in a spirited drive. PI. IM BLOSSOM took the lead in ihe lir-t %aarter, Data baaag on well when challenged. MABEL RULE was hard ridden and gamely held her poaitJoa. SHORT SloP begaa slowly and came fas; In the Baal eighth, bat swerved out badly and Bntehed lose to tlie outer rail. CHOW quit I badly. Scratched — "11231 "Thrills. 100: 69197 Don Dodge, 10S. Overweights— Plum Blossom, I pounds: Mabel Rale, 1: Walter H. Pearee, 2.