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FAIR GROUNDS The horses which seem Best in Fridays ra :tr.-: Fair Grounds — New Orleans. La.. January 5. 1922. 1 IfcMteT, f**!***1 Leretta, Hugliie. 2 APPLE JACK IL. Anticipate. Bit of Green. 3 -Mi-s Crestasaad, Hill-dale, rarest Qataa 4 — Arrowhead. Smart Gay, Biding Back. 3 — linnet ta. Mnv.tiii Beets, Uenie W. •— Thimble. Wta Sate, White Star. 7— Lag* l.-.u. Young Adam. Oonrniaud. J. L. Dempsey. New York Handicap. I — Bester, Prnlce K.. Hiighie. Margaret Lsretta. 2— Wiaacceaac, Rate, Baady IL. Mark Wert. S — Mies, Crestwosd, Hillsdale, Rob. Grass Tree. i lajly Luxury. Bhgueore, Arrowhead, smart Gay. 5 — HERO GIRL, Marearaeea, Laaetta. Geaie W. S— Whit.- Star, Thimble. Wyaaeweod, Rapid Travel, r 7- -Young Adam. P. :. King. Coin ln.-ind. Lazy Lea. Chicago and Buffalo Handicaps. 1— Hngnie. Old Pop Btoaeage, Margaret Leretta. J— Sandy H.. WiaaeeeBBe, Apple Jack II. 3— Hillsdale, Mabel Curtis. Reiki Mai.i. Forest Quecll. g— Anowiiead. Bi-ing Rack, Groaad-Swell, Smart Gay. 3— Lunetta. Henie W., Mavoaiacca, Berd Girl. 6— THIMBLE. White Star. Wynnew I. War Note. 7 Gosrnsaad, Young Adam. P. G. Ling. Lasy Loe. ObaerTera Handicap, 1 — Du-ter. Hngliie. Margaret Leretta. Bteaeage 2— Rolo. Apple Jack !l . Ai Icipate, Randy II. S — Hillsdale, Miss Crests I Perest Qaeea. Mabel Curtis. 4 — Arrowhead. Smart ;.iy. Ma -e John. Bising ltock. .". Laaetta, Maraaraeea, Geaie w . Padaa. g— THIMBLE. Wyaaewood, Rapid Traveler, Wiek- for.I. 7 Yaaag Adam. Laay Lea, P. G. Kiipj.-. Gear ■a ad. Consensus of Handicaps. 1— Duster. Hughie. Margaret L ootta. Rtoaeage. 2 — Apple Jack IL. Wlnneconne. Bandy H.. Role. 3-— Mrs* lr-iw I, Hillsdale, Forest Qaeea M:ib 1 Cut lis. 4— ARROWHEAD, Lady Luxury, Bnsarl Gay Rising Book, r. —Laaetta, Herd Girl. MaTonraeea, Geaie W. o — Thimble. White Star, Wynnewood, Rapid Trav eler. 7 — Teams; Adam. Lazy Lea, Gwanaaad, P. G. Kir g. I