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WAR ZONE A VICTOR AGAIN First in the Eclipse Highweight Handicap with Ease. After Racing Like a Cow Thursday Duke John Defeats Slippery Elm Like a Race Horse. *■■*■♦ raw ORLEANS. I,:i. January 14.— -The Pair flMuinis rasas lata Iti swa agaia this afttraaaa when another brilliant assemblage, attracted by the r i l ii titl racing ■ trracl Iom aad fiae weather, witness.-. I seanc highly exciriag apart, rbe Eclipse Hicawcisai Handicap, with ;i- m:.m added, tea tared] ;in ! il broilgh; cm six "1 ihe lie--! splint, is at the raaarse, bat betting wiadoai was astray as . n— 11 of the ii»ft-:it ..r High Cost, the pioauaaced I.iVoiile. A hang delay at the post, eim- ill p:irl ta Hign Cost bbatoelf aad Lucky I... coupled with tlM MB pound- that H.h Cost shouldered, had on-idernblo to 4a wiiii his failure-. High Coat began fa-r aad prompt took the Usui. bat be aras never tar away from War Baas, which nil imaiely raced by liim in the stretch to win hy i comfort lahle margin. Elm T K. showed an extra game acifianatt and als,, jms- -il High Ooat near the ead lac Mcaad place HaheJ Cartis, considered as having a rajral chaace under iier weight, was knocked mit it. nmeii rhaaes in the tint eighth and nevi r fagarad alb rward. ll Was an afternoon of racceasfal endeavor on the part of faverites and "gaad I blags " resaltlag in substantial toaaes foe the layer- and hags profit* for the arise i aathageat. The woes of the layers mm laaagarated iih the Initial daah. in which lata jnaai atda coateated, whea Kitty William- won easily after displaying umuouared superiority, far she araa forced to traverse aa aatei roans on the nun and iooe eoasidcTablc ground as a resalt, hat she headed i lie leader* in the last sixteenth. Aee of Aces, wkica hail beta running diaappoint iagly la several receal races, -u.ldoniy ii " me ■ ;ie and accoaated for the second race, In which Beoxore and Tiiania arere the bmwI fancied. Till la did nuiaajK to finiwfa la third place, hat Hen ■are was far back OMNIPOTENTS EXEKCISE GALLOP. Oataipotent had the attention •■! ihe aiKe Iwigade in tii * third race, brissriar lo the paal a baad of fairly uo.1 fillies. Including Modcatjr. The latter ille ! lavotiu- despite In r -in- of aorcBesa. The raanUaf wai only an exeretae xallop for Oaiuinoteat, which woa all the way Simplicity oatstaj -z latag for second place. The /oiiicoifer owned Dsfce John, hcatca off la his race Rescral days aco, displayed an outntandinx acrohatk perforautnee by leadiag the handicap ha rata he mei in the fifth race aari wiaaias as his rider pleased, Bliaoter Elai beatinc Iimi •■ fat Recond place. Another nroaatiTfd uatproreatenf raaie it the final iavu. in which Raider won eaaily "in Man iy usd lirayaoa. Raider *.i- soundly beaten in bin last ra i Seinines Valin I" and Mr. Cotitoarie, repreaentinx the Am i. .in Lexioa, 1 1 1 i ~ BHtraiax made ;, carefni snr.y of the Pair • round* navilioa with ■ riea to aaeertalaiac its adaptability to cosventtoa pur-jHjeH darfaaj the VJ-J. Xathnaal Aaaericaa Lesion coaebvre ta be held here in October. They ej pet wed tlnin-eives tiiai i; was the beat adapted pi;. . so fai inspected for caareatioa naipuata, and it i- arnbable that the parilioa arlll in- need bj the Amen, an heuion next fall. a;l. liio recalar aieaihera aabwcrlbed to the Aasericaa Reaaoant AasociathM aad Ihe foUowhu task oui life lewherahlp*: ". A. Appiexate, I. Jsiume. a. c. Austin. Balaton Mareaa, . li. Kaehel-kamp. ; .. C. MiU.i:. !. It. Lo«X, II . .1. Murphy. V "M. Kiri.v. 1, Maurice Byam*. II. Rabeastein, .1. .». Cohsra, It. Brown, Jr., R. 11. Btwwn, II. Block, W. Arnold. Wilbur Smith. T. J. Shaw. It. ltoman clli. J. I*. Murphy. E. .1. tal!aK-:i. W. A. l.urlt-aehell, Qearcc Read, G. Kirk. s. L. James v. i . Berahardt, K. Trotter and E. Barn ■ Las Mayer araa uaaaaj the latest arrisala from 1 New York. He expects to cut m in the near r future. lackey IT. Thomas, who was injured when Our r Birthday fell with him several days aga, relaraed 1 io the saddle today. He evidently suffered no ill i effects from his mishap, as he won with Ace of f Aces rJajM off the reel. LANG CONTINUES WINNING WAY. Jockey . Ijjdj: maintained uis unbroken strinj: of ictories for the thirteenth consecutive day when he scored with I»uke John today. This was bla , • •nly winner dariaa] the afternoon. Kitty Williams was the first two year-old at the Iuir Oraaaala to win two nms. laskrhaf by r bar perfataaaaea today, when she eaaae from beWaal, to K»t the vi-rdiii. she is destined to win aaate a , few more rtetaries hafaix toe aaectiag ends. W. H. Cooper claimed Inn Son out of Ihe sixth i, Tace for .0i»fl. The claimant was reprevented in , the race by Eternity. James Johnston, known to thousands as •Jimmy." died in a local ho-pital Friday nieht. His death wa» due to a aaaaaal stroke of paralysis and eaaae within forty -aigM h« nrs after he was atlkkea. Johnston was a veteran in .American racial circles s ;ind had campaigned a stable over practically every F track in this country. The funeral will be held J lomorrow afternoon at 3 oclock. The eatabllsh-aanat under his care at the Fair Jrounds included il Sc-ot h Verdict. Chief. Misdeal. .Emmie B.. Lady V Bretleuhani. Miss I5retlenli.ini. Sea Master Jnd a 1 two -year -old bay filly by Trasvaal -Broken Iromise. Trainer Kay Spence. nCthag far Mont fort Jones. ,. today traded Consolation, a i wo-yetir-old filly hy y Elide — irace IMxou. to Jack Hanover, representing g B»iser Bros., for Madras Cinj-ham and a cash t ousideration. Madras Ginxham will be shipped to the Jones farm at Berryville. Va.. where she will lie e retired to the stud. Major Jones of the Lnited States Remount Service •- today purchased Douglass S. from T. F. Born-man. ■ The horse will be shipped to the remount t bUiiion at Fort Sill, Okla., Monday with Daedalus s and Shilllnx. V a 1 ,. y g to e •- ■ t s „ ; T. J. Francis of Buffalo, who raced a stable of horses at the Fair irouuds for several years, was , among todays arrivals. Sammy K.. a three year-old bay gedding. hy Han-h bridge- -Yisible Beaut, owned by E. W. Moore, su--cc lainod probable fatal injuiios wheu he fell while ! beiug exercised at the Fair tttrouuds this morning. The exercise boys saddle slipped and when he I , toppled off the gelding went down, striking his i ] head. The horse was unconscious and had to be 1 I dragged to the Moore stable on a flat. He was c I ! in a stupor throughout the day and little hope is ■ ! entertained for bis recovery.