Officers of Jockey Club: Named at Annual Meeting of Organization-Routing Business Transacted, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-15


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; OFFICERS OF JOCKEY CLUB Named at Annual Meeting of Organization — Routine Business Transacted. NEW YORK, N. V.. January II. At the annual meeting of the Jockej club in the office- it Is Bast rVarty-firsi Street rharadaj afteraooa there weie present: I". K. Btargis, H. K. Kaaaat, Archibald Barklie, George H Ball, Col. E. B. Caaaatt, 1. Ambrose Clark. John E. Cowdia, Joacah E. Iais. Robert E. Jerry, A. H. Morris . cir ■ 1. Widener. .1 K. Wiclcnc-r. Iti. hard r. Bfilaoa and William Woodward. Itc-oluilons of sympathy and regud wire passed on she death of Mi. Present! Lasrreace an 1 William r. Eaatis, member- of the Jockey Club. August Belmont. JAf K. Stutgi- and It. T. Wil-oti were re elected stewarda of the Jockey Crab. ltontine bu-iness wa- traasactcd aad the sseetiag sdjouraed. At the annual Bteetbag Of the steward- of the Jockey club there- were present: K. K. Btargis, ii. K. Kaaaat, Joseph E. Widenc r and 11. T. Wilso::. Aucust Belmont wa- reelected chairman of the J. ekey Tub: K. K. Btargia wa- re elected rice cltairaaaa, aad H. K. Kaapp was re elected secre-tary and treasurer for the year lit-". r. it. Bltchcack, H. K. Kaapp ami .1. B. Whleacr were appoiuled a liceu-e committee for the vear i!t- o. itoutine business wa- transacted and Hie meet- iag adj.jurnecl.

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Local Identifier: drf1922011501_1_4
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